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The Site Hideyoshi
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Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:31 am
NPC Hollow Post

Despite the defeat of the previous hollow, their cries could still be heard. There were still more, lurking and waiting. At least they would wait if they weren't so damned impatient.

As Kanna waited for more hollow to show, their cries echoed throughout the empty streets. Two hollow in particular were stalking Kanna. They had chosen to wait. Why, they didn't even know. Their intelligence was mediocre at best. All they understood was if there was a tasty soul, they wanted it.

One of the hollow was large and snake-like. It possessed the body of a snake, with two arms coming out a little below the head. The other was more mammal than anything else. It was a large dog. Both of these hollow were large, a lot large than a human. Though their strength was no better than the previous, there were now two of them. (tier 2-3). However, the dog has the capability to shoot balls of fire from its mouth. However, they were still something that could be dealt with.

The two came out at Kanna from opposite directions. The dog opened its mouth and shot out a ball of fire, a little smaller than Kanna. The Snake, on the opposite side, went to grab her. The dog planned on charging at Kanna should she dodge the first attack. It would try to eat her as quickly as possible. The snake would just continue the attack if it had not been damaged by some attack. It would punch and grab at until it was stopped or it succeeded.

Meanwhile another hollow was stalking Snopy. This one was stronger than the others. This one, was about equal to Snopy in terms of strength (4-1). The hollow itself looked like a rather large spider. On it's legs seemed to be sharp razors that would tear into Snopy's flesh quite easily should they be given the chance. The spider would move at Snopy, at an average speed, and swing its front legs in an attempt to cleave Snopy asunder.

Meanwhile, a certain Shinigami watched and waited for the arrival of the one he wished to kill. This man had weak level hollow and a strong one to protect him, though they only appeared when he called them. Most hollow were fairly weak (5-1 or 4-3) but the strong one was easily a challenge for someone Snopy's level (3-2).

Snopy's Post

Snopy detected the fall of one hollow in the distance. He was happy that she was ok. Though he had no time for relief as he sensed two more powerful hollow encroached her position. He was worried about her, but immediately shoved the thoughts from his mind. She was strong, and he had to focus or he'd be killed by whatever lurked around the area. He sensed a lot of the energy was around a single point. That point, he knew was Masakage. Suddenly Snopy stopped running, sliding a few feet as the friction killed of the momentum. He had sensed something, and it was very near. He'd soon be seeing it.

Moving in on him, was a large spider like hollow. It was taller than him, and had 8 long sharp legs. Snopy could tell those things would tear him open faster than a child opening Christmas presents. He saw one of the legs rise up and come swinging at him. Snopy ducked and raised his Zanpakutō, which was still in his hand. He blocked another leg as it came down upon him. He could feel his feel sliding along the wet ground. That is when he remembered, it was raining. Water conducted electricity. And he currently had his Zanpakutō in contact with one of the razor-like legs. Snopy smiled for a moment. Hadō 11, Tsuzuri Raiden. An electric current pulsed through his blade, traveling straight into the hollow's leg. It had absolutely no problem traveling up the leg and zapping the whole spider.

Temporarily paralyzed, the spider could do nothing as Snopy jumped up at it and brought his blade down upon it. His blade, however, stopped. This hollow's mask was rather strong and not easy to penetrate. Snopy jumped back as the monster regained motor functions and nearly cleaved his head off. The blade just missed his neck, but slid smoothly across Snopy's exposed left arm, leaving a long gash. Somehow, Snopy had managed to prevent it from going too deep into his arm, lowering the bleeding significantly. Still, he would have preferred to not have been busted open. The hollow was relentless as it moved in again.

Snopy made a risky move, he ran straight at the hollow and slid under it. If he messed up at all he was a goner, so he had to hope his aim hadn't deteriorated. Hadō #4, Byakurai! He fired a Byakurai at the underside of the hollow's head, popping it like a grape. The hollow died in an instant, before fading away. Snopy observed the fresh wound on his arm. It wasn't bleeding much at all, by some miracle. He counted his blessings as he continued forward.

He felt it, he was approaching the final battle ground. Though he didn't know how much Kanna would have to break through to reach him. This was indeed the final battle ground, but it would by no means be a short one. As he entered a large square in the abandoned section, he saw Masakage standing across from him. Greetings Snopy Saika, welcome, to your burial ground.
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Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:29 am
Kanna's senses were going at full power at this point. She was one hundred percent alert and could tell that the two Hollow were sneaking up behind her. She waited for them to launch their attacks, able to know their exact position by the minor sounds that they were creating when moving along the floor. She just stood there perfectly still, waiting... Finally they moved. A fireball was shot towards her. It wasn't as large as she thought it might be and it's power wasn't like it could be. Obviously it was holding back, so she would hold her own power back as well. Shunpo'ing off to the side, she dodged the snakes attempt to grab her AND the fireball at the same time. She darted forward towards the right of the dog Hollow's body and swung her sword though his side, causing a rather large gash. These Hollow obviously were not intelligent either. This was going to be easy, but to get this done without using very much of her spiritual pressure was going to be a slight problem in the long run.

She smirked. She got an idea. She had already angered the Dog Hollow by injuring him. Now standing behind him, it shot a larger fireball towards her. She moved off to the left of it, running around. It followed her, shooting off multiple fireballs at a decent speed. One, two, three, four. It was obvious he had a large amount before he was forced to stop. On the fifth one though. It seemed he had run out. At this moment, the snake went in for it's own attack, lunging at her. She moved off to the side of it, just barely being missed by it's attack. It swung it's arm towards her. She ducked down under it, once again just barely being missed. She saw that the dog was moving forward once again and raised an eyebrow. It jumped over the snake to try and get her. Her eyes widened for a brief moment, but stopped when she ran towards him. Before it landed, she had moved under it and raised her sword, now slicing into the stomach of the Dog Hollow by running under him. The snake then snapped at her, seeming to not care that it was also semi-attacking the Dog Hollow. Kanna shunpo'd out of the way, appearing a short ten feet away from them. She narrowed her eyes and watched as the regained their composure.

Obviously they were not done. Kanna realized something though. They had no regard for one another and only wanted to attempt to annihilate her. Advantage found. She smirked and waited. Once again, and just like she thought, they separated to attack from different angles. She took no time to wait. She shunpo'd forward towards the Dog Hollow. Moving towards his other side, she stabbed her katana directly into his side, causing it to howl loudly and jump around to attempt to shake her off. She did not let go. She only waited for the right time. It happened. Just like she thought, the snake took this time to sneak up and attempt to get her for himself. Kanna waited for him to strike and the moment the Snake Hollow did, she vanished. The Snake Hollow's attack slammed into the side of the Dog Hollow, causing him to fall. They soon jumped back to their feet, regaining composure once more and turned to her. The Dog once again began firing a large amount of Fireballs towards her.

Kanna, seeing these coming ran towards the left. The Snake Hollow slithered towards her and attempted to strike, but she jumped backwards to dodge it. The Dog Hollow was now on number four and began to fire it. This one missed. Kanna jumped into the air, the Dog aimed and shot at her. As Kanna kept moving the fireball passed her and slammed into the mask of the Snake Hollow, killing it. Kanna took this time to run towards the Dog Hollow and brought her sword around in a strong swing. Her blade sliced through the Hollows mask and head, causing the Dog Hollow to also die. She landed gracefully and now without any hesitation turned towards where she knew Snopy was. She couldn't sense any very close Hollow near her anymore, so waiting here was no longer an option. She shunpo'd out of there, leaving the area and soon to be appearing near Snopy in hopes of helping him out. "Hang on... I'm coming, Snopy." she mumbled under her breath as she continued on.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sun Jul 08, 2012 3:29 am
Snopy stood a mere 20 feet from Masakage. The rain was coming down hard. The wind was howling loudly, and the energy of hollow were nearby. Snopy was unaware that Kanna was approaching the location, he had stopped trying to sense her awhile ago. Snopy was in no mood for games. He was in a strange mood, he left himself unchained, he would speak exactly as he felt. What he felt, was a combination of many emotions. There was some anger at the being before him, there was a little bit of regret, among other things. Here, it would all pour out.

Well Saika, I'm surprised you actually came. Thought you would have tried to run home crying. Snopy took a deep breathe before responding. That was never an option for me. Even if it seemed hopeless, I could not run. He let off a long sigh. My friend is out here helping me fight my battle, I refuse to abandon her. Whether or not she actually needs me, is of no concern. If she's still here, I'm still here. Masakage started to laugh, he had found something about the situation humorous. Oh right, the Vice Captain of Squad 4. Haha, yea, I'm so afraid of her. She's probably dead right now. Snopy's fist tightened when he said this. Though his tone remained calm. She's not dead. I sensed it earlier, the hollow you had sent after her weren't enough.

Masakage began to laugh even harder. What does it matter if she is alive? That bitch won't come to save you. His fist tightened to the point of almost bleeding. She is not a bitch! His tone was something that it hadn't been in years. For the first time in decades, Snopy showed anger on his voice. In fact, he had screamed it out rather loudly. Yet somehow this only made Masakage laugh even harder. You're getting so defensive of her. Whats the matter...wait a minute. He broke out in an uncontrollable laughter. He was even more messed up than Snopy remembered. I can't believe it, you have a crush on the girl. He was laughing hysterically between each sentence. So what, do you love her? His laughter was getting harder and harder. However it was silenced rather quickly. Maybe I do love her, what of it?

Snopy had spoken them loud and with truth. This was enough to kill the laugh Masakage had been irritatingly repeating. Masakage, this is something you do not understand, basic human emotion. Do you know why I fight? I do it to protect the people I care about. I draw strength from these emotions, and I give it all I have. You don't understand emotions, you have nothing you truly desire to protect. I'm done hiding from it, I do love Kanna. But it is precisely these emotions that give me the burning desire to live. Masakage Fukushima Snopy drew his blade and pointed it at him. He loudly shouted out. Behold your executioner!

If you want music and want it to be more epic and intense.

If you want music and you want it more of a relaxed calm, yet still final battle worthy track.

Snopy took his blade in his hand and Shunpo'd at Masakage with full speed. He brought it down, only to have Masakage block it. Do you really think you still stand a chance? Snopy glanced around to see various hollow coming out, he was on his own from what he could see. Snopy jumped back as Masakage fought back, and soon Snopy found himself dodging hollow after hollow after Masakage's blade. If he only could somehow get the hollow off him, he could deal with Masakage. At this rate, Snopy might be killed.

Note: The hollow on Snopy are weak, I'll do the actual NPC thing in my next post. After Kanna saves the day
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Sun Jul 08, 2012 4:19 am
Kanna didn't seem to have any other Hollow or enemy coming after her anymore. She was almost there. She was currently running through the empty streets of a village to get to him. He wasn't that far off now. In fact. She had arrived. Kanna stopped in her tracks, her spiritual pressure completely hidden to allow her to examine the situation and come up with a good way of ending this soon. She had stopped behind a large tree at the edge of the village. The rain was coming down rather hard. Clouds had darkened the sky and the area around, allowing her to hide much easier than she would have if it was sunny out. She was only fifteen feet away from Snopy and this strange man. At first she was attempting to come up with a battle plan, but a few words she heard from Snopy and the insane man caught her attention and she pretty much forgot about it. Her eyes widened and she did her best to listen in, trying her best to ignore the constant sound of water hitting the ground around her. It wasn't helping her mission to eaves drop at all.

Kanna peeked her head out from around the tree just enough for her to see them and make out their location. She heard Snopy suddenly yell, "She is not a bitch!" She just blinked a few times and listened in even more. The man began laughing hysterically, but ended up asking a question that Kanna herself had wondered. Why WAS he becoming so defensive of her. Kanna had no idea that Snopy even had the ability to become angry, and to see him get that way over a small comment made by some insane guy from the Gotei 13, it surprised her. The two continued, only to startle Kanna even more. The man said that he had a crush on her, which was something she had heard being talked about between him and Kaminari, but when Snopy did not hesitate to agree with him, she didn't know what to feel. Kanna took a deep breath and pushed herself back behind the tree, leaning her back against the trunk and laying her head backwards against it as well. She didn't know how to react to that, at least not anymore. Before she would blush, smile, giggle, but now she didn't know what to do.

The thing that actually made her heart skip a beat was the fact that the man didn't stop with his questions. He even went far enough to ask Snopy whether he loved her or not. Snopy didn't say an exact yes, but his words pretty much admitted that he did. Kanna took in yet another large breath to calm herself down. She peeked around the tree once more to watch them, seeing that Snopy was ready to fight. She had no clue of the danger lurking behind her. Her mind was clouded and distracted with everything that she had just found out. Suddenly a sharp pain hit her back, coming up from her lower back all the way up to her left shoulder. She didn't make a single noise. She only gritted her teeth tightly together, actually causing slight pain in her own jaw. She snapped her head around to see that a mere Hollow had gotten behind her. She easily sliced through it. It was seriously weak. The fact that it got that close to her showed that she really needed to get back into focusing and concentrate on the mission. That Hollow died and she turned towards them once more, now concentrating again.

They had finally begun to fight, but Snopy was having his own problems with Hollows as well. With how many that were surrounding him, she did her best to come up with a quick plan. That was all shot when she saw that Masakage was coming up with his own little plan. She had to act quickly before anything else happened. "SHO!" a simple Kidō, but it was fast and it would get what she needed to do done. A large and clear push of energy shot forth, not towards the Hollow, not towards Masakage, but instead towards Snopy. As long as he didn't do anything crazy, it would slam into his side and push him a good fifteen feet away from them. While the Sho was being shot off, Kanna immediately began chanting for another Kidō. "Sphere of power, form in my hand. Feel the call of the thunder!" She shunpo'd forward as a ball of electricity formed in her hand. Once she got close enough, she tossed it right into the middle of the Hollow, "Hadō Seven, Denki-dama!" and shunpo'd towards Snopy. The ball of electricity would hit the ground and spread out like a hand grenade against the other Hollow, and even hit Masakage if he was stupid enough to stand still.

Now standing in back of Snopy, she crossed her arms along her chest and stared towards this insane member of Gotei 13. She purposely had not even looked towards Snopy because she didn't know how she would react if she did. Her eyes were slightly narrowed, she was soaked, and she was ready to fight no matter how many of these Hollows he had. She had also purposely moved behind Snopy so he would not be able to see the large gash on her back that was still gushing large amounts of blood. She would have to have someone take care of that later. Right now, she had this man and the mission to worry about, along with getting Snopy and herself out of here safely.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:02 pm
Snopy had somehow dodged pretty well, but the numbers game was catching up to him. One blade like appendage rocketed towards Snopy's chest, Snopy wasn't sure he could make it in time. Suddenly his eyes widened as he heard Kanna's voice, and soon he found himself sent flying out of the way of the hollow. He landed 15 feet from them. He now was sitting on the ground, as he watched Kanna decimate the hollow with the spell. Masakage however has jumped back and avoided the damage of the spell. Yet somehow, he could not feel relieved. He had avoided death, but neither him nor Kanna were in the clear yet.

Snopy got back onto his feet. Thank you Kanna. He spoke with genuine sincerity on his voice. The next line, he hated to say. I'll deal with Masakage, so can you handle the hollow for me? He looked over at Masakage and a large, though he was faking, grin appeared on his face. Oh I get it. You're afraid of me. You don't want to fight me one on one. I get it. Masakage seemed to get angry. If we fought I would annihilate you! Are you sure, I mean you did just send those hollow at me. And you didn't even fight me one on one, despite this gash on my arm. He pointed out the gash that was created by the spider-like hollow before. Though it wasn't too serious, it certainly looked it. Oh but I guess if you're too chicken. Masakage pointed a Snopy and shouted. I'm going to completely destroy you you little fucker. Hollow, focus on the girl! Snopy was a little happy, taunt successful. He turned back to Kanna. Please do your best not to get hurt.

Turning back to Masakage he took a second to gather his thoughts. Now then, where were we. Oh that's right. Masakage Fukushima, behold your executioner. This time he spoke it in a more calm tone, yet still fit the mood.

~If you want music for the fight, I suggest this. Snopy OST wise, I call it "Decisive Battle ~Insanity Mix~" seeing as Masakage is insane. If you don't want music, disregard the spoiler.

Snopy gripped his blade once more and Shunpo'd at Masakage. He brought his arm to his other side, causing his blade to be pointing behind him, as he had crossed it over his body. He unleashed a long horizontal swing. He didn't expect a hit, but he was trying for one. Masakage held his blade in front of himself and blocked the attack, rather easily. Yet Snopy held out his free hand. Hadō #4, Byakurai. He fired straight at Masakage's chest, but Masakake Shunpo'd out of the way before impact. The beam flew out and poked a hole in a nearby building.

Hadō #3, Piercing shot. Masakage had gotten behind him and fired off a bullet of Reiatsu. Snopy sighed and didn't move a muscle. The bullet rushed past him without even striking him. Masakage, is your aim always this bad? Snopy wasn't being arrogant, you could tell from his voice it was an honest question. He had seen people with much poorer control over Kidō fire more accurately. You think? I just let that miss. Snopy was in no mood, so he turned and once more rushed. Hadō #1, Sho. He aimed the spell at Masakage. At his level, it wouldn't knock Masakage down, but it would disorient him enough for his tastes. Masakage didn't expect it, seeing as Masakage thought it was a useless spell.

Masakage didn't lose grip of his blade, but he stumbled back for a bit. Snopy rushed in at full speed, intent on bringing it through his heart. The blade almost made contact with the psycho's chest, but Masakage stopped trying to stand and allowed his imbalance and the wet ground to cause him to fall. Then he quickly brought his sword up on Snopy, between his legs. Snopy Shunpo'd faster than he ever had, reappearing 10 feet away. Hey, I might need that someday! What if I want to have kids, I can't have them if I'm neutered! He said it in a surprised tone. You don't have to yell. Besides when I kill you you won't be having kids anyway. Snopy sighed as Masakage then rushed at him. Rather than using his sword, he pulled back his fist. Masakage actually planned on punching Snopy, but Snopy had no plans on this going into unarmed mode. He raised his right hand, cupped into a fist of his own. Snopy wasn't facing Masakage, but the back of his hand was. Bakudo #8, Seki. A small round orb appeared, floating behind Snopy's hand. Masakage's fist slammed into it, with Masakage being knocked back a few feet.

Hadō #4, Byakurai. Snopy fired off a Byakurai at the once again disoriented man. Masakage, however, jumped out of the way rather easily. Neither had landed a hit, and Snopy could tell this fight wouldn't be short. He did his best not to think about Kanna, that would most likely distract him. Distraction, was not something he needed in this fight.

Meanwhile, with the hollow.

The hollow initially in the area had been slain by Kanna's spell. But that wasn't all of them. After Snopy's taunt, more began to show themselves, all aiming for Kanna.

There were several, all of varying strength levels. One of them was equal to Kanna. This one was yet another massive hollow, resembling a giant lizard. This hollow (2-3) had the ability to shoot blasts of energy from it's mouth, much like a Bala. To top it off, there were sharp spikes coming off of its legs, which could be deadly. Other than that though, it was just giant lizard. It wasn't slow though, and did have a capability to jump.

A few of the hollow were just a little stronger than Snopy (3-3). These ones all looked similar to each other, though with minute differences. They were, more or less, like tigers. They were bigger than people were, though not by too much. They had no special powers so to speak, but they were agile.

Finally, there were the grunts of the grunts. These hollow (5-1) were all weaklings, nothing but fodder. However, if one wasn't careful, they were capable of causing damage. These hollow were just small, four legged creatures. Their numbers, of course, were the greatest due to their strength. Kanna would have to be careful against the number of opponents, and the fact that they aren't slow.

Note: Serenity, you can make show themselves however you want, just know there are a decent amount of the middle strength and a lot of the weak ones.

And on an off note. When I put up that song, I couldn't help but think.
*epic music starts*
*Psychotic Squad Member Masakage would like to battle.*
*Masakage sent out hollow.*
*Go Snopy.*
*Snopy used Byakurai. But it missed*
Ah pokemon references lolz.
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Sun Jul 08, 2012 7:39 pm
As Snopy returned to his own two feet, Kanna turned her gaze towards him to see if he was all right. She didn't see anything wrong for the moment, so her attention went right back towards Masakage while speaking to Snopy, "You're welcome and if that is what you're wanting to do then fine. I'll take care of the Hollow and keep them off of your back..." Kanna let out a slightly irritated sigh, but stood by to be ready to fight. She listened to the two of them talk back and forth to one another. Masakage seemed nothing more than a worthless coward in Kanna's eyes. Kanna actually had to fight a chuckle when Snopy's attempt to taunt the insane man worked and all the Hollow began to focus on her. She kept herself still only for a moment, Zanpakutō tightly in hand as she waited for the Hollow to attack her. It was too bad that she wasn't going to be able to watch Snopy and the Insanity driven lunatic battle it out, but she'd rather not sit by and just watch. She was a girl who didn't mind a little bit of action as well, although, the large gash on her back, which Snopy luckily did not see, was going to cause a bit of problems if this battle went on too long.

Once the Hollow appeared, Kanna realized she actually was going to have a few problems with this. Not only was one of them similar in her power level, but it was large. There were four tiger like ones that were obviously agile and quick, whether their power levels were near here own or not didn't matter if they were quick enough to get a hit on her. Then there were eight of these small and worthless Hollow, whose power wasn't even worth mentioning, but their numbers could definitely deal damage. Kanna actually gritted her teeth again, scowling at the fact that she knew she was going to get injured in this. "Great... This is just fucking great." she thought to herself as the Hollow began to surround her. The larger one moved behind her, while the smaller ones were in front and the four tiger-like Hollow were on each of her sides. "This... is going to be a serious problem..."

A loud Howl sounded from the Hollow behind and Kanna could sense that he was ready to start this battle. None of them wasted time. The eight small weaklings immediately went in as fast as they could, their little legs carrying them pretty quickly. Kanna was able to jump away from them, only to have one of the tigers to attempt to strike at her side. She shunpo'd away from it's claw, only to immediately be attacked by yet another tiger. Shunpo'ing again, she moved out of the way and accidentally in the way of a shot of energy from the larger Hollow. Her eyes widened as she saw in coming towards her and brought her Zanpakutō upwards to stop it. In the mid air, using a temporary footing beneath her feet, she fought the energy ball for two seconds before redirecting it towards one of the tiger Hollow. It slammed into the Hollow and killed it. "Yeah... One down out of sixteen isn't going to do much..." she narrowed her eyes as she tried to think of some way to get this over and done with.

The Hollows continued to attack. Kanna kept dodging over and over again, never really getting a chance to counter attack. After a few more shunpo, she began to get really irritated and shunpo'd a good distance away from them and Snopy and Masakage. The Hollow immediately followed suit and began running towards her, trying to close the now fifty foot gap between them. Kanna was not about to allow this. She was bleeding heavily and was beginning to feel lightheaded because of the loss of blood. Holding out the palm of her hand, she began to say an incantation, "Ye lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man!" The small Hollow didn't seem to pay any mind to what she was doing as she continued the chant, but the other Hollow's did, "Truth and temperance, upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws!" With the chant complete, she let her Kidō fire, "Hadō thirty three! SOKATSUI!"

It had been a very, very long time since Kanna used a Kidō's incantation. To bring out her Kidō at full power was not something she did often, but in this situation she felt she must. An extremely large burst of blue energy shot out from her hand, reaching about thirty foot in length and fifty foot in height. It's speed was something that only a few of them had the ability to dodge, and that was only because they seemed to have paid attention to the fact that she was chanting for a Kidō. Two of the tigers and the large Hollow jumped out of the way, landing off to her left side ready to fight, but the other Hollow were all caught in the blast and killed easily. The pure power of this Kidō was enough to push those of weaker power off their feet just for being near it. The Hollow themselves actually had to catch their balance before attempting to attack again. Once the Kidō stopped, a large scar in the earth was the only evidence of it having been shot. Kanna turned her attention towards the Hollow with a smirk on her face, "Let's see if you can cause as much trouble for me when you're numbers have dwindled..."
The Site Hideyoshi
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Sun Jul 08, 2012 10:27 pm
Da battle rages on, the music proves it ^

Snopy once again stood at a distance. His eyes locked on Masakage, neither had landed a single blow on each other. They were, if one ignored experience and intelligence, equals. Snopy, however, had the advantage in both those situations. He had learned much about fighting during his lifetime. On top of it, deductive reasoning and quick thinking had saved him on more than one occasion.

Snopy's Reiatsu output increased as he was about to charge up another spell, when he was interrupted. So the girl, you sure you don't want to check up on her? She could be dying, in fact, she probably was. Snopy stood firm. I'm not an idiot, I know what you're trying, and it won't work. She'll be fine, I'm not worried. All Masakage was doing was trying to distract him. Though in truth, Snopy was worried. Yet he shoved the thoughts out of his head, he couldn't allow them to cloud his judgement. As he had stated before, he emotions and desires were his power. However, if he didn't keep them in check, they would become his weakness.

Hadō #3, Piercing shot. He fired off a purple Reiatsu bullet from his finger, before Shunpo'ing to another spot. He fired off another shot. Neither shot was meant to strike. The first was aimed more at the right side of Masakage's body, which naturally would make Masakage move left to dodge easier. It indeed caused the psychotic Shinigami to move left, a little closer to where Snopy stood as he made the second shot. This one was shot from the side, aiming more towards the front. This forced Masakage to jump backwards. What Masakage didn't know, was Snopy had already Shunpo'd behind him. Snopy was easily within strike range by the time he knew what was happening.

Snopy brought his blade up and slashed diagonally, from top right to bottom left. Masakage raised his hands up, as he couldn't move his sword in time. Snopy's blade sliced across his right forearm, leaving a nice wound behind. Snopy then went in for another shot at the heart. Unfortunately Masakage wasn't slow, jumping back a short distance. Snopy had just proven that he had the mental advantage. Though if he didn't keep his wits about him, he would be in trouble. Snopy refused to let his guard down. Rule number one of fighting, never underestimate your opponent.

Snopy had no time to rest for even a moment as Masakage fired off a Byakurai at him. Snopy turned his body so it was parallel to the shot, and stepped back as the shot flew past him. Masakage rushed forward at Snopy, who swung his blade to meet the oncoming attack. The blades struck each other with a loud clang. Snopy Shunpo'd to the side and attempted to get a hit on the side. The attack failed, ending with the clang of their blades. Snopy pulled back and swung again with another clang. Then Masakage Shunpo'd faster than Snopy ever believed he could. Snopy was surprised, but kept a cool head and jumped forward, doing the best he could to get away from the man now behind him. He was only half successful, as the blade cut open Snopy's back a little.

It was bleeding, but it wasn't a large enough cut to bother him from a pain standpoint. Snopy simply turned around. Hadō #4, Byakurai. He shot off a Byakurai so fast Masakage hadn't expected it. This caused it to strike part of his arm, causing minor damage. Snopy was unsure of why he hadn't seen it coming. Did he think Snopy would need a moment to gather himself? Or was he just that arrogant?

Snopy didn't allow himself to stop to ponder, as he rushed in again. You're pretty relentless aren't you? Snopy didn't respond. He was aware that all of the hollow were after Kanna, and when she won Masakage would be alone. He did find it slightly amusing that Masakage was beginning to get nervous. Snopy had been holding back his Shunpo a bit. It wasn't the best, but he could use it a little more effectively.

As their blades clashed, Snopy vanished and appeared to the side. Their blades struck again. He vanished again, but this time, appeared moments later in the same spot. Masakage hadn't expected this, so he had is sights elsewhere. Hadō #3, Piercing shot. He fired the bullet which struck into Masakage's back. It hadn't caused much damage, as Masakage had moved slightly and caused it to miss the organ Snopy was aiming at. However, it would hurt, it would bleed, and it would be detrimental.

After the shot came out, Snopy brought his blade down again, though it was blocked again. Snopy had not yet fatigued, he hadn't been putting enough strength into his blows to fatigue. He was always a fan of pacing himself. He preferred allowing the enemy to wear themselves down, then going in for the attack. Masakage had been wasting energy this entire fight. Using full force whenever moving. His energy was beginning to wear down. Snopy knew for a fact the idiot had been randomly shooting off spells while he waited for Snopy to arrive. He sensed the Kidō. Yet Snopy was surprised, despite all this Masakage had been holding up pretty well.

Their blades collided several times as they fought. However, Snopy could tell Masakage was reaching his limit. It was true, Snopy wasn't strong. However, even against his average powered slashes (for his level), Masakage was having trouble holding them back. He was being pushed to the point he was forced to walk backwards as they fought. Snopy felt, this might be over soon. He was actually going to beat this guy. It was only a matter of time.
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:46 am
Most of the Hollows had fallen to her Sokatsui. There were only a few that continued to live, one of them being the stronger of the sixteen that had first attacked. Kanna narrowed her eyes, knowing that it would come in for the attack soon. Her back was beginning to cause a few problems, the pain starting to distract her. The amount of blood she was losing was sure to become fatal if she did not end this soon. As she moved around, blood was splattering around the area and the rain was not helping this situation. Now that there were only three Hollow left, she knew that she would have the upper hand when it comes to her own strength and power level. The only problem was whether she would be able to finish this quick enough to-... That's when she remembered. A certain ability that she had not used in such a long time would be perfect right now. Kanna took in a deep breath and stopped hiding her spiritual pressure.

Like an oozing mist, a light blue colored energy seeped out of her body and into the air around. Suddenly, the wounds on her body began to heal much faster than they would with any healing Kidō that she possessed. She felt some of the pain going away and the blood was slowing down. The Hollow's noticed her transformation and the large one immediately shot forth five energy balls towards her. She shunpo'd out of the way, moving off to the left with every ball that came at her direction. Seeing the tiger Hollow run towards her, she jumped away from them. The larger Hollow shot another energy ball towards her while she was trying to land. She went to move, but the rain had made the ground beneath her feet much more slippery than she had first thought. She fell backwards, loosing her footing and the energy ball slammed into her body. Being hit, she let out a short scream, but quickly stopped it before she once again had to dodge. Pushing herself into the air, she moved out of the way of one of the Tiger Hollow's claws, but it still was able to graze her. Landing a few feet away from Snopy and Masakage now, she moved her hand across to her right side where the Tiger hollow had just attacked.

"Now... You're getting on my fucking nerves...." Kanna said in a slight hiss as she stood up fully. Her body was once again healing itself at a rapid rate, but this was using a large amount of her spiritual pressure. Deciding that it was time to stop playing games and allowing her clouded mind to screw up her chances of survival, she raised her sword. One of the tiger hollow ran towards her and attempted another strike at her side, but with a swift swing of her blade, she sliced it's entire arm off and then brought the blade back through it's mask. It died. The second tiger ran at her and the larger Lizard like Hollow jumped forward, landing to her right. As the Tiger Hollow lunged forth, she raised her right finger and pointed towards it's stomach, "Hadō Number One, Sho." The tiger was then pushed back into the spiked legs of the lizard Hollow, causing it's death.

With that, there was only one left. Kanna looked up to it as it once again attempted to shoot her down with an energy ball. "Not this time." Kanna said shunpo'ing upward towards it's head. She swing her blade across and sliced with the utmost ease through it's head. Why these Hollows had given her such trouble, she didn't really know, but now they were all dead. As the larger Hollow began to disintegrate, she fell straight to the ground. She had used up a large amount of her spiritual pressure and was also wounded rather badly. She took slow breaths, no longer facing Snopy and Masakage.
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 1:31 am

Snopy and Masakage's fight appeared to be nearing its conclusion. They now had both injured each other. However, the amount of damage dealt was much greater than Snopy received. He had Masakage on the ropes. He just had to find the opening he needed to end it. Snopy only needed strike a vital organ or a major artery. Should he hit either, Masakage would lose the ability to fight, instantly if it was a major enough organ.

Snopy glanced over at Kanna from time to time, but only when there was a gap between him and his opponent. He was worried about her, really worried. She had been injured by the hollow, and wasn't in good condition. He wanted to end this soon, so he could help her in some way or another. He couldn't stand to see her like that. His tempo and overall force would increase in an effort to finish his foe.

As their blades clashed, he began trying to find an opening. If he hit the heart or lungs it would be best. A strike to the brain would effectively end it if the opportunity arose. Masakage was obviously getting desperate. His fighting had become much more violent, like an animal backed into a corner. He also seemed like he was trying to find a way, any way, out of this. Masakage Shunpo'd away and began to speak before Snopy could follow.

Very good Snopy. Very good. Masakage had a slow clap going on. You've succeeded in proving your worth. Snopy knew for a fact Masakage was lying. You don't know how tired I am of your bullshit. My nerves are truly wearing I've lost all tolerance for it long ago. Masakage faked an upset look on his face. What? You have to believe me. Believe you? Snopy looked towards where Kanna was, as she had returned nearby. You fucking almost killed her! You really think I'm going to listen to a word you say? I know you. This wasn't some kind of test, you want to kill me. To top it off, once you've injured someone I care about, all negotiations are off. You're dead to me, and soon you'll be dead to the rest of the world.

Buddy, you need to ca- Masakage was cut off as Snopy rushed him. Hadō #4, Byakurai! Snopy fired off a Byakurai which Masakage dodged, albeit barely. Snopy swung his Zanpakutō on Masakage in a violent flurry. Snopy really wanted to end this as soon as possible. He wanted to go and see how Kanna was doing, but he couldn't until Masakage was finished. The attacks were blocked, time and time again. But Masakage was being forced back. Snopy continued to fight, even as Masakage began to speak.

You know Saika, that girl is injured, aren't you worried at all. Snopy refused to lose his focus. He spoke while continuing the flurry. Of course I am, but I know what you're trying to do and it won't work. I can't possible help her until you're gone. Masakage was noticeably irritated the tactic didn't work. Yet Snopy could tell, he wasn't done. But what if one of you doesn't make it out of this? Don't you want to say goodbye? Snopy spoke with determination. We're going to make it out of this alive, I'll make sure neither me nor Kanna dies. Masakae got a large grin on his face. Are you sure? I mean does she know what you said earlier? Don't you want to tell her you love her.

Note: If music is playing, cut it off. It will no longer fit the post.

Snopy's eyes widened as the words left his lips. Kanna was in hearing distance, and Masakage had said it loudly. She had to have heard it, Snopy knew it. This fact distracted Snopy. As Snopy's guard was down it happened. Snopy's blade was knocked out of the way and Masakage sent his sword straight for his heart. Snopy was so dazed, he could not attempt to block. His attempt at evasion only moved him a little before the blade had penetrated straight through his chest.

Snopy coughed up blood as it went through, letting out a small scream. Snopy was in massive pain. He was bleeding, and losing blood fast. Snopy could barely move, but he lifted his hand up and placed it on Masakage's sword. He pulled it out of him the best he could as blood gushed out. Masakage took a step back as he gazed in amusement. Crap...I...let my guard down. Snopy had taken quite a bit of damage. The blade had damaged both his heart and his right lung. Topped off with the blood loss, he knew he was a goner. He would most likely black out in 5-10 minutes, and die within the hour. He fell to the ground, lying on one knee, with both hands on the ground. He coughed up more and more blood as he say there. He was in trouble, and he felt this may be the end. Meanwhile, Masakage stood back, laughing. And thus ends the life of the Lone Renegade of the Saika.

Note: Serenity, you have a good grip of this guy's personality, feel free to work with his personality. Just know he might at some point get scared and beg for mercy, which will be funny.
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:16 am
Kanna's spiritual pressure was beginning to run out. She maybe had twenty more minutes left before it was completely gone. Because of this, she stopped her self-healing process and just laid there. Knowing that this was Snopy and Masakage's battle, she took a few seconds to rest. She was breathing slightly heavy, but she was okay. She turned over to watch the two of them. At this point, Masakage was once again attempting to take Snopy off guard with annoying words. Snopy wasn't having it though. He fought back and was almost successful until a certain subject came up. She heard Masakage tell Snopy that he might want to say goodbye. She was not that far off yet, so this made her smirk for a single moment. She was only tired and her energy had been drained due to such a long battle. Technically, this was her first actual mission since she had joined the Gotei 13, and it was voluntary. This fact made her chuckle a bit more as she watched the two have it out. Then she heard it.

"Are you sure? I mean does she know what you said earlier? Don't you want to tell her you love her." Masakage's words echoed, repeating multiple times within her mind.

Kanna's eyes widened when she heard these words. Yes, she heard their previous conversation about him liking her, but she still was not used to it. It was like something was snapping in her mind. Like a machine that had been turned off years and years ago was just plugged back in and attempting to start up. It didn't help when she continued to watch the scene before her. Snopy had been stabbed right through the chest and the placement was fatal. Kanna knew that he wouldn't survive a wound like that if he didn't get any help. Snopy fell to his knee and coughed up some blood, just to have Masakage step back and laugh at him. This angered Kanna immensely. "Snopy... get up. Get up... now...." she thought to herself, for some reason too choked up to actually use her voice, so she switched up, "Kanna... get your ass up NOW."

Suddenly a burst of her own spiritual pressure shot out from her body, enough power behind it to cause a crater beneath her and her hair and clothes to blow as if it were windy. Kanna stood up, her hand still wrapped tightly around the Zanpakutō that she never let go of. A look of fiery and immense anger could be seen brightening her eyes. Masakage looked towards her with slightly widened eyes, "What is this!? The Squad Four's Lieutenant showing a bit of back bone?! Don't make me laugh! Oh wait... please do! Ahah-" Before he even got a chuckle off, Kanna shunpo'd forward, appearing in front of him with her blade already slicing upwards through the front of his body. Blood splattered outwards from the wound, splashing onto Kanna's face as this was done.

"What?! How can this be!? You dare cut me you filthy woman!" Masakage yelled out as if in desperation. Kanna didn't give him any mercy about now. She was furious. Swinging the sharp end of her blade downwards, she sliced his entire right arm from his body. "My arm! It hurts! It hurts!" the insane man looked to Kanna with wide eyes, beginning to beg her for some sort of mercy, "P-Pleease... I don't want to die... Don't kill me! Please!" Kanna just stared down at him with one of the coldest and most uncaring glares she had ever given anyone. In truth, if he saw it, this look might even slightly frighten Snopy. Nothing but the intent to KILL lay within her eyes and the way she spoke...

"And now comes the death of the madman of Squad Twelve." Kanna placed the tip of her blade on the side of his head. And slowly, she pressed it forward and into his skull. For a few seconds the madman Masakage screamed at the top of his lungs, but that soon died down once too much damage had been done to his brain for him to continue yelling. At this point, he was still alive, but Kanna wasn't done. He would die, she knew it. She had purposely hit a certain part of the brain that would cause him to still live for just a few more moments, "Hadō Number Eleven, Tsuzuri Raiden." A yellow current of electricity then ran through the blade of her Zanpakutō and into the head of Masakage. The strength of this Kidō caused the man's head to practically explode. His body slid off the edge of her blade and fell limply to the ground.

At this point, Kanna had shown an almost evil and deadly side of her. She turned away from the dead body of Masakage and towards Snopy once more. She stood about ten feet away from him now. Stepping towards him, the look to annihilate was still plastered onto her face. A dark and menacing aura seemed to be around her. She knelt down next to him, closed her eyes for a moment and once she opened them, they were back to their normal. Never before had Kanna felt such an amount of rage and hate for someone. She had toyed with him by not just cutting off his head at the first strike, and then to add insult to injury, she blew his head up after making him suffer.
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