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Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo]

Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:51 pm
Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

She felt her heart rate plummet with that statement. Either this guy was genuinely that stupid and wholesome, or she's met an incredible liar. Either way, she felt a lurch in her chest to say something, her arms lightly braiding the pole to keep it stable, light pulsations of green light pulling at her feet, "Damn, that's a quick way to get taken advantage of. Hopping in to help people all the time isn't the best move, unless you're just stupid."

A bit of a scowl took her face, narrowed eyes watching his every movement in front of him, "How the hell do you even function?"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo]

Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:02 pm
Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER__lance_and_dragonite_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__534e451930970e1d4a94d3c87c160a8a

A pause. His head tilted slightly and he glanced briefly over his shoulder at the woman before turning his attention back to where he was going. And a soft, sheepish little chuckle escaped him, sighing lightly as he gave a little shrug of his shoulders.

"For a city girl? Yea I guess I can see how that'd happen." He noted, chuckling sheepishly as he looked down at the street itself as they walked, his mind wandering for a few seconds. "It's been a lot to adjust to. I'm not really from around here actually. I used to live in a small village. There weren't very many of us, the only times we saw outsiders was when a trading caravan came through. Otherwise we just had to make and do everything ourselves. If someone was having troubkle, you helped them. Cuz well...otherwise nothing would get done. We all depended on eachother, so we had to be ready to help whenever. But I guess even in the wasn't really enough." His voice trailed for a moment.

"I guess it probably will get me in trouble. But I'm fine with that I guess. Only way I'll learn, right?" He noted, with a rueful little smile on his face.
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Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo]

Wed Dec 27, 2023 3:10 pm
Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"


With that explanation, it seemed like the blocks clicked together in Catherine's mind, her suspicious scowl lightening up a bit into a more neutral, rounded-eye expression. That dispelled a lot of questions going through her mind, so she was dealing with some naive little- well, big- farm boy. Sure he might be on the more gullible and vulnerable side for her tastes, but even she felt a bit bad being so snappy.

"Well be more careful with who you throw your back out to, never a good idea to work for free." She'd state with clicking teeth and a roll of the eyes, "Too many guys in this world hungry to hook guys like you in and hollow you out til you've got less than nothing."

Her labored steps came closer and closer to their destination, smelling the sea all the stronger as boats of varying sizes came into view.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo]

Wed Dec 27, 2023 3:41 pm
Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER__lance_and_dragonite_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__534e451930970e1d4a94d3c87c160a8a

He couldn't see the change of her expression, but hearing the shift in her voice caused him to perk up a little. Pausing to consider her advice as the pair of them kept walking. A gentle chuckle escaping him as he shifted the bags in his grip. "Hm, you have a fair point. I'll have to try and keep that in mind. Thank you though. Always nice to hear someone being concerned about me. Though I guess I really should work harder to not concern people so often." He conceded, his mind wandering to Natasha and Liltotto. Wondering if they worried about him. He certainly hoped not.

"So did you grow up in the city? You certainly don't strike me as a farmer." He ventured, pausing only briefly to take a nice deep breath as they got closer to the ocean. The noises of the port starting to filter in as well. People were bustling about a bit more. Less civillians and more workers. Cargo movers, merchants, a few people poking about here and there. But once they were in the ACTUAL power there were far less who were here without an explicit purpose.
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Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo]

Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:07 am
Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Tch, so miserably naive to think she was looking out for him... She didn't give a damn what he did between now and some sucker snatching him up and bleeding him dry, it was more a courtesy from experience than worry for the innocent, but the fact he took it as such told her more about him than he could've ever realized.

He better pray and holler to whatever god he believed in that he never needed her services.

"What?" She was caught a little off guard by the question as they entered a flow of people, the smell of busywork abundant in the chattering river of people, "Oh. Yeah, guess you can say that. Didn't stay there for long; I started traveling young."

Yeah, that was just enough information to give. Nothing identifying or incriminating, nothing that could be used against her. Perfectly useless and safe to give.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo]

Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:08 am
Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER__lance_and_dragonite_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__534e451930970e1d4a94d3c87c160a8a

Well, his specialty was his eyes, but he could still hear how much the woman really didn't want to further elaborate. Huh, well not everyone was fond of friendly neighbors he supposed... Between her somewhat stonewalling his questions and her earlier response about him being gullible, he couldn't help the rueful smile that formed over his face. Yea, he could only imagine how probably unpleasant the conversation was for her.

"Right, I suppose that makes sense." He noted softly, deciding to drop the topic as he fell silent and just focused on the directions she gave. He didn't imagine they had much further to go. And once they had dropped everything off, at least she could probably relax once he was gone.
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Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo]

Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:15 pm
Grocery Chopping [Catherine, Edelo] - Page 2 FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Hm, he stopped being so chatty. Good, she guessed, but some part of her was a bit disappointed for some irrational, stupid, monkey-brained reason she couldn't conjure. She'll probably mentally unpack it between stimulants and work like she normally did, she supposed. Soon the two were at their destination - a rather decently sized boat that looked more like a sleek fortress than anything meant for carrying cargo or simply living in, clearly reinforced and cared for with a professional hand, but it was on the more unconventional side of modifications - though it wouldn't look too strange to passerbys or the incurious, it had it's strange details here and there that would get a cock of the head.

"Uh, thanks." She'd say as she'd pull the groceries onto the deck, pushing some bags toward the freezer compartment, a labored sigh as the burden was finally relieved of her. Looking down at Edelo from the railing, she seemed to think for a moment, rejected the thought, but reconsidered,

"Name's Catherine, by the way." She finally introduced, slowly peeling from the railing, "..You're a nice guy, Edelo. Don't let that fuck you over. Cya."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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