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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Left_bar_bleue0/0Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:46 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

It was a little interesting to see just how many familiar faces came out of the woodworks while she was in the city of lights. Certainly more than she'd anticipated. However, as Giselle got up and headed out for another trip through the city. Something ELSE caught her attention. A familiar spiritual pressure that frankly, she didn't quite expect to sense


She didn't know how long it had been since she'd last seen them. And immediately she completely forgot what ELSE she'd been intending to do today. What, some training? That shit could wait.. a pleased little grin spread across her face. Oh she just LOVED when she got to meet Er-chan's little gal. A bit of a bounce in her step as she promptly veered down a different street. A bit more energy in her step as she closed in on that sensation.
God of Love
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Wed Feb 21, 2024 1:00 am
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] SZyPn0q

The City of Lights was a curious place, Ada had found. One of the only places she had never visited in her prior travels, a city built on the sea-- fascinating, and so dramatic. The reconstruction efforts gave her an opportunity to study the architecture, and so that was waht the near-behemoth of a woman was studying for the moment, her eyes studiously taking in the foundations of the city itself as it was built upon the seamounts.

Mm? There was a faintly familiar sound ringing in Ada's ears, a peculiar noise that she couldn't say she heard often. A spiritual signature that rang similar to one of Father's friends, yes? She supposed she ought to prepare for a bit of catching up, hm?

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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Wed Feb 21, 2024 7:43 am
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Oh it didn't take long at all for her to spot the massive woman. Just like her dad~

"Hot damn, lookit you!" Giselle all but gushed as she smiled from ear to ear and waved to Ada from down the street. No doubt she might have heard from her father that she'd undergone something of a transformation, but even so seeing it in person might be a surprise, no less the change in her spiritual pressure. But Giselle didn't even have any of that shit on her mind. No, she was FAR more interested in catching up with an old friend.

"Did you get taller? How you been? What brings you to the city?" She chimed excitedly. She always asked that first question, even after having experienced a growth spurt of her own that no doubt would have undone the perspective shift that any growth might have actually caused, she still insisted on asking. As some part of her imagined that one day Ada would wind up taller than her father.
God of Love
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 10:24 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] SZyPn0q

Ah, that was it. She imagined some might have had a quicker time of recognizing such a familiar signature, but when one's spiritual sense came only by way of physical phenomena, it made things marginally less clear. Well, Giselle was certainly a familiar enough name, if not face at the moment, but Ada was hardly the same young girl she'd been since last they met, either.

"I have been splendid, I should say. I'm taking a bit of time away from modeling to help father with the Empire, particularly after that incident with the Arrancar. He does deserve to enjoy time to himself with mother, doesn't he?"

Referring to her father's new bride as 'mother' so casually and effortlessly was perhaps unexpected given Ada's age, and particularly considering how much older she was than the woman. But for Ada, who cared far more about the here and now, and about respect she held for another, it was hardly difficult to see Himiko as just that.

"I'm here as liaison for now, particularly as the Reichsritter who previously attended to the area is assigned to matters in Africa. I don't expect to be here overlong, but I'm in no rush to leave, either.

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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 11:08 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Giselle raised her brows a bit at that and folded her arms. Something of a pleased look crossing her features as she chuckled to herself. "Eh? What's that? To think that little Addy would grow up to be such a responsible girl. I bet Er-chan is beside himself with how proud he is." She giggled a bit to herself, resting a hand on her hip. "You're right. Frankly I've always been of the opinion that as a human he shouldn't be pushing himself. You wouldn't believe how everything gets sore when you're old." She sighed, rubbing her knees.

She did notice that term though. Mother? Hmmm. That bride of Er-chan. They must really be something. Or perhaps Ada had simply decided that she would uphold such a term regardless of who her father chose? Perhaps the old her might have dug into that, but she had other things in mind.

"Hm, That so? I admit I'm not really here for long either. My daughter joined up with the Vandenreich. I did too for a while actually. Dunno if Er-chan told you anything. But anywho, I've been a little worried, so I'm sort of going back and forth between here and the Empire." She murmured, rubbing the back of her neck. She'd been hoping to help Liltotto with her training. But frankly, it seemed that she was a bit busy.

"Say, how about I buy you some lunch? I'd like to hear what you've been up to lately. I've done nothing but train the past few months, so getting a chance to sit down and chat would really soothe these olds bones." She pointed out, a gentle smile on her face. There weren't many people she acted her age around, but she always felt inclined as much around Ada. Though for once, she actually DID feel as worn out as she usually made out to be. And so there was a hint of sincerity in her words.
God of Love
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Sun Feb 25, 2024 9:35 am
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] SZyPn0q

Such peculiar nicknames did stand out in Ada's ear, though not in any particular way that genuinely bothered her. To have her name shortened to anything other than "Ada" was simply a little bit unusual.

"Oh, I'm far from worried about his health, even after that battle. He is a far stronger man than I. Far stronger than near anyone, I should think. But, I can hardly blame you for coming here if your daughter is still here. This place hasn't proven particularly secure, and not for a lack of its defenders' best efforts."

That was a simple reality in Ada's view, that the City of Lights was a location that was fundamentally impossible to defend well. Its actual placement, its structure, all of it led to the worst possible stronghold.

"I'd be perfectly pleased to have lunch, thank you."

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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:41 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] HEADER__cropped_ca7ed3d9f6a82642eba5af86ab3b94de

Giselle raised a brow at that but didn't comment on it further. Truth be told, she imagined they would never quite relent in that mindset of theirs. It simply wasn't in them to do so. But some small part of her did worry a little. That next time Er might not get out of such a thing. Death was one thing. It was expected, and she hardly feared that. If he died in such a situation, he would have been proud to do so, she knew that. But there were worse things than dying.

She could already imagine him dismissing such a thing, what an adorable little pain in the ass he was.

"Excellent!" She grinned from ear to ear as she gestured towards the shopping district. Not toward anywhere fancy. She was looking for the food trucks. Some sections fo the city were still under construction. Some areas hadn't been demolished, but had discovered foundational damage that meant the buildings had to be demolished and rebuilt. And so, with the construction workers at work so often, food trucks had become more common, even in other areas. And some of the food they had was absolutely fantastic.

"So how HAVE you been spending your spare time these days?" She ventured. Of course she was fully aware that her job was much more demanding in some ways, but that also it was a lot more contingent on other peopels schedules. Unlike Modeling, she was operating with other individuals, and especially important individuals whose schedules were subject to sudden changes. She might not have as much planned downtime, but when sudden changes occured such as cancellations, that did meant that portions of her day likely became unpredictably available. And she was curious what Ada had been filling those gaps with.
God of Love
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Fri Mar 08, 2024 10:13 am
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] SZyPn0q

Ada's attention remained on Giselle as they walked, and yet she quite apparently maintained a remarkable awareness of the area around them. It wasn't just the trained instinct of a fighter; it was a more centered, personal sort of awareness, a natural kind of profound confidence in oneself that narrowly avoided arrogance. After all, the only thing one could know was what one experienced themselves; best then to hone one's senses to the utmost.

"Oh, the same as always. I read, I train. I'm afraid I don't quite have the time for many more artistic pursuits, though if they called to me, I would certainly make that time."

After all, while Ada took her position exceptionally seriously, she also understood that her position was not one predicated on her own merits, or reflective of her own actions. What she did reflected on her father, yes, but the way she carried herself reflected the authority she had been bestowed by her father, as well. If she were to simply bend to the whims and demands of others, it would suggest that the authority of the crown was weak.

That, of course, was unacceptable. Her father had earned far more respect than that.

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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:17 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Wye3c33xxd4

Giselle chuckled softly at that and nodded slowly. "Is that so? Glad to hear you're at least doing something a little leisurely. I mean, hell I was impressed before with you and Er-chan. But whew. I don't know how you guys do it." She chuckled, making their way toward the outskirts of the city itself, closer to the docks where a lot of small food stops existed. A few carts, some smaller restraunts, and a couple larger more established places. The area she had in mind in particular was a nice little plaza with lots of fresh food stands. Right outside of a large Tavern. A spot where a lot of men from the harbor would spend their time. And even from this distance, the raucous sounds of merriment and enjoyment could be heard, melding with the busy commerce of hard workers grabbing something to eat before heading to the docks to get back to work, or heading to the Tavern to relax. It made for quite the energetic atmosphere.

"And how IS your father doing? I visited him a little after I got out of the hospital. He was still recovering back then. Hows he doing now? You mentioned you've been helping him some. Is he still resting, or has he already got one leg back on the horse?" She ventured.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Left_bar_bleue16000/1Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:31 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] SZyPn0q

"It is how he and I were raised, is all."

Despite the joking tone to Ada's voice, it was nevertheless a somewhat serious statement. Around most, it would have been innocuous, meant little more than a rigorous upbringing. But, of course, Giselle was someone far older, and far more familiar with the Burgstaller history. To excel in all things was simply what they were naturally inclined to do.

"Father is well. I believe he could return to his duties in full at any time, but I think the people, and of course Mother, would never let him so quickly return to work after such grave injury. So, for now, he has been enjoying quiet life, sometimes at the castle, sometimes in the Alps."

Ada spoke about the man squarely as her father; with this particular woman, there was no need to act as if he was the distant emperor. Not that she thought of him as anything else, of course, or would stand for it were Giselle to demean that position. But it spoke to a certain degree of trust in the woman that Ada would so casually talk about their family life.

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