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Wed Jul 10, 2024 2:22 am
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Ugwe70J
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

Less than a week into the Vandenrich and here Nanaly was already whisked away to her hospital, and no, it wasn't the fault of Emil, the Vandenrich doctors, or anyone else, it was her. She pushed herself and should have listened to her body better. She just hadn't built up enough endurance to push herself. Thankfully it was a very minor attack, and she was only stuck in this bed for two days. Everything was good, thankfully Meninas brought her to the hospital quick enough before things got really bad.

Nanaly has been beating herself up about it ever since, sitting in a hospital bed alone with your thoughts, was a lot to handle. She wanted to get stronger but at the same time, her body just wouldn't allow her to do so. The surgery she got when she first got here helped a lot, it helped with her blood flow and general comfort but still, she wanted to be stronger.

She was grateful for all the friends she already met, Meninas was committed to helping her exercise, and the young Quincy was hoping Meninas didn't feel responsible for what happened on their run, but Nanaly was more than grateful for being carried by her friend. She remembers smiling when she heard Meninas wait the entire time, not leaving until she was told Nanaly was okay. It was good to have visitors, someone to talk to while the doctors ran their tests.

Truthfully she was afraid, was she cut out for the Vandenrich? She couldn't back out, not after the deal she made with Emil. Thankfully all this time alone today was giving her time to just, think. She sat in the bed and slowly picked away at the soup she was given for lunch. The hospital room was completely silent, as Nanaly played on her phone as she ate.

Fake it till you make it | END POST
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Wed Jul 10, 2024 6:13 am
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

It was usually very hard to request a sick day when one was part of the Steingruft, but Daniel would not take no for an answer, and he certainly could care less for those that didn't like it. After hearing what had happened, Daniel could barely contain himself, and his anxiety as to Nanaly's condition was easily effecting his work. So much to his relief did they allow him to leave work for the day to check up on her. Rushing through the streets toward the hospital she was being kept at, forgoing changing into more casual clothes, and still wearing his work clothes, Daniel rushed with reckless abandon to see her. People cursed him out, people gave him death threats, and people stared at him in anger, but he cared little for it. Nanaly was important to him and at the moment all else mattered very little.

Arriving at the hospital and demanding to know where her room was, not putting his best foot forward to ingratiate himself to the people at the front desk just trying to do their job, Daniel would have to wait for his identity to be cleared. Something that was quite easy given he was still wearing his ID badge and looked every bit the Steingruft researcher. After clearing that hurdle, Daniel walked calmly toward the elevator, as he knew it would be better not to rush around in a hospital, and pushed the button to the floor that he had heard that Nanaly was on. He was concerned, letting out a sigh as he stood alone in the elevator, and tried his best to mentally get himself prepared for the worse, but to also put on an appearance of confidence.

He didn't want to show Nanaly that he was stressed out as that was the last thing that she would probably want to see in a visitor and instead wanted to show her the same person that she had met before. In truth, he felt guilty as his side project to find her a cure was not getting any headway as his professional duties kept him most of the time from exploring possibilities. He had believed he had more time to find some breakthrough, but apparently that was not something he had. As such he knew he was probably going to be labeled a slacker by his peers, but he had to reaffirm his original goal of finding a cure for her at all costs. Even if it got him a bad reputation within the Steingruft.

As the door opened, Daniel cleared his throats as two nurses walked into the elevator, gossiping about things, and he exited. He had to remain calm and cool, no matter what the situation was, he needed to be a rock for her, and he needed to do what he could to make things better and not worse.

"Alright, yourself."

He said to no one, but himself as he scratched the peach fuzz growing on his face, and adjusted his tie a bit before making his way toward Nanaly's room. He would knock on the door, announcing his presence before opening the door, and stepping inside. The man who would step in looked like Daniel, but not like the one she had seen before. He looked tired, disheveled, and with his hair tied back, a pair of glasses on, and peach fuzz on his face he looked much different. Still as soon as he looked at her, she would notice his face brighten up, a smile spreading across his face, and she would more than likely see a sense of relief, not one of concern.

"Thank god you're alright."

Daniel said as he made his way over to a nearby seat to sit down next to her. He began to look around the room, checking the quality of the technology they were using to treat her before looking directly back at her.

End Post

Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) OlBPPj4
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) VewULRr
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Sun Jul 14, 2024 3:40 am
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Ugwe70J
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

The purple-haired woman was in a relaxed position headphones in as she tapped away at her screen, letting the music kind of take her away, her mind was focused on anything else right now. She hummed playing a simple little puzzle game, just yesterday she already had a few visitors, Meni stayed pretty much all day, so she was entertained. However, her focus quickly shifted as she heard a knock on the door, her ears perking up. It could either be good or bad, the doctor could come and tell her she was free to go, or he would say she needed to stay here for another day... however, to her surprise, she saw Daniel! Her newer friend, honestly Nanaly was flattered he came to visit her! Daniel would easily notice the massive smile on her face, she was excited to have someone to talk to.

The technology was state-of-the-art, high-tech stuff, seems she was getting great care. The sickly woman watched him sit causing her to turn a very light shade of pink. Nanaly let out a very soft exhale, as though about everything that was happening. "Thank you... But. It was only a minor heart attack"

She paused, her smile disappearing as she decided to let it all out to Daniel. "Even with this new pacemaker... I just didn't listen to my body and fell over. Only a week and I'm in the hospital..." She hadn't told anyone outside of the Vandenrich, with the deal she made with Emil, she didn't want to worry her family

"I'm on new meds and have this pacemaker now, so I just need to adjust is all..." She lied, hoping Daniel wouldn't worry. This attack had nothing to do with her new treatment, it was all on her. "I'm out tomorrow anyway"

Fake it till you make it | END POST
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Sun Jul 14, 2024 4:45 pm
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

He listened to her, as he always did with most people when they needed to get things off their chest, but he was more attentive this time. Most of the time people griped to him about business things or about how they wouldn't meet a deadline in concerns to what his new job put him through, but for Nanaly he was different. He had to be. After all she was the reason he had joined the Steingruft in the first place and had thrown away what little freedom he had left in hopes of finding a cure for her. She deserved a better life than what ever this was and while he had not made any breakthrough with the limited time he had, he had least knew that there was a possibility he could do something. He had the best equipment, the best labs, and the best research materials that money could buy. And he wouldn't stop until he found a cure for her.

After all, he had made her a promise. He was a man of his word.

"I know I shouldn't worry and you know yourself better than anyone, but still... I would still be worried about you regardless of if this is just a minor episode or not. I made you a promise after all and that is why I am... well that is why I am here."

He took off his name badge and put it down on her table.

"They are having me do grunt work for now, but I got into the Steingruft. I will do whatever it takes to find a cure for you."

He gave her a once over, no concern on his face as he trusted her to know her limits better than he did, and he knew better than to step out of his lane in telling her what she could and couldn't do. He was not going to put her in a cage.

"I was surprised you never reached out though...I didn't peg you for a Vandenreich type of girl?"

He said, a bit surprised by her decision, but kind of half-assuming she had did it for the improved medical techniques that were available here. In a way he answered his own question, but he needed to hear her give her reasons. He knew better than to assume anything about anyone at this point.

End Post

Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) OlBPPj4
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) VewULRr
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) AQodtc6
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Wed Jul 17, 2024 2:54 pm
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Ugwe70J
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

Nanaly hummed lightly watching Daniel speak. It was reassuring to see that she had more friends in Vandenrich than she realized. Nanaly felt bad for lying to Daniel, but she was just... tired, tired of people worrying about her. She wanted to be able to stand on her own, without others worrying about her.

"Thank you, Daniel." She repeated, still smiling as always. "You're so kind. It's nice to have company in a place like this, I'm pretty familiar with hospitals." She mumbled but nodded hearing that Daniel was shooting big. "Grunt work? You're bigger than that, and I'm sure of it!" Nanaly paused, her smiling briefly fading as he mentioned he was surprised she joined the Vandenriech.

"I'm with the Albedochiffren, So I do a lot of paperwork and stuff like that. It's kinda relaxing. I was considering joining for a bit now, but Emil said my quality of life would go up if I did... so I took his offer!"

She ignored the part where she couldn't leave, she was trapped with the Vandenrich... her freedom gone, all for feeling better. Her smile slowly returned before she chuckled.

"Since we're both in the Vandenrich, we can hang out more often!" She tried to change the somber tone into a more upbeat one. "You can show me all the hotspots~"

Fake it till you make it | END POST
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:03 pm
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Everyone has got to pay their dues, Nanaly. Even a supposed 'bigger than this' recruit. Besides, I don't mind, gives me time to learn and soak in a lot of new information that may help me in the future. Though, if I'm being honest I would rather focus on your case more."

He said with a hint of sorrow in his voice. He had seen plenty of people in hospitals, but seeing someone he viewed as close to him laying in a hospital bed didn't do him any wonders. In fact it only made him more concerned that he wouldn't succeed, but he quickly squashed that with overly positive thoughts of what it would be like for her if he did succeed. No, not did, WHEN he succeeded. He stopped thinking about such things when she mentioned improving her life and this man named "Emil".

"Well, it is true that the Vandenreich probably has the best medicine and medical equipment to deal with your disease and give you the best possible life that you can have."

He looked at her for a second and saw her normal, at least the normal that he had been around, attitude quickly fade at the mention of Emil, and narrowed his eyes a bit. He wanted to dig deeper into this "Emil" guy, but he also didn't want to come out overbearing to her. He wanted her to be just who she was with no strings attached and no concerns about others being overly worried about her. Still, he made a note to search personnel records for this Emil guy and figure out just what sort of guy he was.

"Well if you don't mind some nerd like me walking you around to see the sights? I doubt that I could refuse a pretty lady like yourself. Maybe somewhere with better food first? I know that hospital food sucks no matter who provides it."

He said with a quick laugh as he gave her the widest smile he could muster. He needed to show her he wasn't worried about her being in here, he could tell that it was important to her that she not worry anyone, and he was going to try his damnedest to come through on that front. Even if he was worried sick.

End Post

Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) OlBPPj4
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) VewULRr
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Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:20 am
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Ugwe70J
"Nanaly Fischer" | The Smiling Witch

"Daniel, focus on yourself. Please." She gave the man a very soft smile, though she was a little concerned that the boy was going to focus on her more than himself. "I don't want you to worry yourself about me." She wanted the man to view himself better after their first meeting at the flowerbed, and that was her goal, to encourage Daniel the best she could. The woman would lean up a little, glancing at her phone before returning her attention to the boy. "Yes. This pacemaker is a big adjustment but it's supposed to help me go outside and such. I just overexerted it..."

The Quincy would find her cheeks heating up, Daniel wanted to take her out. Well. She wasn't against the idea. It was just not something she had been asked before, and it was not like that. She would nod her head, a bigger smile on her face as he opened, her mouth to speak.

"I'd lov-"

Fake it till you make it | END POST
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Tue Jul 30, 2024 2:20 am
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Nanaly's speech was stopped by the hospital door swinging wide open, on the other side was a man with long purple hair, seemingly out of breath. Doku had only just heard the news of his sister. The fullbringer was in the area to give his sister a welcoming gift. As he arrived and asked where she was, he got the news. Nanaly didn't tell him what happened... lied to him. She told him she was out eating lunch today and everything was going well.

The man had a conflicted, worried, and angry voice.

"D-Damn it..."

Just as quickly as he entered, he would be right next to Nanaly, squeezing the woman in a tight hug. Completely ignoring Daniel for the time being.

As she was now sure his sister was okay, he stepped back, glaring at her now fully annoyed.

"And you didn't tell me you were in the hospital. Are you kidding me?!"
Family Troubles | END POST
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Empty Re: Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open)

Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:01 pm
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

He was happy that she was doing alright and was fine with getting a bit of a verbal lashing for being more concerned for her well being than his own. He knew she was right and that she knew herself better than he did which made it easier for her to gauge her own well being. Her concern for him was oddly refreshing as not many people seemed to concern themselves with what he was doing. Still, seeing her blush, and about to accept his invitation momentarily caused his heart to skip a beat. About to accept being the operative word as another man entered the room rather briskly. Disregarding him entirely and making a b-line for the hospitalized lady.

There was a momentary look of confusion that crossed his face that quickly faded and was replaced with a bit of concern with how the situation was turning. Sure, Nanaly was okay now, but causing her stress might cause her situation to change drastically. He may have been told not to worry, but Daniel couldn't help himself. He cleared his throat, only moments ago contemplating leaving her here with the mystery man as to not disturb their moment, and now trying his best to step into what was becoming a different type of situation.

"Sir, I know not your relation to Nanaly, but I think it would be best if you don't be so harsh with her. She is after all, her own woman, who can make her own choices, and decide who to tell or not to tell about where she is."

He had no idea who this stranger was, but the stern tone to Daniel's voice was very evident as was the narrowing eyes he placed on to the man who had interrupted them out of the blue. He knew he had reacted initially in the same way, to a much lower degree mind you, but in a state of concern as well. But he felt like worrying Nanaly over his concerns for her would get no where outside of driving her away. And he quite liked her company. To the man he wouldn't appear as much, just a nerdy looking Quincy, but if things escalated he would learn just what this "nerd" could do.

End Post

Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) OlBPPj4
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) VewULRr
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Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) Empty Re: Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open)

Wed Aug 07, 2024 2:07 am
Hospital Visit (Daniel/Nanaly/Open) FcGVvZi
"Doku Fischer" | Quincybringer

Doku was ready for her answer, something. ANYTHING. However, it seems the other person decided to chime in. The fullbringer didn't care, well he would if he weren't so heated right now. Hearing Daniel, caused Doku's attention to turn toward the man, squinting. While Doku wasn't tall, he was giving off a strong presence, that big brother energy. His fist balled up, shaking, taking note of the sterness in his voice.

"You don't look like a doctor. I'm her brother so don't act like you know her."

His voice was just as stern as Daniel. Turning he would point directly at Nanaly.

"As soon as they told me you were in the hospital... You told me over the phone you were completely fine! Why the hell would you lie Nanaly?!"

A long pause came before Nanaly's answers.
Family Troubles | END POST
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