Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Left_bar_bleue0/0(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

Sat Aug 19, 2023 8:06 pm
(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  NIpv4s4
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

"The Hell you mean the train's delayed? Eh? Africa?!"

Damnit. Guess heading to Europe's going to have to wait. With everything going on right now, travel's been put on hold until this hole situation's done. Ryo's seen the news though, and she knows that things aren't looking good at all. Despite herself, she's somewhat glad she's no where near that area, but it getting in the way of her travels is annoying.

Guess while she's here in Tokyo, she'll fine a place to stay. This'll give her a bit of time to sightsee too. She's never been to Tokyo before, so why not? Hours went by as she checked out tourist spots, spending the money she's collected from odd jobs. Her parent's money is more for emergencies and traveling than taking care of basic commodities.

Eventually, her traveling brought her to a little shrine area. Apparently this is a shrine for some fox spirit. Kitsune's what they're referred to as, yeah? A quick search through her phone, and she's wondering why people would want to pray to something that apparently steals souls? Weird. Well, anyway, she'll just check out if there's anywhere to eat around here. She's not picky, but she's not looking for any hand me downs.


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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Left_bar_bleue128100/999999(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty Re: (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:54 pm
(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  6xF1pWg


To be honest, delay's with how everything was going with the hollow hole in Africa was completely normal! And, as far as Ikari was concerned, given her employer had apparently been kidnapped, it was best to keep up whatever passive work Rita had left her until the time some form of plan was made to get Rita back; if that plan would occur. With a sulky air of the woman she had just been hired by being quite gone and unavailable, Ikari decided to take a slight return to form and paid a visit to a nearby shrine. More specifically, it was a shrine to Inari, and Ikari's eternal partner even emerged from her conceptual world to seat herself upon Ikari's shoulder; a white nine-tailed fox that exuded far more authority than seemed natural. Ikari simply smiled, gently pet Inari as she scrutinized the shrines constructed in her name. All things considered, they weren't bad. However, Inari still had nitpicks that she told to Ikari and she alone through muttered words or soft squeaks that only Ikari could understand.

Meanwhile, drawing attention that only a lady with pink hair, and five fox tails, and a white nine-tailed fox upon her shoulder could draw, Ikari simply continued upon her path, considering the shrine, offering a few prayers to some here and there, and even consenting to give a blessing to a few who thought Ikari was some shrine maiden; even though Ikari was wearing anything but shrine maiden clothing. Maybe it was Inari, or the fact that Ikari looked like a fox woman. Regardless, her white hoodie, black pants, and high-tops were anything but shrine-maiden like. Ikari just wouldn't tell them she had some attire that was akin to a shrine-maidens regalia.

After a bit of time, Ikari found herself standing near a red-head. She seemed attractive, and strong too... quite literally. But there was an odd air to the woman. Gentle? No, perhaps not. But, there was something certainly interesting, and Ikari distinctly heard a rumble of a tummy that was not her own. Gently touching Ryo on the shoulder, Ikari gave her a tiny smile.

"Excuse me... You look lost, if you'd like, I can show you around. If you're not familiar with the area, it can be rather confusing."


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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Left_bar_bleue0/0(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty Re: (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

Mon Sep 04, 2023 11:34 am
(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  NIpv4s4
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Hmm? Looking up from her phone, Ryo regarded the woman who had just bothered her. Pink hair, a soft face, animal ears, and some tails: nothing out of the ordina- Wait! Blinking in disbelief, Ryo found herself simply staring at the outrageous woman beside her. Her first instinct was to just berate the woman as a cosplayer, but with her new knowledge of spiritual beings, it's not impossible to indulge the fact that this woman is just abnormal.

Though, wouldn't someone like her be considered normal these days? Ryo, despite ignorant, understood that she was living under a rock for a while. This pink haired stranger is probably just a fact of life these days. However, focusing so much on that is probably disrespectful. The woman had asked if she wanted some help.

Ryo wouldn't call herself lost, especially since she had no destinations in mind. However, a local would probably help a lot in finding someplace with a good reputation. As cool as apps are, they're easy to manipulate. So, blinking out of her little stupor, she took a second to think about how to word herself with a finger on her own chin before she started asking.

"Well, I was looking for some nice spots to have a bite at. You live 'round here? Know any places?"


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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Left_bar_bleue128100/999999(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty Re: (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:13 am
(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  6xF1pWg


Even if Ryo wouldn't call herself lost, Ikari certainly would! Then again, anyone who didn't know exactly where they were going could be considered lost, or maybe it was better to call them a wanderer? Either way, the way Ikari's tails moved, and how her semi-hidden ears twitched at certain sounds, made it hard to believe that her appearance was anything but real. Not to mention, if Ryo cared enough to pay attention, it was easy to see that Ikari's hair didn't seem colored artificially. Her hair was healthy, whole, and bore no signs of being dyed repeatedly to stay such a vibrant pink.

Aside from the surprise, and quite the lengthy pause that ensued as Ryo took in Ikari and came to a decision about what to do, everything else was relatively swiftly taken care of afterwards. Ikari smiled warmly as she was asked about a place to eat. Ikari purred as she though, twirling a lock of hair around a finger as she considered Ryo's request. However! They first needed to exchange some required pleasantries! First! They didn't even know eachother's names! A travesty!

"Of course I can~ But first, I don't even know your name. I'm Ikari, Ikari Yamashiro~ It's nice to meet you! Now then! Food~"

Ikari grinned as she introduced herself to Ryo. However, the woman soon turned her attention to where they would go to eat after Ryo had introduced herself as well... hopefully. After a small bit of deliberation Ikari decided it was best to know what her companion wanted to eat.

"I know a few good places in Tokyo, it is the capital after all... But! is there anything in particular you might want to eat? There's a lot around, and there's more than Japanese cuisine if its not to your liking."


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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Left_bar_bleue0/0(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty Re: (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

Sun Sep 17, 2023 2:30 am
(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  NIpv4s4
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Being a redhead, Ryo wouldn't have thought much about anyone's hair color. Her hair's enough of an attention grabber, and that means they're both just outlandish looking people right now. Well, it is Tokyo anyway, so who really cares? The area is known for its brazen culture, even if they're in one of the more calm parts of the city. Ryo has less weird things to focus on anyway, like where to eat.

First, pleasantries. "Name's Ryo Kishimoto." It's only fair after Ikari shared her full name. Besides, a full name is easier to remember than just saying her first or last.

"I want BBQ," Ryo than said, almost demanding in how quickly she spouted out her wants. She hardly cared what kind as long as it's good. There are probably tons of places to get BBQ from too. That's where Ikari's expertise should come in. Right now, Ryo's trusting this stranger to lead her someplace worth wasting money, so this fox best not disappoint.


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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Left_bar_bleue128100/999999(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty Re: (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

Thu Sep 21, 2023 7:33 pm
(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  6xF1pWg


Ikari couldn't help but grin at the woman's request. Not to mention, her name was quite lovely~! Ryo Kishimoto~ It certainly had a tune to it. Ikari purred gently, considering their options of places to eat and, overall, what would be the best place to take someone in Japan. It's not like Ikari's purse was light, as her employer's payments didn't pause with her kidnapping, the Danava had some flexibility. She smiled warmly, her five tails flicking and dancing merrily as she considered the option.

"A 'please' wouldn't go amiss, Ryo~ Regardless~! If it is BBQ you desire, so shall this generous Kitsune deliver~ We may as well venture to the best place for such cuisine in Japan. Hopefully, it is to your liking; otherwise, I shall simply have to try again on another occasion~"

Ikari gave Ryo a playful grin before, without even asking if she was ready to go, Ikari took the lead and guided Ryo towards the restaurant in question. Deep into the heart of Tokyo the exotic looking pair of women ventured, with Ikari taking the lead, her five pink tails more than easy to follow. She bobbed this way and that with a lithe and gentle air that seemed unnatural, for a humanoid at least. The way she moved wasn't unsettling, but it was certainly abnormal; likely hinting to her own nature. However, before Ryo could get too good of a look at her movements and happy countenance, they had arrived at their destination.

"After you, Ryo~ As we are both ladies, my guest must precede me in entering this fine establishment. Or, we can simply enter together if that is unfavorable to you~"


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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Left_bar_bleue0/0(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty Re: (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

Sat Sep 30, 2023 10:44 am
(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  NIpv4s4
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Is this woman purring?

Well, Ryo heard of playing the part, but she didn't expect Ikari to be more fox than person. Though, the colorful speech pattern finalized Ryo's thoughts on the matter. She's definitely dealing with something abnormal. She just can't place it. She just gave a, "My bad," and went about following Ikari as the woman lead the way.

Paying attention, Ryo did pick up on Ikari's exotic walking too. Everything about this pink haired stranger yelled for Ryo to show caution, but the redhead couldn't bother with that much. If Ikari wanted to enact horrible things to her person, the fox would have by now. They definitely wouldn't be in the heart of Tokyo... Or would they?

Either way, before Ryo could get an honest feeling about this, they're already at the restaurant.

"Not bad," Ryo admitted, but a nice building does nothing if the food's bad, so she went in first. She is the guest after all.


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(Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou  Empty Re: (Normal Days in Tokyo) Ikari/Ryou

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