Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Fri Apr 05, 2024 10:54 am
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Wye3c33xxd4

A snort escaped Giselle, mirthful that it were, at the very idea of Erchan being confined to restfulness. Of course she knew damn well that at his age now? IT would hardly be a struggle. The man was not so undiscipline as to match the mental image of him trying to sneak in little bits of work and having to be watched like a hawk. No... very likely he would take such restrictions in stride and make sure that he was at full capacity once he returned to his duties. Goodness how that little punk had grown up since she'd first met him. "A change of pace for him I bet. Though not as much as it woulda been if he were still young." She hummed thoughtfully, that smile of hers widening. It was at least FUN to think about what old Erchan would have done with such orders. Heh.

Still, the two of them made their way to a food stand a little off the beaten path. Giselle offering to order for Ada incase she wasn't familiar with the offered foods. It was some Mexican cuisine, not what Giselle usually got, but it was nice and portable to say the least, and would be easy to eat on the move if need be.

"I guess plenty of people would be amused at seeing the Witch of the Forest out of breath after her morning jogs. Don't suppose you have any training tips to offer an old Hag?" She ventured with a slight smirk. No harm in venturing after all. It was hellish, to say the least, and even though she'd acclimated to rehab and was now training herself and her powers properly. She couldn't help but maintain some semblance of feeling a bit lost. she'd trained her powers before, THAT was of no issue. But rarely had she ever even considered training her body. That had always simply been a steady byproduct rather than a focus.

But now? It was entirely necessary. And well, who better to ask than the Burgstallers about training one's body?
God of Love
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Mon Apr 15, 2024 9:56 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 SZyPn0q

Such normalcy was well within Ada's purview, of course. She'd not lived as the princess for quite some time, and it would be profoundly strange if such a public figure didn't get out and spend some time with fans, wouldn't it? Thinking about the question posed to her, Ada seemed to size up the much smaller woman, her gaze sharp and analytical in a way that resembled her father far more than the model most knew her as.

"Cardio-respiratory exercise first and foremost. No degree of honing will be worth anything if you lack the meaningful stamina to apply it on the battlefield. Living here in the City of Lights provides you with convenient access to the sea. Use that to your advantage. Swimming puts one's full body to work in a manner that few other forms of exercise can match."

It was all very practical advice, not the sort of thing that most, Ada imagined, would actually want to hear when they were asking about training. People who usually asked this kind of thing of a trained fighter wanted to know how to get stronger, how to fight more capably, and quickly. But one could hardly build a palace on a foundation of sand.

"For you, in particular, you ought consider the depth of the connection between your body and spirit. It is assuredly not so deep as that of the Burgstaller line, but that relationship may give you some degree of mastery that you would not otherwise find."

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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:58 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Wye3c33xxd4

The advice felt like what she had about expected. Cardio certainly was a big thing, but swimming did catch her a little by surprise and her lips thinned briefly as the subject of water came up. Woof, how long HAD it been since she swam? Now having to worry about drowning had meant she had a lot of experience diving, but uh... then again, she hadn't swam since she became all..normal. And thinking about how tiring things on land had become. Shbe imagined what it would be like in water. Woof, that sounded rough. Perfect training admittedly, but still it caught her a bit by surprise. "You...make a fair point actually. I don't...think I've actually swam since I lost my powers. So that will be fun." She chuckled, rubbing her chin thoughtfully before pausing at the mention of her spiritual connection.

"What you mean like....augmenting myself with my spirit energy?" She ventured. Certainly it was MOSTLY what she used these days to compensate. Whenever she sparred it certainly came into play, and when she became exhausted, she pushed herself on by infusing it into her body, but it occurred to her that perhaps Ada meant something else? "I mean, I have always been pretty talented with quincy stuff. Working with my new powers has been progressing pretty alright. Though I guess it has been kinda....rudimentary... " She conceded. She had just kinda done what she did when she was a quincy, the idea of uh...trying to figure out what was best for her new powers hadn't really occurred to her. "Do you have any ..experience with fullbringers? Or maybe know anyone who might be able to give a little insight?" She ventured. She IMAGINED as much. Giselle did as well, just not usually as ...allies. They made poor zombies as the hollow in them would slowly fight off the zombification, annoyingly enough. So her knowledge was mostly fighting them. But well, she was curious if there were more of them in the empire? Perhaps Ada had even worked with some who she might be able to meet.
God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:37 pm
Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 SZyPn0q

"Augmenting would be the way to think of it, yes. That isn't exactly what father and I do, but what we do could hardly be trained."

The mention of fullbringers did certainly make Ada have to think a little more carefully. In most instances, she might have simply said no in a courteous way. But, for an old family friend, she was willing to at least offer a handful of names she knew offhandedly.

"One of my father's Reichsritter is a fullbringer of some skill. He's a bit of a strange one, to put it lightly, and finding him can be difficult even for the Royal Household. Even so, I would recommend you the name Avery Duncan. Other than that, however, I have little to offer."

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Far from the Tree  [Giselle, Ada] - Page 2 Empty Re: Far from the Tree [Giselle, Ada]

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