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Wed Dec 06, 2023 12:43 am
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  GErtDg6


For the first time in a while, Natasha was wholeheartedly satisfied with everything in her life. There was no hospital to confine her. No white room to keep her tied down. In a word, she was elated. Exceedingly so. Adding to that, her household was additionally a pleasant place now. She reconciled with Natsumi, Eiji had a job, and she finally buried the hatchet with her old man.

All in all, everything was spectacular. There was, naturally, the eventual return to Africa on her mind, but she was confident that she would emerge victorious this time. She had a family to return to, after all. Home alone, for now, Natasha simply relaxed on a couch with a cookie in her mouth and controller in hand, running up a series of kills in a FPS.

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Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:32 am

IT was a very nice, quiet evening to say the least. The kind of afternoon where even the city was on the soft and gentle side. No big celebrations or commotions muddied up the air. It was an afternoon you really could just sit back and enjoy. Tranquil enough that even the doorbell would scarcely budge the quiet little vibe.

Naturally, when Natasha went to check and see who was there, or simply opened the door: She'd get quite the surprise.

There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  HEADER__android_18_dragon_ball_and_1_more_drawn_by_libeuo_liveolivel__c86bf1556d2c15dfae1c39f79c1ee60c

A Very familiar face smiling at her. Once that door opened, Joli promptly broke out into a big ol smile and went in for a hug.
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Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:33 am
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"Now, I wonder who that could be..."

The comfiness her position afforded her on the couch made it difficult to rise from her couch, at least not initially so. With enough effort, though, she eventually rose to her feet.

In a straightforward beeline for the door, Natasha wondered who she might meet at the door. Had Eiji returned from his job early? A playful pout crossed her lips. Home alone time was rather nice.

Who dared to disturb her peace on this tranquil evening? The answer to her question the moment she opened the door left her relatively dumbfounded. Expecting a variety of faces, she was hardly prepared for the woman soaring in for a hug.


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Wed Dec 06, 2023 10:43 am
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  HEADER__android_18_dragon_ball_and_1_more_drawn_by_libeuo_liveolivel__c86bf1556d2c15dfae1c39f79c1ee60c

The look of shock on her sister's face was absolutely priceless~

All the more as she leapt in and promptly gave the woman a firm hug! Even going so far as to give a little lift before pulling back and smiling from ear to ear. "The one and only! Sorry I had ta spring things on you a little, took forever to get outta Texas with all the ruckus going on." She chuckled, and promptly glanced up and about. "But look at you! Big ol house and everything. And you look great! Slack jaw aside and all that." She pointed out, a hand resting on her hips as she waited for NAtasha's sheer shock to fade.

She of course was beside herself, it had been a fair couple years since she'd seen Natasha after all. But Joli herself seemed to be doing well as well! Plenty of energy and vigor in her expression and all put together. Her usual sunglasses tucked into the collar of her shirt for the time being as she waited for Natasha to recover from the shock and invite her inside.
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Wed Dec 06, 2023 7:22 pm
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"Goodness gracious! Had I known ya' were gonna visit, I would've prepared a feast or somethin' before ya arrived."

It took a moment for Natasha to ease out of her dumbfounded stupor. There were several faces she supposed she might see, but not one of them was her younger sister. No matter what life threw her way, Joli always proved a reliable source of support. Holding the woman tightly for a moment before pulling away, Natasha closed the door with her foot, following behind the woman with a grin on her face.

"Oh yea? These are the perks that come with my new career. Glad ya like it. You don't look like you've lost a beat, either. Still as pretty and energetic as always."

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Tue Dec 12, 2023 6:00 pm
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  HEADER__android_18_dragon_ball_and_1_more_drawn_by_libeuo_liveolivel__c86bf1556d2c15dfae1c39f79c1ee60c

Joli gave a little snort as Natasha described the place as a perk. "Well damn, they hiring? Not a bad perk if ah do say so myself. Got yourself a nice fancy house, cosey too." She chimed, taking a glance around as they stepped inside and she took a moment to survey where her sister had been living for a while. Curious to see how well she'd been taking care of herself. Sure, she was happy to be here, but as Natasha's younger, and probably more mature, sister, she still had a duty to look out for any signs of trouble.

"As for my Energy, you can stow all that nonsense. I know darn well I look about as peppy as a sack of bricks." She sighed, rubbing her eyelids before lowering her hand and flashing her sister a smile. [color=skyblue]"Still, I guess getting to surprise my Sis DOES put a bit of pep in my step. Now, what's all this I heard about you windin up in the hospital? The city being ATTACKED? Ya'll being deployed out to Africa?" She asked with a sudden narrowing of her eyes and crossing of her arms over her chest. Certainly there was no doubt QUITE a few things that had been going on in Natasha's life that Joli was pretty darn curious about.
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Wed Dec 13, 2023 11:39 am
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"Did ya think the perks of this job came for free, hun?" She humored, a playful retort to cut into the tension of her question.

The sudden shift from one mode of conversation to another might well have been enough to send her spinning on the backfoot in the past, but she was mature enough to recognize her sister simply wanted to ensure she was in good health. Turning toward the kitchen to procure a few snacks for them to indulge in over the span of this conversation, Natasha tossed a bag of Joli's favorite chips in her direction.

"Come. I'll talk about most of this over some snacks. I'm mighty hungry, so don't be surprised if I take our conversation to kitchen while I cook somethin' up."

In a flash, she reappeared as she motioned for the woman to follow her to the couch, planting her feet upward in languid fashion. There was never an easy way to speak on a subject like this to any length. The best scenario she could hope for was that Joli didn't go stressin' herself out over the particulars of her elaboration.

"To skip past all the nitty gritty details, the Vandenreich's where all us Quincy folk' fight in the name of maintain' balance in the living realm."

Tossing a few honey barbeque-flavored chips into her mouth, she continued on, properly chewing most of her food to avoid talking with her mouthful.

"Naturally, since I'm a member of the division tasked with handling matters on the frontline, that means our job's to handle whatever threat rears its ugly ol' head. I ain't privy to the full details, much less why it ended up that way, but Africa's one step away from bein' wiped off the map, Jo. I went there to help fight the good fight and protect others, but I ended up bitin' off a bit more than I intended to chew."

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There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  Empty Re: There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]

Tue Dec 19, 2023 6:50 am
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  HEADER__android_18_dragon_ball_and_1_more_drawn_by_libeuo_liveolivel__c86bf1556d2c15dfae1c39f79c1ee60c

Joli waved a hand at that and still furrowed her brows. "Don't you sass me Nat, I'm serious. I know that denger's part of your job now, but how come I didn't hear about it till some months later? You know I woulda put stuff aside to visit you while you were under the weather." She noted with a slight pout to her voice as they made their way toward the kitchen. A pause when she found that bad thrown her way. Which she .... decided to hold off on for the time being. Though it probably wouldn't be long before she started snacking on them.

Once they headed toward the couch she sighed and ... slumped a little. She WAS a bit sore from the trip, so it was nice to park her butt, which temporarily eased the tension in her expression and voice for a moment, rolling her shoulders before turning her attention back to her sister.

"I know all that hon. I've seen the posters and yer officers on TV." She pointed out with a little smirk. The Vandenrecih had been a major force in freeing america from Shadowfall after all. Even still, she paused and shuddered just a little. "And I know all that. I mean, I FIGURED knowin you, you'd be first ta volunteer heading out to what's goin on in africa. But yer missin the point here Nat. I'm askin why ya didn't let any of us know you got hurt." She noted with a slight furrowing of her brows. "I'm not tryin to get all fussy about you putting yourself in danger. Hell, if Dad knew half the shit we got into when we were little I'm sure he'd pass out. But it woulda been nice to know when ya got yourself roughed up so I coulda flown over to see to ya getting better! I can't imagine trying to putter around a bigass house like this with a sprained ankle let alone a serious hurtin." She pointed out, gesturing to the big place.

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There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  Empty Re: There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]

Wed Dec 20, 2023 5:43 pm
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  GErtDg6


"Oh my. Is this what they call role reversal? Am I the little sister now?" Natasha hummed through a playful flash of teeth. Finding little fault in the woman's argument, Natasha pondered a thought as she remained momentarily silent.

There were several reasons she could have presented as a response, but which one felt the most sincere, truly? By the end of her time in the US, things had grown decidedly sour between her and her father.

As such, she distanced herself from all of it. Yet, humorously enough, here she was, visited by another important piece of her family. Life truly had its odd penchant for irony. Talk about full circle... Sighing softly, Natasha finally spoke, turning her gaze in her sister's direction, a bright smile offered.

"Guess if I'm bein' sincere about it, I didn't quite know what to do after gettin' hurt. You know me, the fightin' soldier Nat. Can't take a loss until it bites me in the ass. And sweet mother of Christ, it sure did. I couldn't even make it back home. I was confined to a hospital for weeks. It was the worst. Outside of a young gentleman bringin' me home-cooked meals, I was livin' in somethin' close to purgatory."

She was, perhaps, being a touch overdramatic about the ordeal, but she wasn't entirely lying about it, either. It was a less-than-savory experience, in more ways than one. Outside of her visitors, it was certainly an event she wouldn't want to relive again. Stretching her legs out, she nudged her sister in the arm.

"Plus, I know you like the back of my god-given hand, Jo. Ya care a lot about people to the point of stressin' yourself out. I didn't want ya worryin' about me. Though, in hindsight, maybe that was a missed opportunity. Missed out on some fine grub, I reckon."

Chortling softly, she tossed the empty bag into a container. Maintaining that nudge against her arm, she grinned.

"If it's any consolation... I'm not in full-fledged battle condition. I'm simply spendin' the rest of my days here to get back into the swing of things. Since yer in the city, ya can spend as much time as ya want checkin' in on me. I'd love for ya to meet my new friends."

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There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  Empty Re: There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]

Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:20 pm
There You'll Be[Joli, Natasha]  HEADER__android_18_dragon_ball_and_1_more_drawn_by_libeuo_liveolivel__c86bf1556d2c15dfae1c39f79c1ee60c

Joli raised a brow and just smiled at the attempt at a retort from Natasha. "OF course. An older sibling acting like a baby adds five years." She stated matter of factly. Watching as Natasha seemed tot hink things over for a moment before finally speaking up as to what had happened. And that smug look did die down a little, and she stepped in to pull her sister into a hug.

"Now see that sounds like a whole mess a stuff I coulda at least been here to help ya through." She sighed, but shrugged her shoulders. "Well it aint like we can turn back time. S'done is done. So that just means I'll have to check in on ya more often and make sure that yer doin alright." She noted with a big grin, patting Natasha heartily on the back, probably to practically no effect. Causing Joli to blink a few times. "Holy shit, Nat. Ya practically feel like yer made of brick. Just what have they been feedin ya?" She chuckled, shaking her head in surprise for a few seconds. She always knew that the spiritually empowered were well...stronger. But it was still wild when just that slight push had produced almost nothing!

"Bah, guess I probably won't be regaining my arm wresslin title at this point." She lamented, a playful little smile showing as she did.
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