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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:01 am
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AKIRA TAIRITSU - Blue | Zathrusta - Purple.

Zathrusta was gleefully engorging himself on this entertainment, watching the impacting Hadō take her off to the side for a moment, lips moving to scold himself on the lack of true striking, even having the gaul to check his own finger. Akiras finger. Their finger he supposed. It was an evident lack of actual investment in this affair, only that this game interested the monstrosity that so callously sought to inflict as much torment on Hana as humanly possible. After the briefest moment of not paying attention, a narrow of the eye followed suit.

"Oh! You’re not running? Huh. I took you for a rode-

It was that she decided to Shunpo, eliciting a tsk of irritation from the being, eye able to see the current of reiyroku flowing through her zanpaktou, relying on Akira’s current state of triggerment, watching it rise as it aimed to intercept Hana’s yet she was too fast for an outright parry, metal clashing against metal as the right arm was pushed, body twisting. The twist was not fast enough, tip of her blade slashing through robing and easily slashing through flesh as Zathrusta crackle with a pained howl of humor, feeling the vermillion drench such an overcoat that clung to their collective form. This. Creature. Had. The. Audacity. To. Cause. It. To. Bleed. Things would be far easier if Akira released his insufferable zanpaktou. The inner thoughts of Zathrusta came to a halt as his boots took him a few inches away.

It was now of which the Inner Hollow decided to respond after the smallest moment of acknowledging the wounding on the right side, a rise in temperature following as he Shunpo’d backward with an open palm, each digit twisting, Akira had been trying to combine Kido for a little white but why not try it out. The creature letting out a muffled hiss, a lack of full control of the vocal chord meaning it was difficult to say or do anything, in the end a surge of reiatsu fizzling out, only for him to swiftly fall to anger.


He exclaimed delightfully, feeling a rise in heat as exclaiming the name was nothing more than theatrics at another incantionless Hadō, 31. It would unleash a burning stream of crimson reiatsu, easily searing and burning away all that it came into contact with, though adding a little twist to it, reducing the Hadō’s potency to focus on the heat actually emitted to forge a form of outline of blistering heat aimed for Hana, but also the area behind her. The treeline.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:14 am
The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader10
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana was surprised that she was able to wound him. A trickle of blood at the tip of her zanpakuto rose her confidence just enough to convince her that she really could do this. She could hold her own! Keeping a strong stance and a sharp flow of reiryoku into her blade, Hana did her best to keep facing him. It only took that one time to remind Hana of what his file said. His best skill was in kido, so giving him the time to cast would be her downfall. She had to move quickly.

As his first time fizzled, Hana took that moment to shunpo once more, coming up behind him with an upward arch swing, aiming to slice open his back. Unfortunately, even though the Hadō he fired less than a second later missed her, it struck the tree line, the heat off it catching a portion of the area on fire. She didn’t even realize until after she attacked. Hana, distracted because of the fire, let her jaw drop as she stared at the flames. ‘What am I gonna do about that?’

“Pay attention you stupid girl! He'll kill you!” her zanpakuto spirit pulled her from her momentary distraction and Hana turned her head to face Akira once more.

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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:38 am
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AKIRA TAIRITSU - Blue | Zathrusta - Purple.

Zathrusta’s body twisted a little as the embers of his delightful assault began to burn away at the surrounding area, though his attention hadn’t entirely left the movements of Hana, stepping with a swift movement, overcoat fluttering as he tried to turn, though a carve through cloak and skin alike following as the left hand was already in movement, a trace of blood now evident. The side that wasn’t frozen held a gleeful smile as it shouted, aiming to grasp the collar of Hana!

"Sing. For. Me.

Theatrics was definitely a weakness, for if it clawed and managed to reach Hana’s attire, he aimed to let a brutal current of lightning through it via Hadō 11: Tsuzuri Raiden. It was a simplistic method of eliciting pain but it was entirely crafted for such a thing, even reducing the potency for the sake of higher shocks across nerve clusters like the inner elbow, knee and back. Anything sensitive was the subject for this, under no circumstance did Zathrusta aim to kill!

Regardless, the sealed zanpaktou of the right hand began to quake violently, tightening around the grip during this process as the pain was doing something on a deeper level, glitching out the world of which Akira thought he was trapped in.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 9:52 am
The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader10
Enter: Hana Aoyama

The distraction, no matter how momentary, sealed Hana’s fate. She had no time to dodge him now. He grasped her collar. Her first reaction was to swing, but before her zanpakuto could make contact, pain shot through her body along with the energy of another kido. With his ability to cast without incantation, it was difficult for her to realize when he was making such an attempt. He also made it clear that he wanted to hear her scream, and she originally had no intention of doing so.

Unfortunately, Hana could not hold out long and ended up screaming anyway. A piercing shriek reverberated through the air for the duration of his kido. When it ended, Hana could barely open an eye to see Akira’s half-frozen face. “Bakudo number four, Byakurai,” Hana said, and the weaponless hand shot forth a bolt of lightning, the reiryoku firing from the tip of her left index finger. At this close of range, dodging would be difficult, especially since she hadn’t raised her arm to show her intention. Now, they both would be filled with lightning… hopefully.

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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 10:58 am
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Zathrusta was enjoying himself far too much, watching and feasting on each shriek that left Hana through the Kido’s ability, a head tilting to the right hand side, though a sudden burst of reiatsu found itself from the Shinigami’s finger. He let out a howl of pain, boots sticking into the ground below as the piercing strike easily came through into the body, causing scorch marks and a few droplets of vermillion to fall. She was promptly dropped like a sack of potatoes, decidedly this had infuriated the Hollow.

"Nargh! Fine! Let’s see if you’re still conscio- Huh?

The zanpaktou had shifted to slash the left arm, causing it to flop to the side as there was a growl of anguish before this hollow infused energy began to recede into the core of Akira, a few steps back with a brutal bite into the lower lip assuring the pain persisted, digging into skin as the man was panting breathlessly after dragging Zathrusta back to the depths.

A pair of golden exhausted eyes stared at Hana as the man backed away, with one arm available it was little of a fight but more so he didn’t intend to harm her. He kept taking steps back, assuredly letting out a saddened stare at the result of Zathrusta.

"F-Forgive me, I- This…Wasn’t…Meant for you.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:05 am
The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader10
Enter: Hana Aoyama

With that strike, Hana expected him to drop her, so she caught herself and shunpo’d about twenty feet backwards. She needed the distance, and the time to catch her breath as she fought against every aching nerve in her body. Sweat dripped down her face, and the grip on her zanpakuto was tightened with each muscle having been shocked. It hurt, and felt like she couldn’t let go even if she wanted to. She would have to take advantage of that and fight him with her sword.

And then she was stunned to silence. Akira began attacking himself? What was going on? Was this a vizard’s attempt to regain control of themselves? She hesitated. It was only two seconds, but she didn’t attack when she should have. No matter his condition, he was a deserter, a murderer, and had committed heinous crimes… Right? So, Hana had to make a move. Raising her zanpakuto with a lightning tight grip, she shunpo’d forward and swung her sword in a vertical strike. She aimed to cut the down by the front, down his chest and stomach.

“I will take you back to the Soul Society! You will answer for your crimes!”

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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:15 am
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Akira was stepping back, consistently so for the exact purpose of retreating from this engagement. The Shun’po was swift, dragging the woman into the air as the Shinigami responded with his own step, though this time it was nearer to the flames that licked at the treeline, letting it burst around, a shimmering blue of a basic barrier to protect flesh came to tighten around his body. The man was injured. It was time to leave.

"I hope one day you come to understand

He claimed softly, deciding to walk into the flames as the smoke shifted around and spread, hoping for a rapid departure from the area.


The Gotei 13 Advocate
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The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Empty Re: The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana)

Thu Nov 16, 2023 11:28 am
The Pain and the Princess (Akira/Hana) - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader10
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana missed. Damn it! Before she could do anything else, he moved closer to the flame. She did not dare enter there. Even with her training with Kimitsuki, she had no love of fire. Besides, that was another problem she had to deal with too. Hana tried thinking of how to get into the flames safely, but by the time she would be able to, he would be gone. She could not put up a barrier like he had.

“Damn it!” Hana yelled and angrily swung her zanpakuto, a move she quickly regretted. The pain that shot through her body was immense. As the adrenaline from her fight faded, what little it numbed her was fading too. Taking that lightning kido like she had really did a number on her. Hana forced a final shunpo, getting distance between her and the fire before summoning a hell butterfly. She sent a quick message back about her predicament, the fire, and the need for a healer.

“At least… I didn’t fail. He was the one who retreated, not me.”

End Post
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