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Mon Jul 08, 2024 10:19 pm
Wanna Play A Game? [Komugi, Kei Saionji] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

Aaand, there! Finally straight.

Komugi was at work organizing the small recreational room for her meeting with a fellow seated member she didn't get to speak much to, hoping Kei was fine with a game of Shogi over tea and biscuits, wondering if she'd ever drunken the variety she brewed today. Seats were nice and kneelable, table was set, and the room overall looked nice and orderly, the steady glow of a nearby wall light breaking the darkness that dusk gifted the room.

Now she just had to sit and wait, good thing she had a big night-breakfast.

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Wed Jul 10, 2024 12:43 am

Kei had been busier than normal ever since the murders and the lockdown. Paperwork and complaints grew at a ridiculous rate with the lockdown. She had already told J she'd be staying at the office tonight and for the manor staff not to worry about her not returning. It was just good fortune that she had received a request to meet with another seated member of the 1st Division. It seemed more like an informal meeting and would hopefully be more of a relaxation session than anything else.

Kei was surprised by the arrangement set out. She blinked. She hadn't played Shogi in years. "Fifth Seat Yadō? My apologies that it has taken so long for us to really sit down and talk." Kei bowed lightly and then took notice of the one thing no one had warned her about. She hadn't actually seen a Beastman (Beastwoman?) Shinigami before. Kei had many improper questions to ask and a couple of unprofessional urges to fight. Thankfully, a delightful aroma distracted her. "That tea smells wonderful." She gestured to the table. "May we go ahead and sit?"

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Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:46 pm
Wanna Play A Game? [Komugi, Kei Saionji] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

"Third Seat Saionji-san! Konbanwa, youkoso!" Her cheerful high voice came with a hop to her feet in greeting of the expected party, giving a little bow in return with the curling and fidgeting of her tail behind her, "Don't worry, don't worry! Things have been neverendingly hectic, heck I haven't had a chance to so much as say a hi to most of the other seated members lately. I'm just happy we finally get a bit of reprieve."

A nod to the question of taking a seat, she'd go on to take her place on one end of the table, grasping the kettle and pouring them both a cup of tea with calm grace for the energetic cat, her tail swishing in anticipation of the meeting,

"So how have you been holding up with everything? Guests move first, by the way," She'd give a casual gesturing to the board, a smile on her bright face.

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:35 pm

Kei let loose a very unladylike neck pop as the word "hectic" came out. "So very true." Kei sat with the grace of many years of practice. The Saionji might not have been a Great Noble House, but they conducted themselves as if they were. ...Mostly. Kei was the wild child of the two Saionji siblings. She couldn't help but notice Komugi's tail swishing. It was all she could do to keep from staring at it. If she hadn't been trained at keeping eye contact by her mother, she would have lost to those intrusive thoughts.

"I'm a bit rusty at Shogi." Kei stared at the board, trying to remember her times playing with J. He was much better at this than she was, as evidenced by the fact that her only win was done by cheating. She still didn't know if J had figured out how pieces were disappearing. Kei made a rather simple beginner's move. It might cost her in the end, but it was at least a legal move she remembered.

"Things have been, as you said, hectic." Kei held up her left hand—most of her fingertips were wrapped in band-aids. "Lots of paperwork. But mostly, I've been dealing with Shinigami who seem to be... stressed about the current situations. The lockdown especially is driving people stir-crazy. I actually had a member of one of the Divisions come to my office to ask for us to compensate him for his loss of non-refundable tickets to an amusement park in the World of the Living. Can you believe that?" Kei let out a light sigh. "Have you been holding up okay?"

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Thu Aug 01, 2024 10:07 pm
Wanna Play A Game? [Komugi, Kei Saionji] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

Sitting cross legged, her bright feline smile would drop a bit when... Oh gosh she hadn't played in a while?! That provoked the small shinigami to erupt in purring laughter, "Oh! Don't worry! I hardly know the rules myself, I just watched whenever my baby cousins played against my aunt. Shizuna's the master from my household; I always tell her to go to an inner district and maybe find a competition or something, but she's just SO shy!"

She recalled her little cousin's weepy face whenever the mere idea of even leaving their village was proposed; she blamed Ojiisan for scaring her with stories when she was still small, Humph. Pouring tea for the both of them, she pondered the conversation,

"Ohh yeah, I was thinking to start a club or something," She'd shrug, though stuck her nose up at the thought of someone being fussy about, living world tickets?! Aren't they supposed to be doing their job, not goofing off?! "I've been alright, apart from the absolute GORING I got on the field, hah. Well it wasn't that bad, but the hollows I had to take care of were NOT easy. Tch, they wouldn't even let me get a torn ear out of it, can you believe that?! What am I supposed to tell my little cousins?"

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Wanna Play A Game? [Komugi, Kei Saionji] Empty Re: Wanna Play A Game? [Komugi, Kei Saionji]

Tue Aug 06, 2024 1:15 am

Kei was at least glad this would be a relatively calm match then—she hoped. Some people got competitive over the smallest things. A match of shogi between two relative newcomers should hopefully not be one of those. She took the tea gracefully and started to relax more as the warmth went down her throat. "Oh, what kind of club? I've been thinking of joining the ikebana club, but just between us that's more out of boredom." She leaned in the last few words.

Kei was amused by the way Komugi explained her situation. Bombastic wasn't quite it. She had seen similar energy from someone close... a certain little bratty Shinigami-to-be. "I'm glad you made it back alive; many others... didn't." She shook her head to change the subject away from the dark thoughts. "You seem to be blessed with a large family, no? You seem to have the kind of energy that could spin your tale in such a way to entertain your young... cousins, was it?" Kei wasn't entirely sure how beastman clans worked. Was it like a normal family? She assumed there was a mother and father, but even that might be wrong. For that matter, how did the little ones come out? More beast or more "normal?" Or were they just smaller versions of themselves All Kei could imagine while the questions raced through her mind was a litter of chibified Komugis. Now that would sell well as a plushie series.

Kei then bit the bullet that had been staring her in the face. "Please forgive me if this is rude, but you're the first... of your... kind that I've met. Do you have, well, normal ears? Ah, I mean more like mine and, well, most everyone else's." Kei hadn't stumbled over her words this bad since her third confession, but she was trying to be as delicate as possible. The last thing she wanted was an angry cat with hot tea...

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Tue Aug 06, 2024 8:24 am
Wanna Play A Game? [Komugi, Kei Saionji] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

"Oh yknow," Her tail swished a bit with the idea, "Maybe like a self improvement club or something? I don't have much in mind other than something inclusive. There's outliers aplenty nowadays, I want them all to feel welcome n' stuff."

The gentle clack of claws on tile initiated her move, a soft grasp of her cup would bring the tea to her lips. The grassy taste would be offputting with lower quality, but it was a nice mix of gentle sweetness with earthiness - great thing her sources didn't lead her astray on good tea! Placing her cup down, her bright eyes were alerted by Saionji's shift in mood; the times were really wearing on her, huh..? A flash of concern hit the felid's face, but she quickly corrected herself, she couldn't go about looking all mopey when everyone else was, they needed some encouraging feedback. If she had to be the only one smiling, that was just what she had to do; giving into the exhaustion was just an admittance of defeat.

"Yeah cousins! Oh- oh wait that reminds me, my Nara-chan's nursing again!" She'd smile fondly as she'd look through her shihakusho for that photo - her and Oji-san needed all the hands they could get, and even after all this time their love didn't wane. It was real sweet, she hoped she'd meet a guy that great! Well, she ought to, Oji-san might kill him if he was awful to her. Right, photo... Photo...

She paused her searching with that sudden question, blinking twice in silence for a moment... Before letting out a loud laugh, "Oh no! You're fine, you have no idea how often I get questions like that," She'd wiggle the ears atop her head briefly, "Nope, these are my ears! Just one pair; would be weird if I had two sets, yknow?"

Aha! Found it! Was in her belt for some reason... "Here's the photo I got in the mail by the way...! He's so cute, I don't think they decided on a name yet."

In the photo, was a rather lanky looking fox woman with pale, pinkish fur, holding a bundled up infant in her arms with similar features to her. Her smile was soft, but her eyes were sharp, as if staring directly at the person who witnessed the photo regardless of orientation.

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Sat Aug 10, 2024 11:31 pm

Kei was glad her question didn't upset Komugi. It was one of those questions that was usually a rhetorical one asked alone and then looked up in an encyclopedia or something. Sometimes it was better to just ask, as Kei had learned many books on esoteric subjects remained woefully outdated. The tea kept her warm, and that in turn kept her alert and awake despite the many, long tendrils of exhaustion creeping in. Komugi's energy was also helping. She seemed excited about most everything.

Kei looked at the photo carefully. It wasn't that she couldn't call it cute—that little ball of fluff was, in fact, adorable and she wanted to hold him. But even though Komugi said it, would her saying be seen as condescending—as superior? Instead, Kei deflected with something that would be more of a straightforward compliment rather than something that could be misconstrued. "I didn't know pink fur was a thing... It's a very striking color."

Kei did decide to push a little more after looking at the picture further. "Do physical traits vary a lot between generations? There's a definite... difference in traits between you and the woman in the photo here."

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Wed Sep 04, 2024 5:32 pm
Wanna Play A Game? [Komugi, Kei Saionji] L4kngme

Komugi Yadou

"Oh yeah, my Nara-chan's real pretty. My Obaasan apparently had a similar color when she was younger, I think? Or was it Ojiisan..."

She could hardly imagine that huffy old fox to be pink, even with his fur whitening he looked more like he would've been beige or somethi... Oh. Her ears perked up when the real question popped up, brow raised up before she'd erupt in a bit of laughter over the misunderstanding.

"Oh no, no no! I'm adopted!" She'd say while laughing, a distinct purr to her voice as she'd wave and rub one of her eyes, "If I was related to them, i'd look more like a fox or a wolf! And would be a whole lot bigger... Curses seems pretty consistent on that at least. Hah. Sorry, that was too funny... But I get where you'd be confused, phew..."

END | Black Cat Cross Your Path
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Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:26 pm

Kei had made a bad assumption. Komugi laughing it off made her feel better, but it was still stinging. She'd take a drink of tea to hide her frown of regret. Recentering herself, she forced a smile back onto her face. She hadn't heard of the "curse" aspect much, nor did she know exactly what Komugi meant by 'larger'—but then again, she had heard of one famous beastman Shinigami that was large. "The late Captain Komamura was one, wasn't he? I thought he was just that large because of his strength... not that it was an inherent trait."

"I was Kidōshū at the time, so I didn't really get a chance to interact with him or anyone in the Gotei Thirteen proper... So it was all second or thirdhand information. I did see him once after the breaking of the Sōkyoku while overseeing the cleanup of the area, but it was at such a distance, I don't know if he could have heard me." Kei glanced at Komugi's ears. "Unless those senses would be... better refined." She still wanted to rub those ears. "Were you part of the Gotei Thirteen at all, or are you part of the generation that's only served in the Gotei United?"

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