Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Thu Jun 06, 2024 9:48 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Purpose

Shura spent most of her time within the barracks lately, though such things weren't surprising anymore for those within the Fourth. Many things had happened both to and against Shura lately, most of which were still unknown, on purpose of course. However this also meant she heard things floating around the barracks, things that peaked her ears... Like another member of the 8th having come to the 4th. It'd be a blatant lie if she said she didn't still feel sting that happened when the last 8th member came here.

This time, however, she wasn't in the pathetic rut she had been in... And this time she made her way to the training grounds not out of a feeling that she needed too... But because she had too. However when she opened the doors and stepped out, the person she saw was... not who she expected. She thought Shishiyuki had returned, perhaps to mock them again... Yet it was another member, one she knew of though had rarely spoken too if ever. However it was with a single Shunpo that she made her way forward, only to stop a few feet from Rangiku.

"Another from the 8th Division? And the Lieutenant no less? To what do we owe the 8th such an 'honor'?"

Her arms remained relaxed at her sides, though her eyes were trained on Rangiku and her tone, while not aggressive, she was being very assertive both in tone and positioning. Perhaps her mind was still a bit clouded by the prior encounter with Shishiyuki... or perhaps something else had tainted her views... Either way she was clearly not exactly 'chipper' to see her.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Fri Jun 07, 2024 11:48 am
Rangiku could sense the little bit of a guarded approach as she would offer a warm smile. She wasn't as in your face as Noharu tended to be so she would just let her intentions be know. She was going to be there for a few hours for the day offering spars to anyone who wants one. She had made a notice about it a few days prior.

"Well, I'm here for the spars I said I was going to offer in your guys training area for a few hours. I'd like to spar with a few of the combat oriented squad to sharpen my abilities."

She would he honest and have a bit more of formal way of speaking. She knew Shura had pissed off Noharu pretty bad, and she had heard about her coming and make a ruckus so Rangiku was trying to not do that.
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Wed Jun 12, 2024 2:40 pm

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Spars? Hm... Perhaps she'd missed more things than she'd thought, or perhaps it was something else. Either way it didn't matter now, their reasoning for being here wasn't the same as Shishiyuki's had been. "I see... My apologies, I was unaware of your scheduled arrival today. How is Ranma doing? He's a good fighter, though a bit green around the gils on some things."

Her demeanor relaxed now, still somewhat guarded but not as guarded as it had been a moment ago. "Next time you come around, you should bring him with ya. It'd be good for him to get some combat experience from the Fourth, I'm sure you understand the importance of such things, yes?"

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:04 am
Rangiku would think about the offer. He still needed to mature some more before he took a fight from the fourth. She didn't want him to end up getting severely injured because the person he was fighting would actually take some of the openings that are apparent while he learns how to use his shikai. She didn't want him to get badly injured.

"Well, he's doing great in becoming a better shinigami. He has some more maturing to do before I feel comfortable bringing him to the fourth to train. He can come over if he wants, but I won't send him on my orders til I think he's mature enough to handle training with other squads."

She would think back to the complaints she was getting of Ranma from her own squad. He has been doing better about that to his credit, but she still thinks he needs to grow some more. Less he comes back to his girlfriend in the 4th sliced to ribbons.
Kanji Man
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Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:22 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Purpose

Hm... Well that just wouldn't do, Shura was confident the little runt could handle himself well enough... But perhaps she was giving him too much credit. She had only met him the one time and their spar had been admittedly rather brief, and Rangiku was his Lieutenant so she likely had a better understanding of her own squad mates than she might've especially given the circumstances.

So Shura just shrugged instead and put her arms up with her palms up "Ah well, fair enough... I imagine you probably know your own squad better than I do, though I gotta say if you ain't gonna bring him here then I guess I'll just have to settle for you instead." A bit provocative sure, but such was the nature of the Kurata, after all it was now Rangiku's fault that Ranma wouldn't be coming anytime soon.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Thu Jun 13, 2024 9:24 am
Rangiku would shrug as she didn't mind sparring her. She wouldn't send Ranma on orders to come train with the 4th squad, but it was entirely up to him if he wanted to show up here or not. Frankly she didn't care if he did or didn't come to the 4th division for training but again she was just looking out for the safety of a squad mate.

A part of her was remembering back to when the 11th squad was the more violent one, and to her it was kinda funny they were the 4th squad now. She could Remember the 4th being the support squad with all the healers. However it's been along time since she's joined the gotei.

"That's fine with me. If you're interested in a spar I wanna know how far you want to push it?"
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:58 pm

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Purpose

Asking a member of the Fourth how far they wanted to push a spar was like asking a child if they wanted candy. The answer wasn't simply 'far' or 'all the way', especially not for the higher seated members. Although Shura was more unique that most of any of those, she'd came from the 11th Squad... She came from a history of violence. So when she heard Rangiku ask how far she wanted to push it, she couldn't help but burst into laughter


A moment or two later when she stopped she shook her head with a rather wide smile on her face "Oh god I'm so sorry... That's just not a uh... heh... question we're asked often... hehehe...." She clearly still had a few giggles left in her, although truth be told... this had been the first time she'd shown any kind of positive emotion in awhile so perhaps it was a good thing in the end.

Shura waved her hand in front of her face before drawing her Zanpakuto from its sheath "As to your question, Unless you're a newer member of the 4th or one the particularly... peculiar members, a spar does not end until either one or both sides cannot move."

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Tue Jun 25, 2024 11:50 pm
Rangiku would sigh as she would get laughed at. In her mind she hadn't said anything funny, or atleast that wasn't her attention. Did she find it funny that Rangiku didn't want the other shinigami to end up in the hospital after a training session? That could be it, but she really hoped that it wasn't. As she would listen. she would sigh before drawing her blade.

"Alright, well no point in trying to get you to not try to need the hospital. They do get rather busy without you guys sending more and more ya know?"

Rangiku would state as it's been a common occurrence. Even in the old gotei with squad 11 it was a revolving door to the hospital. Which depending on the staffing and what's going on in the world could really put stress on the division. However with their current leadership she doubted that anything would change. Rangikj did respect Kanae a great deal, but she did wish she would tone down the squads attitude and need for the hospitls beds so often.
Kanji Man
Kanji Man
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Tue Jul 09, 2024 8:36 am

TAGS; - here NOTES; - here WORDS; - here MUSE; - Purpose

Good, Rangiku picked up on what she said quickly, others might've tried reasoning with Shura. "Listen, while I don't expect someone from another division to understand our methodology or reasons, before we begin allow me to try to explain as understanding such things will ensure you truly fight against me and not spar. In the 11th Strength was everything, that is because we are the first ones deployed when shit hits the fan, that's why it was called the Combat Division. In battle, a Hollow will not spare you. They will not take it easy on you. They will try to kill you. This guiding philosophy is the same reason the Fourth works as it does, We are called the Death Division for a reason. While some fight for the thrill, and some fight for those who cannot, the one thing that is still true is that we are the first into combat. If we, above all others, are not willing to fight at our strongest at all times then we cannot be prepared for another invasion."

Shura took a moment to take a few breathes "Or if you still cannot comprehend our reasonings then allow me to explain it in a way you will understand. Imagine if Hitsugaya, prodigy that he is, had trained from the moment he became a Shinigami. Imagine he pushed himself to his limits and kept going... If that prodigy of a boy had actually worked instead of being an administrator...." Shura paused for a moment before narrowing her eyes "Then perhaps he'd of been able to actually do something against Aizen."

Admittedly her last sentence was intentionally provocative, her goal was to provoke Rangiku. She understood how close her and Hitsugaya were as Captain and Lieutenant, and she aimed to leverage that.

made by RR of DD, steal and i will sentence you to the true death!
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Purpose [Shura/Rangiku] Empty Re: Purpose [Shura/Rangiku]

Sun Jul 21, 2024 7:15 am
Rangiku didn't fall for attempts at firing her up easily. There were a few soft spots she had but it wasn't for captain Hitsugaya. She knew that he didn't do much against Aizen, but neither did anyone else really. There was a reason that a 15 year old boy was the one who actually defeated him. Someone who wasn't even a shinigami. Rangiku wishes she was strong enough to have helped Gin and Ichigo defeat Aizen. However she wasn't and that is in the past.

"That does make sense, but the weaker of your division wouldn't get much out of getting dominated all the time. Spending days or weeks in the hospitals after a fight that either last minutes, or they didn't even get a swing in."

Rangiku saw the value in always going all out, but in her mind that wasn't always the best decision. It wasn't always the smartest decision either. Many of the weaker people in the division probably aren't able to grow and thrive due to how they do the training here. However this is why rangiku came here in the first place. She wanted to go all out.
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