Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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God of Love
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Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu]

Wed Sep 06, 2023 1:55 am
Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 Py9bbqq

"Of course, Mizu-san."

There was definitely a sense of relief for Kyo as Mizu gave her approval of the Inn's appearance. It was, in a way, part of his family's legacy, so he was glad she liked it. As he led the way inside, Kyo naturally looked around, mostly to take an appraisal of their fellow patrons. A few couples here and there, a black-haired woman in one corner with a large feast, and small woman he was fairly certain was a teacher at Shin'o. Well, it seemed this really was the place to be.

"Ah, Sawachika, for two."

Naturally, he'd made sure there was no chance they failed to get a table, and the two were led to one of the quieter sides of the inn, with a lovely view of the courtyard garden. Bamboo and other natural greenery, mosses and vines, filled the area, creating a mellow atmosphere.

"Now that we're here, I'd meant to ask how things have been going for you. Everyone's been busy lately, but have you been taking care of yourself?"

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Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 10:39 pm
Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 EPUB5Dw

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

When they stepped through the rustic doors of the Inn, Mizu was greeted by a smorgasbord of various patrons scattered throughout the homely restaurant. If she could describe the warmly lit Inn in a single word it would be "comfortable". Though she didn't really recognize anyone inside, if its appearance was anything to go by these people were surely either important or also here on a romantic outing. She tried not to let her stare linger too much on any one table so as to not be disrespectful, though she thought she recognized one woman in particular but couldn't quite place how.

After being led to their table, Mizu bowed her head to the waitress when the woman left them to themselves. Her gold eyes studied the calming natural scene in the courtyard with wonder. What a place! It was unlike anywhere else she had ever been in Soul Society, certainly not comparable to anything the Rukongai had to offer in her home District. Her wandering mind was brought back to reality by Kyo's kind question. Mizu looked up into his eyes as she gave her answer, and asked a question of her own.

"Thank you for asking, Kyo-san. Things are still busy in the Second Division. After the hospital repairs completed and beds finally began opening again, there was a huge influx of casualties from the battle around the chasm in the Living Realm. That was difficult too...but I think things are finally returning to how they were before. As for myself, I have been able to mostly catch up on paperwork, and have been able to settle into my new position. How about you, Kyo-san? Are you and your family well? How is the Eighth Division these days?"

God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 12:11 am
Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 Py9bbqq

"Mm, that isn't surprising at all. I'm glad to hear the repairs are going well! My sister gave me updates now and then from her work on the hospital, but her work has been on the construction side of things, of course. If you ever need any help, be sure to let me know. The Eighth Division is quite qualified to help, you know!"

Kyo gave a knowing smile as he made that little quip, obviously aware that Mizu knew perfectly well what the 8th Division was prepared for. It felt appropriate, though, to lighten the mood a bit, and he certainly found her gaze charming in its assuredness.

"Things are going well at home, though mother certainly seems a little more restless these days. I get the feeling she misses the thrill of battle now and again, but that'll pass in time I think. As for the Eighth Division, it's going well! We've had some excellent new recruits who have brought a real fire to the ranks!"

The passion with which Kyo spoke about his work at the division was undeniable, but it was only natural for a man such as him. After all, he had ambition in spades, a desire to excel as a shinigami in all ways, and so to keep up with the goings on of his division was simply natural.

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Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 Empty Re: Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu]

Fri Oct 13, 2023 2:16 am
Be Still My Heart [Kyo, Mizu] - Page 2 EPUB5Dw

MORIKAWA MIZU | 2nd Division Vice Captain

Ha! Who does he think he is, telling me about the Eighth?! Mizu gave a teasing smile as she responded to Kyo's little quip "Oh, is it Kyo-san? I always thought the Eighth was just for bookworms and paper pushers!~" Satisfied with her own wisecrack, their back-and-forth banter elicited a joyful melody of giggles from the blond who's cheeks were flushed with amusement.

As Kyo spoke, Mizu brought her arm up to the table and rested her cheek in her hand, her vibrant orbs dreamily focused on him. The fire in him was at times blinding, now it was a crackling fire she wanted to stay near for warmth. Lost staring into her date's glowing soul, it was only when a few seconds of silence went by did she return to reality and lift her head with a start.

"Oh! Sorry, I was...never mind. I am glad to hear you and the squad are both doing well. I sympathize with your mom, I can't imagine being retired and not being able to fight for the Gotei. Even those of us not on the front lines fight in our own ways. But she's stuck unable to. Maybe she just needs some kind of outlet, if she doesn't already have one?" Though Kyo had spoken of his family to an extent, Mizu still had yet to meet any of them and only had an idea of what they were like.

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