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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Sun Jul 07, 2024 4:00 am


Kei was not one to go to bars that often. Drinking wasn't something she was especially good at. Hell, she didn't really enjoy it that often either. And yet, Kei was here at one of the more upscale bars in the Seireitei. And yes, she was drinking. It might have been a simple sex on the beach, but it was still alcoholic. She wasn't there for her own sake. Instead, she was there on the request of another. Another Shinigami from a different Division had approached her earlier that week and asked if she'd go to a bar with her. She checked off most of Kei's boxes, and so she bit. It wasn't that often that Kei was the approached.

Things were going so well until about halfway through the night. They had talked about hopes and dreams ,and both had commented extensively about how attractive the other one was. Neither could believe the other was single. And then, her drinking partner asked Kei to watch her drink while she went and talked to a guy she was eyeing and that if she gave the signal to come and bail her out of the conversation. Kei was confused at first, and it seemed like the disconnect hit both at the same time. Kei thought it was an impromptu date. The other girl was using Kei as a wingwoman to keep her safe.

Needless to say, their night together ended in the other girl apologizing and quickly leaving. She was nice enough to pay for Kei's drinks up until that point. This cocktail was all her money though. She was pretty much alone at the bar. There were a couple of open barstools on either side, but those around seemed to be engrossed in their own conversation. Even if she was going to have to turn them down, she was hoping at least one guy might come over and try to cheer her up. Letting her head hit the bar, Kei whined. "Why are all the good ones straight..."

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Mon Jul 08, 2024 4:17 am

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 322

Damnit, the Cabbage Crew was at it again, stealing surprisingly fruit this time, they robbed from a very tiny watermelon stand! Though you'd think they would change their name already, regardless Hono was on the case! Kyabetsu and her had a bit of a history at this point. He'd re-offend, get locked up for a few weeks, and Hono would stop him. As annoying as it was, she couldn't just let Kyabetsu keep it up. So after throwing him in the slammer, she decided to treat herself to a nice drink. Usually, she kept a few drinks at home but something about going to the bar and getting a cocktail sounded like a great way to distract herself from work.

As Hono entered, she was wearing some different attire, instead of her recognizable pigtails she had her hair down. Her pink hair extended a bit past her shoulders. It was a slow day at the bar, glancing around there were only a couple of people. Hono would take up one of the empty bar stools, right of Kei, one barstool dividing the two of them as she didn't want to sit directly on top of her or anything like that.

After ordering her drink, a watermelon martini. It only felt natural to get a drink to reflect on the events that happened. Due to the lack of other patrons in the bar currently, Hono got her drink rather quickly. Looking to her right she saw Kei. Raising an eyebrow she decided to speak up, sipping a bit on her drink.

"Well, what happened with you huh?" She paused for a moment, placing her drink on the bar before turning back to the woman. "Since I don't have a bar buddy tonight and you seem to be on your own, guess we're bar buddies." Hono let out a light giggle before scooting over, now sitting in the barstool directly right of Kei.


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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Mon Jul 08, 2024 5:19 pm


Kei lifted her head just enough to turn to the right to see Hono scooting over. Most women weren't entirely Kei's type. She had long since given up on finding her ideal woman—big-breasted, long and dark hair, and legs for days. If such a woman existed, she'd be straight as an arrow and likely wanted to be a mother or something. Probably even Catholic. But Hono was definitely cute—cuter than the young woman Kei had entered the bar with. She perked up a bit and stopped slouching on the bar.

"Kei." She extended a hand to Hono while the other held onto her drink. She took another sip. "And I wasn't alone... until now. Thought I had a date, turns out she just wanted someone to make sure her drink didn't get spiked or to bail her out when the guy she liked turned out to be a jac—jerk. If she just wanted someone to her backup, I still would have. I think it's smart for women to do that. But she should have been clear that's what she wanted."

Kei's head drooped down in disappointment as she studied the marble pattern. "It's not even the first time this has happened to me. I guess it's the curse of loving what I love."

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Tue Jul 09, 2024 5:32 pm

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 196

Kei wasn't so bad herself, purple hair was always a plus, and she had a nice body. Hono's type was a straightforward, strong woman, a woman who wasn't afraid to talk back to her with her sass. With another sip of her drink, she would take Kei's hand and give it a rather quick shake. While Hono couldn't exactly relate to Kei's situation she could imagine it hurt. The self-censorship would cause Hono to crack a light smile and chuckle.

"So they're a big jackass? You deserve better, you're probably better than whatever guy they took home." She swirled her drink around as she looked at the ice spin around in the class making them rattle. "Women love to lead people on, not just girls," Hono explained she was a bit loud, but that was normal for the pink-haired woman.

What she loves? After a moment Hono shook her head. "Oh don't be silly, there's nothin wrong with a little girl love~" Hono nudged the woman. She laughed for a moment before explaining to Kei. "Women are something else huh? Sometimes I have a hard time even reading the one that does like me..." She grumbled.

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:33 am


Kei smiled as Hono said what she was thinking. It sure was a She said it, not me moment for her. "Isn't that the truth. I can't even deny that I haven't done it before..." Kei thought about her academy days. She hadn't particular wanted a relationship with a few of those girls, but she had sure pursued them like she did. At the time, she chalked it up to them not really being her type. Now, Kei would say that it was a fear of commitment. Whether or not the fear was there still... Well, that was an answer for another day.

Hono's energy helped perk Kei to being more at a comfortable lean. She blinked when Hono gave her a nudge that at least showed her to be an all—nope, she was gay. That actually made things both easier and more complicated. "We women can be practically impossible to read. If there's one thing I really have to agree with straight men on it's that we're so complicated."

"The one you like, is she cheery like you are, or is she more..." Kei did her best J impression—a stern, dull look with a slow leak of disappointment. She knew he'd be a great father one of these days just because of that look.

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Fri Jul 12, 2024 4:43 am

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 161

It was strange to Hono, Kei was pretty, why couldn't she find a date? The Gotei had plenty of women who loved women. Maybe she'd find out by digging a little deeper. Hono couldn't think if she ever led anyone on, and she thought about it for a while... though she couldn't disagree with Kei, women were complicated. Even Hono herself was, one minute she wanted to fight, the next she wanted to cook you a four-course meal. So far, Hono didn't have to think to respond to her new friend. However, the final question stumped Hono.

"Elyss is..." Kei noticed the rather long pause as she thought about the right words to use to describe the red-headed captain. "strange." taking a sip of her drink she turned to look at Kei directly. "But she's easy to please, at least I think I do a good job. I cook her lunch and dinner... and lots of cake... she REALLY likes cake..."

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:19 pm


Kei had heard that pause before. Not from Hono, but from others. It was a sign that Hono knew her partner well. Anyone who could describe their partner without a pause just had a surface-level understanding of them. It was cute and endearing and made Kei ever-so jealous. It didn't keep her from smiling. That was one thing Kei didn't do. She'd not disparage another's success in a subject she failed at.

"Sounds like your girl got herself a real catch. The old saying 'the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach' still applies to our modern tastes." She giggled as a gear turned. She took a sip of her drink as she tried to connect the dot. "Elyss... Wait." It clicked. There was only one person she had heard of with that name. She leaned in and quieted her voice. Kei didn't know how secret this relationship might just be. "Are you dating Captain Kishimoto?!" Kei leaned back and stared at an expensive bottle of liquor she was too sober to buy. "J owes me some money."

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Mon Jul 29, 2024 2:03 am

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 196

"That much is true. I like to cook anyway, so it's good my food doesn't go to waste!" Hono let out a very light chuckle as she twirled her drink in the glass before taking a quick sip of it. That much was true, Hono had a bad habit of overcooking, she would never eat everything, so that's why she had to give it out to her friends, family, and division. Kaito, Farah, and Mizu always got the most of course.

Soon enough, hearing Captain Kishimoto caused Hono to double-take, slightly confused. "Yeah?" Hono spoke calmly it wasn't a secret relationship type of thing, Hono just wasn't the type to wave around the fact she had a relationship. Sure it was important to her, but she didn't actively bring it up in conversations. "Money for what?" What were the conditions of the bet? Though hearing J mention did cause her head to perk up and she looked directly toward Kei

"J? Like J Saioni? You know him?" Hopefully, that didn't come off negatively, Hono liked J, he was a sweet guy, and they conducted their mission well with one another. "I'm in the sixth as well."

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Ye Olde Guarde
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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Tue Jul 30, 2024 6:34 pm


"What a small world." Kei let out a laugh and quickly corrected herself. "Yes, that J. He just so happens to be my older brother. I wasn't trying to get business involved, but I'm one of the provisional third seats for the First Division. If you have any troubles with another division... I'd say go elsewhere." She let out another laugh at her own joke. She didn't mean it, of course. She had a lot of pride in what she did—what she was able to help hold together.

"Seriously though, if you have problems, just come to me. I manage the Saionji household's house staff and the like; what I do is a piece of cake." She took another sip of her drink before remembering a question Hono had posed. "Oh, the bet! Yes, so please take no offense to this, but from what I had heard, I had a feeling that Captain Kishimoto had at least some taste for women. Call it selective gaydar, I guess. J, however, did not believe as much. So I bet him on if it were true."

"So what's it like dating a Captain? I can all-but-guarantee I won't get the chance, so I'm curious."

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Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] Empty Re: Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono]

Mon Aug 05, 2024 4:10 am

Gays' Night Out [Kei/Hono] 18peDx2

Hono Kaen

Artist: - Song: - Word Count: 192

Older brother? Woah. A small world was right. J was pleasant, so she saw no issue drinking with his little sister. Hono took note of what she was saying, honestly, it was always good to have a friend in a position like that, though Hono wasn't exactly the type to handle her problems by reporting them, she often liked to handle them directly instead. Despite that, would nod.

Picking up her glass, and taking another sip at her drink. She thought about what Kei said and if she SHOULD take offense to her comment. Well, at least Kei thought Hono was pretty. Honestly, Hono didn't like waving around her relationship or anything like that.

"I'm not super vocal about dating Elyss, but it's not a secret." She tapped her chin thinking about the correct way to answer the question. "Well. She's on Earth a lot, but when she's here. She's calm?" Unsure if that was the right word to use. "Told myself I could never transfer to the eight, but Elyss helps me train, I don't think it's all that different. I don't look at people's ranks, more so how they act"

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