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Sat Apr 13, 2024 10:17 am
Jupiter and Saturn Size (Stelle/Helle) YlhNI9c

Hmm... Which would look nicer?

This one is black and the design's rather cute, but this one has a nice feeling to it. It'd probably be soft and comfortable. However, this red one... Spicy...


Why is this always a struggle for her? It's hard to find a suitable size for herself as is, and being picky doesn't either. She couldn't help but notice the eyes gravitating her way too. Women are the jealous vile type, so it makes sense that someone like Helle would attract their gaze when it came to this sort of thing. She is currently in the section for bigger women, but her form is far from large. Certain areas simply require certain care.

She should really start ordering custom made.

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Sat Apr 13, 2024 11:10 am
Stella unaware of the jealous stares would simply be looking around the store. She'd make her way into the bra section as she looked around. Seeing a tall blonde woman she would try to make her way through the aisle. They weren't the same size, but alas she had to make her way through this to get to hers as she would let out a small "Excuse me" As she would gently try to walk past the blonde.
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Fri Apr 19, 2024 11:03 am
Jupiter and Saturn Size (Stelle/Helle) YlhNI9c

Hmm? Someone is passing by?

Helle, of course, moved to allow the other woman space, but had also turned her emerald eyes to spy who had passed her. A second passed until she realized something interesting about the other woman, but it required her to stand up straight and actually stare to connect the dots.

"Oh? Miss Bauer? A pleasant surprise."

It may come as a shocker that someone knows her last name so casually despite them never having met, but Stella may come to notice familiar features of the blonde. Why, she is Helle Armstrong after all, Director of the Sternritter. Stella's application had come across her desk, and the woman's looks are not easily forgotten.

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Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:15 am
Stella would look at the larger woman as she would freeze up for a moment. She hadn't realized that it was Miss Helle as she would feel her heart beginning to best rapidly. She wad nervous as she could feel her palms begin to sweat. She'd take a deep breath and give an apologetic bow. She didn't mean to not see her.

"I'm so sorry miss Helle, I wasn't paying attention and didn't mean to ignore you there."

She would say as she would stand back up rubbing the back of her head slightly awkwardly as she would look at her boss. She was a bit nervous to meet her like this, but maybe it's better somewhere like this than somewhere else.

"Uhm.... what brings ya to this store?"
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Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:00 pm
Jupiter and Saturn Size (Stelle/Helle) YlhNI9c

Helle blinked, unsurprised by Stella's reaction but simply put off by the fact that she's off duty. Though, many probably find that a sorry excuse for not properly addressing superiors. Helle's never been the best with that sort of stuff, especially when she viewed herself as an otherworldly Goddess, but that's neither here nor there.

"At ease, Miss Bauer. I'm simply doing as any woman does," She responded, holding up the bra in her hand.

It's the lacey black one she had thought about which would probably surprise Stella, given the woman's disposition of treating Helle as she is. Your boss holding up a pretty seductive article of clothing is probably not good for keeping proper.

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Tue Apr 23, 2024 6:57 pm
Stella would allow herself to relax as she realized Helle knee her name. Really? The leader of the Reich knows Stella by name? She figured at most she would be a number, but maybe numbers are harder to remember than just a name. As she would look at the woman and realize she is not alone in struggling to find good bra as she would nod.

"I understand, but I just wasn't really expecting ya. Kinda thought you may have someone go out shopping for ya with how busy I assume you are."

Stella would talk a little more formal than she usually would, but her stance was much more relaxed than it was just a second ago.
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Sat Apr 27, 2024 3:41 pm
Jupiter and Saturn Size (Stelle/Helle) YlhNI9c

Busy? Well, yeah, Helle's busy, but if she kept herself locked away, she'd probably have rotted by now. It's good to get out every now and then. The last time she stayed cooped up for too long, she practically went insane.

"Why would I have someone else shop for me?" She asked, looking at the bra in her hand. "Who else would be able to pick the right bra for me but myself?"

Though, with that thought, she is stuck with the weird fact that her chest size is probably impossible to simply pin down without proper instruction and hands on experience.

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Sat Apr 27, 2024 5:55 pm
As Stella would listen she would be a little embarrassed at her thought process. It seemed like rich people weren't so different from her as she would move her hand to scratch the back of her head. She had thought since she was a leader she just didn't have time to come out shopping for herself.

"Too be honest I just thought that people who were more rich, and leaders would t really want to spend the time. However, I suppose bras are one of those things you should probably shop for yourself. Ya know?"

As she would wait for the response she would just check the 2 sides on either side of her as she needed to find one for herself. However, seems like they're in a bigger size than what she had.
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Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:33 pm
Jupiter and Saturn Size (Stelle/Helle) YlhNI9c

Rich? Well, that's rather prejudice. Helle couldn't hold back a soft chuckle. She's rich? Well, she never considered herself as rich. Everything she has she worked hard for, and she's never asked for much in return. Her pay is not insanely huge that she can simply do as she pleases at a moment's notice. Besides, she's been out of work for a while. Her savings are hurting.

"I assure you, Stella. I'm not that different from the average person."


She knows she's not like the average person in many regards, but acknowledging that would be a step backwards from where she's trying to go. Right now, she's Helle Armstrong and nothing more, and she'd rather it stays like that.

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Jupiter and Saturn Size (Stelle/Helle) Empty Re: Jupiter and Saturn Size (Stelle/Helle)

Tue Apr 30, 2024 1:14 am
"Stella didn't realize that her assumption was apparently so incorrect. She thought that the leader of quincies would for sure make alot of money. At the very least she thought they would make it out. pretty good, but she guessed that the city of lights is a vandenreich city. She'd sigh a she would apologize for this mistake.

" about the mistake. It wasn't against you, but I just assumed that the leader of any big organization would make alot of money..

While she would be slightly annoyed about her mistake. She shouldn't have just assumed something like that. As she would kick herself mentally she would look around the bras as she would look at the one in helles hands. Looking to move the conversation forward she would speak.

"That one's cute by the way."
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