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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 2:45 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 24HSuN4


"Shit... damn. I totally forgot about that."

Genius mind you had there, huh, Koga? He was so engrossed in the conversation he had lost track of the part where they were supposed to be eating and talking. He wasn't so oblivious that he failed to notice how she shifted the subject so swiftly, but he was hungry, and he did want to treat her to a nice meal and a good date. When they were given their menus, Koga set his down immediately. He was a proud customer here, knew the menu like the back of his hand, and simply desired to make things quick and efficient... for his sake. What kind of idiot forgets something so obvious? Anyway, he can rectify this by offering some nice suggestions.

"For appetizers, I usually love their version of Gyoza and Takoyaki. Though, the tempura's not half bad, either. As far as main courses go, I usually dig their spicy beef ramen. The way the prepare the meat, the smell, the flavor... it's simply the best."


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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 3:32 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Hana found Koga's opinions of the menu endearing. The man had an unfamiliar demeanor about him that she wanted to understand more. Hana found herself taking Koga's suggestions, though she did ask for a little less spice in the beef ramen. She worried how it might affect her stomach while out on a date. The appetizer she chose was the Takoyaki. Setting the menu down, she waited for the waiter to take them and turned her attention back to Koga.

"So, Koga..." Hana said, setting her hands in her lap and smiling sweetly. "Please, tell me about yourself. What sorts of things do you take part in for entertainment?"

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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:33 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 24HSuN4


"I don't really think you'll find my answer all that appealing..."

Koga furrowed his eyebrows the moment he pondered her question. It truly was such a simple answer, but he wondered for a moment. Did a simple answer leave a good impression? Or was he simply overcomplicating things by thinking on it too long? He supposed combat was the go-to option for entertainment, but when he truly lingered on it for a moment, he found himself reminiscing on how fond he was of studying and learning new information. More than that, he loved the idea that all that accumulated knowledge could lead to physical results. Huh, that could work. It sounded sophiscated enough, right? But, then, wait no... that might sound too boring. Dammit.

"I'm not really picky when it comes to entertainment, truth be told. What's that saying? Variety is the spice of life? Yeah, I'd like to say that suits me pretty well. Obviously... there's combat, and I do enjoy reading, but uh... I don't think that's all that entertaining compared to the... average hobbies."


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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 4:54 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Koga's reply caught Hana off guard. What exactly was he going to say? Kicking puppies? Murder? Taking advantage of the elderly?! Her mind went nuts. What could be so bad that he hesitated like that? The longer it took him to answer, the tighter the grip on her skirt became and the more curious and concerned she looked. She tried to hold the expression back, but it was difficult.

Then he answered, and it was nothing what she thought. Many answered combat since their lives revolved around the Gotei, so she expected that. Her concern vanished and was replaced almost instantly with bright eyes and excitement.

"You read?" Hana said joyfully, leaning in toward him. Hana was quite the reader herself. "Please, tell me. What kind of literature do you partake?"

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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:21 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 24HSuN4


"Huh? Literature? Well..."

When he said he enjoyed reading, he didn't quite mean to imply it was literature. Even so, her expression looked bright and curious, and admittedly adorable. Part of him wasn't the type to be dishonest, but another part is enjoying the expression enough to humor her. He answered her after a few moments with a wide grin playing across his features.

"Well, I wouldn't call myself a literature heavy guy, but I do enjoy a good crime and mystery book every now and then. The Seiretei sells some pretty good works. Apart from that, though, most of my reading is rooted in studying and learning different techniques. I... honestly like the idea of knowledge application and what one chooses to do with what he or she's learned. Do ya fight for good? Fight for bad? For yourself? For others? So many questions, no definite answers..."


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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Thu Apr 11, 2024 6:35 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Ah, so he was a non-fiction reader with a preference toward education. He didn't seem like the type to pick up a biography. Her smile stayed with his answer. She nodded once he finished and clapped her hands together.

"How exciting!" Hana said. "Personally, my preference falls toward fiction in the fantasy, romance, and adventure genres. I rarely put a book down if it has a dynamic couple stuck in their will-they, won't-they phase."

Hana glanced up as motion caught her attention. Their drinks and appetizers were brought out rather quickly. As the plate was set down, she thanked the waiter and took in the aroma of her food. "Smells wonderful. I hope you enjoy!"

Hana took her first bite after partaking in traditional Japanese manners of bowing her head and thanking for the food. While she had definitely eaten more luxurious meals in the past, she found the takoyaki tasty. "Mm. I do like this. Thank you."

End Post
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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Tue Apr 16, 2024 11:52 am
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 24HSuN4


"Is that so? Can't say I've ever picked up any romance in passing, but I think one of my division buddies would like that sorta' stuff. I wouldn't mind introducing ya' to her one day."

That was a pretty cute answer. Koga didn't really think he could derive much joy reading romance like that. He was into the type of characters who were bold and unafraid of expressing themselves. But maybe there was a type of appeal he couldn't recognize. In any case, their appetizers had finally arrived. Chopsticks in hand, he indulged a mix of Takoyaki and Kaarage as he continued to converse with his date, finding her presence amusing. He was so use to getting odd looks from women that someone who conversed with him with such genuine excitement, felt like the equivalent of a culture shock. Obviously, that made him curious, prompting the scarred man to pose a playful question.

"Can't say I expected you to take me up on my offer of a date. Ya sure you ain't taken aback by how I look or anythin'? Kinda weird to see a woman who isn't ready to run away or turn the nose in disgust."


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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:30 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Their small conversations allowed Hana to do exactly what she wanted! She was getting to know him. This was what a date was supposed to be like, right? Not like what happened in her books, which was usually less "getting to know" and more "physical attraction." She did her best to answer between bites, everything about her demeanor and voice coming off elegant, yet shy and a little 'mousey' at times.

Koga's question is what took her aback, so there was a silence. It was blunt, which seemed like part of his personality and ended up bringing up something she was not sure how to address. His appearance did not cause a problem for her, no. It only created a curiosity that felt uncomfortable to bring up. But... he did ask? She looked at him, her eyes moving over each scar as if she were counting his past injuries. She could see how his appearance might make some uncomfortable.

"Well," Hana finished chewing, wiped her mouth with a napkin, and set her hands in her lap. "I assume you are referring to your scars?" Once he confirmed, she nodded and smiled. "Of course I am a little taken aback by them," Hana said, taking the definition of "taken aback" a little too seriously in the moment. "It would be disingenuous to pretend otherwise. However, I feel your question is more about whether they offend me in some sense, and no, they do not. I am curious about how you received them. I wonder if it was one intense battle that gave you your scars, or many training accidents... or something else. I did not think it would be any of my business, and assumed you would not be comfortable talking about it."

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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:09 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 24HSuN4


"Huh? Uncomfortable? Hell no. I wear these like badges of honor or symbols of pride. Ain't nothin' shameful about these guys to me."

In truth, he couldn't exactly say she was unjustified in her expectation that he might take offense. There were some he had met in his lifetime who certainly seemed ashamed about their permanent scars. Some took it in stride, others treated it like a detriment. Koga simply wasn't fazed about his own, either way. He was far from the type to feel ashamed about anything in his life. He was simply a man who constantly challenged himself to transcend his limits and stick a middle finger to the system that tried to keep him from achieving his ambitions. He definitely couldn't achieve that with any shame in his heart, now could he? Munching on his Takoyaki, he continued.

"To answer your question, though, I got these through lots of intense young as my childhood years, actually. They hurt like hell in the moment, but adrenaline quickly washed away any pain in the blink of an eye..."

Part of him recognized this wasn't exactly the thing a man attempting to procure a second date should be speaking about so freely, but what could he say? She asked questions. He provided answers. Simple as that.


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Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Empty Re: Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]

Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:56 pm
Dog Days Are Over[Hana, Koga]  - Page 2 Hana_PostingHeader21
Enter: Hana Aoyama

Technically, Hana had not asked him a question. She merely stated what she was curious about and truly did not expect him to feel obliged to sate her curiosity. However, with his personality and confidence, Hana found herself correct in some previous assumption on how Koga actually acquired his scars. He didn't seem the type to fumble in training or have a tortured secret. Battle was her initial assumption and his confirmation proved her correct.

"I see," Hana said, blinking a single time as she watched Koga more intensely for a few moments. She had a few more questions running in her mind, but would not voice them here. This was neither the time or place, and the talk of adrenaline washing away pain wasn't couth. "What else can you tell me about yourself?"

End Post
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