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Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:07 pm
Show Me Whatcha Got [Liltotto/Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Hum, was about time for him to show up...

A tapping foot fidgeted against the wall behind her as she waited outside of the usual facility she went to - not too far a walk from home and it just ended up being her go-to after some months; it was a matter of familiarity and habit over preference, really.

Edelo wanted to do some practice with her and even get her lunch after, which was a surprise to her - sure they kept in touch and were on good terms, but normally the newbies she helped out tended to naturally part ways with her given time and with increase of skill; it wasn't like she was anybody's master or teacher, nor did she really make the effort to come out looking that way...

Was she really all that okay with it? Just being the occasional hand only to fall to the wayside? Being contacted about it just made her think about it a little more than normal, like a lot of things that were pure habit or typical of her did recently.

She smelled that familiar scent long before his frame came into view, waving just as he came into line of sight,

"Hey Edelo," She'd state with a sense of calm and ease, "Let's get this rollin' then, huh? Hopefully I don't gotta help adjust your posture too much this time."

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Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:02 pm
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Edelo had a smile on his face when he rounded the corner and spotted the Ritter, a chuckle already on his lips at how quicky she'd noticed him. "I certainly hope not. It's good to see you in high spirits." He paused and glanced around the area, a brief sweep through the layers of the nearby structures as if expecting something.

"Hm, Nobody else is here? I suppose everyone else is busy. Still, more space for us I suppose." He noted optimistically, his attention shifting back to the smaller quincy. "So! Feeling anything in particular you'd like to practice today? Hand to hand? Tactics? A plain spar?" He ventured with a slight tilt of his head.
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Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:25 pm
Show Me Whatcha Got [Liltotto/Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

She gave a little raise of the brow watching him suddenly looking away from her; sure, looking through walls and shit was pretty convenient, but he didn't have to do it every time. Crossing her arms with a slight smile, she'd tilt her head,

"I dunno, you called me out here. Was there something you were having trouble with or wanted to practice? I don't give a shit, we can do anything you want." Then, her arms would drop to her hips, "Also quit doing you perv vision, you might look at someone naked by accident again, ya big dumbass."

Waving her hand, she'd motion them in to get whatever he wanted to do started, "Just cause you got power doesn't mean you gotta use it every opportunity."

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Fri Dec 29, 2023 2:39 pm
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A brow raised slightly as she seemed to pick up on what he was doing, and a grin flashed across his features. "Hah, I don't have to worry about that. It's been a while now here in the city, and so long as I'm not worn out or tired I don't have to worry about that these days." He pointed out, no shortage of pride in his voice as he looked directly at the woman, but without that anxiousness he had once done so with. He was well and truly confident that he'd just see her like everyone else did.

"And hey now, Just because I'm the one who wanted to train doesn't mean I don't want to also help you out. It's a two way street after all. But if you aren't feeling decisive, how about we start with a bit of hand to hand hm?" He ventured, lightly flexing his fingers a bit as little tongues of green flickered across his knuckles and along his frame. Certainly he knew that it was an area Liltotto wasn't the strongest in, though even in that area she was still formidable. Between their numerous sparring sessions he'd more or less clocked that they really weren't THAT different in terms of speed, and that he was a fair bit stronger than she was. And of course...she was like a tank in terms of taking hits. But it was a good opportunity for them to push eachother in a way that wasn't too overwhelming.

"I want to try out a few things I've been working on. And then we can work on distance. He reasoned, pulling his leather gloves from his pocket and slipping them on.
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Sat Dec 30, 2023 10:38 pm
Show Me Whatcha Got [Liltotto/Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Tch, at least he wasn't so meek as when he first joined. Maybe joining the Tolgestalten wasn't the worst idea, but maybe it could be if he didn't check himself. Ah well, if he started going about like a stupid big shot she'd just scold him, cross that bridge when she got to it.

"Yeah, sure." Her lazy voice echoed off the walls as the two traversed inside. She wondered if most others who frequented were on the field or elsewhere, a third option crossed her mind but was swiftly disregarded. No need to be negative about it, she pondered.

Standing opposite of him in the secured field, she'd cross her arms, "Well? Hit me. I'm gettin' hungry."''

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Wed Jan 03, 2024 10:02 am
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Edelo raised a brow slightly as she gave such a lukewarm response, he couldn't help but chuckle slightly as she took up a casual stand across from him on the field. He let out a soft, helpless sigh and smiled to himself as he couldn't help but feel like he was the one who might get tossed around. "You got it." He murmured, green flames crackling along his frame as he took up a stance and promptly vanished. Bringer Light clicking along his heels as he promptly closed the distance between them. That laz smile turned into a piercing gaze as a bright red glow wreathed his pupils as he watched her closely.

His whole body blurring as he closed in and then executed a lightning fast jab toward the center of the woman's chest. A combination of his martial skill and the air thinning around him to reduce friction as he promptly aimed a straight jab to the center of her chest, one aimed to knock her straight onto her back without opening up his own defense. Straight and to the point.
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Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:29 am
Show Me Whatcha Got [Liltotto/Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Eyes and smell effortlessly followed his little disappearing act, her body moving along with his own as it flowed, twisting out of the way of his blow and intending to use the force he exerted against him, grasping his arm tightly in that motion, turning her body tightly as Edelo would find his feet no longer touching terra mater, instead being thrown off balance and rolled over her smaller body, surely crashing to the ground if he didn't have a sufficient reaction time or counter play to her movements. This didn't even require much of her already quite average strength, just pure finesse that she kept sharpened.

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Tue Jan 09, 2024 11:11 pm
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A smile played across Edelo's lips as her eyes followed his motions well enough. His foot stomping into the ground with a flash of green energy along his arm as she latched on. And her hand promptly slid clean past his arm. For just a moment, it would almost seem as if he'd gone right through her palm, her world spinning as two things happened at once. He used fullbring to eliminate the force of friction acting on his sleeve as well as the ground beneath his feet. And so as she attempted to throw him, her hand would slide completely off his arm, and her feet would fly out from under her as her attempt at leveraging her body would result in her shoes swinging out from under her.

"Gavel." He murmured with a smile,his arm a sudden blur as he whipped it toward the center of her chest, Wind twisting inward towards his fist to form a solid mass like a hammer, intent on slamming into the woman with enough force to send her flying unless she found something to brace herself against. those eyes of his glowing a brilliant green. Watching for the flow of Reiryoku. BRacing himself incase she decided to close the distance, or came up with a counter. Not all that unlikely. IN addition to being stronger than him in many areas. One of the areas he DID specialize in? Well... she was just as talented.

Heh. If he wanted to impress her, he'd have to use everything at his disposal. And then perhaps he might be able to at least keep up with her.
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Tue Jan 16, 2024 3:42 pm
Show Me Whatcha Got [Liltotto/Edelo] 44WVoI3

Liltotto Lamperd

Wuh oh, kid was a lot slipperier than she remembered as the force of the failed grab would end with her upside down. He was getting better with using his powers, she couldn't help but feel a little touch of pride, but that didn't distract her from the battle - she needed to move without directly touching him. Arms fallen under her, she saw that punch wind up. Oops.

She definitely could eat the hit and be fine, but she couldn't keep giving him free shots. In what looked to be a total whirlwind of movement, Liltotto manifested a bow, fired a shot just above Edelo's shoulder, the chain whizzing by his ear as she grabbed hold to both narrowly pull her self out of the way of the incoming blow, and deliver a two-footed kick to the young man's stomach, the Reishi chain at the perfect distance to allow her leverage against his body with that attack while righting herself.

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Wed Jan 17, 2024 9:54 am
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A smile played across his lips. And as Liltotto formed that bow, his hand would suddenly sweep. Those eyes glowing as he watched the crackle of her reiryoku. The slow buildup and shift of her spiritual energy in her body The accumulation and tension that shifgted through her body even before she performed the action. His hand halted Mid-punch. And as Liltotto's feet slammed in towards his chest. He shifted. The tiniest adjustment, turning his body so that that strike slid off of his chest. His shirt affected by that fullbring trick of his, so that even that glancing blow simply slid right off his frame. Simply sliding past him rather than launching him with that Kick. And just as she was about to clear him, that outstretched arm spiked down, his elbow aiming to plant straight into her shoulder as she swung past him, a blow on any normal combatant that would have shattered their clavicle.

But well, that still wouldn't stop her from swinging away from him! Promptly leaving Edelo behind as the Ritter would reposition themselves, Edelo's feet still firmly planted, a soft crackling noise as the floor returned to normal and he could turn to face her. A soft WHEW escaping him as a grin broke out across his face. "That was sneaky! But you should know better than to think you can sneak when I'm watching you from so close." Perhaps a bit of a boastful little taunt. Well.. not that Liltotto was EVER the kinda woman who was vulnerable to taunts, he'd known that for ages. But still, there was a hint of pride in his words. When it came to martial skill they both were quite experienced. But when it came to Hand to Hand, that was his specialty~

Not to mention he WAS improving. Before, he might have pivoted and slipped on the very ground he himself had turned into a trap. Despite that uh.. boastful voice, a tiny party of him let out a sigh of relief that he had remembered to return the ground to normal. Whew. One slip up avoided!
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