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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:57 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 HEADER_29731635

Khaana rolled her eyes a bit at that and put on a sly smirk. "Well you know you're such a humble and down to earth girl, it's hard to resist." A snort as she glanced off to the side and listened as Amaranta promptly laid out that she was indeed considered attractive. As well as some rather...aggressive implications. As well as a welcome of her threat of violence. She sighed quietly and then turned to lock eyes with the arrancar. Promptly planting her hand on Amaranta's shoulder and shoving them slightly.

"You're plenty attractive. And ....I don't know what I want at this point. I just....I don't know. This shit's all mixed up in my head right now." She noted quietly, gently flexing the newly formed claws on her hand as she curled and uncurled those pointed digits thoughtfully. Her mind racing back to the struggle she'd put up in the depths of that hole, wondering vaguely to herself if that Menos was going to be someone she'd have to fight.

Was that really all she had left? With her prospects of a love life burnt down, fighting really was just all she had left.

She turned her attention to Amaranta. "You ARE pretty. Pretty fucking annoying." She murmured, slowly standing up as she promptly gave a swift kick to the arrancar's hip. Ow. "Get off your ass. We're going to the usual spot." She murmured, gesturing toward the patio door which led out to the outskirts. The spot they usually went for their little skirmishes. Her mind briefly stalled on what Amaranta had said not moments before. But she chose not to think too hard about it.

"I don't need you holding back. I'm gonna kick your teeth in." She murmured as she opened the patio door and promptly vanished with a crackle of energy, wings briefly manifesting along her ankles as she shot off to their usual fighting spot. Maybe it wasn't wise, she was still recovering energy. But she didn't care. As soon as she arrived at the spot, she realized she'd come out here barefoot. An annoyed hiss escaping her as she closed her eyes, and her shadow bloomed beneath her. Flooding the area around her and slowly chewing through the terrain as it formed a dark well beneath her. She glanced over her shoulder, waiting expectantly for Amaranta to follow.
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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 5:37 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"There you go. Now you're speaking a language I can understand."

Offering one more playful tease, she blew a kiss in the woman's direction after being kicked in her hip. Combat was a far more familiar dance than attempting to offer life advice. Whatever frustrations she harbored could be expressed through battle. Or so, that's how she usually solved all of her issues.

To be certain, Amaranta didn't particularly think it was the best idea to engage in combat after experiencing a perilous battle in such a short window, but she wasn't going to deny her challenge either. Vanishing in a flash moments after Khaana, her sonido carried her to Khaana's location.

A fitting stage for battle, where they could fight freely and without distraction. A familiar place. In the blink of an eye, she arrived with a wide grin torn across her bestial features. Those terms suited her quite nicely. Restraint in a spar was never her strong suit.

After all, how else could warriors improve if they were playing soft in simulated battles? They would never experience the fear of death, and never adapt to the unpredictable nature of a battle. Assuming an offensive stance, her fist pointed in Khaana's direction, Amaranta beckons for her approach.

"Fine by me, Princess. Holding back isn't like me. Let's see you add reality to those words of yours, shall we?"

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:24 pm
The instant that they arrived, her breathing started to quicken, as something in her felt a spike of agitation. Adrenaline so fresh after the fight in the hole, as if something that had only barely settled down was suddenly roused again. Steam spilling from her body in slits that opened up in her body, a shiver running up her spine as she kept her back turned to Amaranta. Her heart hammered away in her chest as her spiritual pressure slowly bubbled up inside of her, her hands clenched into fists as she took slow and steady breaths.

Was this a good idea?

She could feel the slow crawl of tension, burning heat that spread through her veins as she felt Amaranta preparing themselves behind her. The shadow beneath her feet roiled and slowly peeled open as she clung to those memories. The spiritual pressures bearing down on her from all sides. The countless teeth pointed in her direction, and the sudden rush of danger that had come with it. From that dark pool, maws spilled up from the ground. Massive teeth bared and salivating as she pulled on those memories.

Not one, but half a dozen of those seraph peeled themselves up from the ground, their bodies twisting as they turned their attention to Amaranta. They didn't have the incredible power and size that her singular Seraph had. But she wasn't concerned about that in the slightest. They weren't there to fight. The instant that they had formed around her, she held a hand out to the nearest one, and without so much as a question, it reached into it's own chest and pried it's own ribs open. The sudden gush of viscera and blood that spilled onto the ground was immediate and loud as ink spilled over Khaana's body, slowly oozing into her clothes, into her skin, into those open slits in her body as energy poured back into her. Energy that she normally set aside for her seraphs.

And as if in concert, the other Seraphs followed suit. Breaking open their shells so that that energetic fluid inside of them could spill in and seep into Khaana as they huddled around her. Amidst that dark tide, tiny little spheres also flowed into her body. The cores from two of them made from the energy that normally was set aside for her Seraphim. All of it flowing into her form as her spiritual pressure climbed, and that hot steam spilling from her body turned to a wreath of flame-like reiryoku. Soon covered up as flesh and armor sloughed off of the angels themselves. The arms peeling off their torsos and contorting as they wrapped around Khaana's body. Molded and reshaped into armor that clung to her frame.

Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_ikari_shinji_and_mass_production_eva_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_1_more_drawn_by_sadamoto_yoshiyuki__sample-3dfabb1e5ee4793d8cf9df710f95817f

The two Seraphim that had donated their cores fell silent and slumped to the ground, the remaining four Seraphs, even with their chests torn open, still rounded on Amaranta alongside their creator, a shrill screech escaping the two closest Seraphim as they charged towards the woman with their clawed hands outstretched, charging toward the Arrancar with the intention of shoulder tackling her into the nearest hill. They weren't as big as her usual Seraph, but they still were a solid three meters in height.
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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 6:50 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


Surrounded by the vanguard of Seraphs spearheaded by Khaana, a pulse of spiritual pressure whirled around her body in an incandescent flash of light.

Reflex and battle acumen guided her actions as two of the beasts converged around her, rushing her down with unbridled aggression. Ducking below those outstretched arms, Amaranta grabbed onto the Seraph in front of her, shifting her body around in an accelerated spin to send it flying directly into the one behind her.

Should the counterattack prove successful, the bronze lioness would direct her attention to Khaana and the other seraphim, lifting a palm to fire off a wave of bala to keep them from approaching and crowding her if the other two came roaring back for action. Moving in unending patterns, repeatedly turning her head, she maintained her stance, zanpakuto roaring to life within her palm. Excitement pulsating across every inch of her body.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 7:39 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_ikari_shinji_and_mass_production_eva_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_1_more_drawn_by_sadamoto_yoshiyuki__sample-3dfabb1e5ee4793d8cf9df710f95817f

The burst of motion from Amaranta was swift. And she would find no issue latching onto one of the charging Seraph and bodily throwing it. But the collission wasn't a messy one. The thrown angel twisted it's body as it was flung, landing feet and hands first on the chest of the other, it's feet stamped into the ground to brace itself as it was shoved back, tearing into the ground as the flung Seraph's legs bunched up, before launching itself from it's brother, propelling itself toward Amaranta from behind, aiming to clamp it's jaws onto her from behind.

The barrage of Cero slammed into the air between Amaranta and Khaana's seraphs. That Seraphim field crackling into existence to tank those bursts before it vanished, the other two Seraphs circling around Amaranta before lunging at her from all sides, Claws and teeth searching for the woman as they aimed to dogpile her. Lunging in from all directions in an attempt to begin chomping at her viciously.

Khaana in the meantime held her hand out to the side, a shadow blooming beneath her pelm and pulling the dead shell of one of her sacrificed seraphim towards her. It's pale body twisting as it's body was contorted into a more useable form, fusing with the length of material that emerged from the ground. Fusing the dead Seraph with one of her spears, a twisted length of a weapon with several sets of wings sprouting from it's length.

With her new weapon at her side, she raised it to point at the Arrancar.

"Come on Amaranta. Are you gonna fight, or are you going to keep fucking around?" She challenged the Lioness. Egging them into a direct confrontation.
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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:19 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


Prior experience with Khaana's battle tactics told her that no mere throw would hinder the rebounding Seraphim's aggression. Though they weren't nearly aware as their ringleader, they were still capable of reacting accordingly. Again, her body shifted, moving sideways to turn around, slashing her blade through the air to cleave right through the monstrous Seraphim's midsection. Whether it earned purchase or not, Amaranta followed through with the slashing motion of her claymore, grinding the large piece of steel across the ground until it caught fire from the accumulated friction.

In the blink of an eye, another pair of Seraphim were circling at and charging her again - an attempt, no doubt, to press her on the defensive against a wave of superior numbers. Improvising on the fly, commonly befitting of her battle strategy, the Burning Lioness spun around from where she stood, cleaving her zanpakuto through the air to create a ring of fire.

Employed the wild flame to keep them from charging in unfettered, Amaranta's vigorous form flashed through the air like a blur, appearing before her like a murderous predator sizing their prey. Throwing her blade forward like a projectile, one flying directly at Khaana, Amaranta positioned her hands as though leveling a gun, firing off an orange beam of concentrated energy that sought to test the woman's reaction time and durability.

"Careful now, Princess. Don't get too ahead of yourself. I know you have some experience with biting off more than you can chew, but don't expect me to show any less mercy than those hollow did. Even if you beg me to stop."

Challenging the woman, she spoke freely, without restraint. A declaration. A promise. Relentless aggression. That was what defined her as a warrior, and if Khaana truly desired to draw that out, she ought to be fully aware of the repercussions.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:26 am
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 HEADER__souryuu_asuka_langley_ikari_shinji_and_mass_production_eva_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_1_more_drawn_by_sadamoto_yoshiyuki__sample-3dfabb1e5ee4793d8cf9df710f95817f

Amaranta’s blade easily bit into the armored shells of the seraphim, and Khaana’s jaw tensed. While the mob had been plenty useful in swarming dumber or weaker hollows, seeing Amaranta rip into them had her wondering, briefly, if she should have simply called out her singular larger seraph.

The burst of flames stalled the creatures and as Amaranta sprang toward Khaana, that energy spiked. The field Khaana used to protect herself, but less focused. Rather than stopping the thrown sword, it simply slowed considerably. Enough that Khaana caught the blade just as Amaranta brought that fingee to bear.

A smirk flashed across Khaana’s lips and the field strengthened. The cero slamming into an angled field, shunting the beam to the side rather than trying to block it completely. Leaving empty space between Khaana and Amaranta.

The shout of warming brought a smile to Khaana’s face as she tightened her grip on the spear in her grasp. Brilliant wings bloomed along her wrists and elbows as energy coursed along the edge of the blade.

Her hands blurred and in an instant, Khaana’s body twisted, seeming to change positions in an instant. Those wings which in her released form would propell her whole body at speeds rivaling sonido this time solely moved her arms and upper body. Executing a high speed slash, propelling as thin razor of energy towards amaranta. In the span of that instant, the ground behind Amaranta bled orange in a straight line, turned molten by the friction and energy of the slash at such speeds. Quickly followed by Khaana lunging at Amaramta front and center. Slamming her armored knee into the woman’s chest to launch them away from her as her seraph swarmed back to her.

They were going to be useless against Amaranta. Her field promptly doming around them. And just like their allies, their cores spilled from their black guts to fuse into a larger core, leaving their husks behind, only to twist and warp as they too were sucked into Khaana’s body. Fully fusing with her seraph.


The ground beneath her sank several feet as the mass of her split seraph fused with her own. The armor getting thicker. Denser. And Khaana’s spiritual pressure spiked as steam spilled from the vents in her armor.

Amaranta had already seen this compression before. Compacting her normal released form i to a humanoid size and shape. But now her seraph was added to the mix. Heat made a steamy glow. Pumping heat into her wings and out into the air. The ground soon was left glowing as well. A crude solution to the waste heat. But she ignored it for now.

As the glow suddenly stopped. Her eings growing cold as the maw of her helmet parted and that energy was instead funneled into her mouth.

”Bitch!” The insult fired in the same instant as that lump of raw waste heat was fired from her throat, whistling toward Amaranta where it was destined to make contact with something and explode in a burst of burning material. Revealing that khaana had not fired pure energy, but a slug made from some of her own armor, pumped full of that waste heat in an improvised projectile.
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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Mon Feb 26, 2024 3:04 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6



What an impressive display of offense and defense. The blade and beam of energy, two elements that sought to earn a degree of flesh, were deflected and nullified the moment they entered her radius, earning no purchase. That did little to impede her charge, however, as she simply continued rushing forward. Momentarily divested of her zanpakuto, Amaranta resorted to defending herself through her attributes as an Arrancar. The moment Khaana executed her attack, a swirling mass of reiryoku clouded Amaranta''s body, condensing around her arms and legs.

Momentarily employing her hierro as a set of armor, she rushed forward, her fist careening forward like a missile to deflect the high-speed pillar of energy cutting along the ground. Devoting her attention to that attack momentarily shifted her focus away from Khaana, allowing the woman to fly in for a follow-up as she slammed her armored knee into her stomach.

A remarkable strategy, to be certain, but far from enough to send her barreling through the air without maintaining a measure of balance. Shifting her body further backward out of her own volition, observing Khaana's transformation, Amaranta flashed through the air, retrieving her zanpakuto amidst the wild torrent of reiatsu unfolding around her.

Regaining her footing, only to find it compromised by a burning mass of heat, Amaranta recognized the danger of the meteoric attack hurtling from above through her instinct for battle and leaped a few meters backward to evade, catapulting her body through the air, the ground beneath her transforming into no more than a burning warzone of sorts.

Excited by the uptick in offense she displayed, the Burning Lioness allowed a fond whistle to fall unbidden from her lips. Now that was something worth displaying her true prowess in battle, something worth responding in kind with equal aggression. Hovering in the air, her sword pointed to the air like a spartan warrior declaring war, she called out to her companion with a wild grin torn across her bestial features.

"Hahaha! Now, that's what I call a warning shot! If I hadn't moved out of the way, you might have done some real damage to me that time! Training gloves are going off now, Brat. Time to show you some real discipline. Fan the Flames - Rebelión!"

The booming voice heralded her release, commanding the energy around her body to whirl and condense within a golden orb of spirit energy. When the golden waves of energy vanished, her body embodied the title she wore with pride transcending existence itself. El Abrasador Leona - The Burning Lioness. Through a roaring shout, Amaranta challenged the woman to face the difficult threat before her.

"Show me who you really are, Khaana! Huntress or prey!?"

Tact never was her forte. Holding back was never her way of showing others a path to the glory she endlessly yearned for as though it were a curse. Forming a polearm out of the untamed fire she now controlled, she swung the makeshift weapon forward to release a cleaving pillar of flame, dwarfing all previous attacks in sheer offensive might.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Mon Feb 26, 2024 5:32 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 HOLLOW__souryuu_asuka_langley_neon_genesis_evangelion_and_2_more_drawn_by_dokuro_deluxe__sample-6ed20415790487f261b34d2c3ae22e1d

Annoyance burned at the lioness brushing off her attack But if nothing else, seeing the woman responding to her transformation put a touch of excitment in her blood. And for the first time, she watched Amaranta actually avoid one of her attacks rather than taking it to the face. She grinned behind the armored helmet and let out a steady little sigh of enjoyment, that glowing maw shifting as she licked it's lips, heat still bleeding from the opening as she watched Amaranta drawing her weapon.

She knew what was about to come next. It was what had ended any number of their spars before. That burning hair and claws, and the tail that extended from her usual frame. It was barely anything compared to Khaana's own transformations, but she knew damn well that it was something she struggled to handle, even now with this twisted fascimile of a higher release, she knew it wasn't going to be a cakewalk.

"How terrifying. Your release is so much more showy than most arrancar. I guess maybe your soul is made more for looking fuckable than fighting." A direct taunt as she reached a clawed hand up to her mouth, and steam HISSED as she peeled a slab of molten guts from her own mouth. A section of one of her Seraphs, glowing hot from the turbulent energy inside of her, which slowly grew. Narrowing and spreading outward to form a long blade of pale metal, still glowing as it cooled. And so when Amaranta unleashed that brilliant pillar Khaana held out that weapon, as that spiritual pressure of hers spiked. Her Seraph field cracklilng into existence around her free hand. Forming a tiny little barrier in her palm.

The ensuing rush of air was explosive as that tiny barrier was propelled outward. Firing out more like a bullet than the usual wall of condense energy. She aimed to punch that little slug of a barrier through the incoming attack and straight through Amaranta's belly with maximum force. Aiming to punch clean through the woman's gut and out her back, aiming slightly to the side, to deal a vital blow to the woman as her wings wound around her body.

Of course, as a tradeoff for such a concentrated attack, the full brunt of that pillar of flames slammed into Khaana's wings as she hunkered down, an explosive wave of heat bathing the area in flames as her armor glowed from the increase in heat. Her teeth clenched as dregs of burning flesh dripped through the gaps in her armor and onto the ground, but she endured the attack thanks to those powerful wings taking the brunt of the heat, warping the air around her as the heat vented. She was burned, but she'd survive it well enough. A trade of blows to demonstrate that this wasn't another one of their little gambles with different little special conditions.

She was intending to try and beat the woman outright.
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Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana]

Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:24 pm
Figures of Authority [Amaranta, Khaana] - Page 2 Ama_FhPYiMvXwAA3kw6


"Whoa, boss. I know I'm arousing, but do try to keep it in your pants until after that battle's over, okay? Don't worry. Once I win, I have no problem showing you who belongs on top."

The direct taunt was taken in stride as fierce sapphires recognized that barrier, employed like a makeshift bullet, hurtling toward her at high velocity. Evading it would have been a simple act, but Amaranta, possessed of sheer battle lust, remained stalwart in her position, trading projectile blows with the woman as that destructive barrier attempted to rip through her flesh, but to no avail.

Of course, that didn't mean her blow had been ineffective. In the center of her gut, evidence of Khaana's attack had been engraved on her stomach. A fusion of torn flesh and seared skin. A notable mark of her will, elicited a violent smile in the burning warrior's countenance.

"Now then...Let me show you something fun, mocosa."

To prove that she was superior, that she wasn't holding back, she mocked the woman from her aerial vantage point, recomposing the polearm within her hand into a sphere of untamed flame. The incandescent orb rotated along the palm of her hand until it reached a size capable of encompassing the overgrown monstrosity below her. Palm facing forward, the torrent of condensed hellfire was shot forth with immense vigor, localized to avoid full-scale destruction, but not nearly restrained that it wouldn't damage the woman considerably if she didn't evade.

Even in that scenario, she would only be condemning herself to a miserable fate, as the flame spread into a wilfire to surround her body within an infernal cage. Past battles certainly told her she could take advantage of that, and since Khaana wanted her to come at her with everything in her arsenal, she would certainly employ the knowledge she learned along the way.

El Abrasador Leona |END POST

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