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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:18 am
First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


"There's somethin' to be admired about those who're willin' to forge their own path in life. Yer parents must be proud."

Placing in their orders, handing both menus off to the waitress who approached their table, Natasha would lean against the table as she smiled. If Stella expected to be judged for her decision, there was nothing but genuine approval in the hael-eyed sharpshooter's gaze. It certainly reminded her of her own past when she decided to carve her own path in life.

"Did you intend on joining the Vandenreich also, sweetheart? Or are ya aimin' to work through the babysteps first? I'd gladly play the role of instructor, and my schedule's always open for trainin'."

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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:16 am
"I want to be a sternritter, and I would appreciate the training when you have time. I have already met a man named Solomkn who has also agreed to train me for the time bsing."

She would realize how much she is relying on him to stay in the city as she would just sigh. A part of her pride hurting at having pretty much everything of hers paid for by Solomon.

"Do you think that I could join the sternritter right now as I am? or, do you I need to get stronger before I'm actually able to join?

She would contemplate on whst her next move should be as she waited ok the food. A part of her hoping thst she could go ahead and join up, so thst she could.potentially make her own money. Or at the very least have a bed to sleep on thst wasn't being paid for by someone else.
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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:12 am
First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Solomon, huh? Good kid. Very patient. He isn't the first person I'd expect to teach others, but I'm not exactly shocked about it, either."

Natasha flashed a wide grin at that revelation. The young man was oftentimes far too reckless with his life, but she found his ambitions admirable to some degree. If he could reel in that hero complex of his, the future would be bright for someone like him. Contemplating her next question in silence, Natasha wondered if the woman was truly prepared to endure a career fighting under the banner of the Vandenreich.

There was nothing that implied she was a veteran fighter, much less someone who had experienced the horrors of the battlefield, but at least she was ambitious. That sort of spirit would take her far if she kept at it. Gesturing her approval with an upraised thumb, Natasha continued.

"If ya want my honest answer? Nah, at least not immediately so. Then again, I guess that depends on whether yer prepared to get to work on day one. They'll probably slide you somewhere where you can develop first before they allow you to go out on missions. Just send in an application and see where the chips fall, I say."

No sooner did she finish than the waitress returned with their meals, placing their respective plates before them. Gently biting into one of her fries, Natasha allowed the young lady a moment to let everything sink in.

"Real question is... Do you think yer ready, sugar?"


Last edited by Iori on Wed Dec 13, 2023 9:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Wed Dec 13, 2023 4:43 am
She would nod at the praise of Solomon as she figured he was a nice enough guy. She could tell my his aura he would probably throw himself in danger at a drop of the hat. As she would think about what the blonde was saying as she could feel her pride be poked at when she told her no.

However, she did understand and a part of her knew that she probably wasn't truly ready to join the group yet. After all she probably didn't even hold a candle to some of the weaker sternritter, and her most advanced traits were probably blut. She assumed most quincies in the organization could probably use both of the blut like her, and a part of her figured maybe they can even use both at the same time. Or at the very least switch between them much faster than she can.

"Honnestly, probably not. I spent most of my life only being able to experience fighting weaker hollows as our village was very small. So, for the most part I didn't get alot of experience with that. If there were any stronger threats, my mother would usually let me come along but she would ultimately take care of them and not want me to risk it."

She would.continue to contemplate the situation as she would feel slightly defeated. She did come all this way to join up, but she also knew there would be value to patience, and she needed to get stronger anyway. So, in her mind she put joining the Vandenreich as a goal that she needs to meet.

"I think that I have the aptitude to do it though, and I want to get stronger so I suppose I can just make the Vandenreich my first milestone of many!"

She would say as any doubt in her voice would have been erased. She wanted this, and she knew that she could do it. She just had to put in the time, and the effort to get to where she wants to be. She knows this can't be her ceiling yet.
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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:39 am
First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


'That's the spirit. S'long as the conviction's there, I reckon you'll be a proud member of the Vandenreich in no time."

Natasha wholeheartedly respected the conviction in her voice. There was nary a notion of brashfulness in her tone. She genuinely believed with enough effort, she would achieve her current lifelong dream. Shifting her attention from one mode of conversation to another, Natasha pondered another question.

Natasha held little doubt in Solomon's ability to show Stella's ropes, but there were still several avenues he needed to improve in as well. From what she displayed thus far, Natasha felt she required a level of discipline that Solomon wasn't particularly capable of administering at this point in time. To be certain, her brash spirit was a breath of fresh air, but that could only feasibly carry someone for so long. When faced with the prospect of death? That's where the real definition of a person's spirit was tested.

"Now, I've got a morbid question for ya to ponder. Do you happen to fear the thought of danger, sweetheart? We're tasked with maintainin' balance in the realm, which means at any point, at any time, you might end up volunteerin' for a mission that tests your mettle. A mission where ya might end up dancin' dangerously close to death. Think ya can handle somethin' like that day in and day out?"

What followed next would decide her opinion on the woman moving forward. In truth, it wasn't a particularly pleasant question to pose, but a veteran soldier knew precisely when to pinpoint if someone was truly ready for combat.

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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 4:57 am
Stella would listen to the question as she would begin eating. While the prospect of death to her was slightly scary she didn't put much thought into it. She truthfully didn't really care if she died as long as she put out her best effort to protect those around her. The death of the people she wants to protect is the thing that scares her.

"W..well, I think that if it's my death I'm not too worried about it. Kinda comes with the whole protecting people from hungry ghosts thst are trying to eat them ya know?"

She was answering 100% seriously, but she was trying to word it in a way that would keep her own mood up. However, she did want to tell the other soldier that her fear is the people she wants to protect dying. If she were to lose a comrade, because of her own weakness or her own fault she wasn't exactly sure how she could live with herself.

"M.. . my worry is those that I'm trying to protect dying due to my own weakness. I don't know if I could live with myself if a comrade, or someone dying when I'm giving it my all."
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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 10:00 am
First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Very good. As a soldier in a force like this, you oughta be prepared to dance with the grim reaper at any time. Of course, mentality and ability are as far part' as the heavens and earth. It ain't often that the two match each other seamlessly."

Natasha devoted herself to her meal as well, shifting from fries to burger as she spoke at length. There was nothing inherently flawed with Stella's approach, though that protector complex immediately reminded her of Solomon. He was precisely the sort of man who would value someone else's life over his own. No wonder the two hit it off. A small chortle rumbled in her throat. Reaching over to ruffle the woman's hair, Natasha would response with her own opinion on the matter.

"With all that in mind, the only path left to someone like you and even yer current teacher is improvin' to such a degree that neither one of ya'll have to worry about lost lives. Either way, that's a good answer, sugar. I tested ya just now, and you met my first expectation. Some talk a big game, but when they're actually faced with it? They're often the first people to run."

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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Fri Dec 15, 2023 6:44 am
"Well, I'm not fully green when it comes to fighting hollows. The ones I was fighting might not have been all that special Strength wise, but I don't think that I'm going to get cold feet in a fight. "

The girl would answer confidently as she would give a smile. She would think about the idea of being scared, but in alot of cases if something is stronger than you to the point of you being scared then there's no reason to run. fighting or trying to talk a way out of it is probably the best way.

"If a hollow is stronger than me that just means I have to get creative right? Or hopefully I'll have someone else with me so we can take it down!"
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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 4:13 am
First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Creativity in times of duress ain't a bad approach. I find that half of the rookies who find themselves in this line of work end up contradictin' themselves real quick, grow cold feet at the slightest sign o' danger."

That, too, was a respectable answer. Stella was passing this makeshift interview with flying colors so far. Brave spirit, built for adversity, and she came equipped with a chip on her shoulders. As it stood, there wasn't much to contest with her eventual decision to enlist, but that didn't mean she wouldn't test the woman in the near future. Words were just that, after all. Words. Any soldier worth their weight knew that actions always spoke louder. Finishing her burger and fries in full, Natasha leaned against the chair, requesting a few more orders to bring something home for her little buddies. In the meantime, Natasha slid her phone forward.

"One important lesson I'd like to bestow upon ya' is the toughest part, though. Knowin' when to run away. It ain't easy, I assure you, and it might contradict everythin' I've been preachin up till now, but sometimes ya just have to know when to fold em'. Live to fight another day, if you will. There's hardly anythin' wrong with a soldier's retreat, got it?"

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First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]  - Page 2 Empty Re: First Year Blues[Natasha, Stella]

Tue Dec 19, 2023 7:09 am
"I don't think there's anything wrong with retreating when it's needed, but I don't think I could do it if the retreat would lead to the death of another."

Stella would speak honestly, and she understood that it sounded stupid coming from her. However, she wanted to save as many people as she possibly could or atleast protect them. If it came to her life or someone she was protecting she would gladly give her life to protect them.

"I..I'm not sure if I could just leave innocents behind. Not when I know there has to be something thst I can do ya know? I don't have to win every fight, and I know there are things that I can do to slow enemies down. I also don't think I. particularly special enough for anyone to die for me."
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