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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Wed Jan 03, 2024 11:31 am
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

There was some small level of satisfaction to be had in the firm sound of the locker door closing. That solid slap of metal clicking firmly into place. Sturdy enough to throw around without having to worry about breaking anything, and a subtle dismissal of the outfit inside. Her uniform. Work was over, time to go home, or rather, time to head out.

With her labcoat and uniform firmly put away, Ehefra glanced at the mirror in the locker room and took a moment to check herself out. A pleased little smile on her face as she picked up her bag. With work out of the way, she was going to head to the gym, and was dressed for the part. A tube top, spats, and a light jacket over it all. Even with the 'colder weather' rolling in, the City of Lights never got particularly cold, even if some small part of her missed the fact that there wouldn't be snow, it did mean she could go out in something like this regardless of what time of the year it was.

Making her way out of the locker room and into the city proper, she let out a sigh as she noted the soft burn of the horizon as it was getting later in the evening. That bright glare of sunlight skimming off the ocean meant that the sunset was all the more pretty. She glanced only briefly it's way before she turned and headed down the long stairway from her section of the silbern and into the city proper, pondering as she did.

Should she get something to eat first? After?Maybe pick up something on the way home. These thoughts occupied her enough that she wasn't paying attention to her surroundings, running purely off muscle memory and auto pilot as she headed generally towards the gym she usually frequented. Well, that was until she spotted a flash of blonde hair.

Her brisk pace slowing ever so slightly as she turned toward that golden light and let her head cant a bit to the side. Ah, it was Helle. Her lips thinned ever so slightly, recalling their last prickly little exchange. But still a smile made it's way to her features. A little healthy back and forth was no issue, and certainly no reason not to go say hello. Shifting her trajectory, she promptly adjusted her course to make her way toward the Again-Director. A bit of curiosity tainting her approach. Some part of her a little curious what the woman did outside of work.
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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Sat Jan 06, 2024 11:47 am
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] F6MhBF6

A hand on the glass window, emerald eyes steady as they stared into the bright abyss of the small flower shop. Stuck gazing, a timid expression seemed unsure of one's next action, a rare face for the Director. The flowers are beautiful though. Helle wondered which were they're favorite, but that thought made her eyes narrow barely the slightest to show how her mind had left her a bit weary. Slowly, her fingers tightened against the glass before she stepped back and took a deep breath.

The hardest battles are always the one pertaining to things underneath the flesh, the mental and spiritual battles that people take. It has not been long since her return, but she can see the strain that still exists within the City. One tragedy after another has left many with heavy hearts. Even while trying to remain steadfast and positive, attempting the impossible is still impossible.

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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Sat Jan 06, 2024 12:08 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

A flower shop? she was a bit surprised at the mundane choice of a stop. She hadn't exactly pegged Helle .... as a woman that went around thinking about shit like flowers. But then again it wasn't as if she was very familiar with the woman to begin with. At least on a personal level. Her own mind wandering to her own activities in the city. And well...outside of the city. her second job that, frankly, she hadn't been to in a few months. Yea, she supposed its not like others would guess that shit about herself.

"Window shopping?" she spoke up as she slowed to a stop behind the woman on her way past. Using the reflection to gauge Helle's reaction to her voice. Last she'd seen was a smug look on the woman's face, so she wouldn't be too surprised to see a little flash of disdain. But well, at least presently, Ehefra's voice was friendly. "This is a nice spot, has some stuff you wouldn't really expect. But I usually go to this place down on the South District. There's a guy there who takes trips to Laos every year. Some pretty wild flowers grow out there. Probably because of all the energy over there." An attempt at starting some conversation.
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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:01 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] F6MhBF6

Surprise showed in the window before Helle turned her head towards Ehefra.

"Ehefra?" Helle stammered, tilting her head. Her eyes, still a bit spooked, slowly calmed down as her expression went blank. She listened, but she's not entirely interested in flowers in that way. She has her reasons, and after Ehefra had finished, it became clear that the blonde looked defensive.

"...Do you like flowers?" Helle would eventually ask though. To share another spot meant that Ehefra held the place to a standard. For a standard to exist, one must frequent the subject at hand. Helle wondered if Ehefra shared a reason for taking part in floral window shopping.

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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Sat Jan 06, 2024 4:13 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

Oh now this was so worth it~

Seeing that little spooked reply from Helle made her chuckle just a little. "That's my name." She confirmed, resting a hand on her hip as she watched the woman relax just a little. Not too outside of what to expect. They DID kinda end their last conversation professionally with a few little barbs between them. Though uh, Helle was quicker on the uptake, or rather, the shifting of the subject than she'd excpected. Ehefra's brows raising when she of all things was asked a question.

"Me? They're alright. I've scanned a few of them." She noted softly and tapped her chin. "My mom was really into flowers....." Her voice was a bit softer at the topic as she thought back. "So I'd collect them a lot whenever I went someplace new, and I'd send them to her. So I just got a lot of experience with em. But yea theyre pretty nice as well." She responded, that playful confidence a little cut at the ankles as she adjusted to the subject being turned on her.

"You a big fan of em yourself?"
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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Mon Jan 08, 2024 6:36 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] F6MhBF6

"No. Flowers wilt and die," Helle responded, turning her eyes back to the window. "There beauty is subjective and fleeting..., like we are."

Maybe Helle had revealed her thoughts about other things, but the blonde didn't continue her minor tirade. Despite revealing her disdain, she stepped past Ehefra and entered the store. A small bell rung as the door would close, unless stopped for whatever reason. Either way, Helle then began browsing the store's options, her eyes narrowed with scrutiny.

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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:48 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

"Not unless you preserve them. What do they call it....flower pressing? Still, a little more melancholy than I expected You al-...." She trailed off as she watched the woman turn and head into the shop. Something of a ...surprised look on her face. Well that was certainly sudden and ....morose.

She shifted out of the way so that Helle could pass by without running her over, her brows raised ever so slightly as she ...hesitated in the doorway. A slight look of discomfort on her features. DID tend to wilt didn't they. Her mind drifted for just a fraction of a second, and she almost considered walking away. But well, she was curious.

She slipped into the shop behind her and watched as they started to browse the shelves with surprising intensity.

"Yaknow, usually girls think of Flowers more as a ...gesture than just some thing. Not so much a 'being' that dies, but just an expression that turns into something else. Circle of life and all that. I can only imagine how many flowers you've gotten." She snorted and gave a slight chuckle at that. She could only fathom the endless flowers she'd gotten when she was younger, let alone these days.
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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:42 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] F6MhBF6

"Believe it or not, none," Helle admitted. "People don't usually approach me."

But, that's not hard to believe. She's what most would consider out of their league. While she was away, men have come and shot their shot, but flowers were never involved. Most of those men were looking for single nights of passion and didn't know who she was anyway. People in the City of Lights know better, and she never painted herself as a woman who's available.

"I've seen others with flowers though. Their meaning vary greatly: some to celebrate life, others to celebrate a bond, and even the few used to mourn."

She paused as she found herself in the section meant for burials and decorating graves. Her eyes glowed a bit as she began looking over her options.

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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Sat Jan 13, 2024 10:01 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] HEADER_F6lIq_2agAAWLOO

A brow raised at that for a moment and she tilted her head ever so slightly at the woman. Some small part of her was...perplexed. What? How was that possible. Sure that was like.... some kinda trope in anime. But ...surely that didn't happen in REAL life right? Surely some piece of shit stuck up his own ass would make a move...right?

"Huh, that's kinda fucked up." Her voice trailed off, folding her arms a bit and sighing just a little. Yea, she .....elected not to make any mention about herself. She had .... matured considerably in Malaysia. She'd seen people who thought it was ridiculous that she hadn't received such treatment. But well. That was a complicated situation. She tried not to think about it too much.

"And so...what. You're looking for funeral flowers? What are you mourning the loss of your time being unemployed?" She murmured with a tilt of her head, then paused when she realized that came out kinda callous. "Uh... sorry. You didn't ... lose anyone did you?" She asked, her voice much softer this time as it occurred to her that ...Helle might INDEED have something to Mourn.
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With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] Empty Re: With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle]

Fri Jan 26, 2024 8:15 pm
With the Lemons! [Ehefra, Helle] F6MhBF6

"No. I have nothing to grieve personally. My parents died before I knew them, and for all I know, I'm the last Armstrong alive."

Helle didn't seem perturbed at all by Ehefra, opting to focus more on the flowers in front of her. She reached for one, a red rose. With a tilt of her head, she ran her finger along its petal, bending it lightly before her finger trailed further down its stem. Then she'd take it and roll it in between her fingers and sigh.

"I have not visited the graves of my fallen soldiers yet. It'd be ill form to go without anything to give them though."

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