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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:47 am
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Hueco Mundo's rarely felt so cold. Times have never been so downcast. Lying to herself, though, won't help her. This feeling, she knows it. She's felt this way before, the day she left her Fraccion, the moment she realized she may never see them again. Lost at sea ever since that day, finding land, and then feeling yourself resubmerge: humanity has never been this annoying.

However, ignoring her own beating heart wouldn't help. Why must they stand so firm? Why is everyone so dead set in their ways? If she could simply hold them in her hands, like a cup of water... But, alas, dipping her palms in the vast ocean only reveals that containing it is impossible. They will flow between her fingers no matter what.

That realization left her, stranded and alone, with only her thoughts as company, standing a top the grains that made up her home. The moon as bland as ever somehow perfected its job of casting her shadow far across the sands. Paled emerald orbs contemplated against its surface, asking what should be done. She can see the rapidly approaching conflict, feel her bones ache from memories of combat. Her one desire to stay passive feels like a betrayal.

But, who is she betraying?

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:03 am
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) 5LaeAub

Once more, Ichigo stepped onto the neverending sands of Hueco Mundo, every footstep creating a faint crunch as the ground beneath compacted. His zanpakuto remained in one hand as always, slung over his shoulder with confidence rather than dragged along as it had once been. In the other hand, however, was the gift he'd promised to bring to the woman he was visiting.


It was always centering, in a way, to visit Tier. She was a presence that ran counter to the vast majority of the hollows Ichigo had ever run into, and certainly the only one that ran counter to the ones currently in his life. She provided a more grounded view of things than most did, and that was something he appreciated, when he had already resolved to distance himself from so much of the world. After another moment or so, he held out the gift he'd brought for her, deciding perhaps that was the best way to start.

A shell he'd picked up during his time near the hole in Africa, at the water's edge. Was it the sort of fine treasure that most would associate with the notion of a "gift?" No, not really. After all, in theory, one could find shells anywhere. But even without considering the fact that it was a particularly lovely shell, there were other factors in mind when it came to having chosen it.

"Sorry. I didn't have any money to buy you something, and I didn't think you'd appreciate if I just took it."

Just getting her something would have seemed pointless if it was something she'd disapprove of as far as how he'd acquired it.

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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Wed Nov 22, 2023 5:25 pm
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"Thank you," Tier responded, turning her head smoothly. A hand extended, she seemed unsurprised by his arrival. The normalcy of his comings and goings have become, as written, normal. He does not hide himself, so she notices him long before he's physically before her. There's something calming, knowing he could drop by at a moment's notice for whatever, about this. However, he has made it a quirk of his to bring up important happenings whenever he visits. Tier is already prepared to listen.

Though, noticing the shell he had acquired, her eyes glistened. The moment came and went like a whisper out at sea, but her appreciation pales lapping tsunamis once she is given the shell. However, her exhilaration quakes as her prior thoughts filter through her euphoria, leaving her disheveled. The only thing that runs her mind now is a plea that Ichigo brings news that do not force her to choose again; him or herself.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Wed Nov 22, 2023 6:44 pm
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) 5LaeAub

Obviously, Ichigo was here to tell her about his impending plans to attack the Soul Society. He couldn't sit around forever; he'd long since committed to this course of action, and it would be a disservice to the woman before him if he walked away from it now. However, that didn't mean he was going to drag her down that path with him.

"With how things are in Africa, we'll be going to the Gotei soon, I think. I've gotten some support from other Arrancar who've got their own grudges to settle."

He paused, unsure of how he ought to word this to her. Perhaps because it was hard to ask, or perhaps because it was so antithetical to how he'd chosen to be. Even so, after a tense moment or two, he continued.

"You should stay here."

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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:11 am
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"I will, Ichigo," Tier answered, knowing her stance from the very beginning.

"Do not tarry long. I will be here, waiting with Orihime."

Knowing her eyes would betray her, she refocused on the moon. She could not let him, of all people, see the sadness her gaze carried. She did not wish him to confuse it with betrayal. She knows what he must do. She understands, but it has become impossible for her to keep her inner thoughts her own these days. People have become adept at reading her inner monologue. A nuisance, surely, but that simply meant she had stopped protecting her mind.

"Tell the others I wish you all safe returns."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Fri Nov 24, 2023 10:25 am
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) 5LaeAub

If he had wanted her to come along, the firm stance that Tier had maintained on the matter would have probably wounded Ichigo. He knew that was the case simply because he still felt that faint sting, even having told her not to come. She was a friend, after all. Having friends at his side was perhaps the only thing that had kept him still centered through all of this. The name he'd spoken was like a knife to his chest, but his expression gave little of that away. A bit more grief in his eyes, but unlike her, Ichigo was not intent on hiding anything.

"I'll be alright. I'll make sure everyone comes back safe."

He said nothing about the woman for whom he had already done so much. There was, really, nothing to say. He knew that, and Tier assuredly did too. That was a rift that Ichigo doubted could be repaired, but he hadn't walked this road thinking that would ever be the outcome. He'd simply done what he did a century ago; thrown himself into hell to save her. Even if she despised how he went about it, that didn't matter.

"I can find somewhere else to go, if you think the Gotei would catch on."

Ichigo wasn't so foolish as to think Tier would really want him just disappearing elsewhere. He understood exactly how much it meant that she had so unflinchingly spoken of his return. But, precisely because of that, he couldn't go without making it clear that he still respected her own aims, and would make his own journey harder for her sake.

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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Fri Nov 24, 2023 12:40 pm
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

"...You two are very alike," Tier rambled. "You're both so self-centered to the point it's detrimental to yourself and others. It's a shame..."

Dropping her head, she shook her head, already knowing her stance on his idea of protecting her. Who does he think he is? Her protector? She's not some measly cub that needs their mother to protect them. She's Tier Harribel, one of the strongest Arrancar to ever exist.

"If they come, they come, but there are things more important than kingdoms. Kingdoms are just ideas manifested. Friendships are-"

Stopping herself, she reached up, placing a hand on the thing that made it impossible to ever express herself without words.

"I'd like to believe friends are irreplaceable."

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:52 am
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) 5LaeAub

"You think so?"

Ichigo had, in a way, meant that as a response to everything Tier had said. He didn't really think he and Orihime were much alike anymore, at least not in any of the same way they'd once been. He had to admit that he was self-centered, though. It wasn't as if what he was doing was altruistic, and he didn't pretend it was.

But the matter of friends being irreplaceable, that was something that gave him a bit of pause. It wasn't that she'd said they were forever, or he would have disagreed. Ichigo knew that all his friendships that had once been simply weren't still in place. These new friends wouldn't ever replace those, and that was an inarguable fact.

However, Ichigo didn't want them to simply replace those friendships. What he'd built with Tier, with Ignacio, with Lilynette, was something different. Something new, and ultimately, something just as valuable. A different place, a different time, didn't make it any worse. Not even the circumstances, no matter what most would assuredly say.

"I don't intend on being replaced. I'll be back soon."

For a few moments, Ichigo thought he ought to offer her a hug, or at least a hand on the shoulder. But something like that simply didn't feel within his grasp, and so all he could offer was a kinder tone of voice, a softer gaze than usual.

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Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) Empty Re: Oceans (Tier/Ichigo)

Fri Dec 01, 2023 3:40 pm
Oceans (Tier/Ichigo) UGCeMSJ

Tier Harribel | The Shark of Hueco

Friends are irreplaceable. Even if things change, people move on, those memories prevail. It is what makes the time painful, as things alter and fade away. Orihime and Ichigo may only see each other as a memory now, but they have both done irreparable damage to themselves and each other in the hope of chasing their selfishness. Maybe that's why they cannot see eye to eye.

Tier isn't one for physical contact, but as Ichigo turned to leave, she turned herself and placed a hand on his shoulder. It was brief, a light squeeze, something a comrade would give another, but that brief window of raw emotion was enough for Tier to translate her thoughts for him to understand. Then, she would be on her way just the same, leaving the lost hero to continue on his path.

END POST | Former Tercera Espada
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