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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 11:01 am
Yuri hardly seemed to mind watching J sidle off to his own. Certainly making note of the man's awkward inability to really chat around. Perhaps she'd tease him about it later. But for the time being, she went and did what she'd said she'd do, and with J more or less waiting until things were ready it wasn't long before they were ready to head out.

the trip itself was a bit of a trek. But as Shinigami, J and Yuri were moving on ahead. The actual location itself was as promised on the map. A valley with no real discernible features. For all intents and purposes you wouldn't even think anything was out here if they didn't already know what they were looking for. And as Yuri and J headed toward the spot, Yuri would gesture up ahead. Where a small cliff shadowed over the rest of the landscape, and at the very base, they'd be able to barely make out the outline of the cave they were looking for.

There wasn't a soul in any direction, and it seemed there wasn't anyone about. Maybe they valued keeping hidden over protecting the area. All the same, Yuri glanced sideways at J. "So there, big and broody. Got a plan of action? We are supposed to head in and take out any major opposition. These are rukongai freaks, but we can't hold back. Giving any quarter means they might find a fuse. So how do you want to do this? Slow and sneaky like? Or blitzing?" She ventured calmly enough. Best to get the plan out of the way now.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Tue Sep 12, 2023 2:32 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

The appearance of the cave was that no one was around. If the information the officers had provided was right, he knew that was wrong, so he reached out with his reikaku and quickly discovered a few thugs. There wasn't anyone he could point out near their level, and he was surprised by the small number. He was sure either Yuri or himself could do this completely solo. It made him question the training of the men he was working with. Were they getting proper training?

"I'm sensing less than ten men within the cave, nothing outside, and the power levels of tenth seats or lower," J explained before he suddenly looked confused. "It would be better to do this quickly and prevent any chance of retaliation; however, we must be aware of any possible traps. They're either confident that no one will find them, or that they will be warned before any trouble, since they have no lookouts. Also, I'd appreciate a better nickname from a comrade."

"Let's get moving," J said and began running toward the mouth of the cave, a shunpo rapidly landing him at the entrance. Unsheathing his zanpakuto, he held the blade with two hands and glanced to Yuri to make sure she was good. Once Yuri gave a signal showing she was ready, he moved in, his eyes darting around the cave for any sight of traps until they would find the first enemy.

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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Wed Sep 13, 2023 1:07 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 HEADE__ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_virtu_al__sample-9c047315d5c38acc6cbe31f8916bc1f6

Yuri raised a brow slightly as she noticed J taking a moment to try and scout the insides of the cave, clicking her tongue and sighing softly as she listened to his explanation of the situation. "Blitzing in then hm? Well we can't exactly plan for every eventuality." She noted calmly enough, peeling her zanpaku'to from her waist and crouching at the entrance of the cave. And as J began to prep to enter the building, she held up a hand for him to halt.

She crouched at the entrance of the cave and whispered softly, an incantation hummed into the Night before she finally spoke the name of the spell.

"Bakudo Twenty Three, Kanashibari." (Bound in Metal)

And as she spoke, smoke spilled from her hand and spilled into the cave itself, spreading out into the inside of the cave and diffusing into the inside of the cave. Of course, the intention of the spell generally was to lock the person in place. To keep them paralyzed but awake and unable to move. But of course, having to spread the spell throughout the entirety of the cave, it would simply numb and slow the stronger ones. though the weaker ones would be effected completely.

With a nod to J, she stepped aside as J would lead the charge into the area. Of course, once he slipped into the place, he'd immediately spot three individuals. Causing a startle between them. Or rather, two of them.

"Who the hell are you?! You wanna die?!" One of them hissed! Though his voice slurred as he staggered, peeling his weapon from his hip as he pointed a knife at the shinigami. His companion was pulling out a small sickle, attempting to look menacing while struggling to move his body! Though their companion was entirely still, eyes shut, having been resting when the shinigami had burst in, though even so, he was completely immobilized by the spell.

Easy pickings.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:42 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

J waited patiently, observing Yuri as she used her kido. Good idea. J wasn't the most creative or "out of the box" thinker. Her method here was just added to a deck options he kept buried in the back of his mind. Once she gave him the go-ahead, he ran in and spotted the three men. With their behavior, he didn't even need to raise his zanpakuto. A single round house kick swung through at of their heads, knocking them out without issue. A glance to the third and J realized the man was awake, but unable to move. Since he was no threat, they could move deeper in.

"Let's leave them here for questioning," J said, figuring the others would take care of them as they cleared the cave. He moved on, taking the cave at a walk instead of a run now that the initial assault had been dealt with. Three down, five to go.

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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Mon Sep 18, 2023 6:53 pm
The first one barely had time to raise a pipe before J's kick slammed into the side of their head. Knocking them out cold as another was promptly knocked to the ground as well. Both of them promptly taken out in that vicious attack, though Yuri certainly took a moment to make her way over to the frozen one and give a sharp chop to their neck, promptly knocking them out as well before glancing around. There didn't seem to be anything around here. A few scattered bits of cash, some food and booze, nothing of interest.

They had quickly and quietly dispatched them, and deeper inside, they'd both notice a couple more of them still present. Though there was motion in the next chamber. It seemed the spell had lost potency, and they seemed to be still able to move. "Yea yea, let's move on there roadhouse." She sighed as she promptly gestured for him to lead the way. There were two paths ahead for them going forward. A short path that seemed to lead off into a little side branch, and another that led downward, a fair amount of air coming from that spot, it also was the only direction with people. The other direction had small, weak spiritual pressures. Faint enough that they wouldn't have even noticed them from outside, but given how many of them there were, it was probably some sort of animal. Maybe chickens or cats? Either way, those were off in the side branch. It would be up to J which one he wanted to head for first.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Wed Sep 20, 2023 5:24 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

Roadhouse? This woman came up with strange nicknames. And what was the sigh for? Had he done something wrong? He stared blankly at Yuri while asking himself these questions. He always struggled to understand the off-putting attitudes of women, but usually he had said something they didn't like. Here, he had barely spoken to avoid that reason. Now, he wondered whether he should be talking more. Unfortunately, their current mission would not allow him to attempt the thing his sister called "small talk." Mentally waving off the matter, he continued on.

Feeling the greater spiritual pressures from the downward path, J headed that direction, but not before placing a kido barrier at the entrance to the other. The barrier would keep anything from coming out, but not going in, so if the officers behind them decided to check it, they could. J rarely took any risks with anything.

While walking the downward path, he kept his senses up, searching for the reiatsu of anyone within the cave and keeping track of their movements. Still, his mind was distracted with thoughts about why his current partner seemed to dislike him, which caused him to become distracted from any "normal" traps. Something as simple as a low-placed trip wire was extended across the cave floor, and J did not seem to see it. It was the first time he was not perfectly alert during their mission.

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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:55 pm
Yuri only spared a passive glance in the direction of the barrier that had been erected. A brow raising, but ultimately not making any comment toward it as the pair of them made their way down deeper into the den. Yuri herself was keeping on alert as they made their way in. And so when J promptly walked through the tripwire, he'd promptly feel himself snag and stagger, the wire digging into his ankles. Were he a less durable man, it might have cut clean through his flesh and into his foot in the process of tripping him. Alongside a sudden TWANG noise as a lever caught on the mechanism. A loud CLANG sounding as the other end of the wire dropped a bag full of stones onto a wide metal sheet, promptly causing a loud booming noise through the entirety of the tunnel.

It was at that point that the remainder of the cave folk would become apparent. The room that they had slipped into was the entryway into a large storage area. Boxes lined the walls and formed rows, and the area that J had walked into opened up into the main chamber of the place.

Four people were already in evidence. Two of which seemed to barely be on their feet, but were hurriedly rummaging around, as if trying to find something. The other two seemed to be ready and alert, brandishing a small knife as well as a metal pipe toward the shinigami. More rabble, it seemed, but all the same, they seemed intent on fighting the pair of them, but rather than just charging in, they seemed to be positioning themselves between J and the two weaker members of their group.

Yuri was still behind him, and so it would be up to J to start things off and decide how to start off the encounter. They didn't seem keen on making the first move.
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 5:17 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

God… damn it…

J’s alertness returned to normal when he realized what was going on. The pressure applied to his ankles was the first clue, but it was the TWANG noise that finished it off. Well, he was probably going to hear about that. As if he needed any more grief. With a light, annoyed sigh, he turned his attention to the four men that looked keen on fighting. He’d really rather not, especially since they were barely armed.

“I am Fourth Seat Saionji of the Gotei’s Sixth Division,” he spoke up, eyes shifting through each of them as he readied his zanpakuto. “For your own safety, and the safety of those around you, put your weapons down and surrender.”

End Post
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Sat Oct 07, 2023 8:35 pm
They certainly seemed to heed the man's call, and as he stated that warning to the pair of them, there was a loud metalic click from one of the two men searching frantically. But before J would get to see what it was, the two men with weapons promptly rushed in, the one brandishing a knife was surprisingly fast, enough to even briefly surprise the Shinigami as he lunged in, closing the space between them his knife raised and aiming to slice up diagonally up the length of J's shoulder and up the side of his face.

The man holding a pipe circled around, running around one of the large crates and letting out a lout GRUNT! And with considerable strength send the crate, easily a few feet taller than J was, sliding toward them, threatening to pancake the Shinigami against the wall with enough force to pin him with the heavy object!

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Oct 13, 2023 7:40 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] - Page 2 J_PostingHeader3
Enter: J. Saionji

There was no surprise on J’s end when they came to attack. He expected any radical group stocking up on explosives to behave irrationally. Anyone foolish enough to take explosives to anything were likely fanatical and unwilling to bend to the authorities that did their best to protect the Rukongai. So, as the first came in to attack, J used his left hand in order to avoid utilizing his zapakuto. A quick outwards swing of his arm, an open palmed hand redirected the arm of the man who attacked him away from himself, causing the man to stumble off.

“Enough,” J said, his gaze shifting over his shoulder to the incoming crate. A quick shunpo and he ended up on the other side, behind the man with the pipe. He placed his sword on the shoulder of the man, the sharp edge threatening to run through his neck, but not moving. “Surrender so no one gets hurt.“ J glanced over to the place where he heard the metallic click to get an eye for what happened. He was doing his best to take these men in unharmed, but if they kept attacking, it wouldn’t work.

Thread End: Everything here was added on to give an ending to this thread as interest was lost when life got in the way…:

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