Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Mon Oct 16, 2023 1:07 am
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader19
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Today was definitely the day! Hana had a whole thing planned out. It was something she read in her old books, where a girl would need help with something and a nice guy would go out of his way to handle it. She thought of dropping a lot of boxes, falling off a ladder, or something to make her look like some every day damsel. Of course, she wouldn’t choose anything that would put her in too much danger. If he was the type of guy she hoped he was, then he would help, right?

Unfortunately, her plans were destroyed before they could even start when she found her target training… and training… and training. “Does this guy every stop?” she asked herself. She took a seat to the side of the room, having forgotten her silly plans. She instead chose to observe his training. She wasn’t even sure he knew she was there. After a while, she realized she must have arrived at the start of his training session, because he never slowed down. She ended up pulling out her own zanpakuto and tried mirroring some of the moves he made, silently mimicking him in the background. Some did say mimicry was the best form of flattery.

End Post
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Mon Oct 16, 2023 12:27 pm
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] 69wi41u


Most people would be sleeping, studying, or just generally staying in their dorms on a day off from classes. Not for him -- he was out in the training hall, swinging his Zanpakuto with never-ending resolve.

Training, for him, was a large part of his daily routine. He was someone who didn't stand out among the rest. He didn't have innate talent, he wasn't gifted or had the resources and pull that many nobles do -- or, at least did. So, for him, he needed to work harder than anyone else. It wasn't about trying to graduate early, though that would be a nice bonus, it was purely because he needed to.

To some, it was insanity to be working so hard. But, he had gotten to where he was now through that relentlessness and iron will that continued to be forged into something greater and greater the more he did it. His home, his family, and his friends were his greatest motivators. He continued going over the sets that Byakuya had given him, repeating each one again and again, until he felt right in moving on.

Yet, for the longest time, he felt as if he was being watched. Eventually, he stopped swinging, turning to look around, before finally seeing Hana. The resolute expression suddenly changed to one of awkwardness, the weapon lowered to his side. He suddenly looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"Um...hi, good morning. Can I help you?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Mon Oct 16, 2023 6:06 pm
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader19
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was caught right in the middle of mimicking his technique with her own determination. Mid swing, he finally said something to her and she stopped. Looking his way, she also froze for a moment, embarrassed. Rapidly hiding her unsheathed sword behind her back, her cheeks turned red and she looked around for something to give her an excuse for her behavior. When she found nothing, she just tapped sheepishly at her cheek, cleared her throat, and sheathed her sword.

"Oh, h-hello," Hana said with an uncharacteristic stutter. "It seems you have finally turned away from your training. A girl could wither waiting for your attention."

End Post
Joined : 2016-01-20
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Sun Nov 12, 2023 6:08 pm
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] 69wi41u


As she moved the sword behind her back, Kaito's fingers tightened around his own sword. She was copying him? His brow furrowed in confusion as he looked at her, keeping his sword at the ready. He hadn't been doing anything warranting it. Even still, who was she, and why was she even here? Classes were out, and most people would normally just find a place on their own to train -- or, just stay in their dorms.

But, as she sheathed her sword, he slowly began to lower his, mimicking the gesture himself. For now, at least, he figured she didn't mean any harm. From how she spoke, though, she seemed a bit...uppity. He wasn't really intending to be watched or to impress anyone in what he was doing.

"Well, I didn't hear you come in, and I wasn't really expecting anyone to be watching me. Classes are out, and most people are using it as a day off. Uh...why were you doing that, actually?"

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Tue Nov 14, 2023 8:47 am
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader19
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Keeping up a small smile, Hana cupped her hands in front of her and lightly shrugged. “I learn one of two ways, by book or by mimicry. I find it difficult to train alone because of it, but I am improvi-… I doubt you care about any of this.”

Hana walked forward and held out her hand for a shake. “My name is Hana Aoyama,” she said. She wondered whether Hiroe ever mentioned her to this man. If Hiroe had mentioned her, he should recognize her name. It might clear a bit up of why she was here. If not, that was okay. It was still polite. Even though she preferred the bowing and curtsies, a handshake was much more casual and expected these days. At least, that is what she noticed in the world of the living.

“I am a friend of Hiroe Miyashiro. She told me a little about you and I became curious,” Hana said, whether he took her hand or not. “In a way, I guess I am looking out for her like she often does for me. I wanted to meet you since you seem close.” Though kind and polite, there was a bit of judgement in Hana's tone. Maybe she was expecting something different? She wasn't sure he was Hiroe's "type."

End Post
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:52 pm
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] 69wi41u


Huh. People learned by mimicking others? Well, that was kind of what he was doing, wasn't it? But, her other method did strike some interest in him. Maybe he'd have to do some outside research beyond just physical training and learning from Byakuya and the teachers at Shin'o. There had to be some books in the libraries here, or even maybe some around home, though that one was a lot more of vain hope than anything else.

As she stepped forward, Kaito offered a gentle, but friendly smile as he reached out to shake her hand. Hana Aoyama? The name sounded somewhat familiar. Hiroe might have mentioned her in passing at some point, but, he wasn't sure.

"Kaito Tomoyuki, third year, and a friend of Hiroe's, too. Nice to meet you."

He could practically taste the judgement on her tongue. It felt like the whole "looking out for her" thing was just a cover-up. She didn't seem to like him too much, even though they'd just met and barely exchanged words. Kaito's fingers slowly tightened around his sword's sheath, thumb idly resting on the tsuba.

"I just try to support her and be there for her as best I can. I don't know if I'd explicitly say I'm 'looking out for her,' though."

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue1570/100Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 7:04 am
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader19
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana’s inexperience in social interactions was clear. She held herself differently than most, had clothes more expensive, and a whole “princessy” air about her. Even her smile came with a chest possible hidden meanings. What judgment she had was about her lack of knowledge of this man. As most she knew were, Hana did not like strangers, but the only way to make friends was to get over that. If all she did was hide behind her fears, she would never have gotten close to Hiroe.

“Hm…” Hana also had a skill for detail, and she noticed the thumb resting on his tsuba. She also knew that was a sign someone was ready to unsheathe her sword. Hana looked him directly in the eyes, but there was no hostility there. In fact, he saw her fear. Hana took a step back from him. “Be warned... A-Attacking me will only get you years in jail, and I would trust Hiroe never to speak to you again.”

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Joined : 2016-01-20
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:24 pm
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] 69wi41u


This was...pretty awkward. He wasn't really sure what he was meant to do in a situation like this, where he was basically being screened and sized up. But, as she suddenly seized up and stepped back, Kaito responded in kind, taking a step back himself in confusion. Why was she suddenly so afraid? He didn't think anything he had said was threatening in any way.

Her panicked warning only made him more confused, his head canting to the side, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at her.

"Wait, what? Why do you think I'm going to attack you? Why would I attack you?"

Reflexively, he lifted his hands up, letting go of his sword and letting it idly drop and sway from his side. He took another step back, certain that moving forward would only make her panic more. What kind of enemies did she have that made her so quick to panic?

Even still, she didn't seem to be a student, so she probably was already a member of the Gotei, or something adjacent. If she was a Gotei member, chances were she probably was more skilled than he was and could, at the very least, fend him off. Why was she so scared then?

The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:50 pm
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Hana_PostingHeader19
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana got no time to point out the way he had been holding his weapon before Kaito dropped it. She supposed that was enough to warrant a calmer tone, “Well, now that your hand has been lifted from your sword, there is no problem to speak of.”

Trying to keep up a smile, Hana cupped her hands in front of her body and calmed herself with a deep breath. "I have learned to be wary of the actions of strangers. You never know who you can really trust. No matter. As I mentioned, I am only here to gauge whether someone like you is worth Hiroe's time, romantically, I mean. So, if you do not mind, please, tell me about yourself. I wish to know you better."

Of course, Hana had no idea she was coming off as condescending and who he was definitely was not any of her business at all. Her tone was kind, because that is how she meant it. She smiled because she thought this was a normal conversation, but the entitlement that another might see in her request, she was blind to.

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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 5075
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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

Sun Dec 24, 2023 1:58 pm
Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] 69wi41u


She was uppity, but also terrified of anyone actually reacting to her. Sighing as he brought his arms back down, he rested one on his sword, pushing it down slightly from the weight. Usually, he wasn't super judgmental, but the way she spoke and carried herself wasn't just uppity, it sounded...scripted, almost robotic. His expression went from neutral to mildly skeptical.

While the point she was making was sound on paper, again, therein lied the problem of her, presumably, being a Gotei member already. Plus, it wasn't helped that she was talking like she was superior to him, like she had some level of authority on the topic. She looked almost the same age as her, and yet here she was, talking like a condescending parent.

It felt like she was telling him she didn't have the time for him, but she was doing it anyway, so he had to make it quick. His eyes narrowed, and a quiet, irritating sigh came from him.

"Yeah? And what gives you the right? Hiroe's an adult. She can think and make decisions on her own. Besides, talking to me like a condescending robot parent isn't the best first impression."

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Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana] Empty Re: Reasonable Suspicion [Kaito/Hana]

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