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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Fri Dec 22, 2023 10:04 pm
Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Junk, junk, broken, junk, broken junk...

Picking out the remains of Vastime's capital was a semi-frequent pass time since the good-for-nothing place fell in a hole. Felt like karma that happened, really - no way such a huge, up-your-arse country was surviving without something jumping out from a corner to knock it all down.

Besides, collapse of a city meant more supplies for her, as long as she avoided the freako giant hollows, and either the Vandengoons or the Schmucktei going about the place giving her problems for going about or taking stuff from a deserted spot.

People were dead or gone, that just meant more stuff she could call dibs on for her work. Not like dead people could use machinery or supplies, and it meant less money out of her pocket. Why not loot?

Whistling a fine tune, music blaring in her ears, she'd traverse the windswept streets for more crap to add onto her increasing collection.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Sun Dec 24, 2023 11:41 am

There was an aerie peace that clung to the memory of Vastimes capital, a beauty within the macabre as the distant chime of wind caressing broken glass allowed for a sense of tranqui-


Just as Akira’s gaze ended the sentence of an enticing piece of horror based literature, did that tranquility get disturbed by the sound of rummaging. It was his duty as a member of the Vandenreich to handle strays, both Humanoid and Hollow alike. The leatherbound tome had seen damage, frayed leather and slightly decrepit corners from heat damage evident, something he had scavenged.

The white outfit held tight across his lithe form as golden hues took in the sight of a ginger haired woman scavenging, lifting the right gloved hand that matched the sheer white of the ensemble and snap- Wait? Catherine?! This was inconvenient. Incredibly inconvenient. If another saw her being a gremlin then he’d be obligated to turn her in, though decided to chuck one of the more worn down books from behind.

A soft smile gracing his features, revealing himself from the dark, shoddy alleyways whilst the palm of the left hand rested on the midnight blue of the zanpaktous hilt.

."Miss Reed. It’s been sometime, a pleasure to see you though may I ask why you’re in the heart of the most dangerous place on Earth right about now?


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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Wed Dec 27, 2023 5:45 pm
Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Something was nearby... What was that?

Her eighteenth five minute interval check actually caught something dangerously close to her, senses focusing to get a read on what it could be - was it one of those screwed up hollows from the hole? No, couldn't be, it was weirdly familiar but the spiritual pressure was foreign to her. Green eyes flashed with movement as that book was caught with surprising accuracy, about to turn it into a weapon with the utilization of Bringer Light and gripping the handle of her spear before stopping, hand stopped mid drop and tensing her handle on the book when she heard her name from this man.

"...Wait a second, the book store guy from Japan?" She squinted, her eyes floating to the sword on his hip, her grasp tightening, "You're a shinigami?! You- Wait..."

No no, that was a Vandenreich uniform he had on. She glared.

"You have thirty seconds to explain yourself." Her handle on her weapon tightened.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:45 pm

."I’m no more Shinigami than I am Quincy, Miss Reed.

Akira corrected rather swiftly, moving an idle gesture to the hanging white jacket and dusting off some rubble though his smile didn’t falter nor fracture. She was owed a form of explanation. An exhale managed to leave his throat, though each step to the left side was a little circling, he didn’t realise it at the time. Only halting to admire the serenity of such a collapse. The nostrils flared with a sharper inhale, glancing at the way she held her weapon.

."There was a time I held the occupation of Shinigami, though such a time faded when their leading government believed me among my compatriots to be threats to their fragile system. I shan’t divulge a sour story, though my comrades are no longer with me. The library is meant to guide lost souls, my apologies for the deceit. The Gotei recently reaffirmed their activity in thinking I was a corpse, the Vandenreich is a suitable buffer.

He spoke with a sterner level of cordiality, a level of weight to it which clung about as even this short synopsis felt heavy.

."Your company is welcome though if another of the Vandenreich is to see you on premise like these, I’ll have to pretend to put you in cuffs. Africa’s invaders have been stirring more as of late.


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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:09 pm
Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

The hell was that half cooked answer? It was a weird enough response to at least get her to not blow his brains out immediately, at least to hear out whatever excuse he wanted to sling together; it wasn't like she disliked him or anything given he'd been considerately on the receiving end of some dense subject matter that often made people's heads spin... Okay, yep, Gotei traitor - he was speaking her language, though the familiar verbose way of putting it was a twinge annoying, as per.

"Okay, okay okay, shit I get it. You go another day with your brains intact." She released her weapon to clarify this intent of her's, "And your flappy mouth. Sheesh. Nobody's putting me in cuffs, fake or otherwise. You think I haven't been avoiding you shmucks the past few months? Pheh, not that you should give a fuck of what i'm doing - it's a ghost town! Not like anybody's missing some dusty components under a pile of rubble!"

Rolling her mystifying eyes, she'd sigh, "So what, you here to chat or spout lackey-isms at me? Didn't take mister book guy as the type to saddle up with the boys in white. But, not gonna lie, guess I should've expected it - you are pale as fuck, it ought to be a natural fit."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Thu Jan 04, 2024 6:07 pm



Akira’s brow raised at Catherine’s tirade of raw caffeine energy, listening with little facial alteration bar the constantly quirking left eyebrow. Ehhh? Not care? Didn’t she realize the dangers of Africa or forces which called such a place home? Surely this was her being a little deluded. Ehhhhh?! White?! Okay that was fair. He had to admit the final point was a matter of humor that brought out a soft chuckle, shifting to glance about the surrounding area with a pointed stare. So far no Hollows. The overcoat swayed a little as he’d move better into the ghastly remains of the City.

."Miss Reed, I’m going to be frank, calling me pale is the pot referring to the kettle as black is it not? Gingers are notoriously easily burnt and we're arguably one of the hottest continents in the world. Secondly, You shout so much it’s like watching a chihuahua bark within a den of wolves. I do not doubt your abilities but do recall that the silence here isn’t because animals don’t inhabit but elect to avoid it. Any louder and I think the Kaiju’s might even hear you.

He was being a little playful though gestured with the left hand down to the streets.

."I’m here to talk. The arrest comes later if I must enforce the current laws around this area, but the better scrap is near the central parts of the City. When large cities like this are abandoned rapidly, former military facilities, town halls and superstores would be easier to achieve your desire. Gremlin. Come on, I am sure a superstore is two streets away.


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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:21 pm
Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

Honestly, with how much this guy said to say one thing, she was surprised he hadn't worn his tongue out from overuse. That expression was more unamused than offended, crossing her arms and cocking her head slightly as if to passively communicate an 'are you done?'; it wasn't like she was in a huge rush but she was burning daylight with this guy's yapping. It was sorta funny watching him try to give her flame, kinda like some kid who thought they laid down the sickest roast of 21XX.

"Y'think I havent rummaged through places like that already, Husky?" Her bored voice flowed from her like water, narrowing her eyes as he was... Intent on showing her to a store?

"Aren't you clocked in? Why're you helping out an intruder? Are you taking me to get jumped by your buddies?" An intensive, mocking grin marked her features, "Or are you just really bad at your job?"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Thu Jan 04, 2024 7:36 pm


Catherine was ever so fond of poking at him. The black boots halting into decrepit tarmac as a brow once again raised, cocking his head a little to the left. She really must challenge everything she engages with mustn’t she? Brats he believed a term was used in a book he once found. Was she one? Tsundere was another, though that was often toward those of an affectionate. On the best of days, Akira found it difficult to handle social engagement, Reed was a tornado of both erratic violence and playfulness compounded in combat boots. Soul Cycle dammit.

."My duty is to assure trespassers are safely escorted out of the vicinity Miss Reed. I’m not as terrible at my job as you might believe, though I am a little hurt you think I’d need exterior assistance to drag you out of here.

He chuckled softly.

."I’m trying to walk with you through a City of some value so if any should see you, then I am not forced to act under their law. Shockingly, you’ll find I am not one to jump directly to conflict. Besides there is more than one store out here, your energy is like a beacon for a plethora of angry entities. Humanoid included. So. Shall we walk and talk or fancy being detained?

A hand gestured ahead of him in a very cordial manner, though his smile holding a level of severity to that little bit.


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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Mon Feb 12, 2024 7:19 pm
Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] FTPg1fc

"Catherine Reed"

That grin only deepened in cruel humor toward his little claim of not needing help detaining her, "You underestimate how much of a handful I am, book guy."

Whatever, she'd play along until she had a window to bolt and find some better places to search. She was just surprised humble little library man turned out to be a lot more than that. Well not really a surprise, he had his suspicious movements, this just confirms what she thought of him.

As they went along, she looked irritated with his insinuation she wasn't keeping her energy in check, rolling her eyes, "You kidding me? I do trips like this all the time, i'm never bothered unless I want to be bothered; you'd be an idiot to strut out here with no spiritual pressure control. I'm practically a ghost to these stupid creatures. Yes, i'm counting your buddies as 'creatures'."

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN] Empty Re: Spring Scavenging [Catherine, OPEN]

Fri Feb 16, 2024 11:13 am


There was an idle chuckle that resonated from his throat as he carried on walking through the emptied city streets, an paranoid glance there, a thoughtful gaze there. She had always been a handful, attitude wide at least. Combat was another matter entirely. He offered a sharp narrow of the eyes though as the term creatures came up, for a briefest moment the warmth of those smiling lips depleted into a thin neutrality.

."Don’t place me in the same category as Shinigami.

An edge to his voice, a clear firmness that hadn’t ever been breached before in a very long time but Akira would never humor the idea that he was one of -them-. The difference between them and him was substantial, intellectually atleast. He raised a gloved hand to tussle with the rim of the glove before the smile rapidly graced his features again. The tone held an underlying warning.

."Isn’t it a tad ironic for you to be claiming that nobody would discover you should you wish, yet I have? So either you wanted to be discovered or you’re losing that edge. It’s truly ashame to see someone dull a bit in their respective skillset.

He humored with a playful voice.

."Met anyone -worthy- of mentioning since departing the library or are they all currently blurs to you?


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