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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Sat Aug 05, 2023 5:11 am
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana struggled to her feet after that last attack. She felt alone out here, again. She was starting to get used to it. It didn't matter that Yumiko was behind her; Hana never looked back. She only focused on the hollow trying to kill her. Now, there were three deep penetrating wounds in her torso from its claws now, each bleeding enough to cause worry. The pain was almost crippling, and before she could reorient herself, the hollow charged. The only thing Hana could do was shunpo. She made it out of the way of the hollow's charge, but not without consequence. She could feel her wounds bleeding more, dripping to the grass below.

"I tore them more..." Hana thought.

As the hollow ended up facing her again, Hana's anger rose. She was probably going to die here. She should have just kept training. What was the point of all this? The Soul Cycle? Killing hollows? The fact was, Hana couldn't care less about any of that right now. She just wanted to stay alive. She was going to live.

It was all the adrenaline rush. Hana's reiryoku surged like the wind in a hurricane, blowing the leaves of the surrounding trees. Seeing the hollow rush at her again, Hana took a step forward with the resolve to win the fight sharpening her blade. As she flew by, her zanpakuto sliced clean through the hollow's mask in an shockingly swift swing. The monster vanished and Hana ended up on the opposite side. She was sweating, out of breath, and blood still trickled to the ground, but... she won.

Hana turned to Yumiko, wincing, her free hand holding the wound as best it could. "I guess you were correct in this matter," Hana said, stuttering through the pain. "I was able to kill it." Hana's eyes rolled to the back of her head. Her body fell forward and everything went black as the blue haired woman fell unconscious.

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:54 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 M3tlKQc


Even as Yumiko watched, her concern for the injured woman growing, she still had complete confidence in her. Why was that? Call it faith, hope, whatever you will; Yumiko knew she could do it. Perhaps it was luck they had met. After all, this hollow was indeed a challenge; but Hana was equal to it.

As she watched, as Hana sustained a rather severe injury, which did cause Yumiko to lurch forward before remembering she had wanted Hana to do this alone, Yumiko watched with bated breath; holding belief for the woman even as she bled freely, staining the green grass red. Then… something changed. Whatever the reason, whatever it may be, Hana seemed to have gained some form of… boost? Perhaps it was desperation, or maybe confidence, that sheer primal urge that all humans have; to live.

A surge of energy, of Reiryoku, burst through the clearing as Yumiko observed the grass flatten gently from the burst of potent energy. Her movements were clear enough to Yumiko, but the hollow was dumbfounded. Soon enough, Hana had surged forward, her sword raised, and the hollow was victim to her flashing blade. As the figure of dust blew away in the wind, Yumiko looked upon Hana, who was looking at her.

Yumiko was already moving closer. That wound was concerning, and she heard quite clearly what Hana had said; that Yumiko was right, that Hana was able to do it. However, as if her wounds were catching up to her, Hana’s eyes rolled up towards the sky, and her body tumbled limply forwards. With a slightly panicked burst of speed, and a Hirenkyaku, Yumiko had gently caught Hana; caring less about any blood she may get on her clothes. Albeit, she did her best to keep it away from her prosthetics where possible.

“You did amazing… Rest, I’ll get you fixed up.”

Gingerly lowering the woman to the ground, Yumiko performed the best first aid she possibly could for such deep wounds. Not to mention, even if it wasn’t her forte, she did use a small Quincy spell, a small ritual, to try and stanch Hana’s bleeding the best she could. Afterwards, which had to be done by removing the woman’s Shihakusho some, she bound the wounds tightly. After picking the woman up, luckily she was strong enough for that, Yumiko carried the woman to her bike as swiftly as could be allowed by Hana's wounds. From there, she simply decided that the best course of action would be to take Hana to the Kamenashi household, which just happened to have a private hospital of a sorts

Luckily for Hana, Yumiko could get them to the Kamenashi residence swiftly. After allowing the unconscious woman to rest upon her bike, to give Yumiko time to have the bike drive itself home, Yumiko had picked up Hana, pressed one last button to have her motorcycle begin its trip to her apartment in the city of lights, where it would wait for her, and Yumiko utilized her Vollstandig to push some limits; so she could return home in record timing.

The next thing Hana would know upon waking was, likely, a dull throbbing of her treated wounds, the fact that her Shihakusho was pretty much removed, tight bandages around her chest, likely a few stitches depending on the actual healing capability of Quincy spells, and a completely unfamiliar room; but one that was all too obvious it was some form of infirmary or private hospital. Fair looking, with a tall ceiling, Hana would wake to find Yumiko at her bed side, asleep. Seemingly, she had either stayed by her side until night had fallen, for her to wake. After all… she had the woman engage in this ordeal, helping her out and learning her name would be the least she could do.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Mon Aug 14, 2023 11:05 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

There was a whimper as Hana stirred. A pained breath and her eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling. Turning her head, she took in her surroundings. The first thing she realized was that it was a hospital. The second was Yumiko. Her instinct was to let the woman sleep, but as she moved, she was reminded of the wounds she endured. Pain shot its way through her torso and she winced, gasping louder than she meant to. Looking down, she saw that she had been bandaged up, but would really prefer the skills of a Shinigami and their kaido. The thought of scarring...

Hana forced that thought from her mind before closing her shihakusho by quickly folding it across her body. She was lucky to be alive. She forced herself into a sitting position, noting that the pain was numbed some. If Yumiko wasn't awake by now, Hana woke her with a light tap on her shoulder. "Forcing me to do that was dangerous," Hana said, though there was no hostility. It was more 'matter of fact.'

Hana slid stood up, strangely balanced for her injuries. Realizing it wasn't at her waist, Hana looked around until her eyes fell upon her zanpakuto. With a sigh of relief, she turned back to Yumiko. "Thank you," she said, the gratitude weighing heavier than one thing. "My name is Hana Aoyama. I'm grateful for your help." The woman went to bow, but the pain in her body stopped her, so she just nodded.

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:25 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 M3tlKQc


Indeed, sleep had taken Yumiko if not only for the fact that the woman had used her Vollstandig, and considerable energy, to rush her home. Without her prosthetics on, and barely stirring in her sleep, she slept on until Hana tapped her shoulder; which caused the woman to wake with a start.

Bleary eyed, Yumiko looked over and smiled apologetically, giving her a tiny respectful bow as she continued to sit. However, when Hana stood from her bed, Yumiko soon leapt to her feet with an odd amount of caution; or so it seemed. Regardless, if Hana’s pain wasn’t too distracting she would notice how Yumiko walked with care, caution, and an odd tenderness that she didn’t show before.

“You’re right… and I’m sorry about that. But… the look in your eyes, you looked defeated. I thought you could use someone to believe in you. I hope I was right~”

Yumiko smiled warmly, as Hana’s Zanpakuto was indeed quite close at hand, and walked closer to the woman; extending a hand for a handshake.

“It was the least I could do. I figured this would be better than the City of Light, my Family’s private hospital that is. Certainly less risky than taking you into a city full of rather racist Quincy… and please, at least sit. Even if the bleeding has stopped in full, forcing yourself now could start it again. Please.”

Yumiko gently put a hand on Hana’s arm. She didn’t made her sit, but it was an honest request, one she hoped Hana would acquiesce to it. Regardless, Yumiko soon sat down on the bed anyways, massaging her legs absentmindedly. She soon flashed Hana another smile, a warm and kind one.

“Nice to meet you, Hana. I’m Yumiko Kamenashi, and I am more than glad to provide it. And I thank you for helping me with that hollow, Hana~ Tell me… ever had a Quincy for a friend~?”


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Sun Aug 20, 2023 1:00 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana stared at Yumiko with very clear irritation. There was a part of her that very much wanted to slap this young woman. Who cares about what "look" Yumiko saw in Hana's eyes. What Yumiko did was dangerous and could have cost Hana her life. In this case, the two of them were just lucky that Hana somehow found the power to defeat that thing. Of course, it was the realization that she was alone out there, even with Yumiko taking the part of an entertained audience, that made her push herself. So, even though she was irritated, she said nothing. There was no reason to bring that up, and Yumiko at least had helpful intentions at the time.

Hana took Yumiko's hand and shook. "So, we are not in the City of Light?" Hana looked to the window to see what was outside. She wasn't sure where she was now. Too bad. She did kind of want to see that place, racist Quincy or not. Oh well. At least she was a live and safe, thanks to Yumiko's pretty decent care. Though she still had pain, and needed to get back to the Soul Society to prevent any scarring, she wasn't crippled here. That really is all she could ask for in this situation.

Yumiko was an interesting young woman, and that last question of hers proved it. Hana had never actively been asked something so strange. One, the racial issues created a problem in many circles, especially among nobles like herself. She never felt that way, but she wondered what her parents would think. They definitely loved falling into old traditional mindsets in order to "relate" to other noble families in the Soul Society. "Well, no. I believe you are the first I have ever met," Hana said, sort of knowing where Yumiko's question was leading. She wasn't sure how to react to such a question. "I imagine after getting to know one, the possibility is there."

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:01 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 M3tlKQc


Despite Yumiko's appearances, and her insistence that Hana had to face that hollow on her own in order to prove she was capable, the young Quincy still did feel rather bad about how badly Hana had been injured. Frankly speaking, Yumiko was just glad that most medical methods these days were extremely advanced, and with a little bit of Quincy magic it made all the difference. Still, Yumiko couldn't help but feel bad as Hana continued to give her that irritated stare. However, after they had shaken hands, and after a little bit of speech, it felt like Hana had at least, somewhat, relaxed; even if only a little bit. Soon, questions came, and the first one was by far the easiest to answer. With a shake of her head, Yumiko gave Hana a gentle smile.

"No, this is my family's private hospital. It's used for the public in times of emergency, of course, but mostly it's for the family and friends; we have the most advanced techniques money can buy. Of course, we also have the less natural methods of healing; but nothing quite as easy as Shinigami healing, I suppose. Regardless, I figured it was best to keep a Shinigami out of the City of Lights. That would have caused... Issues."

All while massaging her legs subconsciously, Yumiko stared at Hana briefly, contemplating the ease of Shinigami methods of recovery before she turned her eyes and thoughts towards other matters; more of how much time she had spent in this particular place. Frankly speaking, one born with a disability would certainly get used to such visits, especially for all the work she had to do just to walk without her prosthetics on; even if Physical therapy could only do so much for her legs and the muscles within.

Regardless, interesting was certainly one way to describe Yumiko. If Hana were to ever see Yumiko's room, a rather impressive mix of technological tinkering, gaming, and a very specific set of stuffed animals, that would likely increase the impression of how interesting Yumiko is. Despite that, Yumiko simply turned her attention, in full, to what Hana had said; that she was the first Quincy she had ever met, and that the possibility was there. Yumiko smiled gently, considering the prospect. She didn't want to straight up just leap out there and say "Hey! Be my friend please!" No, these things took time, especially with how this relationship in particular was started.

"I've always wanted to have a Shinigami for a friend... My mom knew a few, I think she was probably only friends with maybe one... Regardless, I've always considered the possibility. I hate the racist stance between Quincy and Shinigami. If we could just work together, break the mold, we wouldn't have such troubles... That is why I've wanted a Shinigami for a friend, to break what is considered regular."


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Thu Sep 07, 2023 11:25 am
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

"Issues? I was under the impression Shinigami were often traveling into the City. Maybe my information is wrong, or outdated." Hana said, giving a light shrug.

Hana noticed the massaging that Yumiko was constantly doing. It was a strange gesture and brought about some curiosity about the woman's behavior, but asking about what would likely be a private matter caused her to hesitate. Hana already made it clear they did not know each other, so asking about that was hypocritical.

"I see." Hana understood where Yumiko was trying to come from, but if you replaced the word "shinigami" with the word "noble," one might realize how it truly sounded. Luckily, Yumiko did not seem like the type to actually harbor any reason to use her for anything. "As I said, it is possible after getting to know one another."

Hana was uncomfortable not entirely understanding where she was. She assumed a quick trip outside would help her reorient herself. "I would like to head outside." She opened the door to leave, assuming Yumiko would follow and lead. Once they were outside, not being in someone's strange building helped he relax.

"What direction is the city?"

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:30 am
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 M3tlKQc


Yumiko frowned somewhat. Even if Shinigami are traveling into the city regularly, Yumiko didn't want to think about what paperwork it would cause if she had taken Hana to a hospital in the city of light. Regardless, Yumiko shrugged somewhat and smile morosely.

"Even so, I wanted to avoid complications. My kind are still prone to racism born of many years hardships. But it's understandable enough. I still wish to break the mold of I can~"

Yumiko smiled warmly, finally stopping that massaging of her legs. Even while it seemed like they didn't need them, as supple and soft Yumiko's thighs looked, there was an air of strength around the woman, even if she seemed oddly diminished without her prosthetics. Regardless, Yumiko smiled as she gently rubbed her thighs before she stood up as well, with what likely seemed like undue caution; at least to Hana. However, Yumiko didn't draw any attention to it. After all, it was normal for her. Not to mention, even if Yumiko found out Hana was a noble... she wouldn't care. Yumiko was the only child her family had in recent years, leaving her as the technical "heir" to her family; a wealthy family in their own right. Simply speaking, Yumiko would never take advantage of a friend. Besides, being noble or rich wasn't something to take advantage of in her eyes; just something to treat with respect when necessary.

"I'd love to make that possibility a reality, then!"

A swift smile before Yumiko heard Hana's request to venture outside. With a gentle touch on Hana's arm, as if to ask her to keep pace with Yumiko, the Quincy guided the Shinigami outside of the private hospital, waving away the worried doctors and nurses who approached. Hana was a tough girl, after all. At least, Yumiko thought she was. After a short trip through the building, Yumiko opened a door out onto a rather spectacular view. Semi-isolated, as her family was rich thanks to their inventions, they lived on a private estate just outside Kyoto, Japan. Yumiko smiled some as she inhaled the fresh air, gently scented with heady scents of nature, blooming sakura, wet dirt, and a various assortment of other scents that, despite her nature, were very pleasing.

Eventually, Hana asked where the city was as Yumiko moved forward to sit upon a nearby chair, seemingly suited for outdoor use. Yumiko looking around a little bit, contemplating for a few moments.

"I assume you mean the closest one, right? That should be Kyoto. It's about 10 to 20 miles north of where we are. My family's lived here for a long time, and I prefer the quiet atmosphere out here to the noise of the city. But, I hope you're not trying to leave just yet. I still want to talk to you a bit, if you'll let me; despite how... "well" our initial meeting went, I'd like to get to know you. I’d like to be your friend, if possible."


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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:35 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana froze, stunned, and holding her breath before she closed her eyes. Yumiko made it clear where she was. There were a few hundred miles between where she was and where she was supposed to be. She was not clear on the rules for this situation, but she knew she wasn't going to blame Yumiko. The woman was only trying to help, so the instant reaction of lashing out was not needed.

"I need to get back; I am likely in a lot of trouble. I have not checked in." Hana used her zanpakuto to open the Senkaimon. She clearly was nervous and not willing to take it slow, even if the slight pain in her gut was there. She needed to get healing, and to return before someone else noticed. "Thank you for all of your help, Yumiko. I do look forward to our next meeting. Until then, fight your own battles."

Hana smiled, walking through the Senkaimon and leaving it on what she clearly meant as a joke, and a hint that she was willing to one day become friends. She did not know when that would be, however, since the security around leaving and returning to the Soul Society was much more difficult than a few months ago.

As the door closed, Hana waved goodbye and walked her way home...

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Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana]

Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:50 pm
Just A Flicker [Yumiko/Hana] - Page 2 M3tlKQc


The sudden announcement was the only thing that seemed to surprise Yumiko, and caused her to suddenly leap out of her seat; even if the action did cause her to wince before she did her best to walk quickly over to Hana. To hear that the woman was potentially in trouble for not checking in, Yumiko couldn't help but feel a further pang of guilt. To know that she had caused the woman rather great injury and that she also may be in trouble thanks to Yumiko's efforts to get her to a safe hospital, it was impossible for the young Quincy to not feel even more guilty than before. However, the only thing that tempered her guilt was the sudden opening of a senkaimon; which made the Quincy's eyes widen in wonder. She had only read about the Shinigami's method of traversal between this realm and their own, the after life. To see it? It was a wondrous experience...

This didn't stop her from briefly lurching forward, to only briefly take Hana's arm before letting it go almost as suddenly. Out of concern for her well being, she didn't wish for the woman to go; but full understood her duty, and could only smile with slight melancholy as she watched Hana move towards the Senkaimon.

"I hope you can avoid being in trouble... I'd rather you not get in trouble just because of me. If you can, maybe come back and visit...? I too look forwards to the next time we meet."

Yumiko couldn't help but chuckle, with a small measure of guilt, as she rubbed the back of her head, gently ruffling her silver hair. She grinned a tiny bit afterwards, her eyes on Hana's own.

"Let's fight together next time, then! Be safe, Hana. Until I see you again."

Yumiko smiled as she watched Hana go, waving to the woman until the Senkaimon closed behind the Shinigami, sealing off whatever views of the Dangai that might exist. With her hand falling limply to her side, Yumiko yawned, and rubbed her thighs; perhaps this was enough excitement for one day...


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