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Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:01 pm
Training Day (Open to One) - Page 5 6nuQdpC


Following Anis as she entered the room, Meninas would muse to herself for a few moments after the question was asked to her. It actually said quite a lot that the blonde Quincy hadn’t even thought about saying no to her family and the pink haired woman couldn’t help but wonder just how tough life must have been for Anis. Her own had its ups and downs but her father had always had her back, unlike her brothers who’d made her life Hell.

“What you do with your life is a decision for you to make, not your family.” She eventually said when Anis returned to her. “They can try and mould you into what they want you to be but what if you say no? They can’t force you. My brothers and I had very different ways of dealing with my fathers efforts. I trained, they spent his money and caused trouble. It’s your life, lead it the way you want.” She had no idea if it was insightful but at the very least, it was honest.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:09 am

Back at it!

Anis Kabal

Anis' confusion and silence did not last long, as she would slide open the door she was going to, and give a cheery wave.

"Hi doctor! I broke something!" she exclaimed with far too much cheer. "Umm, not of me though. I got Blut in time this time! It was a wall!" She would then turn to Meni and pulled her in. "I also got a girlfriend!"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Sat Mar 16, 2024 5:52 am
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Siobhan Quinn | Albedochiffren Doctor

Siobhan’s clinic was not a spacious thing, seemingly overflowing with boxes of documents, samples, and medical instruments that had been slowly building up as the years had gone by. There was a method to her madness though, as there was with most things that she did, and her staff knew the layout just as well as she did. Of course, keeping it out of the way of patients entirely would have been ideal, but finding extra space here in this prime real estate didn’t come cheap. This was outside of clinic hours, so she wasn’t expecting anyone outside of emergencies, so perhaps an excuse could be made there, as the doctor turned to greet the intruding pair with an unlit cigarette pressed between her lips.

“Yer early, Miss Kabal, din’t think ah’d be seeing ya for a couple o’ days yet.” Her thick accent was only amplified by the awkwardness with which she had to speak to keep her cig in place. At the mention of something being broken, though, she reached for a clipboard and flicked to a new page. “Reet, gimme t’details, ah’ll have to file a report. N’ take a seat, prob’ly best ah give ya a once o’er ifn ya smashed something up.”

Motioning to a chair in the middle of the room for her patient to sit, Siobhan span her own chair around to face the pair and waited patiently for the requested information. Whether it was intentional or not that Siobhan didn’t acknowledge Meninas much at all beyond a passing glance would have to be deduced, but it certainly seemed like the doctor was focused more on the job than Anis’ personal effects.

Teastaíonn solas? | END POST
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Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:15 pm
Training Day (Open to One) - Page 5 6nuQdpC


One day, she was going to ask Anis exactly what her definition of girlfriend was but for the moment, Meninas simply remained silent, taking a seat. The Sternritter was beginning to feel the old feelings of anxiety stir within her again but did her best not to let it show. Another stranger and one who barely offered her a glance. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling but the six footer wanted to be there for Anis, so she’d just quietly combat her own issues while listening to the other two women talk. Perhaps she could learn a little about exactly what had happened to her new friend in the past to cause her…her…quirkiness.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Wed Mar 27, 2024 4:39 pm

Back at it!

Anis Kabal

"That's because I am not scheduled to break things" she exclaimed, and then paused. "Wait, am I scheduled to break things? My memory is better than it was but it's still not perfect. I don't think I would forget something like that though..." Anis would shake her head, and then shrug and take a seat next to Meni.

"So, I was out failing at training, like normal, when I ran into Meninas. We talked, she gave me good advice, so I said we should date. So we are dating now. I followed her advice and it went kinda really well sorta" Anis would exclaim, holding her hands out and letting the cannons built themselves again. At least, the first part, where it pooled thickly around her hands. And then she broke it off with an abashed look.

"Wait, no, that would be bad. I don't know where the off switch is" she'd exclaim, shaking her head. "They got some mean recoil! So I got blasted off me feet and put through the wall behind me. And then Meninas dug me out, and so I came here to tell you that I broke a wall, and got a girlfriend. And I got a Spirit Weapon! Sorta. It's been a great day. I can even take my gloves off soon"

Anis would nod to herself, though from her records, taking the gloves off so soon was probably not the best idea.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Thu Mar 28, 2024 9:14 am
Training Day (Open to One) - Page 5 OfwFIzC
Siobhan Quinn | Albedochiffren Doctor

"No, ye ain't meant tae be breakin' stuff ootside o'dedicated trainin' zones, so take care wi' those things. Ah can only patch yer body up so much." Siobhan began to scribble away on her clipboard, her gaze almost lazily drifting in the direction of Anis' weapons as they flashed into appearance briefly. She was hardly the best person for dealing with that stuff, medical practice was her speciality so better to leave that to the Steingruft or whatever other branch took a fancy to it. "So, where's this wall an' how bad did ya break it? Totally? Was it supporting anythin'? Any civvies involved?"

Clipping the pen back into position on the side of the board, she fished out a small flashlight from a drawer and scooted over to the pair. Her gaze lingered a little more on Meninas as Anis made the details of their arrangement a little clearer, before she focused back in on Anis and began to reach for her head to hold her still. A quick shine in her eyes would tell her all she really needed to know.

"Jus' gonna take a look an' see we ain't dealin' wi' a concussion. Then, if yer clean, we can get yous and yer friend back tae yer date. Ah 'ppreciate yer comin' straight to let me know'n'all that, best tae get these things dealt wi' properly. "

Teastaíonn solas? | END POST
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Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:35 pm
Training Day (Open to One) - Page 5 6nuQdpC


It took everything in Meninas’s power not to blush darkly as Anis continued to speak about their relationship in such a way. The pink haired Sternritter was frankly still confused about the whole affair and was still trying to figure out her own feelings. They’d only met in the training room and suddenly they were…an item or something? This was all such a mess for the gentle giant but she was able to keep that all inside. There’d be a lot of thinking later though, once her mind was out of the clouds. This wasn’t how she’d expected to go at all.

Her gaze would catch the doctor’s when it fell upon her but Meninas didn’t hold it for too long. It wasn’t as though she disliked the woman or anything, she just found it hard to do. Listening to her though, she sounded like a nice enough woman and the shoulders of the Sternritter would relax a little.

She didn’t say an awful lot but an opinion did pop out of her mouth, her gaze turning to Anis. “It might be a little early to take your gloves off, you know? Maybe it’d be best to train a little more first.”


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Thu Mar 28, 2024 2:44 pm

Back at it!

Anis Kabal

"That's good then!" Anis would exclaim, getting shined by the Doc. Fortunately, all she found were signs of brick dust and mortar, the woman having come straight here without even getting a change of clothes. Anis' wild and near-uncontrollable Blut did good job protecting her from the impact.

"The wall has an Anis sized hole in it. My Spirit Weapon has....a lot of recoil. Nothing else collapsed, so I don't think it was a super vital wall, and if someone else was hurt then they are super bad and socializing because they didn't say anything. Did you find anyone else when you were digging me out?" Anis would ask. The fact that it was not time to take off her gloves was a good fact, though Anis didn't mention it because it sucked to be super wrong about a thing.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Mon Apr 01, 2024 9:03 am
Training Day (Open to One) - Page 5 OfwFIzC
Siobhan Quinn | Albedochiffren Doctor

Seeing no signs of concussion, or anything else particularly untoward, Siobhan returned the flashlight to its drawer and tucked a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. Given how Anis had burst in, she had worried it would be a little worse but fortunately that wasn’t always going to be the case.

“Maybe yous were lucky this time, so be careful. S’dangerous to use your powers recklessly, specially when ya can’t control ‘em properly yet. T’vandenreich has training’ facilities fer a reason, y’know.”

Returning to the clipboard, she scribbled away a few more notes before nodding her head.

“If’n there’s nothin’ else to report then I’ll let yous and yer lady-friend go, visitin’ yer doc isn’t exactly date night material in my book.”

Teastaíonn solas? | END POST
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Mon Apr 01, 2024 2:01 pm
Training Day (Open to One) - Page 5 6nuQdpC


Shaking her head in answer to Anis’s question, Meninas would proceed to watch as the Doctor went about her work. The blast had made a hell of a hole but from what the Sternritter could tell at the time, no one else was hit thankfully. Still, the whole deal had shown just how strong Anis was although it also made her feel slightly concerned for her new friend. She didn’t seem to know her own strength and Meninas didn’t want to think about what might happen if Anis accidentally hit a bystander with an attack.

Despite her anxiousness, she’d nod towards the Doctor and say, her Scottish accent as thick as ever. “Thank you for seeing her so quickly, Doctor, I was a little worried there.”


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