Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Sun Jan 28, 2024 5:45 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Erica wanted a go against the crowds now, so Ranma gave her space and went over to Arhat’s side to talk some sense into the sad boy the size of a house. “Hey, Arhat buddy – it’s me, Ranma… listen, we gotta bring you somewhere else, you shouldn’t just sit here and let them shout at you like this…” he tried to reason with the sulking guy, not really noticing any big changes except a side-eye glance from Arhat before the latter returned to gazing straight down.

The crowds immediately backed off when a giant, glowing disk walled them off from Arhat, watching debris bounce off and even hit some of them in return. Arhat was surprised by the bright light and rose his face to see the disk protecting him like a shield, and Ranma took the opportunity to introduce his girlfriend to him: “Oh yeah, look! You got a new friend, too – meet my sweet, beautiful, lovely soulmate~! Her name’s Erica, she likes spells and flowers. You can learn these spells, too – if we get you to Shin’o Academy, that is!”

Yeah, the crowds weren’t willing to deal with all of that light, the rebuke and the awkwardness, so they scattered and left Arhat alone with the two Shinigami. The giant felt a little safer, but he clearly didn’t like being here – getting closer and closer to the Seireitei just made things worse for him, made people more and more wary of him. Instead, he rose up on his feet slowly, then headed away from the direction towards the center.

Ranma quickly flew up in front of him, both hands on the giant’s chest in an attempt to push him in the other direction. “Woah, woah, woah, wait, wait, wait! You’re going the wrong direction, Ar-boy! The Seireitei’s that… way… uhm…” Ranma pondered, looking up at Arhat’s defeated look on his face, “Y-You really don’t want to go back to those Districts… please, you shouldn’t, life’s shit out there – that’s why I brought you here in the first place…”

Arhat’s sadness rubbed off on Ranma and made the latter a sobbing mess, wetting Arhat’s chest with his own tears. It was clear that the giant needed some sort of comfort – maybe just a change of scenery, or a change in aroma… wait! Yes, that was it!

“E-Ericaaaaaa… you know that thing with your Asauchi? The scent? Could you show it to him? Maybe it’ll cheer him up.”

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Mon Jan 29, 2024 11:50 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

Glad that her shield had managed to do its job, Erica would let it fade away, pleased with how she’d done. The crowd thankfully hadn’t seemed to want anything to do with her Kido which she was certainly thankful for and a smile crossed her features as she watched them all leave. The thought of having to fight them all off filled her with dread and not something she’d have done lightly. They weren’t criminals after all or at least she didn’t think so. They were just frightened people who felt intimidated by Arhat’s size or at least she hoped they were. The thought of them returning at a later date to continue where they left off was troubling.

By the time she was able to return to Ranma and Arhat, they were both in an absolute state, much to the distress of the pink haired healer and as he requested something from her through his tears, Erica bit her lip. She’d never been able to access her sword's power through will before and as she glanced down at her Zanpakuto, the healer became nervous. How could she call upon her blade at the drop of her hat without never even having spoken to it…

It was then that she thought back to her date with Ranma and that voice that she’d heard in her mind. She’d been tipsy at the time but hadn’t that been her sword? Erica honestly wasn’t sure if it had been or not given her state but she could remember the last words uttered.

Something about always having a smile on her face?

With no other real option, Erica would close her eyes, focusing on what was good in her life. She focused on those she healed and how they always thanked her afterwards, the friends that she’d made and the progress that she’d made with her Kido. Most of all, she thought about Ranma and the happiness that she felt whenever she was around him.

Her sword reacted, releasing the usual flowery scent that it usually did, filling the area around the trip with its sweet smell. It would try to break down the misery and fear that Arhat was suffering from, doing its best to erode and destroy it. Of course, it would try to help Ranma too but it seemed most focused upon the giant, whose woes seemed to be far deeper than her boyfriends.

It was then that she had the shock of her life, as that same voice from before would utter into her head. “You are learning, my dear Erica. Happiness will win my favour. Always remember that.”

Her smile growing, Erica would then Shunpo again so that she was beside her boyfriend and the weeping giant. “Come now, you two, there’s been enough tears.” She said softly, with both a sweetness and yet a certain determination too.


Last edited by Ashaiya on Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:37 am; edited 2 times in total
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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Mon Jan 29, 2024 12:38 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


… Ohhh, strawberries and cinnamon… wait, that was Erica’s Zanpakutō, wasn’t it? How handy was it that her partner smelled so good – it was a wonder gift wrapped in cookies, whipped cream and sprinkles, whatever her Zanpakutō’s ability was going to be… but it still required her to learn her sword’s name.

Nah, it’d be fine. His sword was just a shy weirdo – no shot Erica’s wouldn’t be more helpful- far, much more helpful than whatever he experienced.

And with the pleasant scent filling the air, Arhat opened his eyes and hummed in relief. His spirits were lifted, and he even decided to stand up – due to his size, it did cause Ranma to back off before the guy’s shoulder would launch him to the stars. “Wooooaaaah! Glad to see you’re feelin’ better, Ar-… Arby… wait, that wasn’t your name…” Ranma greeted, breaking in his tracks at the sudden realization that he forgot the dude’s proper name. Ar-boy… no, it was Arhat, silly.

“…Y-You know, Arhat doesn’t really… roll off the tongue well- WAIT! Wait, hold on – we can’t call you that anymore, my big, green-haired fella~” Ranma suddenly cooked up with his eccentric, enigmatic pair of braincells cooking something up as always, “You’re no longer a Rukongai goon! Ignore that I don't have any authority to do this, but from here on now, you’re gonna be a Shinigami, just like the two of us~! That means ya gotta get a new name, so you stop scaring dumbasses out there…” If it wasn’t obvious that Ranma related to Arhat a bit too heavily, then he sure made it clear now. Ranma, too, had been called another name back in the slums… Retsu.

And fuck that name. Arhat probably meant something derogatory, too, so fuck that name, too.

“Just gotta think of a good name…”

“P R I C K ! ! !”

“… I don’t think that- maybe ‘prick’ could work, a harsh start and end does fit a big guy like y- wait, who the hell said that-“

That wasn’t a suggestion to a name – that was a slur shouted by an elder running around the alleyways nearby. His form would pop into view from some openings here and there – it appeared that he kept his cardio on the high, for he was running fast for a guy at his age. “You can’t run forever, you clawy, little burglar! Give me back my sweater, or I’ll bite off your tail!!!”

Whatever small creature he was running after was also fast… likely faster, but definitely more acrobatic. It escaped his grabby hands at all cutoffs, seeking the roofs and moving like a shadowy phantom at high speed. In its jaws, a reddish sweater flaked by the wind. It immediately disappeared into the taller buildings, leaving the old man catching his breath with a naked torso.

“?” Give him a few seconds, and Ranma would remember their original quest.

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Tue Jan 30, 2024 11:47 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

One moment she was watching Ranma and Arhat cheer themselves up and the next they were interrupted by an old man chasing after an animal. It was quite the twist for sure but Erica guessed that she shouldn’t be too surprised. Anything could happen while on patrol and having just gone through the affair with Arhat, the healer felt like she was ready for anything. Well, up to a point anyway. What she was concerned about was a fight and a part of her hoped that wouldn’t happen that day. For the moment, it didn’t seem like it was on the cardo though, thankfully.

As she watched the cat escape, Erica couldn’t help but notice that it moved with a grace that was exceptional. No ordinary feline could move like that and she mused if perhaps it was more than just a normal cat. No doubt it would be her and Ranma’s job to hunt it down but Erica couldn’t help but feel some sympathy for it. Most thefts were out of desperate need more than anything else and she wondered if perhaps the creature was just cold? Maybe it was taking care of a litter of kittens or something? Life was rough in Rukongai, after all.

Approaching the old man, Erica would ask, smiling. “Excuse me, Sir but is that the first time you've seen that cat or has it been stealing a lot of items lately?”


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Wed Jan 31, 2024 4:19 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Yeah, the old man had no chance of catching that cat. Ranma soon came to realize that the small creature had run off into some shrubbery, so while Erica went to the elder, Cat-Eyes flew into the woods to try and find this silhouetted creature.

“… Oro?” the elder male eyed Erica approach him, blinking a few times in pale confusion before answering, “Uhm, it just… appeared, I haven’t seen it before! Who raised that little runt of a cat, anyway!? That sweater… my dear made it for me…” It was likely that this was the guy they were asked by the elderly lady from earlier to track down. So this was why he got lost…

In the meantime, Ranma came to realize that this cat was far more agile than he was mentally prepared for. At some points, both Erica and the elder could hear… clear, muffled *bonks* coming from the trees here and there. Ranma fell to old habits of overexerting himself with Shunpo, going in several meters’ linear distances and screwing up his landing each time… but watching the shadowy cat’s movements, and desperately trying to catch up to it, made him take shorter and shorter-ranged bursts with the step technique.

… Huh, this feels much easier – ain’t no way I’m dodging anyone like this, tho-


The cat got impatient and decided to do a 180, leaping straight towards Ranma’s face and drawing its claws out to force him into submission. The Shinigami flailed around the trees in an attempt to shake it off, shocked that a cat could exert this much of an obstacle to him. What on earth were with these creatures?! He never knew that the Rukongai could house such powerhouses!

At one point, the cat leapt off and escaped into a sort of makeshift den covered in grass and leaves, to which Ranma… floated back out to Erica and the elder, his face faintly covered in reddish claw marks. “So I found its den, but as you can probably tell, it doesn’t like me. Dunno why, though – I think I’m very welcoming,” he sighed his opinion, “Also, unrelated question – ya seen any old guy around, sir? With a red giraffe sweater?”

“Oh, that was mine! Did my sweetheart send you two? She always gets so fired up when I take a walk… you reckon you could get it back for me? You move so much quicker than me in my rusty feet…”

“… S-So did she make a spare, or-“

“What? No, no, no – only that one! It took her a week to knit it.”

“… N-No spares?”

“Not that I know, at least.”


Throwing a glance at Erica with his scratched face, it was clear that Ranma had wanted to leave the cat alone given… well, he didn’t want to hurt it, he didn’t want to kill it, that wouldn’t be worth a damn sweater, and he was running out of brain juice. He could feel his urge for a slurp from his gourd beat in his head, it just… urgh, but the damn moral ropes kept tugging at his chest. Damn it all.

“… E-Ericaaaaaaaaa?” he begged once more for the pacifying power of his awesome lover with puppy eyes her way.

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Thu Feb 01, 2024 9:21 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

Sighing a little, Erica would raise her arms and hold them a few inches from her partner’s face, tapping into her power of Kaido, causing her hands to turn blue. Once she was ready, the healer would proceed to heal the scratches that were covering his face. They were rather nasty and the cat clearly had a temper, one that was going to be a little bit of a pain to deal with. She quite liked cats but knew well enough that if they didn’t want to be bothered then they could be unpleasant. Clearly, it didn’t like Ranma too much but then again, he’d been chasing it with reckless abandon so no wonder it felt defensive.

It didn’t take long to repair the damage and after about a minute or so, Erica dusted off her hands and lowered them, leaving Ranma looking exactly as he did before the incident. “Good as new.” The pink haired woman brightly said, a smile forming across her face. “How about I try to lure out this little troublemaker? It may be a little more friendly with me.”

With that being said, she’d do her best to follow where Ranma had gone, until she came across the same den that he had. Already, she could hear hissing coming from it and Erica would place a hand on her weapon, remembering what her blade had taught her about using her powers. At first nothing happened but after a moment, the same sweet scent would fill the air, causing even the birds around her to start singing sweetly. She was becoming rather fond of her ability and as the scent filled the den, the hissing would turn to something else.

Approaching the den and crouching before it, Erica would make a sound to try and encourage the animal to come to her. The response was a rather deep purr and sure enough, a large ginger cat would appear, rubbing its body up against her outstretched hand. She was a lovely cat and even allowed Erica to glance inside the den, where not only did she find the jumper but other bits and pieces too.

Calling out to her partner, Erica would say with a chuckle. “It’s all right, Ranma, she’s friendly now. Come on over.”

Erica was about to stand up but the feline had other ideas, placing herself right in the Shinigami’s lap, purring like crazy.


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:56 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Ah… he felt handsome again. Weird that his mouth scars remained, though – almost as if they weren’t wounds anymore. Was that how it worked? Was that how Kaido worked? Anyway-

“Ah, perfect. Smooth as butter…” he fawned, rubbing both hands over his face. He still had a pretty face to court her with, everything was going to be alright… speaking of alright, Erica had some sort of psychokinetic prowess, she had to! The cat that declared war on his face stopped hissing at the smell of her Zanpakutō, clearly showcasing favoritism! Bias! BIAS, I TELL YOU!

The ginger cat quickly eased up in Erica’s comfort and behaved accordingly – like a sweet, little family cat wanting pets and treats from its human caretakers. At first, Ranma kept his distance – who knew if it’d return to its triggered state at the mere sight of him. Then again, it wasn’t Armina-

On the other hand, he did want to approach… but more so he could get a better look. With Erica taking a look inside the den like that- oh wait, never mind, she called him over. “I hope you’re right… h-hey there, kitty…” he tried to coo at the cat in his own, friendly manner, approaching it and taking a look at the objects it’d stored in its den. The sweater had a hole torn into it from the cat’s fangs, but beyond that, it was mostly in one piece. The cat had also possessed belongings such as other fabrics, carpets, shoes and even some bundled grass.

“Poor kitty…” he hummed, “…” It made itself quite comfortable on Erica’s lap, huh? It looked so… smug. So full of itself – as if it was convinced it belonged there, on the bountiful valley that guarded heaven’s gate. Who did it think it was? Glancing at it make itself so comfortable… made Ranma’s irises dilute, his pupils spin, and his eyes widen. He had to assert himself. “… Hmpf! Seems it likes you quite a lot,” he initiated by huffing out with a pout on his face, “Just so you know, feline, you’re at the mercy of my super-duper-awesome-sweet-beautiful-number-one-love-of-my-life. You better know your place between us t- why’s it on my lap?”

During his short stand, he was now on his knees providing a lap for the cat to lay on for the time being. Curiosity led him to stroke its fur gently, and that was when his mind, body and soul were all caught in its spell… the spell of cats that had taken a hold of millions of humans in the World of the Living. “… E-Erica… can we adopt it? Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase?” he asked with bubbly eyes.

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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Sun Feb 11, 2024 2:03 pm
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 VTEZeJL

The ginger haired feline certainly had a way about it and Erica had to chuckle as it left her lap to sit on Ranma’s instead. The cat was clearly an old softy in truth and as she stroked it, the animal rolled around in her partner’s lap, purring so loudly that it could probably be heard in the next district. The healer was certainly glad that things had sorted themselves out although it was unfortunate that the old timer's jumper had been damaged but she was certain that the cat hadn’t honestly meant any real harm and was just playing.

It was amazing to see just how quickly Ranma changed his tune about the animal and Erica couldn’t help but chuckle when he looked at her. “If there’s one thing I know about cats, it’s that once they’ve found their owner, they won’t give them up for anything. I think we’re stuck with our ginger friend now but I don’t mind that, he’s a sweetheart.” Stroking the cat’s head again, the creature would keep purring, almost paralytic with the amount of purring it was receiving. She didn’t want to see it go and judging from her partner, neither did he.

“Isn’t that right, Snuggles?” She cooed at the cat, whose eyes seemed to light up at the name as he clambered back into her lap again. It’d taken a little while for her to figure out the gender but given his size, she reckoned he was a tom. He was a large cat for sure and Erica reckoned that he’d probably make for a great guard cat as much as anything. With the speed he possessed, he wouldn’t let anyone get away.

Smiling at Ranma, she added. “I guess we’d better find out if the old man knows who any of this other stuff belongs to. I doubt Snuggles minds if it’s all returned now.”

Judging from the big, almost human-like smile on his face, he didn’t mind much of anything right then.


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A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 Empty Re: A New Name [Erica, Ranma]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 9:54 am
A New Name [Erica, Ranma] - Page 2 DyxMvAe


Orange smoothtalker, eh? This cat wasn’t dumb – maybe… he could teach it a thing or two. I mean, think about it – it was flexible, agile as all hell, and knew how to throw paws. A little Hakuda training and, maybe, some Hohō to compliment its speed, and it’d make a shrewd Shinigami.

Problem is, how’d it talk to them? Cats didn’t talk… t-their language, did it? Sometimes, animal souls that had lived for many years developed higher sentience, right? Maybe they’d just have to wait it out with Snuggles here. “Then you’re coming with us, Sn- wait, that’s gonna be his name?” Ranma interrupted himself with the notion of the chosen name for their new companion, “I was thinking something funny, like… Orange. Like the fruit. Or Persimmon… or Persia.”


“O-Okay, okay, Snuggles it is.”


Welp, Erica and Snuggles were at an agreement, in sync with their growing compassion for each other… so anyway, Snuggles was rehabilitated from theft. That meant the patrollers got some items to return – first and foremost, the damaged sweater. “Big scoop for a feline, really. What’d he even need all of this for – there’s a freaking watch in here,” he revealed, pulling up from the den a shiny, silvery watch, “I haven’t seen one Shinigami with a watch on. Look, snacks too – pop-crisps, mango juice cans- [b]is that a fucking unifo-“

Somebody had their Shin’o Academy uniform stolen from them… oh. Oh damn. Better return this later, before Snuggles was to get in trouble.

Leading them both out of the woods, Ranma held the damaged sweater in his hand, which visibly upset the oldhead. “Noooo, my darling’s sweater… she spent so much time on it!” he groaned in grief, hugging the fabric as if it was in shreds, “… It’s gonna take a decade to fix this hole, nhgggh, and she never lets me wear anything else…” That… last part made Ranma raise an eyebrow – maybe that was why the sweater was so important to him. That old lady from earlier had some quirks.

“I’m sure she’ll… like, let you wear another sweater she made or something.”

“Mhm, I haven’t seen her sew any new, lately, but maybe I can try my luck. A-Anyway, you found it for me, and I thank- you- w-who’s that big fella?”

“Oh, that’s our friend Arha-“

Huh… Arhat was here. Towering over men, women and trees as always, he glared down at the scene with each leg casting a shadow over the woods. His imposing presence must’ve been stressful for Snuggles, but the lad did need a place to… well, live, basically. That was what Ranma had promised…

“Hnngg… guess I can’t just have you wandering around here. Thought the woods would be a good pick, but your head sticks out from the treetops,” he ruminated, “Hmh… man, being that big is troubling.” Arhat visibly didn’t seem too joyous about his detriment – Squad 8 didn’t exactly work under Ranma’s orders, so bringing some random giant guy to their quarters could get him into trouble – especially during this lockdown. He just needed Arhat a place to stay until he could enter the Shin’o-

How on earth would he even fit inside the classes?! Did they make Shihakushō his size?

“… O-Okaaaaaaaaaay… this proved a bit more complicated than I thought,” Ranma admitted, a drop of sweat falling off his panicking face, “I-I thought it’d be easier than this, but… damn. I-I could let him stay at my place, but he’d have to be outside – but bunch of people would probably see and annoy him – but he could stay- but then- but would he fit- does he fit anywhere-“

Arhat looked upset at the comments, and Ranma quickly noticed that – flailing his hands in an apology, he explained: “No, no, no, it’s not a problem! You’re not to blaaaaaaaame…”

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