Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Entity of Contradiction
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Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:55 am

It was luck that Slenderman had some alright reneration as he had lost quite a bit of tendrils againist the edo Yako. Then he watched from the Masked Man as he dealed with one of the investigators that had choosen to approach Hebi and the Masked Man. The good doctor had protected his voice but still he knew that Masked Man would eventually die because of all the hell the body goes through around Slenderman. With the test completed he took his tendrils and returned the Edo Yako to Hebi by setting it down in there location. Now there were only three to deal with in this encounter with the hidden one dispatched. It was about time for his creatures to get round 2 as well with those minotaurs and being prepared now for them this time. But he held them back as he would need to spawn them at just the right time for them to have the best chance. For what he could tell they had split up and that wasn't the best idea as Slenderman was around and he could pop up anywhere if the don't pay attention or can't see very well. But they obviously could tell that he was teleporting in a way.

" We cannot focus on my main body as it keeps it from moving through space and time...." Masked Man told Hebi and the Edo.

Even if Ji heard that it would be gibberish and even if he did translate it would require to be useless info to the team beside him since he can't speak to them. If Hebi and Edo Yako looked away for even a second then Slenderman would appear just outside of Snopy's and Kaminari's line of vision and his trap would be sprung as his tendrils that were able springed out at both of them and aimed to disarm them of their Zanpakutō. If that one that enter Bankai went after him then he was sure that Ji would be his prize but if he did go to Ji then these wouldn't be able to handle him most likely unless a miracle was performed by those able. After his first strike was completed he would take then of his tendrils and they would pread black ink on the ground that would form into eventually ten monsters to hold off unknown forces that would come to assist them.

This battle seemed to be leaning in one's favor so who would be victorious and who will escape with their freedom and lives. This was truly going to be the climax of this battle as it was moving to be quite a difficult fight as now all the choices leaned on Kuro, Snopy and Kaminari for this showdown. After the ink was set up creating the monsters his tendrils streched out again to try and capture the two shinigami present before him.

"This truly is a interesting battle before him." he thought to himself.

The community was becoming a stage for Slenderman's new masterpeice.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Sun Jul 01, 2012 5:46 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari suddenly stopped running, the orchids released from her shikai still surrounding both her and Snopy. She could only see five feet in front of her own face, so she was using these as extra sight. Anything that they would touch, she would be notified of. They were spread out ten feet in each direction around both her and Snopy. At this point, she felt like this was the only way she could do anything to protect them. Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something move passed her. She just barely recognized what it was. Her eyes widened as she looked towards it. "Ji." she mumbled slightly and grabbed onto Snopy's wrist. "We can't be out here alone. Let's follow him. He obviously knows something."

Kaminari sort of felt guilty. She felt like she was just dragging Snopy along with her, especially with how she just grabbed his wrist. She knew that the two of them needed to keep moving, and at this point Ji was there only direction. At that moment, the thread along her hand shifted just enough for her to be able to tell that Kuro had to began to move. He was going in the same direction that she had just saw Ji head towards. She smirked, feeling that this was a good sign for both of them. If they got there, they would be able to help out enough, and not be alone. She continued forward, and although she was running, she wasn't going very fast. Unfortunately, she was being forced to dodge the bodies of the dead on the ground around her as they ran, and since she couldn't see very well, she didn't have very much time to do it. She only hoped that neither her or Snopy would trip.

As they moved into the direction of Kuro and Ji, the orchids that she had surrounding her and Snopy suddenly touched something. Immediately, Kaminari stopped and raised both of her swords, although one was only the hilt. Something was out there and it was rather close. The flower that it had touched was no longer touching it, so she didn't know what she would be able to do at this point. Suddenly, and very quickly, she felt her flowers shift again, and about this moment, tendrils shot towards the both of them.

Pretty much in a panic, Kaminari shifted her wrist and all of the orchids that were on the outside of this 'barrier' she had created exploded. She didn't have time to specify at all which ones did explode, but she was able to make it fifty of the orchids on the outside, which would be the last 3 feet. Now only seven feet would be covered around them, and hopefully the tendrils were stopped by that first explosion, otherwise they were sort of screwed. Each explosion is two feet in diameter and they pack enough power and force to blow them back, and the heat of the explosion to burn them enough to render them useless.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

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Mon Jul 02, 2012 1:26 am
Growls as these other people that came in were absolutely useless He snarled moving quickly not paying attention to whether his dagger actually hit, he wanted them to be paranoid as he slowed to stop for a moment, waiting for the others to catch up. But when he felt a hand land on his shoulder he Shunpoed, his shoes kicking up his speed, so that his hand didnt last there long, with his shoes the Shunpo was three times faster then the average shinigami's shunpo of his level.

He would get the intense pain of his power on his shoulder which would trip him up, but he was in midmovement when that occured, and quite a distance from the disappearing man when he attempted to shoot some snakes out at his previous position, but Jigoku wasn't there to be hit. His Minotaurs were now moving in on the position of the slenderman, hopefully they would buy him enough time to get away. He didn't care about the others he came with.

One minotaur would break off and move to defend Jigoku from any attacker while he attempted to extract himself from the battlezone, he snarled as his shoulder was on fire, like it was being torn from his body over and over again. He would keep falling to a knee, but now his escape was slow But he left the others to deal with this creature and visa versa.

[attempting to leave thread]

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:29 pm
Snopy moved the best he could to keep up without face planting into some of the dead bodies. That would be an unpleasant as well as detrimental action. Suddenly Kaminari stopped, and as she did, he did as well. He put his hand on his Zanpakutō which was currently sheathed. He gripped it tightly, prepared to draw it at any moment. Though in all honesty, he would probably resort to Kidō before drawing his blade. That was his skill after all, and he would probably do more damage with it than with his blade in the end.

As Kaminari detonated all of her petals Snopy hoped it was enough. If a more than a tendril or two made it through Snopy wasn't sure if he could respond properly. Snopy then sensed the abnormal spiritual signature coming from his right. It was a lucky break, as his right hand was free. Hadō #4, Byakurai. He fired the Byakurai off at the tendril that had somehow made it through. He nailed it which should have held it off. Snopy looked around, all of the rest seemed to be gone, but he could be wrong. He kept his hand on his Zanpakutō, ready for anything.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:04 am
Kuro merely looked around him at all the different things going on. It seemed that Ji had been incapacitated; as Kuro realized this, his eyes widened. Oh... crap. We're outclassed here! He realized, as his eyeglass'd self turned himself around, firing off back to where he knew Kaminari and Snopy were. As he did this, Dr. Hebi and his Edo had changed their view back to where they had felt an illusion; specifically, the one that Kuro maintained to keep up his invisibility. As they did this, Slenderman vanished from his position.

Dr. Hebi merely turned around to the Edo Yako, holding up a scroll to it as out of the ground fired a coffin, marks going out in circles all around it as it wrapped around the corpse, before pulling it back into the ground. Dr. Hebi was pretty certain that this would be over soon; it was time for those kids to retreat, in all honesty...

Which is what Kuro was trying to do, as the ziamichi reached his allies. ...Crap... PIERO! He felt himself shouting out as his eyes shuddered, his entire body coming back into view as his body changed, silver ears growing up from his head as his bare chest became visible, silver clothing covering him as two gloved hands shot forwards, having moved smoothly through the explosions as Kuro gripped the back of Kaminari and Snopy's shirts. "We're getting out of here. NOW!" He said, grimacing as he realized he was about to abandon Ji, holding Kaminari and Snopy, before wincing his eyes together, spinning around as he suddenly shot out with his immense unlocked speed, appearing behind Jigoku... as he began dribbling the Shinigami.

He carried them all along, knowing they did not have much time as at last he kicked them out of the fog, slamming into the forest as he threw Kaminari over to where Ji was, Kuro grabbing Snopy. "It's over! We need to get out of here now!" He said, as he grabbed onto Snopy, going his maximum speed as it would feel to poor snopy that he had existed in one spot... and then didn't, as his world shifted all around him, Kuro moving him at insane speeds before stopping, having reached a clearing in the forest as he stopped, setting Snopy on the gorund bfeore he stopped, his entire body shaking from the painful shadows as his blades dropped from his body all around him, knowing at least Kaminari knew what was about to happen to him...

Meanwhile, Dr. Hebi continued looking at Slenderman. Interesting... "...It would seem that they have escaped... but there are more pressing matters than their capture." He said, looking up at Slenderman with that same knowing smile on his face. "Tell me something... would you care to join me in a... partnership of sorts? I'm always looking for those that can be of use to me... and I'm sure I could scratch your back at times as well. All that I ask... is the privilege to study you while we work, and perhaps... understand you better." The Doctor explained to the Hollow, his eyes bright behind his cloak. This looked like it was perhaps going to be the beginning...

...of an ugly friendship.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Entity of Contradiction
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Thu Aug 02, 2012 12:56 pm

Slenderman watch as the Kidō once again shot out and caught him and illuminated the area around them showing Slenderman as another of his tendrils got hit by the Kidō. He needed none of this and he realized that they were trying to retreat and he would allow them to because he would allow them to get more powerful for him to have more of a treat later on in time. As Kaminari started her assult she would notice that the beast was residing from the area once more as Kuro raced to them and her attack had happened. He eventually appeared shortly out of Dr. Hebi's vision and kept watch as the shinigami and ziamachi fled the area with their lives. He didn't stop them or try to make it anymore complicated for them in the long journey to their base. Actually, Slenderman even lifted the fog allowing them to see a bit better but it would take time before perfect vision could be restored to the area unless Slenderman left the area.

The hollow's attention turn to the doctor as he was speaking to him. It seemed that he wished to have them work together so long as he could study him somewhat at least. The deal seemed pretty good so long as certain things didn't happen to him along the lines of losing control of himself and his true plans within his mind. So Slenderman would accept the deal and it would be noted that Masked man was now on Slenderman's shoulder for now.

" I accept your offer but I ask where will we be going now that they have fled and I have no use for staying in this town?" He had the Masked Man ask Dr. Hebi.

With that completed Slenderman would be ready to move or go with Dr. Hebi to any area that he spoke of or if opened a portal to the area he would go through it to follow him to another realm. The possibilities were endless and now Slenderman had more power than ever before because now he had something that he never did before. He had gain a ally that could truly understand him. Slenderman had planned to kill people in this town but he had actually allowed one to speak to him, which had worked out better than he planned.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Thu Aug 02, 2012 4:31 pm

"There is no point in having power..."

It seems that this is it. Ji was leaving, Kaminari could tell that much. And as her explosions went of, this strange and terribly frightening Hollow left, leaving her and Snopy alone, from what she could tell. It didn't even take that much longer before Kuro appeared out of no where, grabbing both of them and carrying them off. For Kuro to be this quick to want to get out of here, Kaminari knew that there was something wrong, something more was out there, but she didn't know what. Kuro quickly caught up with Ji, and seemed to throw her towards him. Kaminari twisted her body within mid-air and landed easily upon her own two feet, continuing to run along side of her friends. "Whatever happened out there...." she thought to herself, "I am seriously afraid to ask about it... Something was not right with that fog... or that creature within it."

Now that the group was out of the fog and running through the trees, Kaminari felt slightly safe. It didn't seem like anyone was following them, so that was a huge relief. In truth, she was slightly shaken up. Never before had she been on a mission where Kuro wanted to retreat, especially with this many people. It only raised her curiosities on what exactly what out there. Either way, it was time to head back to the Seireitei and give a full report on what the group had encountered here today.

"One thing is for sure though..." she narrowed her eyes as she spoke in a slight mumble, "Whatever was out there today... Someone is going to have to take care of... before a massacre like that happens again." With that being her final word, Kaminari continued with her friends back to the Seireitei.

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"...if you have nothing to protect."

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Sun Oct 04, 2015 4:07 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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