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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:17 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Trouble did occur at times, even within the walls of the Rukongai. Soul Society, despite his expectations of it, had its own issues here and there, and Ranma just wasn’t mentally built to deal with all of the shit going on down on Earth at the moment. They could call for him when they needed him to purify souls as was his job, but investigation wasn’t his strong suit. Not one bit.

But patrolling sounded alright. After all, Rukongai served as the resting place for many souls in the present and in the future, so the place had to be accommodating and not full of trouble for new souls. That was why Ranma was out here now – in one of the number thirty or around that districts, equipped with his sake bottle and his Zanpakutō and intending to use neither today-

Why? Why on earth would Ranma ever skip the opportunity to use this easy patrolling mission to take a nap, drink himself into a coma and visit Vice-Captain Mizu’s Squad again? Well… he had someone to impress. Someone precious to him now. A girlfriend!

I know, right? Who would’ve thought… but uh, he also knew that he had to learn to grow a little less reliant on his grumpy Zanpakutō if trouble arose. His Kidō was on the works – Mizu had introduced to him a fancy armor technique, but one that he hadn’t mastered yet – and he thought after his confrontation with Armina that his Hakuda was also on a good streak. Overtime, if he just kept on… and drank his stuff to avoid getting a headache, only to get a headache the next morning but one he chose, because pain of his own free will was lesser than unwanted pain… then he could perhaps be eligible to seek help regarding his Zanpakutō’s next evolution and make big sis Noharu proud. A 4/4 Shinigami in the works, baby!

“I hope you’re happy, Hōkamaru – I intend to give you the peace you want,” he spoke to his sheathed Asauchi, “You just gotta watch me have lots of fun and vibes with Erica today, you grumpy sword spirit.” It was strange how different they were… Zanpakutōs usually reflected something from their wielders. A part of their soul, or a mirror of their soul. But Hōkamaru was rather unwelcome, lonesome but not lonely, desiring the peace of a void between his ears, a still world and no cute angel by his side to give him a warm embrace.

But Ranma was passionate now. He had lots of desires, all of which required communicating with people. There had to be something between them that they shared… something that would make it more suitable for Hōkamaru to be Ranma’s Zanpakutō Spirit. Otherwise, people who’d ever get to meet Hōkamaru would think that the Spirit was accidently swapped with another’s.

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Wed Dec 06, 2023 1:29 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

It was with a slight feeling of trepidation that Erica headed towards her patrol location for the day. The healer had honestly never been on one before and it’d only been because of Hannah’s lecture that she’d finally decided to work up the courage to go on one. Harming others was not something that she’d ever been particularly fond of and while she’d come to understand that there were times where it had to be done, it didn’t make it any easier for her to shake off her nerves. The opponents she could face today were not going to be Hollows but other souls, ones who no doubt had their own hopes and dreams. Dark ones perhaps but human nonetheless. It was a difficult situation for the Squad 2 member but she had to do this. She’d never grow as a Shinigami otherwise.

Luckily for her, she’d managed to partner herself up with her new boyfriend, which more than anything helped ease her worries. Ranma was tough and a far better fighter than her, a fact she was willing to admit without any detection of jealousy or ego but more than that, he had a presence that could convince her that everything would be alright. Besides, with his sword craft and her Kido skills, they’d be fine no matter what, right? Erica was no slouch with either Bakudo or Hadō and it was only her hesitation that had ever held her back. Today, she’d learn to leave that behind, for the sake of not only herself and Ranma but those they’d sworn to protect too when they’d joined the Gotei.

The scenery around her was rather foreign to her, not having travelled too far into the Rukongai before. It wasn’t quite as clean and pristine as the first district where she lived. There was a little more menace to the place and while not a district that was too highly ranked, it was enough to cause her green eyes to move from side to side, ready to cast a spell if she needed to. Ever since she and Ranma had agreed to take part in the patrol, Erica had been spending every free moment practising her spell casting.

Soon enough, she’d come across a familiar figure waiting for her and with a smile crossing her face, she’d move toward him. “Hey Ranma! Hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long.”


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Wed Dec 06, 2023 3:22 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


”… Okay, wait, Hōkamaru, you did give me your name at least, so something tells me you’ll just grow even grumpier if I don’t show you my gratitude and actually make good use of your ridiculous abilities…” Ranma continued reconsidering his decision, having a full-blown conversation with a sword that refused to reply, “’Cause thinking about it, you… slow down things, like- wait, wait, wait! That just gave me an idea… I can slow down a wound – thought it’d help the person, did the opposite, but whatever – and I can slow down areas a bit, but that wave attack… can I slow down that? Like a delayed shockwave-“

Oh, there she was! Her delightful voice brought him out of his one-sided conversation and towards a wonderful Shinigami, a person who’d actually speak back to him – and an astonishingly beautiful one at that. It still baffled him that he was dating her… but she sure helped him forget all the shit Armina put him through. He wasn’t a barbaric, no-good knucklehead when with Erica – he was Ranma, an awesome, rising Shinigami pro!

“Not at all. I- wait…”

Something dawned him just now – when was the last time they had met? It must’ve been their date, ‘cause he hadn’t gotten injured from then until now. That meant that she had left him a parting gift in form of a smooch, and he never repaid in kin- holy shit.

He quickly scurried over to her before she got over to him first, pulling down his bandages that he still wore – more as a ‘cool’ aesthetic than anything else – and swiftly pecked her cheek before wrapping his mouth up again. “Now we’re even~. Sorry for last time, I must’ve been a mess… b-but I reckon this is one of your first patrol missions, no? Want some good tips from your cute, awesome, badass boyfriend or nah?”

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:19 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

The healer had no idea what he planned on doing when he moved quickly towards her but a wide smile eventually appeared when he kissed her, a pink tinge forming on her cheeks that matched her hair. She’d been so drunk that there were moments of their night together that were a bit of a blank but she did remember smooching him on the way home. It’d been a night of such bliss and one that the Shingami would do her darndest not to forget for the rest of her life or as much as she could anyway. Erica had always had a bounce to her but ever since they’d become an item, it was as if she radiated positivity and even her sword seemed to be responding to her. She could have sworn that it was talking to her more regularly now, even while working. It'd started during their date and she’d wondered if it’d just been a dream but now she knew that it wasn’t. Her blade was recognising her for the woman she was.

“First patrol I’ve ever been on.” She replied honestly, not seeing any reason to deceive or anything. “I’ve got to admit that I’m kind of nervous as swordcraft has never been something I’ve worked much on but I’ll do my best to back you up. I’ve been working hard on my attacking and binding spells since we were paired up for this.” Honestly, it hadn’t been that hard to train, once she’d overcome her original hesitance. Knowing that she’d be using her spells to defend Ranma had helped to bolster her resolve and she felt that if she was helping him, it would be alright to take the offensive if she needed to.

With a chuckle, she’d add after a moment or two. “Any advice you could give me would be great as I’ve got no real idea about how a patrol works. Only place I normally patrol is the infirmary.”

Today would most certainly be a change of pace.


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 1:54 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


First patrol? Damn… he gotta give a good impression, then. No discussion.

“Spells… h-hey, you don’t mind, maybe, later… showing me, if you know a high-level Kidō or two, for reference…” he gently mumbled with twirling thumbs, “Since I gotta at least pull my weight… Squad 8 quota – be able to help in all fields. A lot’s expected of me!” It was funny – they both, in a way, asked for advice in different fields – right after he asked, she asked too. Since it was her first patrol, and Ranma was enamored by her, he offered her the first answer: “One good tip is to always be on the step. Like this-“

A whistling sound, racing wind across his hair, his entire body blurred as he performed a Shunpo towards a nearby rooftop- he didn’t make it all the way to the roof, though, since they were quite a distance away. As a result, he was now midair, flapping his feet and arms to elevate himself the rest of the way up to the roof. “Phew… I-I mean, yeah! Like that – you can take a wide view from up here and bother less peo-“

“Uhm… could you not blabber on top of my roof?” an elderly lady stuck her head out from the window below the roof’s edge, glancing up towards the temporal trickster whose eyes widened in embarrassment, “We’re in the middle of playing Shogi in here, and we gotta-“

“I-I didn’t even raise my voice that high!”

“Well, you certainly are now.”

“I- …” Ranma’s face was beetred, for he was caught red-handed. “W-We’re patrolling, we’ll be off in an instant.”

“Ooohh, then could you do me a favor? My husband’s probably gotten himself lost again, and we’re waiting for him to join our next Shogi round. He’s bald and wears a red sweater with a giraffe on the front – I sewed it for him.”

“… I-I guess we can… *cough* Sure! All in a day’s work, ma’am,” Ranma regained some vigor from his first call to action and waved Erica up to follow him, “He might be close by, so let’s take a look around town.”

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Dec 14, 2023 2:47 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

With a simple use of Shunpo, the healer appeared beside her boyfriend, finding the ability quite an easy one to use. Speed was important for a healer and while she’d been dedicated to her kido, the pink haired Shinigami wasn’t a slouch when it came to moving either. She reckoned that she could keep up with him and replied with a chuckle. “I suppose we should find him before the lady gives you another ear-bashing for ruining her game. How could you ruin her shogi match like that?” Teasing of course, Erica was trying her best to overcome her nerves through humour.

She hadn’t got much of a chance to answer his previous request that he mentioned to her and as the two began to search for the man, Erica would choose that moment to respond. “Are there any kido spells in particular that you want to see? I can perform any of them up until the high 80’s but I struggle a little more when I try them. Don’t worry, they don’t explode or anything but without the chant, they lack some power when I cast them.” She didn’t like boasting about her own abilities and Erica tried to remain humble about her own powers but when it came to kido, the woman was rather gifted. “I’ve even tried to create a set of armour using it but it’s been a bit of a struggle. So far, it breaks after like one hit.”

As they continued to search, Erica would look down as they moved through the air, a frown forming across her features. “I don’t like the look of some of the men down there. Don’t they look like trouble makers to you?”


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Fri Jan 19, 2024 10:00 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Ow, what in tarnation, she made it look way easier than Shunpo actually was! And he didn’t even know anyone was in there – roofs just… kind of seemed the most obvious vantage point to stand on. “I-I didn’t meeaaaan tooooooo…” he protested with crossed arms, wanting to get her her old dude back as compensation… so they could forget this awkward endeavor.

Ranma slowly caught up with Erica’s Shunpo, but again – she made it look way easier than it was. Really, the power of a rapidly beating, romantic heart brought him up to speed, and that was when Erica mentioned a peculiar dilemma of hers. She was gifted with Kidō – every soul and their mother knew that – and she was even trying to invent an armor spell of her own- *CLICK* - wasn’t that what he’d been practicing per her Vice-Captain’s teachings?

Wait, maybe she hadn’t known… but that meant that Ranma could come in clutch!!! “You should ask Morikawa-sensei for advice,” he told her rather sudden, quick and as if he had knowledge in the matter, which he obviously did, but it’d definitely be out of the blue for a Zanjutsu-focused guy, “… I-I mean Vice-Cap… your Vice-Captain Morikawa… trust me, she’ll help you out times a thousand.” Now, he could just reveal that Morikawa-sensei had an armor spell of her own already past the making, but Erica clearly wanted to make something unique for herself, and it wouldn’t hurt to ask the Vice-Captain in that matter. If he just up and said ‘nah, not original enough’, he’d probably break his neck in retaliation.

But he was really confident in Morikawa-sensei’s help. Erica should definitely go seek her counsel – really, it was perfect.

“… Hmpf! Hmpf! They’re just jealous,” he affirmed proudly, strong gusts flying out of his snubby bandaged nose, “I sure hope they’re jealous of us blitzing through the air- *flailing arms and legs for a brief instant*- like hawks in flight, and not ‘cause I’m hanging out with a babe like you- *flailing arms and legs for a brief instant*- I-I think I’m getting the hang of it, this Shunpo stuff…”

There was a giant sitting on the street further away. They could see the back spiking over the horizon after a while, and the giant sitting with his knees hugged tightly against his chest, as if sobbing over one thing or another for some odd reason, was none other than-


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:46 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

The healer was surprised that he’d have a suggestion about her issues with her armour spell but she was happy to take it on board. “I haven’t spoken to the Vice Captain yet but I’ll make sure to ask about it if I do. I bet there are others out there who’ve already come up with the idea but I bet my armour will be a lot cuter. It’s bright pink and everything.” Erica was pleased with her progress so far and hoped that eventually, she’d be able to master her attempt at making a new spell. It took a lot of experience to reach that level but she’d try.

In response to his comment about the men, she’d chuckle. “You’re doing just fine. All you have to do is keep focused and soon enough you’ll be passing me and everyone else. Learning Shunpo is like learning anything else, it just takes practice.” Her father had been a natural at the skill and Erica assumed that was why it’d come to easily to her. He’d saved her and mother with a flash step so fast that no one had seen him approach and the speed at which he’d cut the Hollow down had been crazy.

A few moments later, Ranma would suddenly call out a name, one that Erica didn’t know and as she glanced down at the seemingly upset giant, her expression would soften. He looked awfully unhappy indeed and since her boyfriend seemed to know him, the healer felt safe approaching the large being. She’d use Shunpo again so that she was standing in the air beside him.

“Are you alright Sir?” Her tone was gentle and soft, as she did her best not to make things worse.


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Jan 25, 2024 9:12 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] DyxMvAe


Bright, pink, cute armor… and his imagination went wild. Of course, he thought of rather questionable armor fashions, but her goal was to make it cute, so it was partly her fault for feeding him ideas – definitely, 100%, her fault entirely… him and his reddened face came to terms with that, even if the thought process was bogus.

But it was also her fault that he suddenly had a 50x increased interest in practicing Shunpo when he returned to his Squad – Noharu could definitely give him a few tips and that, knowing how skilled she was with Hohō. Someone the size of Arhat would struggle with that, though… speaking of, what was the big guy being all grumpy about?

Arhat, still in a low mood, slowly turned his face towards the two Shinigami that approached him – at first, his eyes widened in fear, but he recognized Ranma’s face and quickly lowered his gaze into a dry sigh. Huffs, grunts and growls… wait… since he met him, Ranma hadn’t heard the big lad utter a single, coherent word. Could he not talk? Who raised him- ohhhhhhhhhhhh… knowing where he was found, and knowing the circumstances of parenthood from those ends, Ranma immediately concluded that Arhat here had an even worse upbringing. Likely, his ‘parents’ didn’t teach him anything… Ranma was at least lucky enough to have an aunt and uncle to raise him in his parents’ stead. Now he just felt utterly worse for the big boy, poor Arhat…

“I… think he can’t talk, but uh…” Ranma shared his thoughts with Erica, letting her catch up to speed on the whole Arhat issue, “I found him in the 71st or so District. I heard he just lived by himself, fighting and… even eating people- I have no clue how, shouldn’t think too much about that.” Yeah, the whole maneating detail was a wildcard no matter the context – might as well just get that out of the way.

“Dunno how he grew so massive, though. Maybe it was the maneating part, but… I-I just became friends with him, really. Remember that blue-haired bitch who tried to beat the brakes off of me? He saved me from her,” he further explained, trying to correctly portrait the giant, maneating Arhat as a friendly guy, “So… like… uhm… he’s really strong! Like, super fucking strong – especially for a random guy from that District! I wondered if I could help him enroll into Shin’o Academy, so he could also become a Shinigami – problem is… well, the talking part. Also, don’t know if he can even fit inside a classroom…”

“… Oh wait, what is he doing here- hey Arhat, whatcha doing here-“


Instead of being challenged to bouts by fearless goons searching for quick street cred – akin to a knight valiantly challenging a mighty dragon to a duel to the death – Arhat was just treated as an anomaly, slowly becoming aware of how out of place he was. This was the source of his depression.

“Hey, all y’all shut the FUCK up!!!” Ranma quickly lashed out at the random masses throwing shit, bricks and sticks at the giant, “If he wanted, he coulda eaten y’all! N-Not like he should, but PRAISE THE SELF-RESTRAINT, DAMN IT!”

Now, people just started throwing stuff at the two Shinigami. Ranma wasn’t good with crowds.

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Jan 25, 2024 11:26 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] VTEZeJL

As Ranma explained the situation to her, Erica’s gaze turned to watch the giant. His body language wasn’t looking good and she didn’t need to look twice to see that he was clearly in a deep depression of sorts. She’d been taught all about the condition during her studies and had more than once helped her fellow Shinigami with their own mental struggles. It was concerning to see Arhat in such a state, unwilling to defend himself from what was quickly becoming a hostile crowd. If the situation stayed like this then either Arhat was going to allow himself to be injured or he’d explode into a rage and all heck would break loose. Neither of those options could happen.

Ranma was losing his cool too and so it seemed that the next move would have to be hers when it came to handling the situation. She was nervous about the crowd and the pink haired Shinigami could feel the hatred coming from them like an inferno. It was hard to deal with and it took quite a lot of her to keep her own composure. Arhat needed to be defended until he was able to move and so she figured that it would be her role to play. She didn’t know if the sticks and stones would even hurt the giant but maybe if she did something to protect him then maybe he’d understand whose side she was on?

Turning to Ranma, she’d say, trying to hide her nervousness. “Keep trying to talk to him while I keep them at bay.”

She’d then shunpo in front of the crowd and say, raising her hands in a spellcasting motion. “Bakudo 39. Enkosen.”

A large, yellow, fan-like circle of energy would form before her, growing in size as she tried to tweak it to protect Arhat. The projectiles would strike against it but Erica held firm, deflecting them away with her shield. She made no effort to push forward and instead just stood her ground, doing her best to keep her new friend protected.

“Leave him be!” She would shout, her timidity fading away to be replaced by something else, a determination that only those patients who’d try to defy her orders had encountered before.


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