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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Wed Sep 20, 2023 7:37 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Pm8aIF2


The Rukongai is the perfect place for unsavory things. Today, it'll be used for someone to finally share his thoughts on something important to him. Something like this; someone wouldn't think it troublesome, but he knows better. This issue isn't important because it's some dirty little secret. No. It's a rather drastic, critical, and factual disruption to his day to day life.

Only one person alive has seen him revert. That's why Shiro had invited her out here. They're far from any living soul. He made sure of that. Maybe she's read through his records by now. She became a teacher, after all. And, she's also related to someone he's grown a bit close to.

However, Shiro didn't give off the air that he's waiting for someone. If anything, his relaxed position on a large rock made him seem entirely like the wandering souls that normally populate the outer districts. The only clue that he's more than that is the wooden sword he's kept under the palm of his hands, its length barely buried in the ground beneath him. Eyes glued on his own feet, there's no way someone like him could be thinking of anything wholesome.

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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Re: Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:03 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) HEADER_jhdsbhss7e867c6283f7f99d7c8be

To say Hisana hadn't thought about the day she'd met Shiro would just be a lie. For all of his attempts to obscure his actions, he'd had the misfortune of having her nearby when he'd undergone his ....change. Despite him having insisted that she stay behind, her own pesquisa had filled in the gaps that the bodies she'd seen when she'd finally met up with him again had left. She'd looked into the records surrounding Shiro. A ...surprisingly bloody past. At least by shinigami standards. In that way, perhaps it was some sort of twisted notion of fate that put her in such a position. That someone who had lived for so many years in a pit of similar violence would be the one to know about this side of Shiro ....resurfacing.

When she arrived, she paused when she noticed the training sword in his grasp, before glancing back up and offering a soft smile.

"It's been a while, Shiro. IS everything okay?" She asked softly, folding her hands infront of her as she waited for his response.
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Fri Sep 29, 2023 9:23 am
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Pm8aIF2


"You've seen the news," He murmured, keeping his head lowered, steady even breaths leaving his nostrils.

Nothing's alright, in a sense. Earth is a mess, the person who blew up the hospital is still at large, and the Divisions are on edge somewhat. At any moment, something could go wrong, but he's not someone who's reliable enough to be on the frontlines. They could throw everyone at the problem, but that'd only help in complicated and sullying the situation with incompetent people. All that's left for someone like him is to wait and pray.

It sucks, but that's life.

"But, in a sense, I guess I'm alive and well, so..."

Finally looking her way, she'd see the slight bags under his eyes, his hair nappier than usual; even if that's not too surprising. His carefree nature is still there, but there's a wryness to his gaze. It's discomforting to look for too long, like a dull knife trying to cut.

The world just sucks right now though, so it makes sense that he's a bit bummed. He'd just like to go back to not having to think about this stuff and go hang with Rukia or something, but she's a Captain now, and she has a lot on her plate with and without a bomb going off in her Division.

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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Re: Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:13 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) HEADER_jhdsbhss7e867c6283f7f99d7c8be

It didn't take her long to recognize that expression and posture. After all, it was something that haunted so many these days around her, and one she'd seen often in the past around humans. She took a step closer to the young man and reached up as she saw the fatigue in his eyes, and heard the tiredness in his voice. A weariness of the mind after such tribulation and stress. Not just of his own, but ....just as SHE had suffered, that of someone he cared about. Rukia wasn't in a good way, and she felt that deeply, even more that she wasn't equipped to help her. The only one who likely was was the man standing before her.

"You ARE alive. But if something is bothering you, it's alright to speak up. Well, other than what's been on the news." She sighed softly and closed her eyes, her shoulders slumping ever so slightly as her mind wandered. "You've probably heard yourself." She gestured down to herself. "I've joined the Seventh Division. With everything going on, I'm not comfortable simply idling nearby. I don't know how much I can do. But I still intend on doing everything I can." She noted softly, though in truth she wasn't sure how much that would be.

"Let's walk whil we talk. Have you had something to eat today?" She asked with a soft smile, hoping to at least save the atmosphere from becoming too dreary. If nothing else, perhaps a bit of food might help keep the young man's energy levels up. No need to be sleep deprived AND hungry.
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Fri Oct 06, 2023 7:42 am
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Pm8aIF2


"After going through the trouble of clearing this joint?"

He scoffed but rose from his seat. There's no attachment after all. Shiro didn't want anyone to interrupt their talk this time is all. If she'd rather be elsewhere, that's fine.

"Guessing you're leading the way. Looking to help someone, eh? Hope you're paying too."

How much does Hisana know about Shiro? Not much, yeah? He knows she became a teacher somehow, so that means she's privy to information most are ignorant of. However, that doesn't matter. Shiro let a small smile exorcise his cheeks before he promptly took Hisana's side.

His atmosphere isn't great still: a sag in his shoulders, a lack of personal care, yada yada. But, anything on his mind can wait until they're situated.

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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Re: Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Sat Nov 25, 2023 7:12 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) HEADER_jhdsbhss7e867c6283f7f99d7c8be

Hisana's brows perk a little and she glanced around the spot they'd settled and she gave a soft sigh and a smile. "I suppose we can stay here if you like..." she trailed off for a moment as he abstained from responding properly. Hmm. "We can find someplace close by." She noted softly, before leading the way around the corner. Thankfully it wasn't like they had to have a long walk. There was a Food stand not far from where they were, and Hisana was all too happy to pay the tab. She abstained from speaking, instead making sure that Shiro ordered himself something decent and filling. As well as something for herself of course. And with that bit of food, she'd lead them back to where they had initially met and found someplace to sit down. Any place would do.

Pausing before actually digging in, she'd wait, letting Shiro take a few bites. Get a good amount of food in before she finally spoke up again.

"I'm worried about you. You know. Not to mention my Sister." She noted softly. A bit of a change of subject, but she continued all the same. "I've seen the news. And I've been down there. And I've read the reports about the going ons. I've not heard much of anything from either of you." She noted softly, lowering her head and trailing off. "It's hard for me to be able to help if I don't know what you're both thinking. I Know Rukia is probably thinking a lot .....about a lot of things. But I'm also worried about whats going on with you as well." She pointed out. Taking a few small bites of her food before swallowing.

"I.... DO care about what's going on with you. you know that, right?" She looked up, hoping to meet his eyes. "You can talk to me about these things."
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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Re: Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Sun Dec 03, 2023 5:17 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Pm8aIF2


"I know you're an Arrancar and all, and seeing you as Rukia's sister is probably somehow wrong... It's just weird to imagine though, right? The idea that someone could die and come back to life as something or someone else."

They had went through the formalities and whatnot of acquiring food and all that business. Shiro wasn't talkative during any of it until they returned to their seats though. His head is full of a lot of stuff, but most of it is just introspection about what's going on around him. He just felt the need of pointing out the situation with her real quick as an opener.

"But, that doesn't really matter to me at least. I just wonder how Rukia feels about it at times. Her sister and old friend both Arrancar. But, that's just me wondering how I could help you two get along, ya know? I don't really know if you two are getting along. I know what Rukia's going through, but as a guy who's been through Hell and back, I feel like I'm strangely unequipped to help her."

He ate as he talked, sometimes chewing through his words and taking a bit to gulp. Food became easier to scarf down when you're trying to get your thoughts out in a way that makes sense.

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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Re: Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:13 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) HEADER_jhdsbhss7e867c6283f7f99d7c8be

Hisana paused. Stopping in her tracks as she turned to look at Shiro, and remained silent as she came to realize what this was about. The process of obtaining food was it's own song and dance, but once that was out of the way, she ....considered what Shirou had said. "Shirou..... " She took a moment to sigh and close her eyes as she .... considered the topic. "For a normal human, maybe once upon a time it was. Perhaps even for most souls. For a Shinigami, or anyone educated in how things work, I imagine the ...concept is not irregular. But in practice, I suppose it must feel very strange to see it happen." She conceded softly, picking at her own food as she considered his question.

"It's something that humans, have had to come to terms with in the last hundred years. They've come to learn about the spiritual world. I suppose these days, a Child on earth knows very well that when someone dies, even if they pass on peacefully, that they become something else. Their memories of their life fade, and in most instances, they may as well be a new person. But it's still not quite the same to see it in practice." She noted softly. How very many memories she had collected were of that very sentiment.

"I admit, I've had that very same question on my mind Shirou. But well. Even someone like me who is ..intimately familiar with the process isn't very well equipped to handle trying to talk about it." She confessed. "In truth. It's not simply that we've changed. The issue is that we might not have. Kurosaki Ichigo throug his death and hollowfication, is feasibly an entirely separate individual. But, that doesn't mean that the Ichigo she knew isn't still there." Her mind drifted back to the look on Lord Kuchiki's face when he'd first seen her.

"It's complicated. But at the same time, simple. I think that you shouldn't worry about having to understand the details if you want to help Rukia. Help can be something as simple as being there and having lunch with someone while they're having a rough time, and helping them get their mind off something, or think through what has already been bothering them." She paused and gave a rueful little smile. "Though....I suppose that sounds a little dismissive and Cliche doesn't it?" She conceded quietly, setting down her utensil and sighing quietly, lowering her head into her palm and gently rubbing at her brow.

"I admit I don't feel very equipped to help her either. I ...wonder if maybe I make it worse for her."
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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Re: Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Sat Jan 06, 2024 3:11 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Pm8aIF2


"We're past worse," Shiro muttered, shaking his head.

"I'm no hero, nor can I pretend to be one. I'm used to ending lives, not sending them in a circle, if that circle's even any good. If it wasn't around, we'd all just be dead and none of this would even be an issue."

Morbid, but he's in that kind of mood. However, knowing the implications of his words, his eyes wavered away. Hisana is right, in a way. He should focus more on giving Rukia relief from her worries, but she's a Captain. No matter what, she has to face this crap everyday until it's resolved. Any bit of respite feels useless to him. He, himself, sometimes hate remembering the happier times because it makes the bad times worse.

"But, I guess we can't do any worse, huh? Things are already rock bottom in term of vibes."

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Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) Empty Re: Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana)

Sat Jan 06, 2024 3:39 pm
Memories Etched in Ash (Shiro/Hisana) HEADER_jhdsbhss7e867c6283f7f99d7c8be

She neglected to point out that it could, in fact, get tremendously worse, but perhaps more relevently, she had faith that perhaps with Rukia... that may very well be the case. Shiro had a point, that at this juncture, there wasn't too much they could do to make it worse without actively messing things up. She had done her best to try and sidle into the issue indirectly, to try and be there for her sister. But perhaps indirect was not the way to do it. And a soft smile formed on her lips, as some small part of her imagined that this was exactly the sort of thing about Shiro that Rukia liked. How very plain and direct he was.

"I think you might be right about that Shiro. I imagine that at this point, The Vibes can only go up. I'll have to see about talking to her about things. So, what should we do? I admit, Hueco Mundo has not done much to ... build up my skills when it comes to trying to help people with emotional stress." She conceded with a nervous smile. Even though it sounded like Shiro had just as little experience. Perhaps a team effort was in order? Hmm.
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