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Wed Apr 24, 2024 7:59 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 K739c3llpo7

Certainly he was glad that she didn't fuss over it. And he was still looking over her hands carefully when she began to answer his question. A pause to glance up to her before looking back down to her hands. Seeming to digest her assessment well enough. She certainly seemed to key in on what he himself was thinking of.

"I've just been thinking about it is all. I can't really talk about the details. But let's just say I've had a few conversations with my direct superior, and the idea's come up a few times." He noted with a soft chuckle, gently releasing her hands before glancing up to meet the Coordinator's gaze. "Still, I'm at least glad that you seem to think I'd be a good fit in the sternritter." He chuckled.
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Wed Apr 24, 2024 10:36 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Aw, shucks. Lookit you readin' my mind."

Flashing a bright smile back at him, Natasha nodded her head. She didn't mean to imply it, but he certainly seemed far more equipped with a division that spoke to his talents with martial arts and reading an enemy's movement's pretty well. In her eyes, she certainly felt he'd slot in pretty well, and there were more peopel to interact with that seemed more... sociable, for a lack of a better word. Again, she wasn't assuming everyone was some unapproachable figure there, but they weren't the types she could imagine Edelo interacting with much.

"Liike, I'm not gonna influence your decision too much, but you'd definitely welcomed among our ranks with open arms, Del. And that means you and me would get to see each other a lot more. It'd be nice to see another familiar face durin' my job. You'd also be treated to my food every day of the week since I prepare a few lunches for my fellow' peers durin' the week."

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Mon Apr 29, 2024 9:18 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 B49zczld35y

Edelo smiled softly at her response and shook his head. "You're pretty close to being one of my best friends around, I should hope you would want to influence my decisions. Still, the few people I've told seemed to think the same thing. It's a good fit, from what I've heard. I guess I just prefer keeping my hands busy. I certainly see some work in my current division, it's just not what I'd prefer I guess." He confessed, ribbing the back of his neck.

That said, he couldn't help but snort softly at the idea of his direct superior providing regular lunches. "I don't know about all that, but I certainly wouldn't mind a meal now and then. I plan on speaking with one of the Coordinators later on in the week, to talk about the shift. So we'll see where I wind up." He noted, that smile of his warming a bit further as he glanced to Natasha. A bit...pleased that she was being so helpful.

"So. What about yourself? You doing alright?"

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Wed May 01, 2024 4:05 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


"I know, I know, but yer' a grown man. Old enough to make yer own decisions at the end of the day. I don't mind influencin' those decisions, certainly, but I reckon it's best to let grown men decide on important decisions like these in their lives. Even more so for somethin' important like this. Now, I can't guarantee we'll be sendin' you out left and right every day of the week, but I damn sight now it'd probably be more than what yer' tasked with in the Todgestalten. Far as gettin' my lunches all the time, I'm afraid that's gonna happen by default. All my peers need to eat to keep their energy. It simply ain't in me not to prepare somethin' during my free hours, ya know?"

Natasha lifted one of her hands to playfully stroke his shoulder as she maintained her smile, content that he was at least interested in the thought of joining her division. After spending so much time here now, she wholly admitted that she took pride in the Sternritter, and Edelo genuinely did strike her as more of a frontline combatant than some warrior who loomed from the shadows and thrived on subterfuge and guerilla tactics to assume victory. At his next question, she nodded her head happily as her smile grew a touch wider. Outside of another recovery proccess and the hints of burn marks that remained on her body as result of her battle with that volcanic hollow, she was living life to the fullest. Her sister was back in town and visiting. She patched things up with her father, and she was learning to watch over her three amigos like the motherly figure she was.

"Can't complain bout' much, pumpkin. Life's been pretty good. I'm still alive and breathin'. I got to see some of my family again recently, and I've been takin' care of three really unique girls and one boy. It's made me int osomethin' of a busy bee nowadays, but I'm mighty fond of havin' my time occupied. Keeps my mind from goin' idle, ya know? Like that old sayin'... an idle mind is a devil's playground. Outside of yer life choices with divisions, how has life been for you, sugar? I hope yer mom's been doin' well."

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Wed May 01, 2024 4:35 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 J7kzcnrrdm7

He couldn't help but chuckle softly and give a little sigh and a smile at that. That certainly seemed....strange. Because he was an adult man that he should be making his own decisions? There was a level of responsibility sure, but it was strange. In his village, there was a sentiment of responsibility, but this ...lone wolfism wasn't there at all. The idea that being a grown man that you made all your own dicisions, it felt a little...ludicrous. The village made decisions together. If something big came up, everyone else would move in, offer advice and the like. And if someone else was going through something, not only did you show up to offer help, but advice as well.

And yet here in the city,

Well. That just wasn't the case.

"I'm sure I have a lot of changes to look forward to. But I imagine that will happen with time. I don't reallky know where I'll wind up. But we'll see." He noted neutrally, pausing for a moment whens he shifted into her own situation. And at that he was quite pleased. And he wasn't too surprised to find out she was helping a bunch of other people. That was just the sort of cooperative community that he was used to. However, when she asked him about his own situation he paused and looked off to the side. And caught himself laughing gently.

"Me?" He paused and glanced back at Natasha for just a moment and took a moment to look at her. Briefly, he had to ...gauge the look in her eyes. How so many people in the city asked him how he was doing, but acted surprised when he started talking about it. But no... she seemed genuinely interested in an answer, not a platitude, and so he settled into his seat and rested his elbows knot his knees for a moment.

"I don't really know." He admitted. "My mother's doing fine. Amazing actually. She's been doing well at work, and she seems happy and motivated. As for me. I feel .... strange. I've acclimated, at least a little. The way city folk talk.And learnign to deal with being around so many people. But even with all of the people. I guess it feels a little ..empty. BAck at the village, I could walk into town, and there would be about twenty, thirty people. But everyone would say hello. I could talk to them. I knew them. But in the city. I barely recognize anyone. It just feels a bit like I'm alone." He murmured with slightly furrowed brows. Not despair, or sadness, but a bit of ...confusion. A strain in his eyes, as he tried to understand something so foreign.
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Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha]

Wed May 01, 2024 5:09 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


"Hm, well that doesn't sound good at all..."

Natasha idly wondered, perhaps, if Edelo was feeling homesick. After all, it took some time to adapt to the City of Lights, even for her. For him, that adaption period was likely far more difficult to overcome, coming from a village. There was a genuine look of worry in her eyes as she leaned in the chair. Ever since she'd gotten to know him, Natasha cared about his wellbeing to a significant degree. He was always helpful, kind-hearted, and always checking up on her. He didn't seem openly fazed about the information he was revealing, but that look of confusion certainly told her that this was assuredly unfamiliar territory for him. As such, she couldn't help but pose a question as she leaned her arms against the desk. It was entirely likely she couldn't solve this issue in one day, but she could help.

"Do ya mind if I ask ya somethin' important, Del? Did ya ever think ya might be feelin' a little homesick? I'm aware you and yer mother had to move because things' were gettin' dangerous over there, but from what I'm hearing... it sounds like ya feel... a little bit out of place here. Like you're still gettin' used to life here. As you well know, I'm always here to help if ya need assistance with that, sweetheart. I fancy myself as somethin' of a social butterfly, after all."

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Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha]

Wed May 01, 2024 5:56 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 J7kzcnrrdm7

Edelo paused, glancing up at Natasha for a moment and smiling. "go ahead." He encouraged her, and pausing as she proceeded to talk a bit about where he'd come from. Something that did make him pause. Thinking about the past. About ...what had happened to the village before they'd left. And he couldn't help but chuckle softly. As he thought about the word she'd used.

"Yea... I guess you could say that. That's how the saying goes. Home is where the heart is. And that's why we wound up leaving." He stated softly, gently grasping his wrist with his other hand as he looked back to Natasha. "I don't think I was very specific. But... it was bad when we left. And it wasn't just us leaving. Home... is the village I grew up in. But that doesn't exist anymore. We....didn't exactly move here the first chance we got. Or at the first sight of trouble. Things were bad, but that was just how stuff was. IT wasn't until the hollows started to get attracted to the area that things got worse. We never understood why. But they just kept coming more frequently. The night watch kept going missing. And a few people as well. My dad got hurt....hurt bad. And eventually, he just couldn't make it. By the time we actually left. There was almost nobody left." He noted quietly, sitting upright as he did.

He took a deep breath, only just realizing he had been holding it, and looked off to the side. "The home I have left is here in the city. With my Mom. I've....made a few friends since coming here. But I guess it's just not the same." He closed his eyes and leaned forward, gently resting chin on his knuckles. Mulling the situation over in his head.

"My mom has been asking me about it. About who I've been meeting. If I've found people to talk to. She's even tried setting me up with a few of her favorite customers daughters. But I don't know. It's just not the same around here. The air. The Noise. The People." He furrowed his brows.

"I ran into someone a few weeks ago. Carrying around so much stuff you'd think her spine was going to break in two. So I offered to help her carry it. I guess I was a little insistent. Thats just how I was raised. And she wound up seeming to be alright with me helpign her. But when we finally got to the port. All she said was that I aughta leave that kind of stuf behind. That I'd have people walking all over me." He smiled a bit to himself and sighed. "She was pretty... seemed kinda...worn out. There wasn't much life in her eyes. But she was strong. And there she was acting like helping people out was some kinda curse."
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Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha]

Wed May 01, 2024 6:30 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


Natasha listened to Edelo in relative silence, observing his expression with a hazel gaze that indicated just how much this subject mattered to her. Each revelation seemed to open her eyes to just how difficult his transition from one place to another truly was. She had never viewed him as some beacon of social activity, but he was approachable enough that she had never thought that was much of an issue. Those predictions so far had proved incorrect, it seemed.

Then, he revealed a recent interaction he shared with a woman. Someone who, in his opinion, was pretty on the eyes, but seemed worn out and definitely questioned his naturally helpful disposition. Had the conversation left a sour impact on his spirits? Or was this merely something that had been building up, and he simply never reflected on it until now? There were many other questions she wanted to ask, but she pondered her words and decided to offer her opinion on the matter. Again, the success rate for that was up to anyone's guess, but she didn't fancy lettin' any of her friends fall by the wayside, and Edelo was no exception.

"I'm genuinely sorry ya' had to endure that, Del. Makes me wish I would've been there to help. Honestly, life back in the States got pretty rough for me, to such a degree that I had to leave to gain some peace of mind and move on with my life again. I really wish there was an easy solution for what yer feelin' right now, but what I can say is... there's nothin' wrong with the way you were raised. Not a damn thing. I won't go claimin' she's wrong since I hardly know her, but helping out others can be really life-changin' for those you choose to give the time of day. "

Natasha paused for a moment to give him a moment to absorb her words. She didn't know if her words would reach him, but she could damn sure try and know she gave it her best. With that conviction in mind, she rose from her chair, extending her hand to rest against his shoulder, flashing a warm smile as she did so.

"Ya want to know what it was like being in the hospital for as long as I was? Between the sting of defeat and arguin' with a close friend... I was miserable. And when ya took time out of your day to bring me somethin' homemade? It reminded me of how times were back in my hometown. Carin' neighbors lookin' after one another, keeping their wellbeing in mind... it gave me the energy I needed to know I never wanted to end up there again, to know someone supported me. And if that's not enough proof, well, look at me."

Raising her other arm, her grin grew even livelier as she flexed a muscle in a fashion akin to a certain sailor man of the past.

"I'm strong, and it's helpful people like you that keep me truckin' along. Ya know what would be perfect? You and I should start hangin' out more. See the town together and let me try and work my magic. This place might not ever give you the same satisfaction home did, but at least I can try and even the odds, if only a little. Whaddya say, sugar?"


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Wed May 01, 2024 7:08 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 J7kzcnrrdm7

Edelo blinked for a moment and watched as Natasha stood up and reached out to touch his shoulder. Which was certainly welcome. What he did not expect was to hear that she'd been forced to abandon her own hometown as well. Sure, he'd heard a lot of stories about the wars, but still, realizing that the warm southern Belle that had become such a staple in his life had a past just as steeped in loss as his own. And even more than that, just as she had been something that reminded him of home, he couldn't help the smile that formed as she mentioned his support when she'd been in the hospital. True, he had remembered that, sure he had noticed the odd look from Liltotto at first, but Natasha had certainly seemed a lot more immediately accepting of it. And well, like she said.

Look at her now. Healtyh, hearty, and full of energy. And it was ... nice. That she offeredhim that olive branch. The feeling that he was indeed making a difference was ....nice. He turned, glancing at the hand that was resting on his shoulder before looking up to Natasha as she promptly not just offered comfort, but made it abundantly clear that she wanted to help. That they should hang out more often. That she refused to let him feel alone. It was.... something he hadn't realized how much he needed. Not just that she would help him, but that she got just as much out of it. She wasn't trying to baby him, they could look out for eachother.

"Natasha..." He gently stood up, gently taking her hand so that she wasn't pulled up from the grip on his shoulder. And then gently pulled her into his arms, a gentle hug that was... well a bit different than he was used to. His mom was almost as tall as he was, he was used to being a bit more face to face, and with NAtasha being a fair bit shorter, she mostly wound up in his chest, but hopefully it still got the sentiment across. He was SURE that it'd come across.

"Thank you." His voice was gentle before he gently pulled back, smiling down at the woman and letting out a little sigh, taking a moment to .... consider hos words. "Spending more time with you is definitely an idea I can get behind. The accent's been...interesting to get used to. But you know. Hearing your voice, makes me feel like I'm home again."
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Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 Empty Re: Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha]

Wed May 01, 2024 9:53 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 2 GErtDg6


Whatever emotion he intended to convey through his embrace had been achieved in full. Close as they were, it was only now that she realized how tall he was. He didn't tower over her, but it was significant enough to give her some measure of humorous pause. Without hesitation, she returned his gentle embrace with a firm hug of her own. She sincerely hoped her words had gotten through to him, that he was acknowledged by someone, and that there was at least one person in his corner for the long haul.

After all, anyone who called themselves a friend of Natasha was always destined for the saccharine woman to become a permanent fixture in their life. Perhaps it was an outdated and naive way of thinking, but Natasha found little fault with her philosophy. He looked out for her in her time of need, and she would extend that same kindness. It wouldn't be an immediate ready, but it damn sure beat falling to the wayside and letting things fester. Maintaining her upbeat expression as he pulled away, Natasha nudged her arm against his chest after he expressed his thoughts.

"Aw, shucks. That's mighty sweet of ya, Edelo. I admit the southern drawl' throws a lot of people off at first, but I usually reel em' in after the first few sugars, sweethearts, and pumpkins to brighten their day. M'real glad my voice has such a positive effect on ya. Hardly bears repeatin' at this point, but I want to see ya thrive here, Edelo. I want to make what I call home now feel like home for you. At the very least, this old lady can try her best."

Exchanging one more playful quip, she pressed her fist forward as though it were a solemn promise she intended to keep - which was her sincere intent, of course.


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