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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:30 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 D8NK3rT


The chaos made it hard for Kokuto to focus on anything else. He could hear the building crumbling, but with all the zombies around them, he couldn't turn his attention to it. Just as he saw the chunk coming at him out of the corner of his vision and turned to face it, Kokuto saw a flash of flowing gold, quickly mired by a flurry of concrete and cable.

Before he had a chance to respond, Lion snatched the EMP from Daniel's hand, vanishing again and tossing it among the shadow-tinged soldiers. At first, his initial thought was to try and go after the soldiers, but, then Lion manifested beside the two again. To the heart of the storm? Kokuto turned to briefly look over his shoulder. He knew that Daniel said he was running low on energy, so, was it a good idea to keep him with them?

"You said you were running out of juice, kid. You still wanna stick around? Ain't no shame in ensuring that you live to see another day, and I don't want to risk being the one to bring you home in a bodybag. Your call, Daniel."

Kokuto knew that he could still keep going -- he had no intention of stopping now. He could do his best to protect Daniel, but it wasn't anything absolute. Logically, it was the right call to have him retreat, but he wasn't a commander. He was just another Soldat, wanting to be sure that he protected his comrades, while also safeguarding this world he called home.

Steiner Franz
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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Thu Jun 13, 2024 3:49 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

An order being given to relocate? Daniel raised an eyebrow, but understood the situation they were in a bit too well at this point, and was about to say something when the emp he had been creating with his magic was snatched. He let out a little surprised yelp before realizing that it was Commander Lion and then let out a bit of a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from his brow as he did so, and relaxing a bit more.

This was above him for sure, his combat experience being extremely close to zero, and his own techniques drastically underwhelming in comparison to his peers. The fact that he was still standing, well metaphorically, was a bit of an achievement in itself, but to him it wasn't good enough. People had died and the threats they were facing here in the city were far beyond anything that he had originally thought would occur. He needed to improve so that he could save lives and sometimes the only way to improve was to throw yourself into things and force yourself to survive. To adapt. To endure. As cheesy as that all sounded, Daniel listened to what his ally Kokuto said, and shook his head to the idea of running now.

"I can still keep going, I will just pace myself a bit more. Besides, I wouldn't be much of a man if I backed down now."

Daniel said to reassure Kokuto as he tried to gather himself a bit more before giving his commander and his fellow soldat a bit of a smile.

"Lets hit them where it hurts!"

He exclaimed with enthusiasm, doing his best to hide his frustration at being unable to do much more than throw a few spells, and be a tag along.

End Post

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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Sun Jun 16, 2024 4:51 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Ywuy7S1
The Ranger

"That's the spirit soldier, but now's not the time for bravery. Now is when you live to fight another day."

Lion smirked as the atmosphere around them grew dense. Just as quickly as the creature that had attacked Liltotto fled, it charged, crashing down into the street some distance away from them. Its shining body reared up on its hindlegs, kicking much like a horse would as it surveyed the area. Its arm began transforming as its speakers flared.

"Pzzt- Targets identified. Execute: Carpet Upheavel. Pzzt."

Much like its attack against Liltotto, its feet transformed as the hooves hit the ground as its arm finalized its shape into a large cannon that it pointed at the four remaining soldat. Lion would step in front of them though, raising his arms as the shadows around him began to form a barrier in front of them. His eyes focused on the machine until it pointed its gun at the ground, making Lion's eyes widen.

"Into the shadows!" He'd urge, understanding what's about to happen as the darkness rose around the trio. "Rendezvous with the other groups at the destinated location near the heart of the city. You have the details in your pocket, Daniel. I'll hold this thing here."

Then the robot fired into the ground, Reishi suddenly enveloping the cracks in the street, spiderwebbing forward at increasing speeds, a heartbeat causing the street to shake as the entire block was soon glowing with green energy. The next second, the ground beneath everyone would simply pop like a zit, rising as that concussive force blew upwards, shooting cement, shrapnel, and energy all about as buildings busted from the force of air.

Into the darkness, everyone may have gone, spiraling through an endless void before they'd emerge a few blocks away on top a building, the devastation from the robot's attack evident even from that distance as green energy spiraled up into the sky, the block devastated and destroyed. However, in the distance, one would see the giant ship nearing the heart of the city and become aware of everyone else in the city fighting. For now, though, they are alone, just the three of them and a destination to reach.

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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Wed Jun 19, 2024 9:56 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

She looked at their remnants with a mix of tiring and relief - there wasn't any way they lost so many men so quickly, she didn't smell so much as a drop of blood that even hinted at mass death. Felt like they were lured into a trap, an annoying little bastard of a trap... Was something expecting them to show up? Calling them out? She looked to her two fellow soldat, especially Daniel - heavy on her mind; as much as she wanted him safe, he was better off with Kokuto than in her care, she wasn't something that could guarantee he'd be safe.

If anything, she feared she'd have to become what cannot be touched again. Bidding Lion a silent farewell and good luck, they'd soon appear toward the center of the city, that damned ship here as well. She wasn't certain of how they were to sink that thing if it had untold amounts of allies to shrug off attacks.

"You two, a moment," She'd wave for them to cease their advancement while they were safe, "..Listen. I don't know how bad things are going to get out there, but it's possible I might need to do something risky to keep you all safe."

Her gaze drooped with a heavy look of worry and regret, "..So, if I ever have to do that, stay as far away from me as possible, and warn anyone in the vicinity if it comes to that. I don't want to accidentally hurt any of you in the heat of it. Don't be stupid about it, either - I can't be talked down like that until it's all done."

Sighing, she'd rub the back of her head, "It might not come to it, but I just want you both to know. Let's go."

Steiner Franz
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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Sat Jun 22, 2024 8:44 pm
Steiner Franz wrote:
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

Before Daniel could respond, he would see the machine begin to rear up, and would hear his commander's orders with a look of panic on his own face. A look that was quickly replaced by a look of determination. What was the saying after all? Bravery was not the absence of fear, but to keep going on in the face of fear? Something like that and Daniel would put on a brave face just to make sure that the other's wouldn't be too concerned about him. Still, as the commander stated that the orders were in his pocket, and that they should escape into the shadows Daniel didn't hesitate to follow orders. After all, he was nothing more than a grunt.

Apparently an important grunt, but none the less a grunt, and he was going to do his best to follow the orders he was given. For a few moments there was silence as the three of them arrived at their destination before Daniel would hop off of Kokuto's back and dust himself off. For a few seconds, Daniel would do an inventory of his injuries, and would go to reach into his pocket to retrieve the commander's orders before he was interrupted by Liltotto speaking. He listened, no emotion on his face as she issued her statement, and then let out a sigh before reaching over to Liltotto with his non-gauntlet covered hand. He would then go to flick her on the nose, finally showing an emotion on his face. Irritation.

"Like hell you are going to do something risky! I get that you are really powerful, hell...I get that BOTH of you are way stronger than me, but trust me when I say this: if it comes down to it, I will be the one taking risks. You guys have value to the organization and have a higher chance of survival than little old me, losing one of you would be a massive set back in terms of overall manpower."

Daniel tried to rationalize his own unimportance to the two of them and tried to quell the what he saw was a distressing subject for Liltoto. Even now he was trying to be a people pleaser, odd for a guy who looked extremely rough right now covered in bruises, and standing on a battlefield. He wasn't entirely wrong though. In terms of pure numbers and math his impact in terms of dying would be very minimal to the conflict going on here.

"So turn that frown upside down! Right, Kokuto!? Let's see what the commander's orders are and figure out what we are going to do from there before we take any risks that could put any of us in a bad situation, right?"

Daniel asked, trying to rope in Kokuto into lifting the spirits of the group as he reached into his pocket finally to see what the commander's orders for them was.

End Post

Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 OlBPPj4
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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:11 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 D8NK3rT


He admired the kid's determination -- but, he didn't have much of a chance to comment on it. As he opened his mouth, the sound of the mechanical enemy charging interrupted any thought process, and, thinking on his feet, grabbed Daniel rather harshly before diving into the shadows, re-emerging on top of a nearby building. Kokuto immediately started looking around, analyzing where they were by comparison, as well as seeing if any of their allies were in a close vicinity.

He noted the destruction, but, ultimately, his focus was, rightly, their objective. As he was about to pick up Daniel again to advance, he stopped and turned to hear what Liltotto had to say. It seemed they both had something up their sleeves as a last resort. Kokuto didn't respond verbally -- only giving a light nod in response, before reaching over to bonk Daniel on the head.

"I already told you, kid. I'm not bringing you home in a bodybag. That goes for her, too. As long as I can help it, I'm not letting either of you bite it. I'm a lot tougher than you think, and I can take the risk. Before we look at the details, our first order was to rendezvous with the others at the center of the city. Let's make sure everyone hears it before anything else."

He wasn't going to wait for any more objections. Picking up Daniel with one hand, and silver flames gathering at his feet and his free hand, a pearl-colored eruption occurred as Kokuto launched himself toward the direction of the rendezvous point, a silver comet soaring through the murky air.

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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:58 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Ywuy7S1
The Ranger

The instructions were scribbles, noting down an address and a quick explanation of how to get there from their position. The air, though, would have the taint of fighting, the other squad's fights leaking energy that anyone could feel. However, with orders given, it's up to them whether they wished to follow them or not.

In the sky, in the distance, is the ship that Liltotto had attacked before. It had stopped moving, hovering over the heart of the city. Its belly had opened at some point, with a strange large device that looked like a giant globe was being lowered as it started to spin slowly.

If they decided to go where instructed, they'd eventually arrive on a street, the place crowded with tall buildings. It was a bit off from the middle of the city, away from where they were originally supposed to go, but with the way the area was set up, it'd be pretty hard to fight if enemies were to come after them. The streets are small with alleyways that led nowhere but dead ends and the high building would make flying a tedious task.

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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Sat Jun 29, 2024 6:52 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Vo9D9cB

Liltotto Lamperd

Even as Daniel flicked her on the nose and said the most young person thing he could have conceivably said in this situation, Liltotto kept her trap shut. No amount of her convincing would change his mind - if it came to it, he'd see why she felt the need to warn them. She just didn't want it to come to that, and didn't like how familiar with situation felt. That was, until Kokuto took off into the air with little further from Daniel or her, feeling a struck nerve as her feet moved fast than her head, tracking where the two of them were taken off to, until her energy-supported speed came to a halt and would give Kokuto a firm slap to the back of the head,

"Are you fucking stupid?" Her tone was kept low but her words were sharp, "There is a hulking mechanical monster that can dissolve even my attacks with just a goddamn arrow lurking about. What if it saw you? You both would've been shot down and I would have hardly had an opportunity to do much about it! Don't just suddenly do shit like that, we have to stick together. We're the only ones left at this point!"

For once, her neutral expression was turned into strong annoyance, "Didn't even give me a goddamn chance to scope the place first, god. Slow down, or get killed here."

After her snap chiding, she'd immediately go to scanning the area for threats, keeping her senses alert as she'd rummage through her pack - she was so hungry it was getting unbearable...

"Here. Eat." To Daniel and Kokuto she'd hand them small plastic wrapped granola bars, three each, with a seventh disappearing behind her jaws as soon as it was out, "Don't argue with me. Just eat. If you don't feel like it, give it to the other."

With little else she was interested in saying, she'd get to carefully searching the area for ambushes.

Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Sun Jun 30, 2024 3:31 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

Before he had even had an opportunity to voice a complaint about the orders or to reject Kokuto's plans he was off in the sky. Eyes wide from the sudden jerk of movement into the air above and a great deal of confusion as to what was going on. He knew he was kind of a tag along for this sort of stuff, but he had some uses with his magic if he could just focus on getting his energy back up as he was not so trusting of the reishi that was actively available in the area. Too many unknown variables that could effect a proper spell in his eyes. It was the only thing he truly felt he was good for among this group anyway.

An abrupt appearance of Liltotto changed the trajectory of his thoughts as she slapped Kokuto on the back of the head, causing Daniel to jerk a bit around in his held position, and cause him a bit of panic. She stated that they were the only ones left, a fact that could not be attested at that moment, and one that was deeply concerning. She was right of course that they needed to be careful and that they should have given her the time to scout around.

"Yeah, probably shouldn't be rushing around so fast Kokuto. Still, do you really think everyone else from our squad is... no, that can't be right. There have to be survivors."

Daniel said the last part mostly to himself, trying to reassure himself mostly that they were okay even after that attack only moments ago. It worked a bit, but still didn't make their situation any less dire. He would accept the snack without question, food would only help fill his tank quicker, and the faster that did occur the more likely his usefulness and their chance of survival would improve.

"We need to go on with the a team. We got each others..."

Liltotto would then begin to scout before he could finish his statement, trying his best to raise morale, and apparently failing.


As Daniel said that he would pull out a silver cylinder from his backpack, following not too far back from Liltotto, and watching her to make sure that if she found something he would be able to use his magic to assist her if something were to occur.

End Post

Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 OlBPPj4
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Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 Empty Re: Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger

Mon Jul 01, 2024 3:30 pm
Jefferson City 3: Charlie - The Ranger - Page 4 D8NK3rT


Kokuto kept his senses sharp for potential attack, but after what they'd witnessed before getting to the shadows, he wasn't all too worried. As they stopped, however, and Liltotto tried to smack him upside the head -- something that was more akin to slapping a train, Kokuto turned to look at her.

"You mean the monster that's currently targetin' and fightin' our higher-up? I doubt it could switch targets like that without risking being attacked itself."

It was reckless, he wouldn't deny that -- but, he had faith in himself and his own capabilities to manage. He wasn't just flying in without a plan. With a quiet sigh, Kokuto went to start looking around for anything that might give them an edge in terms of information. As Liltotto brought out some granola bars, he immediately passed them off to Daniel, mumbling to himself.

"Rendezvous, my ass...I don't like this."

He made sure to keep Liltotto and Daniel within either earshot or viewing distance, calling out to them as he continued to scout around. From what he could tell, this place was basically a dead city -- if there weren't any civilians around, the architecture wouldn't be that big of a problem.

"Something feels wrong, beyond the obvious ambush local. Plus, from what I saw, that ship's droppin' some kind of payload. If we are the only ones left from our squad, we should head closer to it, and quickly at that."

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