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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Wed Sep 27, 2023 2:53 pm
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She couldn't help but chuckle just a little at Natasha's reaction. It was pretty ridiculous wasn't it? A sigh escaped her and she closed her eyes, laying her head back and taking a slow, steady breath. "I didn't exactly know at first. She was just.... some woman who showed up. I honestly kinda hated her at first. But well. It was fun. Then later on, it turned out she was dating someone. Someone I KNEW. " She closed her eyes and rested her forehead against her knees.

"But .... she seemed to care about me. It wasn't know. Whatever. Sex. When I was hurt.... she showed up to look after me. After Miami... she was worried about me. She stuck by my side, and helped me..." She took a slow, steady breath. "When I was having nightmarews about what happened in miami. About.... My Mom dying. She was there. Helping me sleep. She was there for me all the time. And even though ....I didn't know if I could commit.... because I didn't want to .... trap myself. She still didn't mind. She stuck by me. That's....that's what love is right?" She noted softly, closing her eyes and hunching her shoulders.

"She wanted me to meet her girlfriend. And her girlfriend was.... really nice. She seemed just as sweet and caring. But the moment I saw them together. Being.......Couply." She clenched her fists and shut her eyes. "It felt like someone was stabbing me in the chest." The fatigue doubled in the tone of her voice, and she hugged her knees even tighter, hiding the tears welling in her face.

"So this is what has to happen. After.......after everything she's done for me. I can't make her choose. And I can't stand to ..... stay like this."
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Thu Sep 28, 2023 2:24 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


For a moment, Natasha reflected on the woman's words. Ehefera had gone through troubling times in her absence. The near-death battle in Miami had truly left a long-lasting impact on the woman, perhaps even more than Natasha could imagine. A modicum of guilt certainly threatened to settle in; it wasn't easy to hear about what she endured, after all. At the very least, she thought, she was here now and making amends for that poor display of friendship months ago. This mystery woman seemed to be a crutch for her to lean on in her difficult days, someone to be there for her and watch over her.

From her perspective, she clearly meant a lot to her. The pain in her voice and expression seemed to tell her that much, at least. But now... she was at an impasse. She couldn't tell her to break up with the woman, but she was too jealous to bear seeing them enjoying their right as couples. Natasha sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. What advice was there for something like this? Was she the third wheel? Did they want to humor the thought of loving Ehefera together? It was a myriad of some of the most confusing stuff she'd ever heard in a while.

"It is pretty unreasonable to make them compromise on actin' lovey-dovey with each other, I reckon. First come, first serve, and all that jazz. Question is... is that what really has to happen? Does she feel the same way, too? Has she ever told you she loves you? Have you ever told her that you love her? Genuinely? Beyond all the times you've shared, have either of you expressed these sentiments openly?"

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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 4:37 pm
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Ehefra shook her head, a sigh escaping her. "I......I've told her time and time again.... that this isn't me. I've never asked anyone to ... BE with me. I'm all fucked up. You know that. Even this shit aside, I'm.....there's still so much going on with me. I told Ira that I didn't want anything definite. I never went there with you. And I tried to tell Candice the same. But ...." She sighed and reached up to rub her tired eyes.

"She's said she wants to be with me. That she wants to be there for me. She HAS been there for me. Despite all I've tried to warn her about. And now here we are." She shook her head, and felt a twist of guilt. Because Candice had done so much for her. And now she was bowing out.

"I should have never let it get this far...I was weak. I was hurt... and....." She rubbed her eyes, remembering those endless nightmares. Waking up every damn night in a cold sweat. And finally getting a reprieve, having someone there so that she had at least some reprieve. She sighed. "The best thing I can do is cut this off now. I can't give her what she wants. And .....just....seeing them...I already know I'm just going to hurt her even more, and myself." She muttered quietly, sighing as she did so. All of this gave her such a headache.

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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:25 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


Natasha supposed she could relate to avoiding committed relationships. There had never been any intention to explore anything serious with Ehefera, either, much less anybody else. Observing Ehefera as she was now, Natasha wondered if she was justified in maintaining her stance regarding true intimacy.

Did she believe she would be reacting like this? It was a mystery, certainly, though far from one she was prepared to explore anytime soon. For now, she was content with making some degree of effort toward easing her friend's agonized mood.

Such efforts were proving less than fruitful, she reckoned, but there wasn't much advice one could offer for an odd situation like this. Lots of questions, certainly. Lots of answers? Hardly. It was the equivalent of trying to force a desert to produce an abundance of water. Despite the difficulty, she nevertheless offered advice. A point of view, perhaps, of how she would operate in a difficult time like this.

"Persistent type, eh? Those are a hassle to deal with, sweetheart. Reckon there ain't much helpful advice I can offer there, either, but if that's what feels like it'll bring you peace of mind, I won't stop ya. Guess my only other question is.... will that make you happy? Based on all that time you two spent, I can't imagine that'll be a pleasant ending, ya know. It'd be easy if this was early in, but you two seem to have shared a lot of intimate moments. At the same time, if ya want some brutal honesty, I can't imagine it'll end well for you, either. You can't bear the sight of those two, you never truly wanted to commit in the first place, and now yer sufferin' from it all as a result on top of the stress of work and duty to the Vandenreich. How is this Candice gal's capacity for understanding, anywho? She a receptive gal to breakups?"

Natasha crossed her arms as she slumped against the couch, stretching her legs out to relax despite the tense atmosphere. This really was out of her ballpark. Guess three's a crowd really did hold true, huh? How would the woman react if she cut it all off? That's the part that worried her the most. No one who spent that much time would simply accept those results. No matter how one flipped it, the likelihood of it ending ugly was a definite possibility.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:31 am; edited 2 times in total
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:59 pm
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Ehefra took a slow, steady breath and closed her eyes as she slowly reached up, and dragged her fingers down her face as she took a moment to calm herself. "I fucking .... know. It's not gonna be pretty. Candice probably already is fucking beside herself because I walked out. But I don't fucking know what to do goddammit." She murmured tiredly.

"she will get mad. She'll be hurt. But I already accept that. And like I said. If I just let this shit continue, it's only gonna be worse in the long run. This is a shit decision, but it's not going to get any less shit by just playing along, and I know I'm not going to be able to go through this. Just...them being all...fucking...huggy was enough ot make me want to rip that bitch Gewelle's spine out of her fucking carcass." She hissed, that low growl between her teeth escaped her before she sighed and planted her face into her palm, and felt the sting of tears starting to well up, hearing her own damn words.

"I hate this...... I wish I was different. I wish I could make this work. I wish I didn't have to kick her in the fucking heart and step on everything she's done for me......." She sniffled quietly. There was nothing she wanted more than to just....ignore all of this. To just keep pretending things were like they were before. Pretend Giselle didn't even exist. Just...... be with Candice like they had been.

But she was far too smart to think that shit would work. And she knew herself too well. Especially not with where she was right now. She had barely been able to keep herself under control with Natasha, she was barely hanging on as it were, there was simply no way she would be able to roll with Giselle being in the picture.
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 6:24 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


Natasha maintained her comfy little position on the couch until, for the second time this evening, she was forced to do a double-take on what was freely flowing out of Ehefera's mouth. Gewelle... Gewelle... Giselle? What in tarnation? No, really, what the hell? Those hazel eyes traveled back to that woman, dumbfounded, her mouth agape as she raised an eyebrow in surprise. She had mentioned that she knew the woman this Candice lady was with, but Giselle? Christ, what the hell was this woman's dating life like?

Even worse, she didn't exactly know how to reply to the violent shit that Ehefera said about her just now. Yeah. No doubt about it, she was definitely going to be indulging in some late-night pizza and alcohol after this woman left. There was no other way around wrapping her head around these revelations. The thruple was one thing, but the fact that it involved both of the women that she knew?

That sunk her mind like a battleship. Chuckling sheepishly, Natasha rubbed the back of her head as she offered what could only be described as an awkward whistle in response to all of this. She felt for her friend, certainly, but this really was a mess. A mess she was fortunate not to walk into, but a mess nevertheless. Part of her really didn't want to believe it, but there weren't exactly thousands of women roaming the planet with the name Gewelle, especially not any currently aligned with the Vandenreich.

"Giselle, huh? Holy shit. Guess that's another thing I didn't expect to hear tonight. Normally, I really would suggest the drinks, because heaven knows I need one now, but let me think of some proper advice first. I... uh... can't really comment on yer feelings about Giselle nor am I gonna go poking the bear that wants to rip her spine out, but I will say this; when the goin' gets tough, ya just gotta know when to fold em'. I wish there was a scenario I could envision where you two walk away on the winning side of all this, but I can't see it. And your mind appears to be made up about it, too. For everybody's sake, it's probably better to cut yer losses before you all end up miserable."


Last edited by Iori on Sat Sep 30, 2023 8:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha]

Sat Sep 30, 2023 6:44 pm
One Last Dance, Goodbye [Ehefra, Natasha] - Page 2 HEADER_sample-31d0ff07bab7302ecbc84fcd69c9f1fc

She couldn't help it.

Hearing Natasha's reaction to ....the mess that was going on in her life? She coulnd't help but chuckle a little herself, even with tears still misting her eyes, it was all so fucking...absurd. That things would wind up this way. That the woman that cared so much for her, that had helped her so much. Would wind up bending her into this fucking situation.

That of all people, she'd find herselfg sitting with Natasha, talking about Candice and Giselle. Two people who she'd have never even dreamed would have even KNOWN eachother, let alone dated. A sigh escaped her and she sniffled as she wiped her eyes. And in a lot of ways.... she was happy to hear that from NAtasha. Because a part of her did wonder, and doubt. If she was insane. If there was some obvious answer, that maybe she was just being stubborn.

But hearing the woman agree with her decision... made her feel a bit better about it, and she sighed as she rubbed her eyes.

"Hey, I hear you. If you want to drink, that's fine by me. I....I'll pass on that. I'm not a great drunk to be around, and the last thing we need is me pouncing you in a state like this. But hell, I'm not gonna balme you if you need something to drink." She sighed, rubbing her eyes and shaking her head slowly.

And for just a moment, she turned and looked at Natasha. Her eyes briefly shifting to that damn blonde hair, before she looked to the woman themselves. Some small part of her still didn't trust her. She didn't know if she'd ever get over that. But she was, if nothing else, glad that she knew the woman. That she had SOMEONE to ...vent all of this out to.

"Thanks for listening Nat."
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