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Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:18 am
Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


Her hazel eyes quietly noted the subtle shift in the woman's mood. Natasha supposed that came with the territory of spearheading a division. Helle simply spoke the truth, though. They had experienced more defeat than victory, and what little victories they did attain nearly brought them to their deathbeds. Turning her gaze toward the woman, she reached over to pat her back with a grin.

"Ain't much use in frettin' over the past, sugar. There was an edict my pa always shared around the household whenever we found ourselves in troubled times. Went a lil' something like; 'Setbacks are temporary. It's how ya rise from it that defines you. If you're weak-minded, stay in the muck. If you've got the heart of a lion, rise and bite adversity in its behind. "

Offering encouraging words she recalled from her progenitor, Natasha chortled softly. Truth be told, Natasha had learned that ruminating on the negatives would always dampen the honeyed sweetness of the positives. She was here now. They were still alive. From her perspective, things could only go up from here.

"The short of it is... You're here now, Director. We're still alive. Best ya can do now is lead us out of the muck we've been in and use your lionheart to take charge. I've heard stories about your strength. I know ya got it in you, sugar."

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Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:56 am
Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 Hr8LOBy

Ironic. The past, huh?

But, Helle doesn't need a pick-me-up. She understands her role perfectly. That doesn't mean she understands who her role is for. People are flavored in different spices, and their temperament are as wild as the outback. Comparing Natasha to Lukas would only bring someone a headache, and thus Helle has the root of her problem. In what way does she use this lion's heart? Is simple moxie enough? What strategies to implore?

She hates charismatic words without any backing. That's how she lived before reality struck her down. She hates looking at the future with no idea what tomorrow even brings, or if they'll see it. Shows of strength does nothing but form a cult. She doesn't need to be strong to know her worth. She needs everyone else to be strong to know the Vandenreich's worth.

"What means do we have of growing, Natasha? We require something, maybe something drastic. A man had pondered the idea of using Hollow for training, and after Africa, I've come to see we are poorly trained for handling strong Hollow."

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Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]

Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:34 am
Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Good question. We've been ill-equipped against every hollow we've faced in Africa. Ain't much to deny on that front, I reckon."

Natasha didn't expect her words to do much else outside of boosting morale. She respected that Helle was looking at the bigger picture. She needed to if they had any hopes of emerging victorious in the future against whatever monstrosities crossed their path. Natasha wholly understood that it simply wasn't enough to talk about how one could improve without results. This wasn't her first rodeo, after all. Even so, she cocked her head curiously at the suggestion that was passed along to her director.

Honestly, it didn't take much to imagine who that may have been. Were she a betting woman, she'd place all her chips on the notion that it could only be one bird in her ear. Of course, that didn't mean this bird's suggestion was a bad one. Somewhat misguided? Perhaps. Feasible? That was simply a matter she would have to decide herself, regardless of what her subordinate said.

"We need to do something. That much is clear. I think I know who probably passed that idea along. I'll shoot it to ya straight. Dunno what he passed along, but, I think moving forward, we need to employ somethin' that really tests our mettle. Spars, by nature, seldom feature killing blows unless somebody revels in danger."

Natasha formed a flourish of energy around her fingers, allowing the reishi to spin around her fingers as she contemplated her next words. Without hesitation, she elaborated further on her point of view. After all, the Sternritter meant a lot to her. All of the Vandenreich did. If she had to be brutally honest, she wouldn't waste a single moment to do so.

"I learned that much during my recent battle with one of my peers, Orion. I figure he didn't want to take my life, but he put me pretty damn close there. Maybe we need to approach things with that type of energy. Those who step up, step up. Those who don't want to improve and push ahead can see themselves out the door. What're yer thoughts, sweetheart?"

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Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]

Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:34 am
Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 Hr8LOBy

"We are an organization for all who claim Earth as their home," Helle spoke, understanding Natasha. However, as a Director, she cannot simply push someone out the door because they aren't equipped for fighting larger than life threats. They have their uses beyond fighting, but the fighting force of the Sternritter lacks with or without them. That is her main concern, and with that thought, she can understand Natasha on that front.

"A line will need to be drawn: those who wish to fight, and those who won't or can't. I would rather train every member until they are strong, but that is a fruitless endeavor if they aren't up for it."

She sighed. Guess Lukas has gotten around. Helle talked to the man a long time ago, but only now has his words hit her. What is the point of them if they are uncapable of handling Earth? Something has to give. Something has to change. Something has to grow or die.

"That will be your job, Natasha. Relate the information to the others. I will make an announcement soon, but I need warriors who are willing to go beyond their comfort zone. Spread the word that I will be testing each and every one of the Sternritter."

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Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]

Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:09 pm
Working Man Blues[Helle, Natasha]  - Page 2 GErtDg6


"It goes without sayin', but ya can count on me, Director. I'll make sure every member of our division gets the memo."

Redirecting her gaze back to Helle, the reishi that danced around her finger vanished in an instant, dissipating into no more than small orbs of wandering azure. There was no notion of doubt in Helle's words. She seemed to possess all the attributes that defined a natural-born leader. Of course, this interaction was but a sample at the most, something to slowly assuage her doubts about this woman's purpose and existence. Playing the loyal soldier under this woman didn't seem as though it would be so bad.

Far from the type to place all her eggs in one basket, Natasha simply has no other choice but to see how future interactions play out, to attain undisputed proof that the division she valued so highly, was in good hands. For now, it was her duty to be a loyal soldier following her general's orders. Rising from the bench, Natasha would turn to the woman, flashing a firm smile.

"Welcome back, Director. I look forward to seein' how much talent ya can draw out of us movin' forward. Small sample size, but this conversation has left me excited for the future. Here's to hopin' ya can lay down the law and show us a path toward an improvement, eh, sweetheart?"

Parting with those words, Natasha offered a wave of the hand in passing as she set off, her mind filled with nothing but the objective at hand. Duty called, after all. Director's orders.

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