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The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue1570/100The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (1570/100)

The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:28 pm
The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader2
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

What was a frightening situation for Violet soon turned to confusion. The sudden appearance of the guy from the cafe brought questions to her head. Was he stalking her too? He clearly wasn’t part of this group of bounty hunters… or private investigators… whatever they were. The guy grabbing onto Violet’s shirt let go, but only because he planned to retaliate. He didn’t use the blade, but a quick twist of his body sent a fist aiming for Akira’s jawline. “You mind your business, bastard.”

Violet took that moment to climb the fence, dropping down on the other side and landing on her ass. Instead of getting up and running away like a normal person would, she sat and watched through the links of the fence.

The two men with knives weren't normal humans. Each has an augment of some sort, but they currently were only utilizing their above-human speed and strength to try and fight Akira off. The third guy, still brandishing no weapon, took the moment to hop the fence and then rush toward Violet, since her mind was clearly elsewhere.

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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 3:40 pm
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This information was good to know, insight into which of these individuals had a more dominative approach to this operation provided him an answer to whom he had to vaguely keep alive, watching the incoming fist move for the jawline as he’d move under it, twisting his back to be at that of the most eager hound who began moving to the chain link fence.


Enhanced? Interesting. Akira’s smile didn’t falter as his eyes took in the information around, first left hand tracing the base of the wettened blade as it added a focal point, taking a slash against fabric and flesh, as pinky and finger before the thumb aimed to unleash a Byakurai into their hearts. The sting of pain emanating from his body, though deciding to take a step back, following swiftly as a lasso of focused reiatsu, Hainawa. Shot forth, aiming to grasp and bind the man as he jumped the fence link.

"My business concerns any who’d bend their head to this concept of bloodline or false family. Dog.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 4:01 pm
The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader2
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

One man was dead, a bolt of blue firing through his chest. The second guy was almost at Violet. At the last second, she turned to see him coming. She moved to run away, but a rope of reiryoku coiled around him and kept him still. Violet turned her attention back to Akira, eyes wide. She was confused and scared. He was protecting her, right? But this... He murdered someone. She hadn't seen a dead body before. It wasn't exactly something she would put on her bucket list.

One man hadn’t moved. He never touched Violet and he dropped his weapon as Akira took out the first guy, his friend. The fearful and weak human took a step back as Hainawa was used. “W-Wait, stop!” the man yelled, looking between his dead and bound friends. “We’ll leave her alone, alright? We weren’t actually gonna hurt her. Our client said force, but we couldn’t injure her or he wouldn’t pay. These were just to scare her.” The man kicked his knife along the ground toward Akira’s feet.

Violet slid back on the ground away from all of the men. Getting up, she didn't dare turn her back on them again. She waited, watched. What would be their next move?

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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 5:07 pm
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There was a silent, stoic, stare thet held a smile of which didn’t falter at this individual who so swiftly adjusted their current stance on this whole affair, gaze moving over to Violet whom was his priority at this given moment. A large exhale following before moving to take off the overcoat, assuring the sleeve which had some blood splatter was cut as he began to spoke.

"When you pray for rain, one must deal with the mud too. You request mercy, I do not believe I’m so cold as to see you and your colleague dead. Though I must consider that under payment, you infiltrated the City of Lights, acted under the knowledge that an official of the Vandenriech could catch you, aware of the repercussion of this.

He had turned on his back upon the individual whom kicked the knife over to him, moving to hop over the fence though more than able to intercept the man who was so eager to speak.

"In essence, if you return to your employer with her location. I can only assume you’d take an idle amount of funding to reveal it, allowing others to come in on a larger scale. What guarantee do I have that she is truly safe? Rhetorical. You will pull out your phone, ring the authorities and turn yourselves in for this act. I assure you, the only other prison that you'll find yourselves in beyond that is a heated damnation within Hell.

Offering out the overcoat to drape over her, should she wish it.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 6:36 pm
The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader2
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

Even though Akira had good points about their choices, Violet would prefer they get away. She knew how her father was, how much money he likely offered them to convince them to take such a risk. As Akira hopped over the fence and offered her the overcoat, she reached out, but hesitated to take it. She couldn’t convince herself that it wasn’t laced with some poison after the “getting red out of white” talk. Since she was also wearing a white shirt… So, she chose not to take the jacket.

While she was making that decision, the man that had kicked the knife toward him realized Akira did turn his back on him. The two were now separated by a fence, so the guy picked up his knife and bolted back into the city, likely hoping to vanish without problem. Violet thought to mention it, but that would leave her alone with this other one and a dead body, if Akira cared to go catch him. For now, Violet stood quietly and watched as the last horrified man was dealt with by Akira.

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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:00 pm
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Akira’s attention shifted sharply to the man who began to run, letting out a harsh exhale as he’d noticed Violets reaction to the jacket. Killing them was the most efficient method of assuring none of this became an issue, but it was evident it was not the most humane. To steal a life was substantial when deserved, they had atleast earned an ire. He placed the jacket beside her, only to drag the blades tip to the man restrained by Hainawa and slowly lifted it up to his forehead.

"Inform your employer, whom believes it just to kidnap that should I ever catch a scent of this within my vicinity, I will drag them to the depths of despair. Their businesses will be undone, their loyalties frayed from the seems and once they finally acknowledge a fraction of the pain they’ve no doubt done to others. Then I will consider any shred of mercy in releasing their lives from their bodies.

The Bakudo finally faded as the man patted his cheek with the flat end of the zanpaktou, indicating for him to flee and get out of here, though sharing little intent to sort out the body issue of the member he had eliminated, letting out a remorseful exhale for the action of doing so. They were mercenaries, part of the job really.

His intention returned to Violet after sheathing the weapon, moving in a position that he would block the corpses view.

"Akira Tairitsu. They spoke your name, I spotted them once I spooked you and didn’t think it fair for me to leave you to whatever circumstance that is, nor shall I pry. May I walk you home?


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:11 pm
The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader2
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway


They were gone…

Most of them were gone…

Violet eyed the body until her vision was blocked by Akira. He introduced himself as Violet’s mind regretted not running when she had the chance. This man, though he did rescue her, did not bat an eye at taking the life of another person. The only time she interacted with someone like that was with hollow, with soldiers, and with psychopaths. She vaguely wondered which one Akira Tairitsu was.

"Okay, look... I appreciate the help here. I doubt those guys were real legit. Dad ain't exactly generous with his money, so he likely hired some cheap thugs he found needing a few quick bucks, so they woulda done whatever they wanted... But you just killed a guy, alright? He's dead." Violet glanced over to the area behind him, not able to see the body since Akira was blocking it. "Who the hell are you Akira?"

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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:20 pm
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The man blinked for a brief moment, glancing behind him at the life taken and it did come to his attention that taking life wasn’t a regular occurrence for most people, the Rukongai didn’t exactly breed upstanding citizens and from a young age one would be desensitized to a lot of things. Akira let out a soft exhale, shaking his head lightly though a smile still present.

"I’m uncertain if you know what the Rukongai is, though in the Soul Society there are districts. Eighty of them infact. The further out you go, the less Shinigami patrol it. I’m from the seventy eighth district of Rukongai. My apologies if I come across as cold, though it is akin to the worst slums you can think of then times it by ten and spiritually powered beings. One has to take life at an early age, much to my regret.

He didn’t seem sad or upset by this, almost speaking though as if a factual point of life. It was to him. This wasn’t a cry for help but a man merely regaling the truth of his world, one that was is for the longest time until the Gotei 13, they weren’t exactly the peak of moral or ethical standing.

"I’m not going to harm you, I know believing me is difficult but- I am…Hrm…A little terrible at this.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 7:34 pm
The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Vi_PostingHeader2
Enter: Violet Gardner | The Rebellious Runaway

That was a lot of information that did not click for Violet. She got something about a Rukongai and Districts, but nothing settled as understandable. She did understand the talk about slums. Was that his way of explaining he was used to death? Depressing as hell. The “I am not going to harm you” caused Violet’s heart to speed up. This was awkward and frightening all at the same time.

"Okay, as I said, I appreciate your help, but I am not going to let you know where I live," Violet said. She began rummaging through her purse and pulling out a cell phone. A few seconds later, her phone was ringing. "Hi, I need to report a dead body," Violet said, and then covered the phone's mic. "Someone has to report it. If you don't want to be questioned, you should go. I'll let them know you saved me."

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The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet] - Page 2 Empty Re: The City in the Evening [Akira/Violet]

Mon Oct 30, 2023 8:17 pm
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The man blinked for a brief moment, glancing behind him at the life taken and it did come to his attention that taking life wasn’t a regular occurrence for most people, the Rukongai didn’t exactly breed upstanding citizens and from a young age one would be desensitized to a lot of things. Akira let out a soft exhale, shaking his head lightly though a smile still present.

"Ah. You have a fair point. It wasn’t my intention to bother you, I hope this affair with your family can be resolved peacefully Violet.

He didn’t seem to register the real issue of eliminating life so easily, if anything Akira seemed a little frustrated with himself, adding a respectful dip of the head and taking his overcoat with him, slinging it over his shoulder. The Shinigami halted though, moving to take the phone or any relevant communication device of the dead man; he wanted to have a semi connection to this -family-.

After such, he merely went on his way.


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