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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Thu May 30, 2024 9:33 pm
"Yeah, you weren't too bad I guess. I do miss when you were tiny though. Don't think I could convince you to let me give you a piggy back ride anymore, huh?"

As she would continue walking with him. The smile hadn't left her face, and she was the same normal high energy Rangiku that they had always known. They could probably count on one hand how many times they had seen Rangiku not being in a great spot, but they were some of the few people that had seen her like that. She does what she can to keep up the high energy as it's good for the moral.

"So Toki, what would it take to convince you to have a spar for Ole rangiku? Could be fun, and it can be something to make up for the not letting me give you a piggy back ride.

She'd turn and give a confident smile to the man. She didn't mind if they did it right now, but she also didn't mind if they waited a few days. She just wants to spend more time with Toki, and a spar would be something they could do on the clock if it meant training.

"We could even invite Momo to come and watch."
God of Love
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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:39 am
Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 JBWWmbT

"No, I don't think you could, but I appreciate the offer anyway."

Toki couldn't help but laugh a little bit at the notion, though he was at the same time certainly reminded that he would probably end up on the receiving end of no small number of envious stares if he did take his aunt up on such a thing. As far as he was concerned, she was simply Aunt Rangiku, nothing more than that, and that meant he was nearly as protective of her and her reputation as he was his mother's. Not that she needed that protection, but even so.

"Ah... A spar? That's a little surprising to hear from you, I'll admit. Feeling restless these days?"

Admittedly, Toki wasn't one for that kind of thing. Regardless of his own capabilities, he was the sort of man who preferred to do his work behind a desk, who liked getting into fights as little as possible and who didn't really care to draw much attention to himself. Of course, he was willing to do a lot for his dear aunt, so if she was really so interested in a match, he would probably accept the offer. But, still, he wanted to get a little more insight into the matter.

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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:20 pm
She debated if she should tell him the truth, and thst she felt a bit insecure with her current strength level. Noharu having bankai really made Rangiku feel almost out of place as the lieutenant. She knew there was more to being an officer than strength, but she was just feeling inadequate. She had already admitted it to Noharu herself, but was she ready to admit it to someone else?

"Eh, I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell you. I'm just feeling a little out of place as the lieutenant. There's a seated officer in my division with bankai and I can't even convince Haineko to budge on the topic. So, I'm looking for new ways to grow.

She was talking about moving towards a more hand to hand base than she had before. Planning to move to using hand to hand mainly with haineko to support it instead of vice versa. She just kinda felt like she was at a crossroads where she needed to find a way to get stronger. She didn't want to be helpless if any of her friends ever need her. Like she was back then.
God of Love
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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Thu Jun 13, 2024 11:54 am
Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 JBWWmbT

"Hm... I see."

Toki had to think about that one for a few moments, or rather, think about how to respond. It made sense that she would want that, all things considered. Aunt Rangiku was by no means an unaccomplished shinigami, but the level of capability in the Gotei had certainly risen to unprecedented heights in recent years. Anyone from the olden days of the organization would likely feel as though they had fallen well behind.

"I've been feeling stuck too, lately, though I don't think that anything I'm capable of would quite be enough to push you. You're still a far more impressive shinigami than I am, you know."

If anything, Toki considered himself relatively unimpressive. He had little of significant accomplishment, not that he was striving for anything of the sort. A quiet career was perfectly alright with him.

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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:09 pm
Rangiku would nod as she knew that Toki wouldn't lie to her about this sort of thing. She could probably count on one hand how many things he may lie to her about but even then she doubted he would at all. Unless it was to protect her or Momo, but she hopes he would come to her about something like that. As they would continue going she would want to lighten up the mood so she isn't moping. She knew he was probably fine staying under the lime light.

"Well, that's fine then. I won't force ya or anything. Although, I'm sure you could give me a helluva fight when you're trying. I think you underestimate yourself Toki. Just like your mother used to do."

She would speak as they would continue walking. They did share somethings in common outside of looks. She would think back to Momo being pretty much the same when it came to just doing what she could but not really caring about getting the eyes on her.

"Alright, now onto the serious business. Have you found a woman for yourself? I need a new little one to baby since you've all grown up."

She would joke doing what she could to lighten up the mood and potentially make Tokis day better. She knew he didn't hate being a shinigami, but she figured it probably wasn't up there in the list of greatest jobs in the world for him.
God of Love
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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Thu Jun 27, 2024 7:32 am
Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 JBWWmbT

"I might, but I'd rather underestimate myself than overestimate myself, don't you agree? I don't think arrogance would suit me."

Of course, he knew that, in all likelihood, many would say that it did suit him. After all, who was he to most but the son of the Soul Society's greatest villain? Not that Toki cared much about that, really. His own reputation hadn't ever meant much to him, though he understood that he should worry more about it now, if only just for work.

"A woman? No, definitely not. I'm too busy to be looking around for dates, you know. Even if I weren't, I don't know of any women that I'd be inclined to pursue like that."

He'd never been one for romance, after all. Toki was a straightforward man, one who focused on his own life and that of his mother. The mess of dating was a little outside his purview.

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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Fri Jun 28, 2024 5:49 am
Rangiku would listen to him as that was just like Toki. To underestimate himself and what he said was surely safer than whatever it was that Ranma was doing to himself from time to time. Taking fights that he has no business taking, but she would push that to the back of her mind.

Yeah, that makes sense. You'll definitely live longer if you underestimate yourself. I'm sure you know in some of the divisions over estimation of one's abilities is a little more common than others."

She would speak as she would think to the woman Ranma and Noharu had spoken about. Now the next part took her a little by surprise, but she didn't want to push him into finding a woman to look for. However as he probably knew it was going to come, she was going to tease him about it. She did really think that finding a partner would do him some good, but what does she know. She's been single for a long while now.

"Well, I believe your mother would be very happy to be a grandmother. Just so you know. I'd love to have a little Toki running around the gotei."
God of Love
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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:05 am
Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 JBWWmbT

"I'm sure that she would, I don't doubt that at all. But I think I've already given her more than enough trouble, so I'm in no rush to put another child into the household."

Most might have said something like that with a degree of disappointment, but Toki had always simply accepted the reality that he had been something of a difficult presence in his mother's life. Not that he would have ever doubted her love for him, of course. But it would have been willful ignorance to pretend his birth had been something easy to deal with.

"And, even if I did have a child, who's to say it would be a little version of me, hm? I think this hypothetical mother would be just as big an influence. Surely you'd have someone in mind, Aunt Rangiku, if you're so assured it would be endearing."

Though his words may have seemed accusatory, the joking tone to his voice was one that few would have ever heard from Toki. He didn't mind being much more casual with someone this close to him.

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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Mon Jul 15, 2024 7:20 am
Rangiku would immediately go into thinking about ways to tease the man. Well she wasn't actually really thinking about finding someone for him. Her statement was more of a general statement. As they would continue walking an idea would pop into her head. Maybe she should go with something way out there and see the reaction. Well Rangiku had just the person and the two couldn't be further apart personality wise. However maybe opposites attract or whatever. Well as per the usual rangiku wanted to try to get a reaction out of her chosen nephew.

"Well, maybe Noharu? From my squad? I'm sure you two would get along well."

Rangiku would side eye as she would watch for a reaction. Toki wasn't one that would usually give her very many of them. He would be familiar with her enjoyment of teasing people. She did what she could to get a reaction out of anyone she was able to.
God of Love
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Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 Empty Re: Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)

Thu Jul 18, 2024 9:49 pm
Long time no see (Rangiku/Toki)  - Page 2 JBWWmbT

Around most people, Toki might have simply raised an eyebrow and said nothing further, or perhaps given a look of incredulity at the most. For someone close to him, however, he was more willing to give away the degree to which he thought that was a wholly unrealistic notion, and he turned to Rangiku with a look somewhere between "shocked" and "shaken."

"No, Aunt Rangiku, I don't think we would, actually. If I were looking for a woman, I'd like one I could bring home to mother, and I've never heard anything about her that would suggest I should ever do that."

Perhaps that sounded a little bit harsh, but Toki was something of a harsh man. Despite his gentle exterior and general quiet demeanor, he was always considering the people around him and assessing everything. Frankly, he could only ever assume that Rangiku had made such a suggestion to get a response from him, but it was still so jarring that he had little choice but to take the bait.

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