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Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana]

Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:53 pm
Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 My8xc8g6ql4

Khaana blinked a few times and turned to look over her shoulder a bit...incredulously at Kanako as....THAT whole shit came out of her mouth. The actual helpfulness of the words actually overshadowed by the fact that they of all things were coming out of the LIZARDS mouth. This was an ENORMOUS shift from how she used to be.

"The fuck have you been reading, Psyciatry books?! No more reading for you..." She murmured incredulously before sighing and slumping back into the arrancar as she closed her eyes, a little annoyed as she gave a dismissive wave. Tch, she actually sounded out of an anime. A really weird, overanalytical anime that wasn't big on subtlety. Still.

"Yea yea I get that shit and all. God it's so weird coming from you. But whatever, I'm just...flustered about all this. But fuck, I'm gonna like....have to go see a shrink if it means not ....having whatever all this is pop up again."' She peered at Kanako and pointed at Kanako's general everything. She needed to find whatever the fuck KAnako had been reading and burn it. Still, she wouldn't say that some of it, that well...she had paid attention to, wasn't a little on the sound side. Frankly it felt a little patronizing. But maybe thats because it was coming from someone who had been almost retarded a few months ago. How much of this was like.... her? And how much was just like, piped into her brain from books? Questions for later.

"So uh...OTHER than getting your ass into some....weird ass books lately. What exaclty have you been up to? Hope you haven't just been staying around the penthouse. Not that I mind ya, just I dont' need ya slackin off." She pointed out, reaching over her shoulder and prodding the woman's chest, as if to see if she was getting a little heavy.
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Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana]

Tue Mar 26, 2024 4:32 pm



Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Kanako couldn't help but blink in some surprise when Khaana reacted to her speech; to how the Arrancar talked a bit more like some weird hollow psychiatrist. Kanako smiled sheepishly at Khaana's comments, briefly looking away from the woman. Yes... Kanako had been reading some very odd books. Frankly speaking, the books she had been reading were ones she found after attempting to look for something to deal with temperamental roommates; aka, Amaranta. Perhaps she had been reading a few too many to try and understand Amaranta's tendency to be quite... rude. Perhaps it would be best to return to the realms of fiction.

"Sorry... I had been trying to figure out how to deal with Amaranta's... Nature, but I don't think that can be done with words or books; unless I use the book as a weapon."

Kanako casually wrapped an arm around Khaana when the woman slumped back into the overgrown lizard that was Kanako, a simply gesture to provide the woman with a bit more comfort. Afterwards, Kanako considered the question as Khaana prodded her chest. Frankly speaking, if Khaana had examined her physique before, she would find the same results as before; muscly despite how surprisingly soft her skin was. Of course, anywhere her scales resided was bound to be quite hard.

"No, I haven't been just sitting around and reading books. I do the tasks you wished me to do daily, and I also work out and swim regularly. I would get deathly bored if I sat around here all the time; or Amaranta and I would get in a fight in the house... Not a good idea. Aside from that, nothing out of the ordinary..."

Kanako carefully looked down at Khaana, not really acknowledging the finger that had prodded her chest earlier; then again, the woman didn't seem to mind physical contact. After all, Kanako was still quite lizard-like in some ways, and she enjoyed the warmth.

"I'll cut back on the weird books, Khaana. I'd rather you not go see a shrink... But it is your choice. However, I promise I won't be a psychiatrist Lizard, doesn't seem like a good idea."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana]

Fri Apr 05, 2024 7:32 pm
Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 My8xc8g6ql4

Khaana let out a soft Hmph as she took a moment to consider the big lizard's words. The idea of the two NOT getting along, frankly had always been a mystery to her. Kanako was big and strong, frankly. And the idea that Amaranta didn't like her was a bit strange. She was everything that Amaranta on paper respecte dand enjoyed. But somehow the two just didn't get along. A sigh escaped Khaana as she closed her eyes and settled into her spot.

"It's whatever. I wouldn't worry about it too much. I ..don't exactly plan on gushing about all this shit and spilling my guts at every opportunity. I just .....I dunno. There's a lot going on right now. Don't think it's gonna become a habbit." She noted quietly, rubbing her eyes and sighing for a few seconds. Pausing to look up at the ceiling. "Honestly, It almost feels a bit scary. All this shit rattling around my head. At least when I'm not fighting. Everything seems to just go away when I'm beating someone's ass... but well. Whole reason I went missing was from giving into that shit too much." She noted with a rueful little smile.
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Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue128100/999999Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 Empty Re: Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana]

Sun Apr 07, 2024 1:51 pm



Hey there Chewie [Kanako, Khaana] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Kanako kept her arm wrapped around Khaana, frankly speaking the contact felt right, in an odd way. Kanako did hope that, in some way, the comfort was aiding Khaana in some way. Kanako soon began to gaze at Khaana as she absorbed the woman's words. Contemplation wasn't one of Kanako's strongest suits, but it was one she could handle with relative success. She was no expert on these matters, and what little she had was from silly books she hoped would've helped with Amaranta. Sadly, it was quite useless, all things considered. However, it might at least help with Khaana... as long as Kanako didn't accidentally act like a therapy lizard.

"I haven't been too worried about it. Amaranta just likes to be an ass, and I've come to accept this. Perhaps we can come to more acceptable terms, or perhaps not."

Kanako rested in silence for some time longer, considering all of Khaana's words. She considered the woman's thoughts and comments before she gently squeezed the woman against her side; giving Khaana a gentle, and hopefully comforting, yet brief embrace.

"Perhaps we can spar more often, Khaana. And talk after. I know you don't want me to be a Therapy Lizard, but talking about things... it does help. Even if it's only a little. I'd prefer it if you didn't go missing again, after all. It's only an idea. Think about it, if you want."

Kanako then fell silent, allowing Khaana to enjoy said silence as the lizard's larger frame imparted warmth to Khaana; and perhaps a slight sense of safety. Then again, perhaps not! Regardless, Kanako would remain silent and do her best to give the woman a comfortable resting place until Khaana had enough.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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