Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Tue Jun 25, 2024 12:52 am
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

"I am not a pussy..."

The Fischer boy grumbled under his breath, once... no, thrice, as he marched down the stairs of his home into the bar. Truthfully he was just upset his comebacks didn't work on Catherine. I mean how was the man supposed to respond to being called a weakfish, I mean even he had to admit it was clever.... and that's why he was mad. Maybe the fact he gave a reaction was the reason Catherine messed with him? She just ignored the soulless ginger jokes.

So it might be good to explain what was happening. Catherine invited Doku for a Hollow hunt, at first he said no, but after some... convincing he agreed. So after getting ready, he would head to Catherine who was waiting at the bar.

Summoning his revolver, he would twirl it on his finger, before doing a quick barrel check. His fingers were skillful as he got his weapon ready. Aiming down the iron sight, before he lowered the weapon.

"Sooooo. Why did you pick ME for this?"
Family Troubles | END POST

Last edited by Waffles on Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:57 pm
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) QMnzOTa

"Catherine Reed"

Ah, sounded like bitch talk going on behind her... Not that she was gonna speak up about it. She was on the prowl, a certain giddiness to her stride as a particularly interesting subject was on the docket tonight, apparently some hollow that was dicing people clean into ribbons..! But of course, her little partner for tonight had to keep bellyaching - such weakfish behavior.

"Because," Her voice started with a harsh intonation, before devolving into a more normal tone as if to express both annoyance and sharpness, "You're wasting your talents just sitting around the bar or jerking off to anime girls, twiddling your goddamn thumbs all day. Some field experience should do ya good,"

She'd pause for a moment, before looking him dead in the eyes and giving him a surprisingly manic smile, "Unless you're scawred of the big bad howwow~? Baby-waby boy~?"

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Fri Jun 28, 2024 7:11 pm
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Doku really couldn't complain too much, he was with a friend and was gonna get to have a fun activity. Well. Fun until Catherine bathes in the Hollow's blood... As he followed behind the woman he looked at his phone, playing some little game to pass the time as they moved.

However, her retort caused him to look up from his gacha games. Well... anime girls. He pointed his finger at her and opened his mouth to say something however, his finger would fall and his mouth would shut, his head sinking back to his phone. There was no comeback from that.

"At least you admit I'm talented~" Saying that, he slipped his phone into his back pocket and chuckled. He used his fullbring to create two portals, one in front of him, and one directly next to Catherine, closing the distance between her as he walked through. "How many people do you know that can do that~" Shutting them, as he winked.

As she stared at him, he felt... intimidated. "I'm not scared of anything!" He said, though his voice did crack a bit. "You act like I've never fought a Hollow in my life"

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Wed Jul 03, 2024 7:43 pm
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

"PROJECTED talents," She'd sharply correct, narrowing her eyes and canting her head, watching his frivolous display of his ability. It was impressive, but he was spoiling it on his day job. He'd never get better at it if he didn't get his blood pumping. Calmly, she'd start using Signal periodically to scope the area... Only seemed to be full of weak signatures of rabbits or birds.

She'd flick his nose in reaction to his teleportation, catching him with an inhuman amount of reaction time, "I know plenty who can do different, but far better than you. If I was a hollow you would've lost a head there."

Another ping. Just weak signatures.

"You don't have the glint of 'I killed a hollow' in your eyes," She almost laughed at that voice crack, appearing amused with his antics. The rustle of leaves and smell of petrichor accompanied them as they'd go deeper into the woods, until a bad smell caught her. Oh, she knew what that was, nonchalauntly pulling out her torch - a thing of her creation evident by the construction of bone and metal. Pressing the button at the side, the mouth cracked open to reveal a light that'd brighten and then be adjusted by the small crank to desired brightness and fixation, flashing the beam over to the source of the smell.

It was a corpse, thoroughly sliced down to ribbons. Given the presence of insects buzzing around it and missing appendages, it probably has been out here for days. Her lip curled.

Another ping...

"Doku." She'd suddenly jam her shield in his hands, immediately drawing her spear in the direction... A sharp, metallic clang thrummed the area and rattled her lungs, the force of the blow sending shockwaves throughout her body as a horrid beast's long, blade-like claws had nearly diced her, held back narrowly by her strike. After a chattering screech, it vanished. Heart thumping, her adrenaline rose, a smile forming on her face,

"Ha, hahaha..!" The sensation of almost facing death was always one of euphoria - if she was any slower she surely would've been ribbons, "So that's what you are! That's what you can do, you pesky shite! Ohhhohoh, the things I could make with those claws..!"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Sat Jul 06, 2024 3:50 am
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Bleh, Projected talent and talent were all the same in Doku's book. There weren't many like him, that much was true, but he didn't fight enough. As Catherine flicked his nose he would walk beside her. "If you were a hollow I would have shot your head off without getting close. I use a gun. One shot to the head is all it takes. Plus with all my portals the Hollow won't even know where I shoot them from~ I could shoot you low, and end up hitting you right in the dome~"

"Well hey, I'm not complaining. Killing Hollows is kinda my business as a Quincy and all... Well, I'd say honorary Quincy, anyway, lemme know when you see one Miss Bites-A-Lot"

Letting the woman take the lead in the forest, while he likely didn't have as strong of a nose as Catherine when it came to this stuff, the pungent order was one he hadn't smelt before. As they got closer so did the smell, Doku plugged his nose, what little that helped, the smell penetrated his nose. It was rotten...

He would whistle as she pulled out the flashlight, "I didn't know you were Inspector Fucking Gadget." However, as soon as Catherine brought the body into view, Doku's eyes widened, and he instantly retched, putting his fist up to his lips to hold himself back. Weakfish indeed...

Despite not knowing where Catherine was going, he made sure to follow her, she had done this more than him, so it was only natural he let her take the lead. Before he could even summon his weapon, Catherine forced her shield into his hands, quickly causing him to look at her in confusion. Which turned to fear after the sudden strike it landed on the woman. Nasty claws... he'd need to be careful if he wanted to die.

Moving the shield to his left hand he would hold his hand out, and summon his revolver, as it appeared from purple strands of Reishi. As the Hollow vanished into the bushes Doku kept the shield raised and would aim for the bushes, making sure to listen carefully for any rustling, the second he did he would fire towards the general direction. While he wasn't expecting to hit the target dead on, shooting at it might scare it out of hiding, that was his plan at least. A bit of fear was in him, as he aimed.

Though, should he be more scared of the Hollow, or Catherine?
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Sun Jul 07, 2024 10:57 am
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

"Come on little slasher! Don't tell me that you got all riled up from the first person ever to block you!" An eager yell from the redhead rattled the woods, seeming to disregard her company for a moment; why should she? That shield's blocked worse blows without even a dent in it, he'd be fine. She wanted to ensure the hollow wouldn't be. Knocking a few trees about with her spear as she'd search eagerly for this intriguing specimen, she'd make a huge ruckus to lure it back, pinging far more frequently with her senses to get a read on it's location. Fast bugger, huh?

"Come ooon~! Come oooon~! Come on out! Are you a goddamn pussy, or a monster? You're coming across like the former you speedy twat! Come hit me!"

The woods were silent, serene outside of the smell of rotting meat and a foreboding air. It could strike at any time, the mere thought got her thrilled beyond belief - she had a sickly strong love for these tricky ones with strange biologies..!

A bush rustled. It was coming.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:42 am
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

"I'll cover you, next time it leaps out I'll try to shoot. Hopefully, that'll give you an opening to stab it"

He shouted his plan to Catherine unsure if she was even listening to him. The biggest flaw in his plan was that Doku didn't even know what this Hollow LOOKED like, where was he supposed to shoot it? It could have two heads, or have its head where its ass should be! It was impossible to tell.

While Catherine was actively moving and hunting, Doku stayed put, taking a much more passive position. He moved to a spot with as few blind spots as possible, making sure the shield was ready in case he needed to react quickly.

Despite Catherine's theatrics, Doku was able to hear the rustling. Perfect, time for him to take action.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Starting with three shots in rapid succession, the first one was aimed to the left of the bush, the second aimed at the center, and the third to the right. Hoping that even if the hollow moved forward it would still be shoot.
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Sun Jul 14, 2024 9:25 pm
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

Even if there was time for him to acknowledge his plan, she wouldn't have listened - she knew perfectly well and far better than anyone here what to do about this thing. She kept her pace far from Doku, a noticeable distance with her gaze affixed to elsewhere. The crackle of gunshot wasn't even enough to disturb her stance; his reactive firing wouldn't be taking anything out - a trap. The threat was actually racing up behind him, the only tell of it's incoming presence being the glint of it's killing implements, the rest of it's body naught but a blur of speed.

Just what she was expecting, that first lunge was only to size up which of them to pick off first. Stupid animals were stupid animals, at the end of it all.

The flash of Bringer Light would be the only thing between Doku getting skewered, a powerful tackle bringing the creature to the ground with a vicious screech; it's body was fast but it definitely wasn't tough enough to stand a technique-enforced blow, the creature twice her size flailing underneath the pinning of her hand on it's long neck, the only thing keeping it from cutting her being her feet firmly pressed on what appeared as silvery, wing-like appendages under the moonlight.

"Portal! Head! NOW!" She was struggling to keep the thing under control, but she was managing at least for the moment; she'd be ready to shove the stupid thing's head through the moment he followed her instruction, spear readied for the following action.

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) Empty Re: Weakfish (Catherine,Doku)

Thu Jul 18, 2024 5:11 pm
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Doku was glad his shots landed! At least for a few seconds... it seems he hit nothing. Damnit, a trick?! This enemy was smarter than Doku initially thought. As he went to turn to block the attack with the shield he was far too slow, however seeing that bringerlight was his savior, he had a bit of respite even if it was only a few seconds. Soon enough he watched Catherine pinning the creature down.

Portal? He understood her instructions, creating a portal right on top of the head, big enough to shove its head through. The exit was closer to Doku, about two feet away. That being said, as soon as it opened he decided to help Catherine hold it down, shooting through the portals and focusing on its head.

He didn't say much, focusing purely on the fight before him. His gun was ready, thankfully he was able to pump Reishi into it so he didn't need to reload properly.

Family Troubles | END POST
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Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) Empty Re: Weakfish (Catherine,Doku)

Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:29 am
Weakfish (Catherine,Doku) GRNaqhV

"Catherine Reed"

It was a speedy trickster; she wouldn't have been heavy enough to keep it lying down forever, the second it threw her off was the second it'd go running off and circling back with a new tactic. It's bird-like legs squirmed and kicked at her, scratching at her pants in a poor attempt at kicking her off with it's taloned feet. Slamming it's head through a portal would disorientate it enough for her have room to kill it properly, though admittedly she was regretting being too nonspecific about how the portal should be placed.

"Quit- ARGH! CUT THE FUCKING SHOOTING!" She'd snap as she tried to get a good angle on it's chest with her spear, but every gunshot made the thing writhe faster and with harder convulsions, until it let out a loud screech, sinking into brief silence.

...That wasn't a good s-

Something was coming.

"DOKU THERE'S TW-" Her sentence was cut off by the sensation of cold steel slicing into her shoulder and a force knocking her off, a pained yell raking her throat as she held her shoulder. The second avian hollow, seemingly identical in build, would move to free it's partner from it's confusing position, malicious glares flashing from the both of them as they'd vanish into the woods.

"MotherFUCKERS told me there was ONE hollow..." She'd growl under her breath, tearing her sleeve the rest of the way, revealing her darkened scarred arm. With a makeshift bandage made of the sleeve, she'd shuffle to her feet, "Fucker's paying me double, nobody fucking scams me and gets away with it..."

Her gaze would then flash to Doku, a rather filthy look on her pained face, "Fischer, what the fuck was that spamshotting? Were you even THINKING each time you squeezed the fucking trigger?"

END | Your Sun-Colored Destroyer
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