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Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Apr 17, 2024 9:18 am
Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 W7w6crjx2my

Oh she could tell that Candice was getting a bit riled up. Then again, she could be blind, deaf, and mute and still be able to tell that the woman wanted something. But in that moment, seeing the energy that was all but burning up the air in their office. Giselle did take a moment to shift gears just a little. She let her hands fall away from Candice's hips and waist and slid up to gently frame the blonde's face. As she fell silent. Smiling as she looked up into Candice's eyes.

"Hey." She interrupted, perhaps jarring Candice just a little out of the roll she was on as her voice became very soft and gentle. That impish smile still playing on her lips as she gently ran her thumbs over the woman's cheeks. Leaning in and gently resting her forehead against theirs. Making sure that she was the center of attention. That what she was saying was the center of Candice's focus, though she was sure the woman had other ...qualities in mind. For just a moment, she needed to distract her from all that.

"You're not perfect. You're beautiful.... you're a little mean and petty~" She noted very softly, words that were laced and dripping with warmth and affection. "You have the ...communication skills...of a squirrel with too many nuts in her mouth~ And you're just a little bit....incredibly incredibly spoiled." She cooed softly. Indeed, this was a bit different from how this usually went. Usually she would cake the girl up with all kinds of warmths and niceties, but she wanted to try something a little different. Something important.

"And you are...sooo totally needy and starving for attention~." She whispered, her voice continuing to drop in volume as she gave a soft kiss to Candice's lips.

"And..... I love you Candice Catnipp." She stated softly, without that usual playful lilt to her voice, just a firm, clean delivery with all the earnestness in the world.
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Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Apr 17, 2024 11:51 am

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

It wasn't the first time Giselle had interrupted Candi when she was getting ready to get down and dirty, it would be a lie to say that she was used to it but Candi had at least expected something like this to happen when she had heard that her partner had gone to all this trouble to catch her at work rather than wait till they were at home. She didn't mind taking things slow once in a while, being held onto and appreciated for the beauty that she was, so she allowed herself to be soothed. It was nice here, on Giselle's lap, and then she started listening to what her partner had to say.

"Oh~ Someone's feeling extra brave today." She cut in as Giselle went in for that little aftermath kiss, refusing to be quieted even as Giselle's voice grew only more hushed. "A girl could get really hurt if she heard her partner saying such silly things."

Usually, someone was only honest with her when they were mad at her or wanted to make her mad - or both. Yet she knew deep down that what Giselle was saying came from a place of true affection. That she didn't want to annoy her or grind her gears, that she loved her. So what was she meant to do? Years of isolation and arrogance boiled up within her, demanding that she set the score straight, and yet her heart beat out a different tune. She loved this woman too, to a degree that was alarmingly close to how much she loved herself, so she should just tell her that too.

"I think I am perfect... For you." Gone was the cutting undertone, her upper lip quivering ever so slightly as if she was - for once in her life - struggling to get her words out. At that moment, she was laid bare and humbled.

"Because I am spiteful and vindictive, and I always want to be right. I'm crazy hot and messy, and unapologetically blunt. But I love you too, Giselle Gewelle, and I'll be yours for as long as you would have me."

Electric Enterprise | END POST
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Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:31 pm
Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 W7w6crjx2my

She couldn't help but smile wider, as she saw Candice briefly struggle a bit with what was being said to her. A little chuckle as she sighed, thinking back to her old notions of 'fixing' candice. But honestly, it had grown on her, and it made moments like this, where Candice had to swallow those uncertainties, all the more adorable. She leaned in and gently set her face into the woman's throat, a gentle nuzzle as she gave the woman a squeeze about the hips and held her tightly.

"You're so adorable~ Lookit you. Saying you love me!" She paused and glanced over her shouilder at the door, pondering, the secretary did say the woman's schedule was full. "So I think I got me a plan. Uh, I think we're both a little riled up. So we can certainly take care of that real quick~" She smirked, giving a light squeeze to Candice's thigh. "Buuut after. What do you think of going out for the evening? Having a little fun on the town?~"
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Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 Empty Re: Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice]

Wed Apr 17, 2024 1:01 pm

Sight for Sore Eyes [Giselle, Candice] - Page 2 JTUpzIU
Candice Catnipp | Heiress Extraordinaire

Sticking her tongue out as if she were some small child, Candice voiced her inner frustration with a quick pfft before her lips settled back into a comfortable smile. She was genuinely happy, like to the point where she felt like she could float, so she melted into Giselle’s touch.

“Oh yeah? Well then I’m gonna keep saying it. Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou.”

Her cheeks burned pink as she scrunched up her face, but it wasn’t really that she was embarrassed. There was simply too much bottled up inside her that was being uncorked all at once, and if she didn’t stem the flow then her pretty blonde head might well explode. Then it was her turn to nuzzle into her partner’s neck, listening diligently as she voiced her little plan.

“We can take care of business here~ Sure thing~” Her hands didn’t wait for her to finish, as they vanished down to begin working their way up the inside of her thighs. “And we can go out too, I think that will be good for you~” She bit her bottom lip playfully, considering where exactly she might want to take her. “But there’s only one way I want tonight to end.”

She didn’t need to say it, her eyes told the whole story and they were filled with Giselle.

Electric Enterprise | END POST
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