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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:20 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  DYjcDjC


Here it was. The next chapter he had been preparing for. He had to admit it wasn't his first choice when he came here, but that didn't mean he completely dismissed it. By all accounts, he was simply confident he could prove himself in the Sternritter. Obviously, that hadn't proven to be the case, and although it may have seemed he was cutting his losses pretty quickly, Nero was exceedingly confident he could adapt with studious effort and diligent observation.

He was already familiar with the paperwork aspect of the equation, the rest could simply come with study and inheriting the proper knowledge. Now, all that was left was to have an interview w and speak with the head of the operation in the Steingruft division. Ehefera Kleinmund, was it? He had heard good things about her prowess and innovative mind, but how was she personally? As he stepped through the conference room within the division, he introduced himself politely if she was present. If not, he simply sat down until she arrived.

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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Tue Feb 20, 2024 6:30 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  HEADER_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra herself was in her labcoat when Nero walked into the room. Glancing up from a small screen, she put on a pleased smile when she spotted the young girl that was joining her division. She had to admit, there had been a few applicants, but the Steingruft was not one of the more populous divisions of the Vandenreich, so when she heard she had an applicant from the Sternritters she was rather pleased! Of course a number of aptitude tests had been administered beforehand. Proving the young man's general competence and the like. Simple things he'd need to know to be a part of the division.

"Hey there. Arant right? Pleasure to meet you." She chimed, holding her hand out for them to shake before gesturing to the spot across from her on the conference table. "I've heard a lot about you. why don't you have a seat and we can get started. From what I understand you have an interest in the Steingruft. I just wanted to ask you a few questions, and see about getting a bit more information about you and your interest in the division. So to start off, why don't you tell me a bit about yourself?" She ventured. A clipboard infront of her. It seemed she would be taking notes.
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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Wed Feb 21, 2024 6:29 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  DYjcDjC


"A pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Kleinmund. I hope I'm not imposing on your time."

Nero flashed a polite smile at the woman's arrival. From a quick observation, she seemed quite pleasant in a conversational sense. Now, the next part of the equation was earning her approval, showing some measure of potential that would endear himself to the Steingruft as a whole. Taking a seat in the requested position, Nero took a moment to ponder a response before he answered. About himself, hm? Well, that proved simple enough.

"To start, I'm an adopted member of the Arant family. They took me in as an orphan from Italy. I learned many of the techniques and prowess that I possess now as a result, but it was difficult at first. Even though humans possess the potential to become Quincy if they study hard enough, it took me a minute to adapt to everything. But I did. Oh, I have a house full of younger brothers and sisters, and I'm pretty good at cooking, so if you ever need some lunch and find yourself pressed for time, I'm never but a call away, Miss Kleinmund."

He felt that was satisfactory enough, though he hoped it wasn't too much.

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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Wed Feb 21, 2024 9:16 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  HEADER_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

She nodded as he gave his little introduction and snorted softly. "Recruitment is as important to my work as the research itself. Don't worry about that." She noted with a light chuckle, folding her legs and taking her pen out to start writing as Nero began to give his explanation. Orphan. Trouble learning. big family. Mild Kiss ass?

" Is that so? Do you find it difficult to learn in some environments?" She ventured, delving into that aspect for a moment. Giving him an opportunity to go a bit further into that aspect of things, before shifting a bit forward. "What would you say your strengths as a person are? And what might be some weaknesses of yours that come to mind?"

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Thu Feb 22, 2024 4:15 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  DYjcDjC


"Sometimes, but who doesn't? New environments can be a slippery slope for most, but I don't mind that at all. In fact... I think adapting to most of the environments I find myself in is a strength of mine."

Nero didn't have any prideful perception about himself, but if there was one thing he could confidently hang his hat on, then it was undoubtedly his tenacity toward adapting to his surroundings. Even if he struggled at first, he was certainly the type of man who could learn on the fly and come to a gradual understanding of how to operate.

"My strengths as a person? Hm... It might be a generic answer that's been parroted many times before, but I'm very tenacious about completing a task and I genuinely mean that. To speak on what I said about adapting, I'm the type of person who won't stop until they've learned what they need to aid those I'm working with. I'm pretty good at being a listening ear whenever I'm not busy, and as a result of living under my roof, I'm very good at holding myself and others accountable when it comes to responsibilities."

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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Fri Feb 23, 2024 10:27 am
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  HEADER_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra nodded lightly at that. Confidence was good, she jotted down a few more notes, listening as he then went on to talk about some of his strengths and weaknesses. Hmmm. Overobsessed. Can't let things go. Nosy about other people's problems. Hardass.

She clicked the end of her pen a few times and then glanced back up to the young man, smiling calmly as she added another note. Gay?

"So I understand that you initially joined the Vandenreich. You're hardly a stranger to how we run things. If you don't mind me asking, what's something important you've learned about the Vandenreich while being a part of it? What is it that drew you to the Sternritter? And why is it that you're looking to move elsewhere in the Reich?" She asked with a slight tilt of her head. Leaning in ever so slightly as some tiny part of her almost hoped for a particular answer, but that was a part she ignored.

She promptly started a new column for this section of her notes.

Last edited by ForgottenMercy on Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:20 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:18 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  DYjcDjC


"To be honest? The first thing I learned was rather humbling. Here I was, a young man who felt as though he had learned a wealth of knowledge, posessessed of a studious tenacity toward the Quincy Arts, meeting so many others who completely outclass me in skill. That alone told me I had a long way to go. Furthermore..."

Nero paused for a moment, pondering his next answer in contemplative thought. Further elaboration on his view of the Vandenreich as a whole. It was home to a varying degree of characters, but that was already public knowledge. There were also soul reapers and arrancars, which, going by history, struck him as uncanny. It was far from what he was accustomed to, but he wasn't here to judge, so as long as their loyalty lay with the Vandenreich.

"I've learned that it's more than just proving oneself here. Everyone is here to protect not only this city but the earth as a whole. They risk their lives day in and day out to ensure those of lesser power can live to see the sun rise again. In addition to that, even if you don't get along with everyone, coordinating and learning to work together means you might be able to live to see another day versus an abrupt death in the line of battle."

Then, the next answer.

"In truth, initially, I thought my purpose was to fight on the frontlines. I wanted to honor my deceased father by being able to protect and defend others much like he did for others, our family included. Of course, I've quickly learned that there's more to being a member of that division than simply being talented. There are so many stronger individuals, so many men and women who are far above me. I felt as though I would be taking up space by staying there any longer, but that's not what led me here."

Nero paused to allow her a moment again, offering his purpose in coming here as he leaned against the desk.

"The purpose of the Steingruft has stoked the flames of my interest for some time. I always do my due diligence in studying each division in general, and each time I sit down, I find myself interested in what is being built here. I also thought it would genuinely be interesting to learn from and study someone like you. To be clear, this isn't a place I'm choosing now as a second choice since the first fell through. This is a place I'd like to join to evolve and grow, to learn and aid others through coordinated studies and collaborative inventions to better aid our soldiers. Plus, I heard you were quite sociable, so that's a plus. A southern bird told me that."

Parting words from a former peer. She likely knew who it was. In any case, he took a moment to allow her to digest and take in the information she found important. His genuine answers are laid out on the table. The idea of inventing and collaborating with others on inventing really did appeal to him beyond... the other reason he wanted no part of the Sternritter.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Feb 28, 2024 5:03 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Wed Feb 28, 2024 1:19 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  HEADER_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

Ehefra nodded slightly as she listened to Nero's answers, a slight lopsided smirk showing on her features as she made note of his feeling of being a big fish in a small pond. Heh, she knew that feeling all too well. Even so, it was good to see that he if nothing else, seemed to understand that there was still a lot to learn. Something that quite a few Vandenreich members didn't quite appreciate.

Still. She jotted down a few notes as he mentioned his shift in interest. "I hope you don't think that as a member of the Steingruft you won't see any action. True, we're hardly on the front lines as often. But we, along with many members of the Albedochiffren, still get deployed. For every squad of Sternritters, usually at lest one of us will be present, or nearby for an operation. Because of your experience, I hope you understand that you'll be more likely to be chosen for field work over some of your coworkers who aren't as suitable for combat. You can, of course, opt out of these sorts of things, but as demand changes, you may be asked to come out of your comfort zones." She added.

A pause at the mention of Natasha, and she snorted softly at that. "I'll admit. I'm probably a lot more hands on than most Administrators. Of course, we still have a director. But all the same, yes, you'll be seeing me quite often. Both around the facilities as well as out on the field. Like I told you, Field work is as much a part of the job as the rest. And so I hope you don't think that your training will be holding off. Sure it won't be as rigorous as it is in the Stenritter, but I still expect that any member of my division at least undergo scheduled mandatory training sessions. Even those without spiritual abilities. At the very least, basic self defense, as well as familiarization training modules for some of our gear. A few bits and ends that help those without combat abilities in the event that there's trouble. Is that something you think you can handle?" She ventured.

Still, she continued adding more notes. Enthusiastic at least. He seemed motivated enough, and the aptitude test he'd put in showed decent scores. He wasn't an idiot at least. Though she did wonder what Natasha went and told him. Hm.
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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:03 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  DYjcDjC


"Of course. I have no objections regarding battlefield participation. If you feel the need to deploy me, then by all means, I will give it my all to conduct myself accordingly."

If anything, that suited Nero well beyond what he expected. He wasn't exactly proud of the thought he would be away from the battlefield, so hearing that he would still be able to participate there to some degree brought a significant measure of joy to his soul. He recognized, no doubt, that there was yet much to learn about the tools of the trade here and that this division required his battle prowess and acumen. In truth, he welcomed that challenge, welcomed the wealth of knowledge he could learn here, and welcomed the idea of working alongside someone like Ehefera. From his point of view, she seemed to be an agreeable individual. He had only ever heard good things about her, to begin with, but there was nothing wrong with confirming things for himself, right?

"That is to say, I don't particularly mind where you place me. If you feel I need to fight on the front lines, I will. If you need me to learn how to produce an ideal tool for the Vandenreich as a whole, I will. And I'll make sure any of my decisions or opinions on matters go directly through you."

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Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  Empty Re: Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]

Wed Feb 28, 2024 8:12 pm
Interview with a Scientist[Ehefera, Nero]  HEADER_2b9390b14beb37daf143ddc9cf4812e4

She smirked slightly at that. Well, at least he didn't seem to have any objections. Peeling the paper from her clipboard, she gently crumpled it up she snapped her fingers, the paper going up in bright blue flames, reduced to nothing as she then stood up. "Excellent. Beeps, go ahead and send the notes to my desk." Of course she'd just kinda been doodling the whole time. Beeps was the one actually keeping relevent notes while she worried abouit asking questions. Beeps would analyze the footage, and then Ehefra would review it later with a few other peers.

"Thank you for coming in. I think I have everything I need from here."' She smiled and offered her hand out to the young man. "There's still a few things that need to be sorted through before it's official, so take with this a grain of salt. But I'd like to say. Welcome to the Steingruft."
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