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Wed May 01, 2024 10:21 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 J7kzcnrrdm7

Edelo blinked for a moment and snorted softly, watching as she nudged his chest and talked about her accent. Though when she went so far as to call herself an old woman, he couldn't help but smirk at that. "I don't think you can call yourself that. I don't think you're much older than me. I think you might even be younger than me, Miss Miller." He noted with a lopsided little smirk, reaching up and gently tousling her hair.

"Perhaps I should start calling you little Sis." He ventured, pleased that they had somewhat shifted from such a heavy subject to a tone of brevity. There was something to be said of the fact that while both of them had certainly been through a lot, they had, in their own way, managed to move forward for it. That bringing these things up didn't quite have to ruin their evening. That they could still continue, and things would be alright.

"Just means I'll have to keep a closer eye on you. Don't want you burning your fingerprints off." He smirked, glancing over to the pie, which surely by now had cooled off.
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Thu May 02, 2024 5:13 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 GErtDg6


"If ya call me lil' sis, don't go cryin' when I start callin' ya big bro in return, Del. Or since we aren't that far apart, maybe old man is a lil' more apt~?"

Natasha offered a playful quip in return for his humor, warmly taking it in stride as she turned her hazel gaze up at him. It was a joy to see him in high spirits. That was, just as good a sign as any, that her efforts had merited some measure of success, and that she ought not worry much about how well she could get him to open up. At his comment about her hands, Natasha flexed her hands and arms, grinning from ear to ear. She was used to being burned by now, what with all these recent events, and she honestly wondered if she could use that to evolve her talents as a fighter, to cultivate her abilities to a degree that her talents would be a great boon to her fellow men and women. For now, though, all this conversation had left her a little famished. Sausage bread sounded pretty nice right about now. Hopefully, it hadn't cooled off too much. Forming a reishi knife within her hand, Natasha winked as she motioned for him to try a piece of the pie she had prepared.

"Anyway, I think it's time ya try some of my blueberry pie, sweetheart. It's one of my mom's special recipes. Don't mind if I start helpin' myself ot that sausage bread now. I'm starvin'!"


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Thu May 02, 2024 5:41 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 J7kzcnrrdm7

OOF. That stung, that smile of his turning wistful as he closed his eyes and chuckled softly at that. "When I become a dad, you can call me that all you want, but in the meantime, I'd appreciate if you didn't go calling me old, Miller." He noted with a sigh, rubbing the back of his head as he followed her into the other room and smirked a bit as he watched her go for the sausage bread. A lopsided little smile forming as she made her suggestion.

"Oh I'm sure it's delicious, Natasha. But It'd be rude to have desert without you. So let's just relax. You enjoy the gourmet meal I made, and then we can both work on your pie as a team. Not often I get to make dinner for someone." He suggested, eyeing the little knife she'd produced and smirking a bit to himself, A bit amused that she used her powers for stuff like that. Though, he supposed he too had started using them quite often. Not all the time, but enough that now and then they just really came in handy.

"You ever thought about having kids?" He ventured as the two of them settled down. The subject having come up, he did look at Natasha and consider. She DID have a lot of motherly energy. But more in a mom kinda way. So he began to wonder, was that something she'd thought about? That kinda thing seemed pretty hit or miss with city girls.
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Thu May 02, 2024 6:11 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 GErtDg6


"Dinner and dessert, eh? Well, I guess I wouldn't mind havin' a slice or two of my pie. That suits me just fine, Del. As far as names go, for the sake of yer pride, I'll stick to callin' ya Del, deal?"

Natasha nodded assent as she used the reishi knife to cut a portion of the sausage bread he had prepared for her. She momentarily offered to see if he wanted any himself, but if he turned it down, she prepared her portion, poured another cup of tea, and sat down at her table. Now that the uneasy conversation was over, they could talk about something else. Of course, the next subject did throw her for a loop. Blinking softly a few times, a dumbfounded smile on her face, Natasha quietly stroked her chin as she leaned against her chair for a moment. In the past, that question would've stung a little. In the present, she simply didn't know. As long as she had her three amigos, she was content. Anything else would be pleasant, but only with the right person.

"I reckon it was mighty fierce dream of mine in the past. Had a nice husband I was gearin' up to settle down with, too. Back then, the thought sounded nice. A bunch of kids to look after and care for. Be the cool mom that liked to act young and be active with her kids. Now? I'm not sure. Guess if the opportunity presents itself, I wouldn't be against it. For now, I'm fine with lookin' after the three youngins who currently occupy my household. What about you, Del? Ya ever thought about findin' that special someone to call yer one and only, and settle down? I think you'd make a great husband for some lucky gal' lookin' for a good man. Handsome, too."


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Fri May 03, 2024 7:59 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 B49zczld35y

"The courtesy is appreciated." He hummed, accepting the slice of sausage bread as she offered some to him. No reason nto to eat along with her. And for just a moment, he enjoyed it. Sitting there with Nat as the both of them enjoyed his food, soon to enjoy the desert she'd prepped for the both of them. If only it could be like this every night. though stil, he couldn't let his curiosity sit idle. The reaction his question gor from Natasha certainly raised an eyebrow with him, though when she turned the question on him he couldn't help but give a bit of a fond smile off to the side.

"At some point. I hope at least." He lightly rubbed the back of his neck. "It's a little weird. I always figured I would settle down with one of the girls in the village. There was someone I really liked, actually when I was a lot younger. Her and her family had found the village after moving to Europe from America. Just looking for somewhere quiet to settle down." He closed his eyes, letting the memory wash over him. "But well. Now I'm in a big city. And I don't really know anyone." He chuckled. "My mom jokes about it now and then, that she wants grandkids. But even if she's never serious about it, I think it'd make her pretty happy. Or maybe that's just me wantin an excuse to have em." He drummed his fingers along the edge of the table.

He glanced to Natasha for a moment, and watched her for just a moment. He'd asked the question for a reason, but now, having heard her ...preliminary answer. And thinking it over. He found that maybe he didn't want to ask his second question.
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Fri May 03, 2024 10:14 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 GErtDg6


"Childhood sweetheart, perhaps? Well, at least that's what it sounds like to me. When I was real young, I always preferred hangin' out with my old man. Never thought much of boys until high school, and even then those times were lil' more than passin' fancies or talkin' about how cool a certain guy was. Shame ya had to move away from the village. She would've ended up hittin' the jackpot with someone like you."

Complimenting him as she consumed her portion of the Sausage bread, Natasha wondered how the man even approached women, or if even approached them directly at all. None of the men she knew seemed all that forthright when it came to expressing themselves with women. Cyrus was shockingly a charming man with his words. Solomon didn't strike her as the type to be the first one to take a step, and... Orion was his own unique bag of interesting. What was Edelo like? Unassuming? Soft-spoken? Shy? It was food for the thought, but she wanted to feed her curiosity with other questions.

"Well, I know we talked about youth and whose young and all that, but ya have plenty of time in the world to think about having them. Leisa's an awesome lady, and I think she'd make a great grandmother, but there's no fun rushin' into things, ya know? That said, m'mighty curious now. What kinda' girls are ya into anyway, Edelo? Anybody in the city caught your eye?'


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Fri May 03, 2024 10:29 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 B49zczld35y

He nodded quietly at that. If she was still a live, he was sure she would. He fell silent for just a moment, as the memory of her gave him a brief reprieve from his other thoughts. In that moment, he wasn't in Natasha's dining room. He wasn't in the City of Lights. He was under the stars by the bank of a creek, watching a young blonde girl smiling as she watched the water with a small mesh basket. Intent on helping him catch crayfish. He could still remember the panic in her face. Many of the boys considered her a bit boyish because of it. None of the other girls caught crayfish, but the City girl did it right there with the rest of them.

But Edelo had sharper eyes than most, and he'd known. She was terrified. OF all the girls, she hated it the most. But she still managed to keep her hand steady, and didn't allow her racing heart to stall her when she lunged in and sunk that basket into the water and snagged several of the little things. He'd been captivated. By just how damn brave she was. to push herself against the fear, to try and make friends.
And just as quickly. He remembered the pit that had served as the mass grave. And the eyes that didn't have even a speck of that bravery they used to. Just pain, and fear.

He closed his eyes and brought a napkin up, wiping his face before setting it back down, and sighing quietly. Calming himself. Brought back to the present by Natasha's question. He paused, blinking at her for a few seconds before glancing toward the window. "I...." He thought about it. Remembering a few times when he'd thought about such things. During his training with Lamperd. Even those times that Natasha had intentionally messed with him back when he had less control over his fullbring. Inklings of crushes. But well. What had ever really happened? He wasn't sad about how things turned out, Liltotto and Natasha were two friends he couldn't replace even if he tried. But well, in terms of answering the question...

"I'm not really sure. A few times... I've thought that I did. Maybe it's how busy things have been. I guess thoughts like that...have just sortof fallen to the wayside. "
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Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 Empty Re: Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha]

Fri May 03, 2024 11:29 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 GErtDg6



Christ. For a moment, she wondered if she struck a nerve. Or had the conversation caused him to reflect on bygone days? She sincerely wondered what had gone through his mind during those moments of silence, but since there was little intention to press the issue too much, she simply chewed her food in relative silence until he found the time to provide her with an answer. She supposed his answer made sense. There was so much going on that even she'd lose track of something like that. Naturally, she wouldn't force him to answer a question she currently couldn't answer herself, most likely.

"I reckon that makes sense given the current situation. This line of work makes us such busy folk that it isn't all that crazy to imagine one losin' track of who might strike their fancy. I can wholeheartedly admit it hasn't crossed my mind much for some time now..."

Of course, that had been the case well before she even entered this city...


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Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 Empty Re: Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha]

Sat May 04, 2024 1:00 pm
Small Steps [Edelo, Natasha] - Page 3 B49zczld35y

Edelo found his center again and briefly paused when he saw the look on Nats face as she watched him. Offering a sheepish smile as he set his fork down. ”Sorry. Just got a bit stuck thinking about my old town. Must be gettin pretty late if I’m already nodding off.” He confessed sheepishly, standing up as he glanced outside. The faintest pitters showing a very light sprinkle outside.

”Whew, man I really did lose track of time. Sorry to cut our talk short but I should probably head home if I don’t wanna get caught out in the rain. How about I stop by later in the week? Then we can try the pie together?” he ventured with a perked smile. Hardly one to let things get put oof too long as he knew she was looking forward to him trying her dessert. He just…. Needed some time to get his head together. After all, losing his village. He spoke about it like it was ages ago. But in fact…. It had just been a little under two years ago. And in this moment, he could feel the pit of regret in his chest. So many things he’d never said.

Best head home, stay dry, and keep from worrying Nat too much. A day or so and he should be right as rain.
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