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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 8:53 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] HEADER_sample-31d0ff07bab7302ecbc84fcd69c9f1fc

Cmon Natasha answer.

Ehefra took slow, steady breaths to try and calm herself as she knocked firmly on Natasha's front door. Her eyes closed, drowning out her own pounding heart as she paced impatiently back and forth across the front door. Waiting for Natasha to respond to her. One hand gently clenched over her brow as she fought to keep herself calm.

Just stay calm. Nat will be able to help. It's fine. Its fine.

The thoughts poured through her thoughts. And over and over she assured herself it'd be okay. Ignoring the roaring denial that bared it's teeth and hissed through her head.

Candice. Ira. Liltotto. Mom.

A soft HISS escaped her throat as she clamped her hand into the railing beside her, and her nails bit through the material, crunching through the wood as she struggled to keep her cool. Her eyes misting.

"Please... Nat please be here...."
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 9:30 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] GErtDg6


Since she was allowed to return back and forth between her home and the hospital for routine check-ups, Natasha was finally beginning to adapt to living in her household again. She didn't find the hospital particularly unbearable, but there was something decidedly better about being able to enjoy your own bed and food that a hospital would never match. Outfitted in a long and loose-fitting white t-shirt and black boxer briefs, the type of wear reserved for a woman ready to unwind, Natasha opened the door, curious hazels gazing forward to see...


Though far from an unexpected face at her door, her observant gaze quickly picked up on how... tense the energy around the woman felt. The pacing, the misty look in her eye, the glum expression... all of it reeked of a bad mood of some kind. Naturally, as a friend, she had no issue with getting to the bottom of it. Presenting an opening to the door, Natasha waved for her to come in. Whatever it was bothering her, it appeared that it might of been something of no small note.

"Come on in, sweetheart. Somethin' on yer mind?"

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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Mon Sep 25, 2023 11:08 pm
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That voice briefly snapped her from that spiraling trance, and her eyes widened as they snapped to the blonde, and a look of relief cracked across Ehefra's expression, and immediate sense of relief in her eyes. "Natasha. Thank fuck," She chuckled, promptly stepping inside as she was ushered in and pulling the woman into a firm hug, a slow, steady breath escaping her as she then peeled back and chuckled, at first a light little thing, but it wasn't long until that shaky laughter took over and she just....stared at the woman.

"You ... you won't believe the ...fucking week I've had." She giggled, the absurdity of it all slowly dawning on her now that Natasha was finally infront of her.

What should she even tell her?

All at once, everything that she'd wanted to speak up about died on her lips. What, was she gonna just..tell her? Tell her the fucked up shit she'd been doing? That she suddenly got cold feet with Candice? That she'd had jealousy burning through her like wildfire?

"I..." She paused, her voice catching in her throat as she so very suddenly became conscious of how the story made her seem. And she couldn't help the slow creep of fear in her head. "I don't ...I don't know what to do." She noted quietly, the immediate problem came to the surface. But there was so much more than that. How could she sort out all the shit that was going on in her head?

"It feels like everything's coming apart." She croaked softly, covering her eyes with a hand, her shoulders hunching as her thoughts wandered to her most recent professional endeavor. But HAD it been professional? Wasn't she hoping for a repeat? That this newest subject might turn out like the last? And as these thoughts ran a little rampant, her breathing sped back up just a little, and she started pacing once again. She used to be able to calm herself down. actually, Candice was the one who did that.
Who USED to do that.
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 2:05 am
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] GErtDg6


"Judgin' by the looks of that glum expression yer wearin', I can't imagine it was anything nice."

Extending a hand forward to ruffle the woman's hair during the tight embrace, Natasha welcomed the woman into her home as a soft chortle danced from her mouth. There was no small shortage of curiosity occupying her thoughts as Ehefera entered her home and gazed directly at her for a few moments. Tilting her head to indicate her curiosity, Natasha stood there with a hand at her hip. What is it that had her so tense? Reflecting on the possibilities were of no particular use here.

They had only recently solidified their bond as friends, and Natasha had a nonexistent glimpse into her personal life outside of whatever she was willing to divulge. But then, Ehefera paused, and expressed troubled words. I don't know what to do. It feels like everything's falling apart. Maintaining her poise, Natasha stepped forward to rest her hand on the woman's shoulder to keep her in one place, hazel eyes holding eye-contact with her own.

"Deep breathes, Heff. Breathe in. Breathe out. I hardly know a lick of what's goin' on, but I'm pretty sure you can talk about it with me. I won't judge ya. Want something to eat first? A drink maybe? I can order a pizza and we can sit down and talk about whatever's botherin' ya. How about it, hun?"

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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 9:50 am
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She clenched her teeth at the sound of that little chuckle, and pain stung her head as she fought back the frustration. The hand on her shoulder didn't make her relax like she'd hoped it would, and as those words came out, soft and gentle, to Ehefra they only muddied her thoughts, as she struggled to keep everything together. Tried not to spiral with everything that was going on. The attack on the city. The situation in Africa. Everyone being so goddamn stressed. The people she had been close with. And all the ones that no longer were. Even NAtasha felt distant now, and as those words attempted to calm her down, the noise in her head boiled and she spun on NAtasha, her voice cutting through that soft tone on Nat's lips.

"I'M FUCKING TRYING!" She shouted at the woman, a sudden, wild look in her eyes as that anger burned it's way to the surface and she glared at the stupid hick for just that fraction of a second.

Only to feel the regret come crashing back in, and she clutched at her head. That anger refusing to subside as her breathing quickened just a little. "I...I'm sorry just... I CAN'T just breathe!" She hissed out, trying her best to follow that advice, slow breaths in, slow breaths out, rubbing at her face as she fought back that anger. "I...I didn't mean to yell, I just... I need to I can't even...start. It's all fucked up Nat. I can't take it anymore." She struggled, KNOWING she wasn't making any sense. Where did she even start?

"I don't....need anything to drink, or anything to eat. I just... I don't know what I need." She sobbed, and she felt disgust twisting through her chest. KNowing that Natasha was probably not ready for this. Didn't NEED this. Why was it always her? why did she always have to roll in and ruin this woman's evenings? What was she even doing here? Walking in here and cutting herself open, bleeding all over this woman's good day? And she didn't even have the decency to be coherent. "I'm fucking everything up. I ...I thought I was okay, Nat. I really did. I wanna be okay, I HAVE to be okay, because everyone's fucking depending on me. VASTIME, is fucking...depending on all of us. I can't just be like this." She shook her head, as the pressure of her duty bore down on her all the more. Was this a bad idea?

Should she have even come here?

What if Natasha reported this?
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 5:50 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] GErtDg6


The sudden outburst coupled with the jerking motion took Natasha for a momentary loop, hazel eyes regarding the woman with a gaze that, while still relatively poised, appeared more dumbfounded in reality. Natasha wholeheartedly knew this was more dire than she may have expected. She wasn't particularly offended by the outburst, of course, but it was so unlike her to react like that. Natasha fancied herself a strong enough woman by now to endure this stuff. Enduring someone at their worst was part of what true friendship was... to some extent, at least. She supposed that only held true if they were willing to move past their issues and recover. Rubbing the back of her head again, Natasha simply waved a hand as she maintained a caring smile.

"No, it's fine. Yer goin' through somethin' heavy right now. I get it."

Pizza and drinking were off the menu, then. This hardly appeared to be anything that could be solved with good food and refreshments. It was the first option, but it wasn't the only one. The best option was to listen, but she provided nothing. The only thing that exited this young woman's lips was panicked breathing. Without any knowledge of her daily life, Natasha was left with no other option than listening. Through her sobbing voice, Ehefera started to finally relay some clues as to what was bothering her.

It wasn't a fun sight to see her breaking down like this, but she wanted to make sure she had acquired all the information necessary. Slowly, carefully, she drew her body forward to welcome the woman into a warm embrace as she softly patted at her hair. Was she stressed by her job? By the events in Africa? The injured soldiers? She supposed any of that would lead to a panic attack based on her current position of leadership with the Steingruft.

For a woman as young as her, Natasha could only imagine how hard this really was. And so she held her there tightly to try and bring some form of peace of mind. Was it enough for her to report anything? Hell no. She was an emotional mess a year or so back, and she'd be one hell of a hypocrite pulling a stunt like that. If anything, she genuinely believed she could get to the bottom of this through her own methods rather than seeking anyone else.

"While it is certainly ideal to approach yer duty with a cognizant mind, I reckon you ain't doin' anybody any favors by lettin' this eat you up. I know what I'm about to say sounds wild, but... keeping it in isn't going to help you... or anyone else. I'm here for ya, remember? I can't imagine it's been easy for you, and I... can't exactly promise I have the right words, but I'm here. And it's okay to break down around me."

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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:04 pm
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the feeling of Natasha pulling her in made her wince, almost going so far as to shove the woman away from herself as she was pulled in, and that soft, motherly voice tried to calm her down. "Nat I ...I don't know. It's just all too fucking much." She sniffled softly, shaking her head. "Why is it always happening? Why am I like this? Why am I fucking...busted up?" She shook her head and clutched at her head, fingers dug into her hair as she shook her head slowly.

"I shouldn't be like this. I'm ....I'm strong...I'm SMART.... I'm TALENTED.... what the FUCK do I have to be upset about?!" She was raising her voice now, panting a bit as her spiritual pressure rose just a little, as that anger slowly bled in. She wanted to kill something. To just find some hollows to rip to pieces. [color=steelblue]"She shook her head and burief her face into her hands. In other times, she would have crumpled, and immediately leaned into Natasha's embrace. But she didn't this time. She remained tense and defensive, even now, she hated this. Detesting that her first instinct had been to run to Natasha.

"Can we sit on the couch?" She asked softly.

She didn't have it in her to wrestle the words out of her own throat. Even with everything they'd been through. She couldn't open up about this. She couldn't vent this time. She just .... needed not to be alone.
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 12:49 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] GErtDg6


There was no immediate follow-up in response to Ehefera's words as she held her there. Truth be told, she wondered if there was much of a response she had that could help mend this woman's current mood to begin with. Internally, mild annoyance had threatened to set in since she felt nowhere close to a solution, but she didn't humor it at the moment. It just made things difficult. All she really could do was bet on her ability to ease her spirits with heartfelt words... but could she really assist her the way she was now?

It was difficult to manage someone who was essentially pushing her away at every turn on the communication front. Furrowing her eyebrows softly, Natasha thought about her next words, finding nothing but blanks concerning reassuring speech. The nurturing act was her go-to option, but that wasn't producing anything but an agitated young woman in her household. Maybe she was the one who would need the pizza and drink after all this...

Pulling her arms away momentarily, a hand still rested on the Ehefera's shoulder, Natasha cast her gaze toward the closest couch. She was still fighting off the part that was bothered by the woman's inability to vent, but after offering a playful shrug, Natasha nodded her head as she walked over to sit on the couch with her legs crossed. Motioning for her to come sit beside her, she hoped this would bear fruit to at least a moderate degree. She was worried, even if her expression displayed the opposite. This side of Ehefera was admittedly... troublesome. But there was still hope she could attempt to fix this.

"Sure. If it'll help, we can sit down together if you need a few. It ain't easy seein' you go through it like this, but I'll only press the issue as far as yer willin' to let me."

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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 1:34 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] HEADER_sample-31d0ff07bab7302ecbc84fcd69c9f1fc

She could only imagine how pissed Natasha was. That even after all this time, Ehefra still came running to her with all of her problems. But it was all just so exhausting. And as Natasha led her over to the couch, she sat herself down and gently pulled her legs up to her chest, hugging her knees and burying her face against them. "I know.........I'm sorry Nat." Her words were barely a whisper as she muttered them, a sigh slowly escaping her as her eyes slowly drifted to a shut.

For just a little bit. She just....sat there. Thankful for Natasha's presence. Glad that there was .... someone that she could be around like this. Even if she was sure that it was ruining Natasha's day.

"It's not official..... but .... I think I have to break up with my girlfriend......that I'm not really dating....... who has another girlfriend." She confessed tiredly. Yea. Yea no matter how much she'd tried to think of how to spin it. It really was just awful.

"I suck....."
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:14 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] GErtDg6


Hearing her tired confession, Natasha turned to the woman, turned her eyes to the ceiling, and then her gaze traveled back to Ehefera all within the space of a few seconds. It was far from what she expected to hear, certainly. The stress of work was one thing, but this was a particular beast of a revelation was something she couldn't relate to in the slightest. Somewhere under her lips, she hid a soft snicker that turned into a small chuckle as she leaned against the couch.

"Christ... I reckon that wasn't the first thing I expected to hear come out of yer mouth, heff. It ain't my business to judge ya for it, but... it sure is somethin'. Can't say I relate, but... I got a question. How did bein' involved in somethin' like that make ya feel? I'm no relationship expert, but I feel like happiness has to apply in some shape or form... and darling, I can clearly tell that isn't the case here."

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