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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Sat Aug 12, 2023 7:48 am
Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Lerna certainly picked up on who the 'cute blonde girl' was supposed to be, causing her to raise a brow ever so slightly. Not at all surprised given it was Elyss's partner. That said, she WAS a bit surprised to hear the woman was intent on transferring. Which, sure she heard about, but it wasn't something she actually put much thought into happening. After all, she was kindof locked into her own division, something that grew increasingly more irritating thanks to recent events, but it was simply really the only division that fit her for the time being. That said, it wasn't like she had never thought of transferring.

"It's not exactly te good kind of exciting usually, to be honest. But well, I guess uner normal circumstances it's nice. Deployment to the human world is pretty unique. Though it can be a bit hectic, especially with my trying to balance my job and Division duties. So going back and forth between missions in the world of the living and the Academy for my studies can be a bit challenging." She noted softly. And likely might be why her Hakuda skills were suffering a little.

"Me?" She blinked, tilting er head slightly as she eyed Hono. Strong? That might be a bit of an overstatement. She had only really done as well as she had against Elyss because the woman had been careless enough to let Lerna grapple her and get her into a chokehold. And even then she hadn't really seemed to gain much ground with that fucking mule of a woman. Then again, thinking things over, she supposed she was a bit on the stronger side of things, if only because of her particular talents. Being so durable. And her Zanpaku'to did lend itself to helping her quite a bit in fights. "I guess, I wouldn't really call it training though. So far as I've seen she doesnt have much in the ways of actually teaching people. Closest thing I've seen was just her beating the tar out of some seated officers." She noted, her voice laced with a tone which betrayed how unimpressed she'd been with the example.

"Uh. No, I'm from the world of the living. I'm actually a substitute shinigami, one of the main reasons I'm in Seventh Division actually."
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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Tue Aug 15, 2023 2:47 am

Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:183

"I've been to Earth a handful of times!" Hono would tell Lerna. "I got an Earth friend. Earth food is pretty good! I didn't think I would like peanut burgers but they're very good! We quite liked them!" We? Well, only Hono liked them, she was pretty sure Ari didn't like them but hey! Hono didn't have to know that! Let her have fun.

"Oh! A student huh? I remember my days at the academy!" She would chuckle, Hono was a bit of a troublemaker in school, she got into a lot of disagreements, something she still did to this day, to be honest. "Oh? She did do that? Damn, that sounds... a bit like Elyss she can be quite scary at times. When we fight she doesn't pull her punches..." She grumbled before rubbing her arm.

"Oh! I've never met a Substitute Shinigami before" She leaned in closer to Lerna raising an eyebrow, trying to eye the woman up and down, trying to study the girl. "So whatcha doin' later?" Hono would curiously ask. "Maybe we could do some sparin~?" She chuckled.

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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:14 pm
Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Lerna raised a brow ever so slightly and chuckled slightly at thwat the girl had to say about earth. She had no idea what a peanut butter burger was but she was at least glad that the shinigami seemed interested in such things, resting a hand on her hip as she took a moment to eye the smaller woman. She made no comment about Elyss's methods. On some level she understood that perhaps what she had enjoyed about Murasaki's reign as captain wasn't particularly necessary for the position. She just didn't like it, and had much preferred Murasaki's mannerisms. She supposed in some regard, they still had Shishiyuki for that kind of thing. But it still felt like such a tremendous loss for the Squad. And actually it reminded her of the way she had heard Shishiyuki talk about the Fourth Division.

Did the current fourth division Captain get the job that the Fourth Division captain should be doing? Certainly. But Shishiyuki still just didn't like the way things were run over there. In much the same way, she felt that Seventh was just worse off now. It didn't matter that Elyss was, technically speaking, doing her job as Captain. She just couldn't measure up to Murasaki, and that was the plain and simple of it.

Admittedly she did get a bit...distracted by the line of thought, and she only snapped back when she noticed Hono checking her out and bringing up the notion of a Spar. And a little voice did warn her that this girl was dating Elyss. Maybe she wasn't all the way hinged. But she ignored it for the time being, and offered a calm smile.

"Sure, I certainly wouldn't mind. I was thinking of getting some training in today."
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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Sun Aug 27, 2023 11:02 pm

Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:166

Well, a peanut butter burger is probably not something she'd cook for... well ANYONE but hey, a woman could always enjoy a pleasure dish! Usually, Hono liked spicy food, but something about peanut butter was attractive. Bleh, regardless Hono was gonna focus on Lerna now, her cooking could wait! Lerna was her focus right now.

"Oh! Sure!" Hono would chuckle. "I need to fight someone closer to my level- I mean Elyss can knock me out with just one punch..." She grumbled, but it was true, so she didn't exactly get a long spar, I mean it was over so quickly. The woman would yawn but look once again would find Lerna in her gaze. "So where do you usually train?" She was curious about what the woman actually did when it came to training. Everyone had their own regimens after all! So Hono was curious to see anything knew she could borrow. Hono liked to personally start with a jog, and a LOT of pushups.

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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Sat Sep 02, 2023 3:59 pm
Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Lerna raised a brow slightly at that and smiled just a bit wider, canting her head a little to the side as she regarded Hono. Someone closer to her level huh. She wondered if that were the case. "Well as an Academy student, I usually train in the academy. But when I get pulled into Squad Seven stuff, I usually train over there. I don't really mind which spot we go to." She stated calmly enough. Not like it mattered much to her.

"Even so, I'm not sure if I'll be able to give much of a challenge. But hopefully we can both learn a little something and get a good workout in." She of course knew that she probably might be able to overwhelm the woman. Potentially at least. It stood to reason that Hono might be a bit on the strong side, given she apparently tusseled with Elyss on a regular basis. But well, Lerna had also tussled with the woman, and knew that you could probably fight the woman and not really get anything meaningful out of the experience. So it could go either way.
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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 12:23 am

Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:141

" Academy? Oh, I remember my days in the academy~ I didn't really mesh well..." With an exhale, she would look at Lerna. "I'll follow you wherever you go!" She explained, happy to do whatever she wanted, she wasn't picky. Hono would tap her chin. "Well, we could just go to the yard and do some workouts. I can't exactly use my Zanpakuto so I can't imagine things would get destructive"

That much was true, Hono wasn't exactly able to go ALL out in a normal fight after all she didn't wanna split Lerna in half. "Shame I can't even use my Zanapkuto outside of a real battle..." She sighed, for a woman who liked to show off, her Zanapakuto sucked in that regard. "What kind of workouts do you often do? I like to start with push-ups and sit up's personally"

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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:19 pm
Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

Lerna raised a brow slightly as she took a moment to eye Hono as they gave their own idea of a proper workout. Well, a bit old fashioned she supposed, the kindof stuff she saw on earth. Then again she supposed some shinigami really got into that. "Up to you. PT around the Academy usually seems to take the form of drills and such. Full motion repetition and that sort of thing. I guess the curriculum doesn't focus much on strength training when you can just reinforce yourself with Reiryoku without having to bulk up." Certainly she'd noticed that her own ...physique garnered a bit of attention. A few of those noble guys seemed especially taken aback by it.

"If you're feeling more like a proper workout than a spar. I'm sure we could do that instead. Find a few training dummies and have at it." Certainly she knew the feeling of having to be careful with the use of her Zanpaku'to.
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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Sat Sep 09, 2023 10:00 pm

Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:145

"I like to start with running personally, and core workouts, core workouts are kind of the best~" That was Hono's opinion at least. "Bulking up makes you look good though, well at least a bit! I don't wanna be big, but abs would make me look really cute" Hono would pat her stomach a couple of times, she had a rather strong core, but of course with her robes on it was impossible to see her abs. Her arms however weren't impressive, nor were her legs.

"Well, some workouts would be bad..." She tapped her chin thinking about the correct response. "Dummies could also work, but right now I'm trying to even out all my skills, Shunkō and Kido!" Hono would point her finger directly at Lerna. "After all, Yuri told me to do that, and I really wanna beat her ass" She seemed... enthusiastic.

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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:10 am
Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 HEADER_Ft47vg8aEAAknlF

"It depends on what it is you look to accomplish. Sometimes bulking up can help, but well some of the strongest people in the gotei don't have a ton of muscle. Your spiritual energy can carry you pretty far, and honestly you can get strong without that kinda stuff. I've heard Captain Kuchiki can fold a building and she's pretty slim. So as far as spirits go. I guess bulk is really just for aesthetics." She chuckled, folding her arms and then pausing as Hono provided a bit more ...insight into her motivations. Hmmm, evening out her skills.

"Well, I'm no expert in some areas. But I do have to use a lot of different skills. Why don't you tell me what sort of things you struggle with and I can see about maybe giving some advice? Then we can see about putting it into practice." She ventured. After all, while she wasn't the greatest with some abilities, she DID need to work and augment her skills at times. She was trash at Hakuda, but it still could come in handy. And she used Kido fairly regularly. So if nothing else, she could help Hono utilize what she had.
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Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 Empty Re: Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 4:05 pm

Four Ways to Smile [Lerna, Hono] - Page 2 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count:152

"Yeah, besides I think too many muscles can be a huge turn-off." She was strangely open with Lerna despite not knowing her at all. "I'm so cute I know, so I gotta make sure I stay lookin this good!" She would flex her nonexistent muscles on her arm. "I'm sure you understand as a beautiful woman yourself!" Wow Hono, you are a taken woman! Of course, Hono was just being playful.

"Well honestly! My Kido and Hoho. I've been training my ass off with Mizu and I can tell I'm improving! I always think about what Yuri told me!" After she said that, the more she thought about how Lerna probably had no clue who Yuri was. "Long story short, this lady in my division beat my ass, so I'm trying to get stronger so I can knock her out!" There was Hono doing what she did best. Having the weirdest motivations.

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