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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Mon Oct 02, 2023 2:54 pm

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For at least a little while now Shura had kept to herself, recent events had colored her perception of things within Soul Society in a different light than before. So in an effort to reconsider her position she had effectively isolated herself, keeping quiet and mostly to herself as to avoid arousing the ire of others. It had... mostly worked, or at the very least helped to keep her away from others.

However such things couldn't be kept up forever, disregarding her place within the 4th she was already going just a bit stir crazy sitting around all the time. However she wasn't sure she could trust herself in the training yard for various reasons, and rather than risk another... incident, Shura instead decided to take a walk and put herself almost anywhere else than the Fourth. Where she would go wasn't really that big of a concern for her, truthfully speaking aimless wandering seemed as good an option as heading somewhere with purpose.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Mon Oct 02, 2023 3:58 pm
Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Sore, sore, sore… Everything was sore. Hana’s recent training had become much more intense, especially when adding Kimitsuki into the schedule. No one she trained with went easy on her, even if they were more kind. Hana figured it was a good thing, since past events had shined a light on a few of her weaknesses.

Luckily, Hana had today completely off. There was no training session and no patrols. It felt like weeks since she had a real break to do what she wanted. On the unlucky side of things, Hana did not know what to do. Her life being wrapped in training and fighting made her feel a little antsy, and everyone else was busy!

As Hana wandered the Seireitei, she found herself falling into old habits. Walking along, she kept looking up at the sky and day dreaming. Her imagination conjured images from her favorite books and stories, but with her as the main character. It was silly, and it prevented her from paying attention to her surroundings.

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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:33 pm

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To say she was distracted would be something of an understatement in truth, with eyes closed and hands in her pocket it could only mean one thing; that Shura was lost in thought. She'd been given enough to ruminate on, and ruminating wasn't something she was particularly good at truth be told. With this combined with her lack of particular direction with where she was headed, made for rather poor perception of what was going on around her.

So it came to pass that due to her aimless wanderings and lack of attention paid to her surroundings, she found herself knocking into another. She found herself stumbling a bit with her eyes opened and one hand pulled from its pocket in an attempt to grab onto something nearby, though it wasn't needed as she quickly caught her balance. "S-Sorry..." Was all she said when she saw who it was she bumped into, giving a slight bow before placing her hand back into her pocket and turning to keep at her aimless wandering.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:59 pm
Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was finally pulled from her thoughts when something strong bumped into her. She did not expect it, or have warning, so the petite woman ended up on the ground pretty easily. She looked up to see a woman she thought she might recognize, but could not place it. She got a quick apology, but then nothing else? Really? Were Shinigami just raised to be inconsiderate? This was getting ridiculous!

"Excuse you!" Hana shouted after the woman as she stood back up and used her hands to dust her shihakusho off. "Learn some manners! You do not knock someone to the floor and walk away like that! Were you raised in a barn?"

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Kanji Man
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:09 pm

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She should expect this kind of reaction to be truthful, and perhaps part of her did because she didn't respond though she did look back over her shoulder. "Huh? Oh... Something like that I suppose. Apologies, I've been... lost in thought the past couple of days." Her delivery was admittedly rather monotone, though that wasn't to say it was absent of genuineness. "Are you hurt? I..." She paused for a moment, reconsidering quite quickly her words for a moment as she thought about what the implications would've been.

"If you are I can help get you to the second division." Even if she'd followed through with it, it wouldn't be like she'd remain for long or make any attempt at identifying herself admittedly... she already had enough on her plate without being seen as someone who'd just... hurt someone because they existed.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 3:37 pm
Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

That was an interesting tone to for someone to respond in. Hana expected something much more crass. Admittedly, she felt slightly guilty snapping at her without understanding her circumstance. Besides, Hana was also lost in her thoughts (daydreaming), so the fault of their collision was also with her.

"No, I am not hurt, so no need for a trip to the Second," Hana said, giving off a small smile. "Please, forgive me for lashing out and for also being so forward as to ask... Are you all right? I do not mean to be rude, but you appear... upset." This was Hana's much kinder way of telling someone that they looked like hell.

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Kanji Man
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 5:10 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - here

She was admittedly somewhat relieved that the girl wasn't hurt, as it meant she wouldn't need to interrupt her rather aimless wanderings to go to a specific spot. There was something about simply wandering that felt... comforting at the present moment, though she couldn't exactly put her finger on the why or what that made it feel so.

Shura waved her hand dismissively as the girl apologized "Eh, no need to apologize, though your worry is ill founded, I'm not so much upset as I am... contemplative I guess would probably be the most apt word. Just a lot on my mind recently, most of which I'd rather forget truth be told." Again though her voice came off initially as monotone, it wasn't entirely and still held an air of emotion though which was hard to tell.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 5:25 pm
Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana may not have been some genius, but she wasn’t a moron. No one spoke like a robot without a reason. This woman wasn’t the most convincing, but she did not know her, so prying would likely just make things uncomfortable. Hana still raised an eyebrow though, specifically at the dismissive behavior.

"Those who try to forget their problems are the ones who never learn from them," Hana said. She heard the line out of some book or something.

"My name is Hana Aoyama," she bowed politely. "And yours?"

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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:02 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - here

Shura chuckled slightly at the first statement "Shura. Even if I made an earnest attempt at forgetting them, I am more than certain it'd be impossible, even if personally had such capabilities, there are those I know who wouldn't let me forget them, no matter how hard I tried." Truth be told she was certain of this fact at the very least.

Her fellows within the Gotei alone would be sure to remind her that much was a fact, and even outside those the one largest looming thought would ever be on her mind unfortunately... though none needed to know of that particular detail, or at least that was how Shura saw things anyway.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Empty Re: Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura]

Tue Oct 03, 2023 6:12 pm
Aimless Thoughts [Hana/Shura] Hana_PostingHeader20
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The chuckle was a decent sign of life in Shura. Good. Hana’s smile grew a little as she walked up to the woman to a more conversational distance. “You sound like someone who has made a few too many mistakes,” Hana said cupped her hands in front of herself. “Allowing yourself to despair will only hold you back; that is something I have learned recently. My repeated failures are now moments I try to learn from," Hana explained with a genuine kindness. "What in the world could you have done that helped convince you that no one will ever let you move on?”

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