Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Entity of Contradiction
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Wed Jun 20, 2012 12:53 am

What is among us?  The_Slender_Man_by_Pirate_Cashoo

The Soul Society wished that a day like this wouldn't come espically with the Gotei 13 was present but even certain creatures weren't intimmidated by the Gotei 13. One of these creatures was very terrible that brought nightmares, sickness, and kidnapped children during the night. This monster was aalso a hollow and a very unique one at that. It's true name was unknown but it went by Slenderman and it's human assistant was called the masked man that represented his voice. His current plan seemed to be bigger than anyother had before as it began one night with the disappearence of a child. But he moved completely out the night after the child was gone and by the next morning the entire community was either dead or missing. As a traveler went through the town the next day he found the lone night guard torn to shreds with blood everywhere with a faceless figure watching him in the shadows. It scared the traveler so much that he reported the incident immeaditely but the Gotei did act until the next day and now a group was being sent out to investigate and eliminate the threat if any should they find something.

As those that would investigate they will find themselves caught in somewhat of a creepy mystery as they would enter the area of the community to be found covered in a thin fog. That was only the beginning through as they ventured inward they would find the shreded night guard and in the square was a few men that found the same fate as the night guard. It would only get creepier as few would feel someone watching them and weaker ones may experience a cough or two strangely. As they explored in the few houses they would find individuals shreded to peices. But a woman was within one house that was what appeared to be stranggled for some reason unlike the others. As those that investigated the house that had the strangled woman would leave they might find a figure down the road halfway within the shadows. If they choose to pursue the being within the shadows after spotting him will find themselves in a chase to just outside of the community where Slenderman will appear where one is not paying attention whether it be behind them first or one of their sides. As he would appear to the ones that followed the others and them would feel Slenderman's pressence. As he appeared the fog within a 20 ft. radius would become thicker covering him more but still visible althrough it is difficult and masked man now moved to be in the covers of the trees or if he hasn't been found at all he shall start to lure at the other investigators trying to lure them to Slenderman that will lead to the same apporoach as stated before. Now the showdown may begin or the search may continue.

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:25 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari and a group of three others were sent out from the Seireitei on a rush mission to get to a certain village that was said to be completely annihilated within a single night. The only thing reported was a dead guard that seemed to have been mauled and the sighting of some sort of fog. Her Zanpakutō was being carried on her back, strapped diagonally down her torso to where her hilt would come over her right shoulder, like usual. Her dark brown hair was tied up into a bun to keep it's actual length hidden and she had violet eyes that had a metallic look to them, some thought it was beautiful others strange.

Having been travelling for a while now, she glanced back and forth to those in the group, noting that she knew all but one. There was Ji, a talented person that she had met a week or so ago, and then there was her Lieutenant, someone she knew who could handle this and would be there to help. Then there was another, Snopy was the name she remembered from the list of Shinigami that were to be accompanying them on this mission. "I'm Kaminari... Nice to have you join our group." She said as kindly as possible, but she figured that everyone was thinking the same thing. This guy wasn't exactly of Seated rank, so why was he travelling with the three of them? She didn't want to seem rude or anything like that, but she was slightly worried for his safety.

Around that moment, they had arrived a the village, and although she was obviously no leader, she spoke out, "Please everyone be careful... Try not to get to far away from each other, okay? Don't get lost in the fog..." She pushed forward, assuming that was what they were all going to do as well. Stopping on what used to be a street in the village, she stared around with wide eyes, seeing nothing but damage and the body of what she assumed was the night guard. She began investigating one of the houses, noticing even more bodies that had been damaged badly, taking note of one woman who seemed to have been strangled. She backed up, slightly frightened of the thought of what had gone on in this place.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

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Wed Jun 20, 2012 1:45 am
Ji, as he was known now to the others, had come loaded to bear for a fight. The sword on his back was not the only weapon he was carrying, and it was already awakened. Which, was really only a fact that Kaminari would know because of their history, he ha sunglasses over his eyes, and a headband with a metal clasp over his forehead. He was over the 6 foot mark and weighed over 180 pounds. He wore a tight muscle shirt that was covered by a hardened leather chest piece. He also had black gloves that stretched up to his middle upper arm and his forearms were also protected by guards.

Ji's hair was long and tied into a ponytail that was over his shoulder an down his chest, for those who were observant they might actually notice the dozens of small barbs that dotted the tips of some groupings of the hair. Half his face was covered by tight white almost spandex like material, and around his neck was a white scarf. The skin that was noticable he had a tanned white colored skin visible.

What is among us?  Zabuza-momochi

The one thing that Kaminari would notice was the fact that he did Not have his tablet computer with him, which meant he wasn't going to be able to speak. Granted that might cause a problem, but not as much as him having to stop every few minutes and type on the computer, the computer translating and then speaking for him loudly.

He didnt follow the others into the houses, unless told to, he would immediately find the highest groud in the village, which would mean the tallest building and get an eagle eye view of the town. They needed intell as soon as possible. His movements through the town and up to the top of a building would go without making a single noise, something seemed to supernaturally remove any sound that his body made.

He suddenly caught a glimpse of a figure moving through the fog, and he narrowed his sunglassed eyes, this was unusual, if this was a survivor of the town, he would have moved towards them. Had he thought that they were another group of attackers, he would have moved away from them faster then that, and nothing from his movements indicated that he was word came to his mind.....Trap. He tasted the air with his tongue and attempted to gain the scent of this man in a mask, and kept track of where he was going relative to where they were.

He kept going further up, attempting to get to a level where there was no fog and that he could get a better eye full of the layout of the city and to see if there was anything else wanering around the city. He removed a poisoned throwing star from inside his arm guard and knelt down on the edge of the largest building prepared for an attack and preparing to attack.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
The Site Hideyoshi
Joined : 2012-04-07
Posts : 783
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What is among us?  Empty Re: What is among us?

Wed Jun 20, 2012 3:00 am
Snopy didn't know why he had been called out on such a mission. An entire town massacred by what was believed to be a single being. Maybe back when he was alive and his power rivaled a Captain's it wouldn't have been a problem. However, ever since his death, he was weakened severely. Geez, someone asks about my past and I had to tell them. The person must have told someone, and now they have such high hopes for me. Its not like I have much of my former power left, I don't see how I'll help. What a bother, I would much rather be relaxing right now. But I guess since I don't have a choice I may as well take this seriously. Don't want anyone to die because I wasn't careful. Snopy sighed as he talked quietly to himself. He was lazy yes, but when work had to be done he was quite reliable.

The man was of an average height. He had a lean build so he wasn't that large. He had medium length hair that extended to his shoulders. He was a strange one, in that his eyes were different colors. His right eye was a deep purple, his left was a bright pink. He wore the standard uniform that a Shinigami would wear. On his right side was his sheathed Zanpakutō, as the man was left handed. On his right he had a small canteen tucked away in case anyone needed water. Though not an unattractive man in the least, one look and you would see he was odd. Some had called him a Genius in the past, and perhaps he was. Though he knew he was smart, he would never call himself a genius. Either way, in a battle of wits, he would be a force to be reckoned with.

What is among us?  Anime_guy
^ The pic I will now use for him. Just imagine his eyes as how I described.

He looked around at the people he would be working with. They were an interesting group. One member of the group greeted him kindly. So naturally Snopy would greet her back. Nice to meet you too, I'm Snopy. Of course seeing as I'm the only one no one would recognize on the list you probably already know that. That habit of digging into details showed itself once more. Oops, I'm sorry. Forcive habit. His voice was calm and relaxed, despite the nature of the mission.

As the group entered the village and fanned out Snopy went around to closely examine the bodies. He began to closely examine the body, from head to toe. He observed what energy had been left behind by his killer. This kind of destruction this quickly. And this Reiatsu, there is no doubt about it, this is a hollow. Still, the energy seems strange, almost distorted. What kind of monstrosity are we dealing with? Actually, judging from the wounds, the beast probably wasn't some grotesquely large monster. It might have been larger than a human, but for its height it would probably be skinny. Snopy looked around and tried to wrap his mind around the whole thing.

He stood up and sighed. What he had deduced probably wouldn't be any help in the least. If and when they engaged it, they would see what it looks like, or at lease he assumed. Suddenly something caught Snopy's attention. In the dark blackness of one alley, he fought he saw something. It was a slightly different shade of black, in the shape of something. Snopy looked away for only a moment to check his surroundings, and it was gone. He didn't know what that was, but he knew it was very real. We have a fast one.

He went over to the house he saw the female enter to see what she had found. He was disturbed to find a woman who had obviously been strangled. It appears as if...tentacles? The beasts form was more confusing by the moment. He looked over at Kaminari, who was obviously disturbed. Whatever we're dealing with, we have to be careful. Snopy looked back at the poor strangled woman. Rest in peace, and may your death be avenged. Snopy resolved that even as weak as he now was, he would do everything to help. This was a horror scene he had fought for his entire life to prevent.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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What is among us?  Empty Re: What is among us?

Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:35 pm
As they approached the fog, Kuro clearly clicked his tongue in irritation. "Well, let's see about this..." He said as he grabbed his zanpaktou, throwing it up into the air as his shikai formed, two daggers smoothly flowing back into his hands like water as he felt the shades forming, putting the sunglasses on his face and blinking. H e knew that everyone else would probably need some as well, but he could only make one set for now. As it was, he was able to see better in the fog than the others, as he blinked, looking for what was inside.

"I'll stand watch." He said as he moved next to the doorway, the others going inside as Kuro reflected. This was a horrible mess; the worst part being he had been the one who had signed for the assignment of this particular mission, what with Central 46 down. However, Kaminari had gone, so he had come with her; they both knew they had to be there for one another whenever possible. Suddenly, he blinked, as the fog grew much thicker all around the close-knit group, even as they were going inside the house. His eyes slowly widened behind his shades as his vision became even more clouded, only able to see five feet in front of him now WITH his shades on. ...This is bad. Very, very bad. He thought, knowing that only with reiatsu could something conceal in shadow from his glasses, as he prepared himself, waiting to see what approached from the fog.

* * *

...Most interesting. The man thought to himself, a small smile on his face as he took a very deep sniff, smelling blood and other unpleasantries that he himself did not care for, as he stood atop a nearby building, bent down with the sleeves of his red cloak brushing against the middle part of the roof he was standing on, as he began to see the mist get much, much darker near the small reiatsus that he had sensed. ..What have we here... He thought to himself as he reached up a single hand, grabbing the zipper on the right side of his hood as he pulled on it, closing it over him and allowing him to see out of the gold eyelid-like features in the fabric, as he looked inside perfectly, his vision of the area clear, waiting to see what would occur...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Entity of Contradiction
Joined : 2010-12-01
Posts : 1368
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What is among us?  Empty Re: What is among us?

Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:34 pm

The shinigami investigating the scene were quite smart it seemed as they each indefied certains but hopefully they could put the puzzle together in time to figure out what has happened. Still within the city was the Masked man hiding in the shadows and he was watching for Slenderman. The exact location of the hollow was just outside of the community where ther was the most cover. Within that cover Slenderman was at work to test these investigators to see just how strong they were since they all seemed to be shinigami. With his tendrils, Slenderman put black ink all over the ground in ten spots that began to grow it seems. The result of releaseing that black ink actually made 10 near indentical creatures that were as monsterous as Slenderman himself, but of course not as powerful. The creatures were eager to serve him when they were complete and they already knew the objective they needed to complete for him.

What is among us?  20080416_114691_0

(Appearence of the creatures)

The creatures rand out with roars of anger or rage as the Sprinted into the town at top speeds seeking out whoever the could get there hands on. The first person or to approach them would be attacked by the most which was five. Each of the remaining five would seek out to attack each of them woith a forward charge hoping to rip them to shreds with there claws but there were four opponents and 5 reamaining well actually the final one was being quiet and wished to sneak up on the one in the building so for now he just was trying swing around all of the others so he could get in their backs and with a surprise. As the attack was launched the Masked Man moved as the creatures passed and he rushed to Slenderman's location for now in plain view of the investigators. Before he was too far away through he shouted one nearly clear word out to the investigators.

"Diea!!!" he screamed behind his mask.

From his cover, Slenderman watched as all of this unfolded in the ruined community.

Last edited by Zero on Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : fixed code)

I'm never going to be a hero! But I'm Zero!
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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What is among us?  Empty Re: What is among us?

Fri Jun 22, 2012 12:54 am

"There is no point in having power..."

Kaminari was unsure whether it was a good idea for the group to separate, especially since only one seemed to have left, and took no one with him. Ji, leaving the group, while both Snopy and Kuro had decided to stay close. She was relieved at the two, but seriously worried for the other. Snopy had come into the house right after her, and seemed to quickly make his own analysis on the situation, which she was slightly impressed with, but her mind was clouded with the thoughts of this brutal slaughtering. Upon hearing the mention of 'tentacles' she only felt more disgusted and slightly enraged. No one deserved to die like this. No one.

Taking in a calming breath, she shook her head and turned away from the bodies, stepping right back outside of the house. She turned her head to see that Kuro had stood on the outside like he said he was going to do. At this point, she was unable to smile or act cheerful. She was only thinking about the annihilation of this creature who had caused so much pain. She had her attention taken within her thoughts, but that all changed when she noticed that the fog had thickened more than she thought it had the ability to. This obviously wasn't normal. Already suspicious, she brought her guard up and stepped backwards until she was only a few inches away from Kuro. She could barely see in front of her own face, no matter how much she was trying to concentrate to see through this dense fog. "How's your sight with those?" she asked Kuro, moving just a bit closer to make sure that she was at least with someone. She could barely see one or two feet in front of her own face, and if this shit got thicker, she'd be in trouble.

"Snopy?" she called out for their other companion that she knew was closer, just loud enough for anyone within the immediate area to hear her. She would have called out for Ji, but she decided against it. She knew that the enemy more than likely can see through this fog without any difficulty at all, but she still preferred to keep their location at least semi-secret. At this point, she just wanted Snopy to move closer. Suddenly, out of the fog, she heard a roar. Her eyes widened and she looked back to Kuro, moving into a position where she was standing back to back with him. Ready to fight, she reached back to her Zanpakutō, grabbing tightly onto the hilt. Unsheathing the first sword rather quickly, she tossed it to her left hand and then reached back for the other, doing the same.

"Where the hell are they coming from?" She looked around to see where they were coming from, the fog proving to be one hell of a pain in the fucking ass. This was bad. She assumed everyone knew it. Only being able to see a couple of feet in front of your own face was NOT good. Although Kuro could see up to five, it's not like that was going to be able to help anyone else. He couldn't do all the fighting and protecting. Suddenly, through the fog came another yell, one sounding a bit more human. A single word screamed, "Die". She narrowed her eyes and shifted them back and forth, just awaiting their attack, knowing that this was going to be a problem if they did not find their way out of this fog, or to some how thin it out.

"...if you have nothing to protect."

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What is among us?  Empty Re: What is among us?

Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:57 am
"Sunēku no sutoraiki wa tsuneni tsurūdesu." which translated to ‘the Snakes strike is always true’, he thought in his mind, his connection to his sword caused it to shake a little as he concentrated on a number of shadows near to Kaminari. From those shadows came creatures of nightmare and shadow. Each of the 16 creatures that appeared around Kura, Snopi and Kaminari were just over seven feet tall and were what old Mythology would call a Minotaur, the body of a man with the head of a bull with huge an sharp horns. They also seemed to be carrying large Battleaxes.

As the enemy creatures came the Minotaur shadows would charge down the enemy creatures with Gore attacks, attempting to stomp them to death and ramming them with their heads and stabbing them with their large horns and then they would attempt to finish the job on the creatures by chopping their heads off with the Battleaxes. Either way, it was clear to the others that the Minotaurs are clearly on the Shinigami's side due to their actions.

Ji would leap down from his perch and as he was falling would lash out at one of the nightmare creatures that were coming for him. His skill with general weapons was absoluely deadly, the posion slicked weapon would be aimed at the chest of this four arm monstrocity as Jigoku landed and moved incredibly fast to push his attack, moving 3 times as fast as most Shinigami he drew his sword and rushed at the creature looking for him and would try to cleave the thing in half from crotch area to the top of its head.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
The Site Hideyoshi
Joined : 2012-04-07
Posts : 783
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What is among us?  Empty Re: What is among us?

Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:39 am
As he finished his analysis of the body, Snopy turned to see just how bad the fog had gotten. Within an instant of him noticing it covered the entire inside of the building. It was so thick he could barely see anything. However, ever since he had acquired his Zanpakutō, all of his senses had slightly been strengthened. Though his sight was better than Kaminari's, it wasn't good enough. He could only see about 2 feet into the fog. Then he heard Kaminari call his name. Though his sight was compromised he could deduce her location by the sound of her voice. With his hand on his Zanpakutō he made his way slowly towards her location. His hearing was keen enough to hear footsteps, Snopy only hoped they were his allies.

When he moved in closer, he came within a foot of Kaminari and he could see her face, just enough to know it was her. Well, I see things are going to shit fast. He spoke quietly, seeing as they were in the presence of something unnatural that he would prefer didn't notice them, that is if it already hadn't. Through the fog the roar of some beast was heard. Just what we needed. Snopy closed his eyes and attempted to sense Reiatsu through the fog. To his surprise, there were not only some unidentified creatures, but some signatures that felt like the other Shinigami that had been with him.

He let out a sigh or relief as they had some aid. However, his mind immediately shifted to the fog. Though he had only been in it for a short time, he could sense the danger. He could feel it, it was trying to eat away at his mind, at his resolve. Snopy had never been weak-hearted, but at the same time he didn't want to take chances. Would someone here happen to know Hadō #58, Tenran? After asking that his mind immediately set to the task of finding some way out of the fog, should no one know Tenran, or should it not be enough. All the while, keeping his senses alert to any subtle disturbances in sound or even smell, so if something was to approach it wouldn't be too late.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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What is among us?  Empty Re: What is among us?

Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:15 pm
Kuro felt his spine tingle slightly at the mention of tentacles; he didn't really like the things, but he wasn't that afraid of them. He heard Kaminari's voice, as he moved his face, looking directly towards her. He was able to see her clearly, as he responded clearly. "Nariri, I'm right here. Just come over to the sound of my voice." His serious mode was in full effect, his eyes clear and his spine totally straight as he slightly bent his knees, feeling the shinigami walk up behind him. "My sight can go up to about five or six feet; here." He said as he reached a hand back, feeling another pair appear in his hands as he placed them into Kaminari's. "Just put those on your face; they'll give you a bit better vision." He explained quietly. Not even the sound of his breathing could be heard anymore; he had begun going into the state where he was only focused on the objective, which in this case... appeared to be soon approaching, as he heard Kaminari speak out once more. The roar soon echoed out as he smiled slightly. HERE WE GO! WHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The mad voice of his ziamichi spirit, Piero, cried out in the lieutenants mind as he nodded, gripping his blades tightly.

Kuro blinked as he felt beings appearing all around him, seeing... minotaurs. ...What the hell? He thought, knowing that the others wouldn't be able to see the strong beasts. He, on the other hand, was able to see them clearly, the outlines of them showing up. He knew what this meant; they were beings of shadow, something extremely strange. GO FOR IT!!!! Piero screamed in his mind, going wild as a thought occured to him all his own. He threw out a hand, leaning far to his right as he threw up his right dagger, feeling himself grip on onto the heel of one of the minotaur's. Suddenly, the entirety of the beast was dragged down towards his hand, as Kuro straightened himself up again, holding a single ball of shadow. Let's see what we can find... He thought to himself as he felt the shadows that made up the minotaur changing in his hands, as he decided on what to turn it into. Alright. Here goes.

He reached the hand with the glowing shadow energy above his head, smiling as he felt it decide on its shape. "Kaminari. Listen very, very closely." He said as suddenly, the needles that he had created shot out from his hand. He knew they weren't behind him; there was a house there, so it would be useless to do anything over there as instead he shot out 243 extremely small needles from his hand in front of himself. Anywhere that they hit a living thing, it would explode, making a small BOOSH noise. He blinked as he heard someone else approach them, and he turned his sunglassed face found the man that had walked up to them, his mouth in a deadset frown. "...Silence your breathing and lower your voice." He said in a whisper, extremely irritated mentally but not showing it on the inside, extremely serious in the way he was acting. Kuro actually shook his head as Snopy mentioned Tenran.

"This is something we can use to our advantage. We have nothing to say that the opponent is able to see more than we can; indeed, by their reiatsu, it seems they are just charging forwards blindly. The most they could do is seek us out by our reiatsu as well; so if we could surrpress that..." He said as he suddenly crouched down, his eyes closing as his right hand gripped back onto his dagger, releasing it as it rolled down his leg on its side, stretching the leg out as he felt it cleave against the neck of the monster that was about to leap on them, Kuro having sent the blade in a circle around his foot to perform the slash before putting just a bit of weight on the blade, sending it sailing back towards his waiting hand and sliding it smoothly back down to his side, his look at Snopy completely unchanging. "See what I mean. Didn't even see it coming." He said as they would most likely both realize that he wasn't giving off the near-captain class of his reiatsu, having used Kaminari's as a cover for his own suppressed one. As such, the beast didn't have any clue he was there; much less clue that he could perform such a silent feat with his daggers, black as the fog around them in color.

"...In fact, I don't even think this one was charging." He said, as his mind raced. "It wasn't moving that fast; if it had been, I would have felt more resistance on the blade as it cleaved through its flesh." He explained in his whisper-speak, blinking as he remained looking in front of himself. "So.. he may have been planning to attack us without our permission..." He reflected, before resuming his back to back stance, allowing the ones behind him to decide what to do.

No matter what happens... I've got to make sure they get out of here.[/i} He thought to himself, not really believing the situation himself. [i]Something horrific is going on here.. but I can't place my finger on it. Piero. He said simply, calling out to the being within his mind. Yeeeeeeees, master? The spirit replied mockingly. Kuro could just IMAGINE the flaunted smile on his spirits lips as he spoke, not having much particular reason; doing it mostly for fun. Prepare yourself to enter Laughing Gray... Kuro said simply, his eyes moving behind his sunglasses to look out and about around him.

As you wish, MASTER...

* * *

The man's smile widened as he viewed everything that was going on below. My, MY! What exactly could be causing all this? I must know... He thought to himself as he took another sniff, sighing as the beasts began charging. The shinigami did not interest him in any way, shape, or form; they were simply too basic for what he was doing here, as he heard the simple voice speaking out, his slitted eyes wide open as he spotted what look like a man running towards a location. He's going... He's against them, that's for sure... so he must know.. what exactly is causing this, and perhaps moving towards it! The man deduced, all his thoughts coming together as his sandal'd feet pressed down onto the ground, before he was off, flying throughout the air with his sleeves flapping in the wind at his sides, before he SLAMMED down, appearing in front of both the man wearing the mask and his extremely tall, many-limbed and faceless friend, as he beheld the thing that had started this chaos, appearing quite suddenly to them as he turned off his own body's invisibility; before this point, he had been unviewable to anyone, whether by reiatsu or any other sense.

"...Most... interesting." He said simply, as from the bottom of the back of his cloak, the material began to stir. Out from the back of his clothing slithered something white in color, sliding up his back as it rested into a shape like a tail, before turning its tip towards the two of them, as the pure white and very thick snake stared at the pair. "Tell me... strange one... what exactly... Are you?" He asked, his words coming out as if extremely curious. Indeed, the man's curiosity had been peaked by this thing that could cause such extreme havoc. The man's arms were at his side, making him look like a red cloak with a snake-pattern face and a white snake acting like a tail, with his sandals sticking out from the cloaks bottom, truly a strange sight for one to behold.

"You can answer... Or I can take you to my lab... Either as you are now... Or in pieces..." His voice spoke again as the snake's mouth moved in time, as if it were truly the one speaking, as the man used it somewhat like a puppet. His mind-link to the snake that was looking over his shoulder was extremely impressive. However, what this mysterious man wanted, and what he would be getting out of this exchange, were both areas that were completely shrouded in mystery. The fog around them was still very thick; and yet, the being before them could make them both out clearly. This alone would make him seem dangerous... although as to why... was once again...

...a mystery...

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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