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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Thu Jul 27, 2023 10:39 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The vast areas between cities were perfect places to train up when you weren’t doing anything. Hana was keeping her word to Hiroe by giving things another go, but she still was uncertain about staying in her current Division. Let’s face it, her Captain was an ass. However, that discouraging encounter with her Captain, combined with Hiroe’s support, brought Hana to a certain conclusion: do it yourself.

Out in the middle of one of these unsettled fields, away from all the ruckus of the city, Hana was meditating on top of a hill near one of the roads heading into the City of Light. Every now and then, her focus was broken by incoming vehicles or whatever else happened by, but she went right back to meditation. She was trying real hard to reach out to her zanpakuto spirit, but wasn't having much luck there.

With a beautiful looking silver colored zanpakuto laying in her lap, Hana kept her eyes closed. The day was warm and a breeze was allowing her enough relief from the sun that she never truly felt uncomfortable. It was all about the waiting game, and a flicker of hope that someone would finally be talking back to her...

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Fri Jul 28, 2023 2:26 am
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] M3tlKQc


Yumiko's new, and first, job was certainly quite interesting. Frankly speaking, a lack of immediate frontline work was to be expected with her interests. After all, she wished to work on technology and development, something she had an honest passion for. However, she didn't wish for all her years of training to go to waste, and especially her family's efforts in them. Such reasons were why Yumiko took to much more realistic scenarios, and testing herself in the real world. Such reasons where why Yumiko too was between cities, outside of the city of light, practicing against real enemies. It was nothing like using hollow bait, or anything ridiculous like that, Yumiko simply found herself a hollow after enough kicking around, and began to fight it. Frankly speaking, it was... a little reckless, true. However, Yumiko knew that she was enough to deal with a run of the mill hollow; and kill it if she really needed to.

Such reasons were why the Shinigami known as Hana would likely hear what was unmistakably the energy of a Quincy coming from an area a bit farther away from her. Along with it, was that of a hollow. Of course, Yumiko could handle herself, however, the woman did sense what she believed to be a Shinigami nearby, and privately hoped that the Shinigami would come by. She would prefer to give the being behind the hollow a second chance at life, so she needn't erase it from existence. In the meantime, Yumiko simply practiced her movements and tried to find her flaws within her technique. Not to mention, she did her best to get a tiny tendril of energy towards the Shinigami she sensed, all with the intention for the woman to hopefully come and help her out with this hollow.

Once again, Yumiko knew enough about the importance of the Soul Cycle that she needn't kill a Hollow unless absolutely necessary. Not to mention, Yumiko had always wanted a Shinigami for a friend!


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:24 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Finally relaxed in her meditation, Hana began seeing something in her mind's eye. It was only a flicker, but a whirling color of white and sky blue came to mind. A low, strangely familiar voice said her name, and the sound brought her a warmth she once thought lost. She felt safe... And all of that was washed away when she felt the pull of another's spiritual pressure and a hollow accompanying it. Hana opened her eyes, debating on whether she'd ignore it, but when her phone rang, that became impossible. She clicked it open, and of course, there was a hollow.

Hana stood up and looked in the direction of the hollow. She might of ignored it if there wasn't someone else there. Maybe they needed help? Though, by the strength of their spiritual pressure, she might just get in the way... Hana sighed and ran off toward the hollow and whoever it was fighting with. She wasn't very fast, and her shunpo did not get her too far, but she arrived soon enough. She stopped before the battle, drawing out her zanpakuto and waited to see exactly what was happening.

"Are you all right? I would likely be in the way, but I can help if needed."

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Sat Jul 29, 2023 9:58 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] M3tlKQc


It appears that Yumiko's slight desires for a person with the capability to purify hollows would come along, because a woman did indeed come along to help; and that woman appeared to have blue hair! It was no more odd than Yumiko's slight bit of highlight in her silver hair, but Yumiko found it appealing to the eye. Luckily, she wasn't distracted by it. After all, she was fighting a hollow and couldn't afford becoming distracted, otherwise her practice would be for naught, and instead she would need medical attention. However, it seemed that this woman needed a bit of a pick-me-up.

Dejected was one way to put it, the way she put herself down honestly made a part of Yumiko want to smack her just a tiny bit, try and convince her with words, after the fact, that she was certainly of help in this situation. However, Yumiko ignored the woman deprecating herself a bit, and instead asked for her help; as she didn't wish to simply remove this hollow from existence.

"I don't see anyone else around who can purify this hollow and send its soul own; give yourself more credit!"

Yumiko deftly dodged a few of the hollow's attacks before she used her spirit weapon, in it's spear form, to smash the hollow in the stomach, to get it to bend over, before using a bit of blut to strengthen her arms, to slam the hollow against the ground, leaping back towards the blue-haired Shinigami during the time in which the hollow was disoriented. Yumiko gave Hana a smile, her silver eyes sincere and kind.

"After all, I'm no Shinigami. Cmon, you got this, and I could really use your help~"


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Wed Aug 02, 2023 12:40 am
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The woman was right. No one else was around. With her sword drawn, she nodded in agreement to try and help. Since this woman seemed to know what she was doing, Hana would watch for a signal. The woman moved well and was able to temporarily slow the hollow down. If Hana didn't move now, it was possible for the hollow to get back up again. Still, Hana hesitated. She stepped forward once and froze, fear in her eyes and her sword shaking in front of her.

"I can do this... I can do this..." Hana began muttering, not even realizing she was saying it out loud. Unfortunately, her hesitation caused the hollow to regain its composure and it began to stand up again. Sensing its energy, and the energy of the woman near her, Hana knew she was going to mess things up. She already had, and this hollow standing back up again was proof of that.

"Move your damn feet you stupid girl. Why are you so god damn useless?" Hana thought. Or did she? That didn't feel or sound normal. What was she hearing?

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Thu Aug 03, 2023 6:55 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] M3tlKQc


It appeared someone was hesitating a little bit, or perhaps they were scared? Yumiko was no expert in emotions, nor in battle, but she was well trained enough to recognize the signs of someone who has lost some confidence in recent days. Yumiko blinked some, duly noting that the hollow was no longer quite as dazed, getting ready to strike at a moments notice. But, luckily for them, Yumiko had given the hollow quite a walloping to keep it from attacking immediately. Because of this, Yumiko took her visual attention away from the hollow, and instead, put a hand on Hana's shoulder; gripping her shoulder tightly.

"Don't hesitate, Shinigami. If you do, innocents could be hurt, you could be hurt; I could be hurt. This hollow is a danger, and the only one who can properly take care of it is you. Whose help did I ask for? Yours. Whose going to save me from this hollow? You. Lastly, who is going to save this hollow and send him on? You are."

Taking a careful step forward, Yumiko placed herself closer to Hana, smiling some as she put her hands on the woman's shoulder. What she needed right now was a boost in confidence, no test, nothing like that. And no, no smack to make her snap out of it. Maybe that would come if this didn't work.

"You heard what I said before, right? You got this. Even if you don't believe in yourself, I do. So, purify this hollow, save me from injury, and then we can take a trip to a nearby restaurant after you've saved me, hm~? You. Got. This."


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 5:20 am
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

This woman was nuts. Hana watched in wide-eyed horror as the hollow continued to recover, yet this person chose to try and give her a pep talk. Hana looked between Yumiko and the hollow a few times. Was she really trying to test her? This was not the time! Hana took a step back, ready to turn and run.

"What are you talking about?" Hana said to her. "Save you? Both you and the hollow are clearly more powerful and experienced than I am; there is nothing to save you from. There is no danger to you here. Do you take me as a fool? Just kill it!"

Hana's attention was brought back to the hollow. The monster fully stood and chose to open its mouth and let out that familiar ear-piercing howl. Hana watched it, jaw tight, and zanpakuto shaking. I can't do this... How pathetic...

"Completely... useless..."

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 6:50 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] M3tlKQc


Really, what was up with this woman. Yumiko stared at her as the Shinigami took a step back, fear plain on her face. So, encouragement would do nothing, then? Yumiko rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation before she turned around, brandishing her spirit weapon, in its sniper rifle form, and turned it into a rather heavy, but blunt!, club; a club that she used to smash the hollow away from them, giving them further more time.

Afterwards, Yumiko turned her silver gaze towards Hana, allowing her spiritual weapon to fade as she moved on Hana. She glared at the woman somewhat, her hands on her hips, and her silver eyes looking rather intense. Yumiko had wanted a Shinigami friend but this one… Something was certainly wrong.

“Me? Kill it? Do you know what happens when a Quincy kills a hollow? That life is OBLITERATED! Gone, forever! Only YOU can actually purify that hollow. Would you like that soul’s life on your hands just because you couldn’t buck up the courage and do what must be done! What are you going to do? Run from everything? What will you do if you’re backed into a corner? Die, or will you fight? So snap the fuck out of it and deal with that hollow! I don’t want to end that soul’s existence, so stop running from everything and fucking fight!”

This woman frustrated Yumiko some. For some obvious reasons, because Hana was being quite fearful of doing her duty, Yumiko was frustrated with her immensely for doing nothing; for wanting to run. However, Yumiko was also frustrated because a woman who, likely, didn’t live with a disability, and was claiming she couldn’t perform this action. Yumiko believed there was no excuse for this… after all, if Yumiko could do it, anyone could.

“What’s wrong?”


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Fri Aug 04, 2023 10:35 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

This woman was more powerful than her, so why wasn't she just taking the hollow out?! Hana watched and backed away as Yumiko approached her. Her back hit a tree, stopping her from moving any further. Then, the yelling began. This woman lectured Hana on things she didn't really consider in her decision making. She just didn't want to die against something she knew she couldn't take on. What foolish person jumps into the middle of a battle against something they couldn't handle?

However, obliterating a soul because of Hana's cowardice was a different story. The shaking stopped and the embarrassment set in. Hana looked over to the hollow as it began recovering once again. Hana gripped her zanpakuto tightly.

'Oh? Are you going to listen to her? A little late.'

Hana's free hand slapped against her head. There was a pain there, an unfamiliar pressure. That voice echoed around like she was in a vast cave. It was difficult to pinpoint and clearly wasn't the same voice of her inner thoughts.

"I-I'll attempt, but if it kills me, my life is on you."

Hana turned Yumiko's words back at her. This woman was so worried about the hollow's soul, she cared little for Hana's life at all. For all they knew, it was a hollow for a reason. While Hana's cowardice was selfish, it was based in understanding her limits and sensing their strength. Yumiko had every ability to deal with this, but wanted Hana to do it for her. That was a different kind of selfish.

Gripping her sword tight, her hands still shaking, Hana ran at the recovered hollow. While her technique was of standard, her speed and strength weren't impressive. The hollow was faster, stronger, and had more reiryoku than she did. Even so, Hana swung her blade toward the hollow's mask as they met in the middle. The blade didn't even cut. It was like hitting stone. Hana tried standing her ground, but she was pushed back, her boots creating lines in the dirt.

With a shove, the hollow pushed Hana away. She rolled to recover, sliding along the ground and immediately went on the charge again. This time, she moved to the side and cut through the hollow's leg, ignoring the mask all together. The monster howled in pain, turning her to and swiping at her with a claw. The claw struck her torso, once again, sending her flying, but not without its talons digging into her.

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Sat Aug 05, 2023 12:30 am
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] M3tlKQc


Finally, it seemed like something of what Yumiko had been saying was finally seemed to be open to listening to her now, especially after hearing that bit about a soul being obliterated due to what happens when a Quincy kills a hollow, or really any being with a soul; and that seemed to get her to come around. With a small smile, Yumiko grasped the woman's shoulder and smiled.

"You won't die, I have faith in you. That Hollow isn't as powerful as you think it is. You can do this."

Despite Hana's thoughts, Yumiko did care if she lived or died; she wanted her to live, after all. Not to mention, Yumiko was no fool. She wasn't going to let someone die on her watch just because they are doing something she wanted them to do. As Yumiko watched, she pulled out her spiritual weapon again, in its sniper configuration once more. She held the weapon at the ready, ready to intervene, when Hana would least notice it, so she wouldn't be killed due to her own inexperience and lack of strength.

AS Yumiko watched, the woman couldn't help but wince as Hana endured a few rather painful looking blows. While resisting the urge to jump in and help the woman, because it looked like Hana could really use a win, Yumiko simply watched carefully, her rifle poised at the ready the entire time. Even as Hana was thrown backwards, Yumiko had decided that... She shouldn't interfere. Albeit, she did use a very careful hirenkyaku, along with her own formidable speed to break Hana's fall hopefully without her noticing. Otherwise, Yumiko simply gave a small whistle, cheering Hana on from the sidelines.

Yumiko's firmest belief always was this; if she could do it, anyone could. After all, no task is truly insurmountable.

"You can do it!"


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