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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Sun Oct 22, 2023 5:55 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) 6EdIfMt

After the hustle and bustle of the Seireitei recently, Hannah was glad to relax a bit and just vibe in the city. Shopping for new clothes was never a thing she really did, but there was always nice teas she could get and good food. So, meandering down the high-street with her stick - she didn't need it but it did let other people know she was blind, so they didn't get caught offguard - she was making her way to the tea shop. Hopefully, they had some sweet powdered tea, or the strawberry and jasmine she had before. It was nice stuff, and made for great hostess doing stuff.

When, anyone ever came to see her, anyway. Hime had long vanished and Elyss had not come in a while. T'was amusing, that Hannah got more traffic in jail than she did now as a free woman.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:34 am
Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Ebf1a9abad574ad0b571b3cdacc287eb


Tea was a remedy for both soul and body, at least Akira was in belief it was one of the few consistent methods that one can enjoy a bit of internal peace during any and all seasons. This wasn't any particular day that offered major celebration yet there was a desire at least to place some earphones within his ears, listen to some music and peruse an extra chapter of an intoxicating thriller. It was evident by the pale skyblue waistcoat which hung over the black shirt that today was a day to dress sharply, major suit ensemble hanging over the back of his chair, yet whilst the gigai for most was awkward, for Akira it felt more like his own flesh than without it.

"Hrm? Oh. Thank you.

The table which had claimed him had a tray with the necessary ingredients to create one's own tea, earl gray was a classic and most coveted during days like this, moving to unbutton cufflinks, letting each roll up midway on each forearm, then began a calm forging of tea, deciding three spoons of sugar was necessary. He then placed the hardcover book directly against the edge of the table, assuring it was in sync, moving to arrange the tray in a systematic manner, each item at a corner whilst the hot tea took center stage.

As his fingers traced the handle of the cup, golden hues spotted an individual with a stick? The way his eyes darted about her form to gather anything of note was incredibly swift, gigai smothering his spiritual pressure though the sight that held his hues so radiant could never be diminished. The man moving to stand rather swiftly, shifting to the door and moving to open it for Hannah.

Pardon me, I don’t wish to impose but the thought of the door impeding you was a little to weighing on my conscience. I’ll pay for your drink if it suits you?

He inquired softly, a soothing confidence that was laced with an intellectual refinement to each word, calculated, chosen, a man who spoke such though with more insight could tell the faintest touch that it was not born, self taught.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:45 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) 6EdIfMt

As the man got closer, he felt a strange sort of pressure around him. Light, and easily dismissed were a person not keyed to the specifics of reiatsu. The woman made no mention of of however, and simply smiled gently at the man, giving him a nod.

"Opening the door and buying me a drink. We've only just met, and you want to marry me already?" Hannah would ask, her tone a teasing, jubilant one. Still, she would step through and then turn in his direction. Not fully looking at him, but enough in his direction to be considered that. Being blind, she made no mention to how well he was dressed or his cool glowing eyes that might be mistaken for a powerful Vizard.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Sun Oct 22, 2023 6:54 am
Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Ebf1a9abad574ad0b571b3cdacc287eb


There was an odd pressure? A wave? Her lack of acknowledgement of it placed Akira a little on edge, evidently a woman of capacity even without the need for sight. Yet it was her rather teasing tone which caught him off guard a little, eyelids blinking rapidly as a tint of crimson flushed his cheeks, though lips parted to offer a light chuckle.

"Whilst I believe such a thing would be an honor, I don’t think I’m quite suited for the task. Is a modicum of kindness and basic decency so small nowadays that this is worthy of marriage?

He retorted after managing to gain his bearings, waiting for her to pass the threshold of the establishment before closing it behind, glancing around at the patrons, a left hand moving swiftly to acquire his wallet whilst engaging further.

Are you a local here? I haven’t seen you around, though I imagine you’re not if such an act has never befallen you before.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Mon Oct 23, 2023 3:56 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) 6EdIfMt

"Opening a door for a blind woman is a modicum of curtesy. Offering to pay for her drink, however expensive or esoteric her tastes might be, is more than that. Buying a person a drink is the precursor to dating. Dating is the precursor to marriage. Marriage is the precursor to having eight kids. You are one of those strange breeding kink people, I see"

Hannah would head over to an empty table while messing with him. After all, the guy did just offer to buy a complete stranger any drink off the menu. He needed teasing a little. It was the rules. The question of if she was a local was left for later. For if the man did not explode.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:20 am
Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Ebf1a9abad574ad0b571b3cdacc287eb


As Hannah decided to tick off a progression of a courtesy, which would lead into a snowball effect of ending with the crescendo of marriage, Akira was at this point internally aflame. Ironic. The core of his body wanting to collapse in on itself, not that such teasing would topple his confidence but when one has spent a long time of both isolation and idle passings with socializing. This. This was not common.


He managed to utter whilst she was already meandering to a nearby table, empty and leaving him to consolidate internal affairs. She would no doubt hear a shift of movement beside her, as Akira brought th strong earl grey tea over to the emptied table she had elected to claim, a few idle sounds indicating a clear meticulous need for things to be in a certain place before bringing his book to the edge, lining it up.

Do you take enjoyment in watching many shutdown for a moment after such brazen teasing?

The man chuckled softly, waiting for Hannah to order as the waiter came to ask for their desires.

Dating doesn’t necessarily link directly to marriage, though I have noticed most rush into such commitments. I suppose if we’re referring to Kinks, then you’re a bit of a sadist. Hm?

His gregarious nature taking the wheel as he teased softly, moving to finally drink the hot liquid with a delightful exhale.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:25 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) 6EdIfMt

"Yes, I do"

It was simple, direct, and to the point. The way Hannah would pull out a seat, sit down, and then pick up the braile menu were all far too confident for a normally blind person. Like she knew where they were or something. She would spend a few moments, and then order the strawberry and jasmine tea from the waiter.

"And yes, I am. First buying me drinks, and now exploring my sexual preferences. Are you sure you aren't here for marriage? Or any other kind of legal ownership, perhaps?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Mon Oct 23, 2023 4:52 am
Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Ebf1a9abad574ad0b571b3cdacc287eb


Akira couldn’t help but let out a gentle laugh at that, genuine by all accounts and it felt good for the briefest moment to engage in a little back and forth. Such things can be forgotten, though best to focus on the present rather than squander a good talk with anxious concepts of the past, yet details did elicit curiosity. She had been here before or the blindness was an act.

"The only company I find myself committed to are books I’m afraid, though before you exploit that and make a jest of papercuts. I’m cautious.

The man stated idly, glancing down at the stick to see if it had any unique qualities through his sight, specifically reiatsu or maybe hidden spellwork.

So a sadist comes into a tea shop and locates her prey, I feel as if I am being hunted. Is it not you who might be seeking such a thing under the guise of reverse psychology?


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:06 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) 6EdIfMt

"I was going for blue balls, actually. There are some tantalizing bits of literature that make my fingers tingle to slide over them. But not having anyone outside of those books...well, the pages stick together quite quickly, don't they?"

The stick, was a stick. Like what you might expect a blind person to have. Though, paying attention to the spiritual side of things now rather than just the physical world, he could see a bubble of reiatsu emanating from the woman. It expanded some two hundred foot from her, and hugged everything it passed by. That was what the strange, light, pressure in her presence was. Though as to what it was actually doing, one could only hazard a guess. It was counter-productive to be leaking energy like this all the time, both from efficiency and from subtlety

"Hunfortunately, I am not quite Batman enough to pull off a plan like that. You'll want Kisuke Urahara for that. He owns a small shop on Hakurana Street" Hannah would reply, pointing in that general direction. "I can take you there after the tea, if you wish. It is where I work"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Empty Re: Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira)

Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:44 am
Ant-Eater Eating Ant (Hannah/Akira) Ebf1a9abad574ad0b571b3cdacc287eb


It was evident by this back and forth that Akira was acquiring a semblance of comfort, a brow perking to the quip she managed with such an air of ease. Sadist. Definitely. The man bringing the earl grey up to his lips, letting the heated tea water traverse down his throat yet a spark of tension finally clicked, at the mention of Kisuke Urahara. Many knew who he was. He knew him during his days at the Gotei 13.

He managed to refrain from displaying any overt concerns but there was a defensive element to his own posture, thank all that is omnipotent for the gigai. Did she know who he was? Was this display of reiatsu a way of subtly informing him of the current predicament?

"Light teasing I’m sad to say isn’t enough to cause such an effect, though I believe most men have a habit of jumping like hungry animals at the misconception that a bit of harmless flirting will provide a night of lust. I take care of the pages though, assuring my excitement stays off the page.

There was an amusement to it, a lighter tone that may harbor a bit more intent to redirect a conversation from Urahara, yet it would look far too suspicious to be blunt about it.

I’m uncertain if I have ever met Kisuke Urahara, or seen this shop you speak of. Do you enjoy working there? I’d love to take you up on that offer though yet I have commitment elsewhere. We could another time.


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