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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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A Routine Check Out of Routine [CLOSED] Empty A Routine Check Out of Routine [CLOSED]

Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:44 am

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


....this can't be happening. Kuro thought to himself, blinking as he entered the warehouse that he had been assigned to investigate. ...I need backup. He decided, before a hell butterfly appeared on his arm. "Go to Kaminari. Send the message that I'm in district 48, warehouse 3B and that I need immediate assistance." He spoke as a man leaped out at him, a huge club in his hands as he brought it down where the lieutenant was standing.

Kuro shot out to the left, throwing his arm up in the air as his butterfly shot of, going through the walls of the warehouse and to his assistance, as he looked at his foes. Five of them... All released... Hell. He determined, as he looked them over. These were brutal men; just like the ones that had killed Kuro when he had still been alive. Their releases were nothing to sniff at; noe was clubbed, another carried two daggers, a third a mere katana, the fourth having a claymore, and the fifth a longspear. This was just supposed to be a routine check; instead, it had turned into armed assault.

Kuro's eyes narrowed as the spearman leaped at him. He dodged around to the left, feeling as his right side was brushed against, gnashing his teeth as he grabbed the man around the neck from behind, as his blade went to the man's neck. The result was bloody, gruesome, and effective. Kuro dropped the man's head, turning around to see the large man with the club swinging it at him like a baseball bat. He vanished, reappearing behind the man, as he slashed at his huge back; however, there was a problem, as Kuro suddenly winced, feeling a huge pain in his back. "It's time... FOR A SHOW!" The voice within him called out as Kuro felt his cloak forming, his wounded back bleeding badly as he turned around, pointing his gun directly the daggerman's head, and firing a blast. It slammed into the side of the man's head, and threw him down, leaving Kuro standing there.

However, he felt something on his back again, before he was thrown forwards to the ground, feeling an immense pains from his already open wounds. He landed next to the man with the daggers, and saw him about to attack him again. Kuro raised his pistol up, aiming it just right as he fired another blast, right into the man's head. Kuro wasn't sure exactly what it did; but he all he knew was that the dagger stopped, falling next to Kuro, as he picked it up with one hand, turning around to the brute that was behind him and throwing it, his breath beginning to come out in gasps; he was tire, he knew that m-

He suddenly leaped forwards, Piero throwing his left arm back as it fired off eighteen shots, Kuro falling into the big man as he plunged the dagger forwards, right into the man's heart. However, there was a problem; his back had sustained too much damage, as he felt another huge slash had hit it when Piero had thrown the lieutenant. His breath coming in large gasps, he turned around to face his opponents, trying to ignore the pain in his back but ultimately failing, as he fell to one knee, and the two remaining men, laughing, began to walk up to him, the obvious of what they were about to do plain in their eyes as they began to lift up their blades...


Last edited by JJ on Sun Jun 17, 2012 2:19 am; edited 1 time in total

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:24 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was feeling slightly at ease, like there was somewhere she truly did need to be, but where? She walked restlessly through the barracks of Division One. Heading into her room, she opened the door and sat down, only taking a slight glance towards her Zanpakutō. It was leaning up against the side table. Laying down onto the bed, she her arm over her stomach and stared up at the ceiling. Lieutenant Okami had been sent on a quick mission, but she assumed that he would have been back by now, or at least arriving soon. Suddenly, out of the corner of her room, she saw a hell butterfly coming out of the wall and sat up quickly. Allowing it to land on her finger, she heard the message and her eyes widened, her heart skipped a beat. There was no time for anything else. She grabbed her Zanpakutō and shunpo'd out of there as fast as she possibly could.

She was practically flying passed people, not one person being able to catch her attention. She was on a mission, not for Gotei 13, but to get to her friend and help him. It didn't take long at all, maybe two minutes. She hadn't moved so fast in her life. She was coming up to warehouse 3B in District 48. She could see that the two large doors that lead into the warehouse were open. She narrowed her eyes in anger and determination, only one thing on her mind. "KURO!" she screamed in her thoughts.

She had moved silently, but fast and had already hidden her spiritual pressure. In the warehouse, she ran through, turning a corner to see her friend about to be attacked. Reaching back to her Zanpakutō with her right hand, she grabbed onto the hilt and shunpo'd once more. She didn't feel that she had time to call out for her Shikai, so instead she used her speed to get to him, coming along all of their sides. As they swung their blades down towards her friend, they'd only see his body disappear. She had slid her left arm around his waist and pushed him out of the way, both of them just barely missing their blades.

Obviously shocked at her sudden arrival, she looked to her left at them with a fire in her eyes that not even Kuro had seen before. Rage is what it was. Absolute anger and pure rage. She was clenching her teeth tightly, glaring intensely at these beings. Once she had him out of the way, she did not hesitate. Her Zanpakutō was drawn and already pointing at them, "Invade the air, Shiroka!" she said in a slight yell, but still controlled because of her focus. The orchids were created and shot forward in a burst of pressure, like water had been released from a damn. The pressure pushed these jerks back, but she had not perfected her shikai. Releasing it so fast and with such power, it had not been able to release naturally and the ability to explode was temporarily blocked. She knew this and she was fine with it. Right now she had to get Kuro out of here.

"Let's go..." She told him while they had time and pulled him close to her, after tossing her Zanpakutō to her left hand as it reformed into a blade. Not caring whether he disagreed with her, she practically pulled him out of there. With a small leap, she shunpo'd and moved to the outside of the warehouse where it was much more open than inside. As they stopped moving, a single tear could be seen sliding it's way down her cheek. Whether it was a tear of relief, anger, guilt, she didn't even know, but one thing she did know was that those assholes were going to come and try to get to them again. "I'm sorry... Are you okay? I'm so sorry." she said to him, sounding like she was in a panic.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:20 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro blinked, seeing his fourth seat at his side as she pushed him away from the men, and he winced, rolling away as he dully heard her release her shikai. He felt her pull him to her side, wincing as her hand went over his wounded back, before he felt himself being dragged out of there in a haze of pain and torment. When they got outside of the warehouse, the shinigami's vision had cleared up a bit, as he looked over at Kaminari, blinking as he saw a tear rolling down her face. He reached a finger of his right hand out, brushing it across her face to wipe away the tear as he heard her speaking through his haze of pain.

"...Kaminari... why... are you sorry...?" He asked, his breaths shallow and one eye closed as he looked over at the girl that still had him in a grip. However, he could only blink as he looked up again, his left eye, the one with the star over it, widening as he saw the men turning the corner "Kaminari... put me down... and finish them... That's... an....... order..." He said, fighting to stay up from the haze of unconsciousness, before falling down into it, his body going limp at her side, but his breaths still coming out, although shallow, as the men began to walk towards them, evil smiles on their faces as they saw the young-looking girl and boy on the ground in front of them...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:34 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari knew he had been in pain when she was moving him, but getting him out of there was her first priority. She had moved so fast to get to him, that she was out of breath when she spoke. Shaking her head wildly at him, "I di-.. I should have gotten here sooner. I'm so sorry." As he told her to finish them, she gripped the hilts of her Zanpakutō's within each hand, turning her head only slightly to glance back at them with narrowed eyes. The panicked look she had was gone... until he went limp...

"Kuro!" she said as she tried to hold him up. She dropped down to her knees, holding him the best she could and slowly laid him down to prevent any more damage from happening. Once he was laid down she stood back up and turned towards these two jerks. Using Shunpo, she came up to one of their sides, kicked them, and shunpo'd away. This was not to do any damage, but she didn't want to put her Lieutenant in danger. It was more of a distraction she had hoped they'd fall for.

Now behind them, she held up both of her swords, her Zanpakutō currently being sealed. That was of course ready to change with a quick few words from her own mouth. Instead of immediately moving into the fight, she kept her guard up and watched their actions, making sure she had the ability to react properly and not rush into battle. Although, she felt herself slipping slightly. Kuro was hurt. She was pissed. All she wanted was to kill these assholes and get him to safety.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:49 pm
One of the men winced, snarling as she kicked him in the side. However, the other man merely grabbed his shoulder, before pointing a thumb back at the wounded Lieutenant, smiling evilly. The other man returned his smile, as he nodded, and ran off at Kaminari, lifting his Claymore up high as his partner raced towards Kuro, his katana flashing towards the head of the lieutenant...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:20 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari's eyes widened when her plan to distract the two of them had not worked. She cursed herself mentally and decided to do the only thing that came to her mind. Quickly calculating the distance between her and the second guy that was heading towards her Lieutenant, she decided to ignore the man who wished to attack her. Using Shunpo, just as he blade came down, she appeared in front of her Lieutenant and brought the katana in her right hand up to block his own.

"STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" she yelled in a demanding and furious tone. Leaning into him slightly, she immediately swung her left sword around towards the guys gut to slice through it, using their close distance to her advantage and hoping that this would hit and do enough damage to slow him down.

"Invade the air, Hanayaku..." she mumbled under her breath. The larger katana in her right hand changed form, turning into a dark pink sand-like substance. It immediately poured into the air and disappeared, covering a good one hundred feet around them. Taking a single breath of this substance could soon be fatal. It wouldn't kill them, but within a minute, their bodies would begin to become effected and it would paralyze them.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:43 pm
The men were quite startled when they heard her outburst; doubly more so when the man with the katana felt his being blocked, before he felt a pain in his gut, grabbing his stomach and doubling over at the pain. He wasn't used to feeling pain, only giving it out; he was the worst kind of bully imaginable. His other buddy merely blinked, looking over where they had been as she surrounded the air with... dust. He blinked, taking a step towards her, finding it strangely difficult; he kept walking towards her, his blade still held high, as it became harder and harder to walk, before finally, his body quit on him, a minute later; his form crashing down to the floor, his muscles all seized up and uncomfortable as he still held up the blade in his hands.

Kaminari... had won; the other man had been effected as well, falling down right in front of the Lieuntenant... as he suddenly let out a large cry of pain, shifting and shuffling in his unconsciousness, as the pain from his back intensified; if he didn't get treatment, or at least blood, soon, he was going to die, as his shuffling began to grow weaker, the pain distorting the features of his face...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:56 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was thankful when the two stopped their attacks. Her poison had worked. The pollen created from her Zanpakutō's power had taken effect and they could not move. A relieved look came onto her face. using Shunpo, she moved over to the one farthest away. Still angry at what they had done, she purposely leaned into his ear and using an ability that she had not EVER purposely used before, she screamed, "DIE!" into his ear. Shunpoing again, she did the same to the other. As she landed, she watched them as blood squeezed from their eye sockets, ears, nose and a bit from their mouths. Their bodies soon died and they fell to the floor. Calling back her Zanpakutō, she went to sheath it when suddenly she heard Kuro cry out.

"Kuro..." she quickly moved over to him in a panic. Pushing him over onto his back, she looked at the wound. Her eyes widened when she saw how bad it was. She realized then that she should have ended it quicker than she had. Focusing on getting revenge and making them suffer was not the best of ideas. Although, she felt slightly relieved because this time she had not forgotten a med-kit. She pulled it out, quickly pulling out an ointment that was similar color to the skin. She spread as much of it along his back as she could, knowing that it would stop the bleeding, but he still needed to get back to the Seireitei.

"Please be okay..." she begged in her thoughts, hoping that she would get there in time. She used as much of her strength as she could to pick the unconscious man up and shunpo'd out of there, heading back to the Seireitei. She arrived about five minutes later, it taking much longer since she had used some spiritual energy and was carrying him. Moving him into a bed in the barracks of Squad Four, she quickly went to find someone to help. Once they were found, they asked her to leave the room because of her panicking. Sitting outside of the door, on the floor, she kept her head lowered and did not move, no matter how much time was passing by.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:24 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro's eyes were hazy; he couldn't tell what had happened, as he blinked, opening his eyes and sitting up, staring down at his hands. ...? Am I... dead? OH NO! DID KAMINARI DIE? OH CRAP OH CRAP OH-


The mental slap in his mind physically moved his head to the side, as he whined, rubbing his right cheek. YOU'RE NOT DEAD, YOU MORON! THAT GIRL GOT YOU OUT OF THERE! Piero scolded him in his own mind as Kuro, eyes half closed and a straight line on his face, felt his lower lip slightly quiver in a pout. However, he blinked, his face returning to normal. I need to find out what happened to Kaminari! He thought to himself. He had been out for over ten hours; quite a lot considering the bloodloss. He went to get out of bed, throwing his sheets to the side...

...And proceeded to fall flat on the floor with a loud CRASH, landing on his front, as his back seized up.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Sat Jun 16, 2012 10:31 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari had refused to move even though people told her to. She sat there through out the entire night and until he had woken up. In the middle of the hallway, she laid off to the side, her back up against the wall. Using her arms as pillows she slept there, waiting for Kuro to wake up. Ten hours had passed and a sudden bang echoed rather loudly through the floor. Kaminari shot up into a sitting position and rubbed her eyes, glancing around to see what had happened. Realizing that no one was in the hallway, she jumped to her feet and ran into the room that Kuro was in.

Opening the door, she first looked to his bed, but when he wasn't there, she looked down to see that he was on the floor, his upper body all bandaged up after those within the Fourth Squad did their best to heal him up. She went to his side and carefully helped him to his feet, a worried look in her eyes, "Hey... You should be in bed. Why aren't you resting!?"

"...if you have nothing to protect."

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