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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Sat Feb 03, 2024 1:31 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) ADSTeuj
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

"Get back here!"

Black streaks flew through the tree line, weaving between branches and shaking down leaves. Behind that streak though followed another, red strands of hair fluttering as feet thudded against the same branches. A screech would follow before a tree fell, follows by birds taking off into the distant sky. There's a small spike of Reiatsu in the area, but then there's none and silence followed.

A dead beast laid, its black blood dripping red ichor onto the Fresh Earth, and not too far from it, a young woman sat. With red hair and red eyes, her face is smeared with dirt and blood, some hers and some the creatures. It was a tough fight, but she had finally slain the Hollow troubling the small town she had stopped in. As her sword laid in the ground next to her, her eyes closed as she focused on lowering her heart rate and steadying her breath. For now, she deserves a bit of reprieve.


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Sat Feb 17, 2024 1:51 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) 6xF1pWg


Apparently, someone was having a whole load of fun without Ikari; and in the forest too! However, this fun certainly didn't sound all that very "fun". It sounded more death defying and murderous, and the scent of iron that lingered in the air all but confirmed it; blood. Whose blood it was, or what kind of blood it was, wasn't all that obvious. However it was quite obvious that one of the two who had been tussling in the forest was dead, and the other was alive. It seemed to be the alive one was the woman who was chasing the beast down, and not the beast itself. After all, a beat has no business trumping a lady who could easily kick its ass!

All those reasons, including Ikari's own, were why the fox set out at a measured, but swift, pace, her soft paws padding silently as she dashed through the forest with ease. Arriving into the area where the class had concluded, a shattered and fallen tree strewn on the forest floor, Ikari bore witness to the dead beast; and an attractive red-head. Ikari's ears twitched and her head tilted to the side as she observed the woman before her, cleverly concealing herself to the best of her ability. Eying the woman, it soon became obvious she may be wounded; perhaps terribly, perhaps not. Regardless, Ikari slipped from her hiding spot and, with a burst of speed, moved towards the woman and shifted into her human form with a stealthy ease. Eventually, she moved up to the woman, carefully placed a hand on her shoulder, and did her best to heal the woman; knowing that the woman, caught unawares, would likely lash out. However, Ikari was prepared for that eventuality. After all, all she had to do was zoom away from whatever danger may approach her; or parry it. Either way, right now her concern was to heal the woman before her. No matter how small the wound, it was bound to become infected or worse if left alone... Ikari just hoped she wouldn't have to deal with almost getting killed for helping someone.


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Sun Feb 18, 2024 8:19 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) ADSTeuj
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Getting injured always sucks, but she's used to it. She just wished the town wasn't so far away. Damn Hollow had her chasing it for too long. None of her injuries are anything major, but she did have a nasty gash down her arm. Well, a little bit of resting shouldn't hurt. She'll be on her way soon enough.

Though, when she had opened her eyes again, she found herself feeling weird. How much time had passed? She had questions start popping up in her head as she came to, but none of them mattered when she finally felt someone's energy coursing through her. Of course she jumped, startled, falling to the side as she kicked and scurried for her weapon, reaching behind her back. However, she had forgotten she had laid it down on the ground, but she can at least see whoever was messing with her.

"...Wha-" Funnily enough, the pink and everything reminded her of someone. "Do I know you?" She spat out as she kept her guard up.


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Tue Feb 20, 2024 9:07 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) 6xF1pWg


All things considered, Ikari was quite pleased that Ryo had healed so well. Albeit, the woman's reaction to her healing was less so. Jerking away, flopping onto the ground, and pretty much leaving her weapon behind as she panicked at Ikari's presence. Half healed as she was, and the nasty gash upon her arm had barely stopped bleeding, Ikari frowned a tiny bit. Not to mention, the Kitsune too felt the sensation of deja vu and familiarity; but right now? She wanted to help the woman who had obviously done a service to those around; even if she had destroyed a tree in the process.

"I'm not sure~! Your beautiful red hair certainly seems familiar, and you have a scent that seems just as familiar; but let's worry about that after I heal you? Even if you're not that badly hurt, your arm could get infected or worse. I'd rather bypass that and just heal it, okay?"

After a few moments of Ikari showing her hands, and her tails on accident to be honest, to try and assure Ryo of her intentions, Ikari waited for a sign that she could approach and finish her work. Whenever Ryo allowed her to, Ikari carefully moved closer, making slow movements as to not alarm Ryo. Once Ikari was close enough, she knelt down and carefully took Ryo's injured arm in her hands. After a gentle reassurance, Ikari closed her eyes and seemingly focused. A pink glow permeated the space gently, as if cherry blossom petals had permeated the very air. Slowly, that energy encompassed Ryo's injured arm, and that energy soon focused upon the arm, glowing brilliantly. Ryo would feel an itching sensation as sinew, muscles, and skin were repaired, stitched back together, and healed as if there had never been a gash there in the first place. Letting out a gentle sigh, the Kitsune's eyes opened to appraise Ryo's arm, poking upon the surface of her once injured arm before Ikari gently released it with a whispered blessing in Japanese.

"There... Should be all better now. Including any other scratches and bruises from before. I'm Ikari, by the way; maybe we've met before, maybe we haven't. What do you think?"


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 8:49 am
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) ADSTeuj
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

She doesn't sense any hostility, but she's met people who are good at hiding their colors. That aside, you just can't be too sure around anything these days. Ryo isn't always on guard, but she's always ready to act. That said, she can't shake the feeling that she shouldn't be worried right now. This pink haired woman feels familiar, and if this lady was going to hurt her, she wouldn't be trying to heal her.

So, with that in mind, Ryo allowed herself a moments respite, sighing as she realized that her body wasn't aching as badly as before. That's good. She can trust this woman was actually healing her and not trying to suck out her lifeforce, so she dropped her defenses and let herself get healed further. Still, that feeling of needing to be on edge stayed, simply because Ryo couldn't place this lady exactly.

Though, that was before Ikari gave her name.

"Ikari? Ikari... Ah- Oh! Ikari!"

Like a light switch being flipped on, Ryo's red eyes grew with color as she finally remembered. This woman was in Japan, and they had went to a BBQ together. She remembers the pink hair now. Were there tails? She can't quite remember right now. Bleh. That doesn't matter.

"Man. I guess I should be glad it's you. It's me, Ryo," She muttered, letting herself actually breathe breathe now.


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Fri Feb 23, 2024 6:32 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) 6xF1pWg


The longer Ikari looked upon the red-haired woman, the more her memory began to prickle and trigger, as if she knew the woman before her; even if their meeting was only brief. It was like her name was upon the tip of Ikari's tongue, yet it escaped her. After a brief check over her body, Ikari nodded that everything seemed alright. Soon, however, when Ryo seemed to obviously recognize her, the Kitsune heard her name and couldn't help but smile as she too felt that same realization. Ryo... Ah, the pieces of the puzzle finally fit together. The woman she had gone to a restaurant with, had dinner with, and pleasant conversation. Frankly speaking, Ikari was a bit surprised she could forget such a woman, especially one with such vibrant red hair and eyes.

"Ryo... Ryo~ Yes, I remember you now as well. It seems fate has allowed us to meet once more~"

Ikari purred pleasantly as she more carefully reviewed Ryo's wounds, or lack thereof, before she finally leaned forward and gave the woman a very gentle hug; careful to use a single arm for the hug. Clearly, it was meant as a bit more casual, even if Ikari would love to give her a much bigger and warm hug.

"It's been a while then, hasn't it? We nearly forgot each other, didn't we~? I'm glad we met again. What've you been up to lately aside from hunting wild beasties~?"


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Sat Feb 24, 2024 7:39 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) LCzMHli
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

Eh? Is this part of the checkup? Ryo's not entirely sure why Ikari's hugging her, or if she's supposed to hug? They don't really know each other, but Ryo is grateful for the check up. It would have sucked if an animal had came by while she was unconscious. The ruckus she made should have cleared out the area, but the smell of blood would no doubt have attracted something interested in an easy meal, so Ryo's not going to tell Ikari to fuck off or anything.

"Yeah..." Ryo'd mutter, looking down with pensive eyes. "I've been busy with some odd jobs, so sorry I didn't recognize ya. My mind's been a jumbled mess."

She then spied at the woman next to her, tilting her head at the enthusiasm Ikari radiated. Thinking the fox a little quirky, Ryo sighed and shrugged before putting on a little smile. There's no reason to let any wayward thoughts distract her from the fact that someone just helped her.

"Thanks for the help though, Ikari. What are you doing out here?"


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Wed Feb 28, 2024 7:27 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) 6xF1pWg


No, a hug definitely wasn't part of the checkup. Ikari was simply an over-physical being who truly enjoyed hugging people she liked, and especially if she was in a good mood. Ikari gave Ryo a gentle pat on the shoulder and a small grin, her five tails flicking gently in evident jubilation. After a few moments, the woman tilted her head somewhat, revealing one of her normally flat ears a smidge as it leaned out of her hair.

"Oh, it's okay Ryo~! I honestly didn't wholly recognize you at first. But your smell, face, and red hair was so familiar, it was on the very tip of my tongue~ Why's your mind a jumbled mess~?"

The fox woman soon seated herself in front of Ryo, hopefully causing a bit less distraction with her tails. Over all, however, she certainly couldn't help but be distracting with the shade of her hair and her ever-present tails.

"At first, I was just kinda roaming around the forest for fun. Then I heard quite a racket, felt your energy and that beastie over there, and wanted to check it out~! I'm glad I did, got to have another chance meeting with the same woman as before~"

Ikari smiled pleasantly as she once more gave Ryo a careful lookover, with just her eyes this time, but otherwise Ikari simply gave Ryo a warm look before she peered at the beast nearby.

"Should you, no, we do anything about the corpse? I'm sure it'll attract a lots of predators. And, maybe after... lunch~?"


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:55 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) LCzMHli
Ryo Kishimoto | Red

"Uh..." Ryo mumbled, blinking as Ikari moved. Well, they're not chin to chin anymore, but this situation's still a coincidental headache. Ikari's right though. They should do something about the body. It'll rot and fade away eventually, but as it remained, it could potentially attract other Hollow or unsavory creatures, but Ryo doesn't have any ability to get rid of it.

"We can't really do anything but warn the town that this is out here and hope nothing bad happens. I'll probably have to stay a few days until it fully dematerializes..."

Again, her mind's starting to run with thoughts, but she didn't let them distract her yet. It's rude to not pay attention to someone during a conversation, and it's not entirely easy to ignore Ikari. The woman's features are vivid, pink and all.

"Let's head back and get something to eat. I'll warn the local police, so they can keep people from coming out here, but I haven't eaten in a while, and this crap usually leaves me famished."

To say the least, she's annoyed. She did good today, but good doesn't make the other feeling go away. She can slay a Hollow, but now she has to think about how to clean them up. Ikari bringing it up made her realize she's just been cutting them down and leaving them, and the idea of more appearing because of her actions never bothered her.

Either way, ruminating on it doesn't help, especially with her stomach reminding her she needs food, so she got up and stretched. Her body feels sore despite being healed, so she'll just tribalize it as her bones aching from being prone for too long.


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The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) Empty Re: The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou)

Fri Apr 05, 2024 2:12 pm
The Fox and the Hound (Ikari/Ryou) 6xF1pWg


"Well, hold on... I may be able to do something that should help... Just, catch me if I fall."

Ikari contemplated the issue as she looked at the Hollow's corpse and, without much warning, the Kitsune muttered something under her breath and Kitsunebi sparked into life above her hand; which Ikari channeled a bit of energy into until the fire in her palm crackled and roared. She grinned at Ryo before suddenly throwing the fire onto the hollow's corpse. With a bit more effort, the entire body caught fire and was whipped into an inferno of massive proportions! If Ryo didn't panic about the fire, she may notice how the flame didn't seem to burn the ground below it, nor the plants around. Frankly speaking, the fire was oddly smokeless as it raged and burned the hollow until it was but more than a pile of slowly dissolving ash; a tiny blue flame burning gently at the peak of the pile.

Ikari let out a tired sigh, and felt her own stomach growl with sudden hunger. The fox let out a soft groan at her sudden exhaustion before she went over to Ryo and carefully took the woman's arm; obviously stumbling from her overuse of energy. She would recover in time but, for now, she held onto Ryo with an unembarrassed desperation. After all, as Ikari was, she couldn't walk straight very well until her spell of exhaustion passed. It wouldn't take long, but running into a tree wouldn't be prudent.

"Should still warn the local police... Being burnt into ash should hopefully decrease its scent and, if I'm right, should help it dissolve a bit quicker."

Ikari seemed to gain her footing a bit better after a few moments of respite, but she carefully tugged on Ryo's arm in the direction of the nearest town. This fox was starving and needed some food, she just hoped Ryo was willing to pay this time. And yes, Ryo would certainly still feel a bit sore even after Ikari's healing. She couldn't wholly tend to every ache and pain, that would leave her unconscious if she tried; or far too exhausted to move for a while.

"Your treat this time~? I'm famished~"


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