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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue0/0Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 6:50 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

A royal pain in the ass. It was bad enough that Soul Society had had so many problems bunching up all at once. Between the bombing that had occurred in their own home turf, to the shit that was going on on earth, Soul Society's attention was spread pretty thin as well. But now there was some leads that had popped up about some concerning activity in the rukongai. There had been some chaos in the further southern districts. Areas that typically weren't too far out to be of actual concern, but the Local Rukongai police had been having an extra rough time Rough enough that they had brought it to the attention of Realm Enforcement.

Some fucking punks in the outter rukongai had been making trouble. As if sensing how strained the gotei's forces were, a number of individuals from the outter districts had been moving in on the closer districts. And more importantly, apparently tere had been an incident. A small explosion during a confrontation between the Rukongai police and some of the outter district malcontents. The Police had reached out to Sixth Division, and so they had responded. Not with one, but two seated officers. Some courriers were with them, and would be bringing some remains from the incident to take back to Soul society and getting passed over to Third Division to compare to what had been found in the Sereitei's incident. To see if there might be some correlation. But Yuri and J would b assisting more than that. Apparently the Rukongai police had leads on a hideout of sorts.

Yuri took a glance toward J, something of an unease around her as she silently wished she had gotten someone else to go with her on this little assignment.

"Ever been this far out?" She ventured idly, to try and get a bead on the strange fellow.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:39 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

J normally spent his time on matters in the Seireitei, but the bombing was proving frustrating in finding evidence that pointed toward anything solid. The change of pace was welcomed, and it was rare that he was assigned to the Rukongai. It was not too surprising, especially if certain individuals thought this would be a way of punishing him. Fortunately for J, he truly did not care as long as things got done. Besides, a bomb threat was no laughing matter; recent events proved that.

Traveling with a fellow seated officer, J kept his mouth shut. He was on guard, looking up and down alleys they walked by for any odd behavior. So far, it was a quiet day. Yuri caught his attention, being the first to speak up between them. He glanced her way for but a moment. "More than a few times, but has been a few weeks." Things went silent again. He answered in few words most often, but he noticed the unease she had about her. "You seem troubled. Are you all right?"

End Post
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue0/0Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 7:53 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

The response was about what she expected. Some small part of her held a bit of resentment. He was the head of a noble family wasn't he? Hmph. Still, she offered a calm, lopsided smile as he offered such a question. Uneasy? As if. "Not in the slightest. A fair ammount of my work tends to be out in the rukongai, in fact. Well, not really this far out under most circumstances. But I imagine it'll be an interesting assignment." She stated calmly enough, her eyes straight ahead of her, not even sparing a glance in the man's direction.

All the same, it wouldn't be long until they arrived at the Outpost. A small little station for the Rukongai Police, a short, blonde-haired officer offered a polite bod at the waist, a sasumata in one hand as he offered a calm smile to the pair.
"Thank you for coming. My name is Ijogyu. If you'll follow me, your Men can come retrieve the remains, And for the two of you, the briefing will be in just a few minutes." He noted calmly, a bright, enthusiastic voice in evidence as he gestured for them to make their way into the station. Chipper little fella.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:09 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

"Too many bombs." J said, his tone unhappy with the circumstances. One in the Seireitei and now the Rukongai was having to deal with them. It will be stopped.

Many think J the typical uncaring noble. This was not the case. The man was just dense and took allies for their word. If she said she was fine, then she was fine. It was not his business to dig deeper into what he was probably wrong about. He had enough of a history failing to read the room that he learned to just keep silent.

The two soon arrived at the Outpost. They were greeted with more joy than J expected with the current situation. As their men went to retrieve the remains, J returned a bow to Ijogyu. "Thank you. I am J. Saionji, Fourth Seath of the Sixth Division." He gave Yuri a chance to introduce herself. "Where will we be briefed?"

Once given directions to the briefing area they had, J moved to stand near a corner of the room, putting his back against the wall, and crossing his arms. He was the type to stand near the back, away from any eyes, which also gave him a clear view of everyone else present. He glanced to Yuri just to keep track of her location.

End Post
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue0/0Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 8:52 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri chuckled softly at that and flashes an amused smile. "I'm sure plenty of people would agree with you there." She noted simply as the pair of them moved on. Pleased that he didn't go trying to assert something on her. She always hated it when people gave her those sorts of weird looks. It was disgusting.

All the same, as the Officer gave a smile and a nod at J's introduction, Yuri gave a light gesture and a polite little bow. "Seventh Seated Officer of Sixth Division, Aiban." She introduced herself.

"Ah, a pleasure to meet you both! We'll be having the briefing in the office. Just through here." He explained, leading them into a large area, several desks were sprinkled throughout the room. And at the very front of the room, along with several other officers, there was a large map, one outlining this section of the Rukongai. And one individual in particular stood out. A tall woman with tan skin and striking platinum blonde hair. She gave a passing look to the new arrivals.

"Welcome. You must be the members of Sixth Division. Pleasure to have you aboard. We'll have to deal with the introductions later. Everyone, Mouths shut and caps up. Briefing is about to begin." she noted sharply, starting to slip off to the side to speak with another officer as the others settled to their spots. Yuri naturally made her way to the center of the room. If J was going to be far back, she'd make sure to get a good seat to make note of the details. Plus she didn't imagine he was the type who would ask questions. That would be her job it seemed.

All the same, it wasn't long before the briefing started.

"Alright everyone listen up. This request comes directly from the Area Fifty Five South Forward Station. Fifty Five South has been having a lot of issues as is being a station so far out. But things have been escalating as of late." She noted firmly, promptly gesturing to the map, outlying the location of the station a whole two areas further than their own.

"Fifty Five South has been having significant trouble with a number of incidents and even assaults on officers over the past two weeks. This has escalated as of Fourteen hours ago. During an exchange, an explosive detonated and resulted in the severe injury of two Rukongai Officers. One of which is still in critical condition. The suspects in question belonged to a gang called Sōja. 草蛇. In the past month, they have been purportedly reaching out into distant districts to hire muscle. This is the first time they have employed explosives in their little tactics. In the last Seven hours we've identified a potential hideout." She pointed out, gesturing to a fringe area, a section of the region that had a small forest and some rocky areas. A picture was pinned to the map, showing the mouth of a cave.

"The Raid will be occurring in One Hour. Members of Sixth Division, you'll be tasked as the Vanguard. Clear a path so that our officers can make a thorough sweep of the area. After the explosion, we have reason to believe more explosives may be stored at the hideout. So be on the lookout for any suspicious containers, or anything that seems out of the ordinary. Questions?"
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:15 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

J examined the room, mainly the map. He took note of streets, alleys, and buildings, doing his best to memorize what he could. The blonde woman welcomed them, and so he gave a polite nod in return before she started talking with someone. He listened to what little he could take in around him. There were a couple small, casual conversations, but nothing important, so he continued his memorizing the map. This was the closest he would get to understanding his surroundings. While he had been to the Rukongai before, this specific district wasn't his usual spot.

The information provided was intriguing. Assaults on officers, an explosion, hiring out to other districts? How far did reach of this "Sōja" extend? He knew someone that he could talk to about this, depending on how far this got. J doubted Sōja only had this one hideout, but that would depend on their overall goal.

The initial briefing came to an end and questions were asked for. A couple of officers spoke up, asking for information to be repeated, or commenting on the "need" for the Gotei. Ignoring the snide comments, J spoke up from the back. "Have your men been able to collect any information on this groups end game?" He went silent, letting the question be answered, then immediately asked another. "Any information about the funding of this group? How are they able to get their hands on explosive material?" He let that question be answered as well, listening intently to the answers given. "Final question, how far does the influence of Sōja reach? Just here and a couple of other districts, or are they reaching east and west?"

End Post
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue0/0Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:30 pm
The Officers certainly did have a few questions. But none in particular seemed to be questioning the gotei's involvement. This was a dangerous incident and they had almost lost two of their officers. IF nothing else, they seemed glad to have some muscle with them for this operation. All the same, the Head Officer gave a peer in J's direction as his questions came out.

"Money and territory. The same as any other Gang in the rukongai. This isn't one of your missions down on earth. We don't see a lot of big master plans around here. Just a lot of troublemakers who get a smart idea to start grouping up. This whole explosive nonsense is the first sign of brainwaves stronger than a light piss in a pond for years. For the time being, there is no sign of long term goals. Though any evidence of such a thing would certainly be a concern." She stated firmly.

"Funding's little to none. Most times they just come at us with raw brute force using hired muscle from the outter districts. Thugs that are cheap because what they really care about is the thrill of murder and carnage. As for these bombs? We've no idea. For all we know they could be shaking down someone for the resources, or digging them up themselves. The supplier is another point of interest in our raid. So if at all possible, capturing these guys alive would be preferred." She noted firmly, about to turn to someone else before pausing as J asked another question.

"So far as we know, their reach goes as far as Area Fifty Five and a few districts outward, possibly out to Area Sixty South. But that's not so much 'influence' as them digging into the slums now and then for muscle. So far as we know, most of their activity has been closer to home. They don't like the outter districts any more than we do."

Yuri raised a brow ever so slightly. Seemed she had underestimated the Noble's aggressiveness in questioning. Well, the guy seemed ambitious, from what she'd heard. She supposed it made sense he'd go taking the lead. That was fine by her, so long as the job got done, she wasn't going to get in the way of robocop over here. So she kept her thoughts and questions to herself for the time being.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:55 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

For a group to go from normal thug and gang behavior to blowing up buildings and reaching out for more muscle, there had to be something bigger in the works. Of course, that was if the initial explosion was indeed intentional. Blowing up a group of police was going to get the Gotei's attention. Doing that on purpose, especially in an area that would be very wary of the Gotei becoming involved, was on a new level of idiotic. After his questions were answered, J returned to silence.

Other officers finished out a few more questions and the briefing closed. J met Yuri out in the main room while people prepared. "It may be my over thinking because of the current situation in the Seireitei, but I am not convinced this is merely the usual gang disputes." J looked at Yuri, crossing his arms and leaning on a wall. He had an almost concerned expression in those hard eyes of his. "Be careful."

End Post
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue0/0Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:09 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] HEADER___gilgamesh_and_ishtar_fate_and_1_more_drawn_by_tarou2__sample-da521ab775d6e765ed0e2221a50f500b

Yuri certainly made note of the answers as the pair of them moved off to the side. She was looking throug the equipment available to the officers, curious about their spiked restraining poles they used. Certainly interesting compared to zanpaku'to. All the same, she turned as J approached her and gave his assessment of the situation. A little bit of a snort escaping her as she gave him a wry smile.

"You say that as if the two of us aren't the forward team and you're going to be like hree feet from me. I'll be sure to try and not get caught in your crossfire." She noted with a light chuckle. Dismissing his concern for the most part.

All the same, it wouldn't be long before it was time for the operation to begin. J had an opportunity to relax and wait for the mission. take a look at the map. Maybe even speak with a few of the officers. Or if he liked, he could just snoop about. Soon enough they'd be heading out for the hideout.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] Empty Re: Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri]

Fri Sep 08, 2023 10:32 pm
Is it worth all the Blood? [J, Yuri] J_PostingHeader1
Enter: J. Saionji

"Fair enough."

J unknowingly stared at Yuri while he fell into his own thoughts, his expression blank. Was "be careful" not the right thing to say? He could have said "stay alert," since that was more what he meant. For all they knew, this cave would have traps, but... never mind. He likely miscommunicated something or was not understanding the snort or smile. Sometimes lacking the understanding of social cues was frustrating. J moved on and stood in the corner until it was time to go. If anyone came up to him, he had no problem making conversation, though his answers were always short and to the point. He spoke like he was running out of words.

End Post
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