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Tue Apr 16, 2024 5:55 pm
Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] W7w6crjx2my

It frankly didn't feel quite real.
Naturally, she had a lot of intentions when she'd come to the City of Lights, but she hadn't quite expected to .....accomplish them.
First and foremost she'd been here to help out Liltotto, and seeing her daughter in a funk had certainly been motivation, enough that she;d even worked on herself while she was out here in the city. But, despite all of the chaos in the Africa conflict, and the no doubt numerous other worries that came with her allies being stuck in the conflict. Liltotto seemed to have improved herself considerably. Not just her mental state, but she seemed much more stable, steady. Dependable. She was proud to see her like this. Even if she was a bit startled at how soon it happened.

As for the second goal, her training was going ...surprisingly well. MAybe it was the familiar faces helping her out. Maybe it was the training facilities helping things out. Or maybe it was the focus she had being here. But she felt herself getting stronger, tired less frequently. Not only that, but the first vestiges of her power had started to peak its head. And lo and behold, in addition to her own extensive personal experience, there was also a few fullbringers in the Vandenreich who had been around to help her identify what she was going through. She was feeling more confident, needing her cane less often. Things were looking up.

A thought that crossed her mind as she looked up the length of the elevator shaft in the glass box as it rose up to the level she was aiming for. The receptionist had thankfully informed her that she was available to speak with. Alas, she wouldn't quite get to surprise Candice, the receptionist had alas stubbornly informed Candice she had a visitor, but even so, Giselle couldn't help but smile a little as she went.

With so many good things going on, how could she help but feel like she was on a roll?
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Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:18 pm

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candi had hardly batted an eye when Giselle had announced her intention to return to the City of Lights for an extended stay. She had always known that staying in Switzerland was a temporary fixture. It was a temporary solution to a permanent problem, and none of the experts that Candi had spared no expense to bring to Giselle had ever resonated with her as she had hoped. That didn't mean that Candi was always here in the City with her, business took her all around the globe just as it always had, but the change of scenery was certainly having a positive effect on her partner. A shadow of her former self, perhaps, but she was building herself up again one brick at a time.

It was still a surprise to hear that Giselle wanted to see her in the middle of the day, though that receptionist would have to be dealt with. If her little darling wanted to be all cute and surprise her then she should be given every opportunity, it was hardly like their relationship was a secret.

The C.C. Inc. building was a modest one, towered over by its surroundings, but still, no expense had been spared. Only a handful of managerial staff had offices on the top floor, and all of them now lived full-time within the City with the exception of Candice. She had insisted on having her own office during the building construction, having championed the endeavour to expand into this niche corner of the world, but it was only now being put to proper usage. Lacking in most personal effects, save for a single framed picture on her desk that faced towards her, the room was spacious enough to comfortably host meetings whilst also offering a view over a quaint little park in the centre of the district.

"Oh, who is it?~" Candi cooed as she heard the footfalls approaching her office door, pushing herself to her feet to greet this visitor with a smile of her own planted upon those lips.

Electric Enterprise | END POST
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Tue Apr 16, 2024 6:29 pm
Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] W7w6crjx2my

Giselle snorted softly when she heard that singsong little call out to her.

She opened the door and strode into the room to see Candice already ready to greet her. "Hey there, sorry to interrupt, but theres something I actually wanted to talk to you about." She noted softly, that usual grin that was on her features was not it's usual vibrant glow. But something more....subdued as she looked to Candice. Well, not that that wasn't usual she supposed. Alas, even with all of her progress, by the time she got home to her place, Candice usually got a bit less energetic version of her. Worn out, tired, having to use her cane a little more to get around. A cane that, at least presently, was still in evidence. But not presently in use, carried with her rather than supporting her steps.

She'd thankfully had the forsight not to come to Candice after a whole ass day of training.

It really was something to see her in her 'natural habitat'. All dressed up and kitted to slit metaphorical monetary throats. But she wasn't really here to just sit here and gawk at Candice. She kept that calm, but serious expression as she walked up to the chair infront of the desk and sat down across from Candice, giving her girlfriend an opportunity to speak before she spoke.
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Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:05 pm

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice lit up as Giselle made her entrance, energy bubbling up inside her that was all too familiar even as it seemed like her partner was still feeling muted. She was already halfway around her desk when Giselle settled into one of the vacant chairs, leaving Candi to perch herself on the closer side and settle in. Whether that gave the other woman an enviable view up her skirt or not was perhaps just a little icing on the cake, something to soothe those aching bones.

"I can always make time for you, Z. Though you have got me a little intrigued by coming all the way here rather than just shooting me a message or catching me after hours."

Folding one leg over the other, she perched an elbow upon her knee and leant forward to stare down at the other woman with her chin resting in the palm of her hand. What exactly this was about seemed to have eluded her, but it was clearly something that mattered to Giselle and that meant that it also mattered to her, that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun with it too though.

Electric Enterprise | END POST
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Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:16 pm
Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] W7w6crjx2my

Giselle couldn't help but smile as Candice circled around and sat on the edge of the disk, a soft sigh of admiration escaping her as she closed her eyes. "Already trying to distract me when I have something important?~ You're too cute Candice." She murmured before she stood back up, so that she could face the woman without being distracted by the upskirt. Instead, she stepped forward and paused just inside the woman's personal space and looked Candice in the eye. She crouched down, since Candice was leaning in, but ultimately, they still wound up eye to eye, just a few feet apart.

"I just wanted to say that I'm...happy. And I really appreciate that you did this. Not just flying me down here. But spending so much time here with me. I know you're the busy type. Going everywhere, doing your business. And ...finding a bit of extra business along the way too." She murmured, resting her elbows on the ends of her knees as she let her eyes shut.

"I remember when I first met ya. You almost seemed like a leaf on the wind, like I might miss you forever if I just blinked. Maybe that's why I tryed so damn hard to snag you right off the bat. Tch... thinking back though. I was such a mess. It's embarassing to think back on it...." She smiled a bit to herself, before opening her eyes and looking up at Candice. "But you turned out awfully cosy for a leaf in the wind." She glanced down at her palm for a moment.

'Ever since I lost my old powers. I know its been rough. I can't keep up with you like I used to. And you've had to spend more time heling me around than doing what I'm sure you'd rather be doing." She noted quietly. A pause as she thought back. to when she'd barely been able to get around her apartment, hell learning to get around Candice's damn mansion had been training all on its own.
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Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:43 pm

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

"Oh, you know you don't want to see me try~"

So that was how serious it was then, Candi noted mentally as Giselle repositioned herself. Though it would have been all too easy to just lean back and let the sensory attack continue with another tactful stretch, she relented in her onslaught quite early on. They'd known each other long enough that she knew when it wasn't going to get her the response she wanted.

"What're you talking about? Feeling nostalgic being back here, seeing some of your old friends or something? Yeah, you snagged me and I'm a hell of a catch, so pat yourself on the back for that."

No small part of her wanted to just stand up and hug her, to pull her close and reassure her that this was all okay. That she was recovering from a traumatic injury and it wasn't something that would ever just go away but there was always the hope that she would run again, and yet none of that mattered because Candice was here for her regardless. But she remained seated for now, holding herself back as best she could, focusing on restraining herself so that Giselle could make her point.

"We've always been rough, I'm as rough as they come, but pushing you to get back on your feet has never been a factor in all that." It was a little white lie, for of course there had been times when it had irked the heiress but on the scale of magnitude it barely registered compared to everything else. "So what's bringing this on? The thinking you know me better than I know myself again. I thought we'd ironed things out back home, but if you want to hear it again then I'll say it whenever and wherever."

Electric Enterprise | END POST
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Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:15 pm
She smiled softly at that. "Oh I know that." She chuckled softly.

She paused for a moment as Candice brought up something they'd talked about before. "Yea. We had this talk didn't we?" She noted softly, smiling to herself.

"Like Mother like Daughter. I really was stuck on that for a while. Liltotto was stuck in a funk as well. But well, believe it or not. She seems to be doing much better. She's doing downright fantastic." She noted softly, closing her eyes as she thought about her daughter. "Before I knew it, she was doing just fine, and I realized that I was the one still in a funk." She glanced back up, and smiled. As she stepped forward, and stood up tall.

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] D7ogcv2ne2y

"Candice. You've been there for me for a while now. I can't let my daughter go showing me up." She stated firmly, stepping closer as she planted her palms on the desk on either side of Candice.

"By this time next year. Perhaps even before then. I'm going to make sure that I'm as strong as you." She stated firml and gently scooped Candice up. Sweeping the woman clean off the ground and lifting her up in her arms, smiling from ear to ear. "I've been thinking about this for a while, but I know you don't like it when I have to use my spirit energy around ya. After all the training I've gone through, I can pick you up without having to reinforce my leg with spirit energy. " She pointed out, a soft little smile on her lips as she gave a little squeeze to Candice.

"I'll be the one to carry you when you're worn out. I promise."
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Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Apr 17, 2024 4:56 am

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Candice's hands had already moved to cup the sides of Giselle's face even before she was bundled up in her partner's arms, dexterous digits wrapping around her jawline as her thumbs began softly kneading into her cheeks. It made her happy far beyond words that Giselle was getting better, and seeing that determination as plain as day in those eyes was enough to send a little tingle all the way down her spine.

"I'm glad that Liltotto is doing better, I know that was eating at you, but now can we focus on you? You got fucked up pretty bad, like well beyond the point where you should have died, but you came back anyway - so of course that would put anyone in a 'funk'."

As she was promptly scooped, eyebrows momentarily rising in surprise, she wrapped her legs around Giselle's waist but made sure not to grip too hard. If she wanted to show her how strong she was getting then Candi didn't want to take that away from her by propping herself up. It had been a while, after all, and, whilst she prided herself on being able to take care of herself, even she could not deny that it was comforting to be wrapped up in an embrace again.

"Well, you're gonna have to work that little butt off then, aren't you?" Snickering softly, Candi pulled herself closer, until her face was entirely all up in Giselle's and there was nowhere else for either of them to look but directly into the other's eyes.

"What I didn't like.." Her fingers squeezed, smushing up Giselle's cheeks playfully. "Was you pushing yourself too hard just to show me you're still strong - I already knew that. If you want to make it a full-time job, though, I wouldn't mind having a personal chauffeur, but I think you know better than most that I don't tire easily."

After so long spent waiting for this moment to come again, she couldn't help but enjoy every little moment of being together with her. It made her blush like a schoolgirl, her breath getting heavier as she stared into those giant red orbs until she could simply take no more. Leaning in further still, Candi planted a firm kiss squarely on those puckered lips. A prolonged little smooch as her lips curled upwards into a wry smile, hands eventually breaking away to hang off Giselle's shoulders as she rested there in comfortable suspension.

Electric Enterprise | END POST
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Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:19 am
Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] D7ogcv2ne2y

Candice managed to catch her a bit off guard when they latched onto her and grabbed her by the face. But more than that, the look in her girlfriend's eyes instantly put a fire in her chest. She could see it, the little glint in Candice's eyes at being scooped up like this again. But well, there was also a roguish little smile as Candice promptly put forth something that caused her to pause, that look on Candice's face surprised her just a little. "Hey now, I'm a mom you know. I can't just go letting my .... yea I get your drift. " She noted with a sheepish little smile. No doubt it must have been worrying for Candice that she was pushing herself so much. So damn cute~ Teasing her about how much work she'd have to do.

Boy did Giselle know that. She hadn't really understood before, but when they trained together, she'd SEEN just how powerful Candice was. She had a pretty rough road ahead of her. But she meant what she said, She wanted that. To be able to be side by side with her girl if the chips came down to it. Though she was a bit surprised at the playful little offer that came from Candice's lips. A sudden playful little smirk on her lips as she tilted her head and looked up at the ceiling. "Oh?~ You sure about that? Having me be the one to drive you around might cramp your style~ Old as I am I don't exactly have a lot of experience as a wingman." She noted playfully, but then paused for a moment when Candice closed in. That playful, impish side of her peeling back to a warm smile as Candice snared her in the midst of her playful taunting.

She kissed her, and gently tightened her hold on the woman's waist as the two of them shared a brief moment of connection. With those palms gently pressed to either side of her face, as if to make sure that she took up every bit of Giselle's field of view~ She knew damn well how much Candice liked being the center of her attention. And god fuck, she certainly had been. All the shit that they'd been through. Her injury. The recovery. Ehefra. So many times they'd tugged back and forth. Insecurities, doubts, those countless little moments that frankly, she'd been terrified during. But now?

She didn't have jack to be afraid of. Because she wasn't the only one back on the horse. She'd been worried that Candice was taking this pretty hard too. Not just because of her recovery, but because of that business with Kleinmund. And perhaps, she knew that some part of Candice still stung after it. But she'd noticed the woman bouncing back. Putting her focus into her work, and getting back on the metaphorical horse. She smiled, and gave a playful little squeeze to Candice's waist when their kiss finally ended.

[color=slategray]"Tch, sorry but I'm gonna keep on pushing myself ya know? I told you, seeing you so free... thats what I fell in love with about you. Made me realize a little how I wanna spend my own life, especially now I only got so much left. Gotta make sure the next couple hundred years are more worthwhile." she grinned, and sat herself back down in the chair, with Candice in her lap, and her hands migrated so very slightly south from the waist.

"Buuuuuut, I guess if you have some alternative methods of training in mind that don't involve me being to leave the house and put myself in danger. I'm open to suggestions~" That playful smile widening.

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Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] Empty Re: Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Apr 17, 2024 8:35 am

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Plopping down in Giselle's lap, Candice basked in the limelight as her partner poured over her body and pandered to her little whims. She couldn't help herself, really, for it was who she had always been and knowing that she was not only the centre of her own world but also Giselle's was all the fuel she needed to get her heart pumping into overdrive. Every little squeeze, each stolen smile, and any words that were even close to praise were thoroughly enjoyed and reciprocated in kind. She was already in a good mood, now she felt great. And when she felt great, she wanted Giselle to feel great too.

"With you around, I don't need a wingman~ But you'd have to be quick or we'd be late a lot~"

Candi's eyes narrowed, those emeralds shining brightly with a single sultry intent. Her weight shifted too, landing a little heavier on Giselle's upper thighs as she began to coil around the woman beneath her and smother that body with her own. It didn't take much to get her riled up, but Giselle was in the fast lane now and Candi wanted to make sure that she was strapped in.

"Sure, you're saying you've still got centuries, but I will never wait for tomorrow. I've seen what our last days could be and I don't want you to have any regrets, because I won't."

Then the gyrating began, her hips rolling slowly and steadily back and forth. Again she went for another kiss, pinning Giselle to the back of the chair as the blonde's upper body pushed up against her own like it was only the two of them in the whole building. She had tried to be coy, but patience wasn't in her vocabulary so when she saw an opening she clamped down on it like a dog with a bone.

"I know a few routines that will really get your blood pumping, and I promise you won't always be able to walk afterwards~"

Electric Enterprise | END POST
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