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The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:50 am
Snopy sat on the ground, breathing violently and coughing like crazy. His body seemed to be just giving up on him. He could barely move from his position. So, this is the end? This is how I'm going to die... He was upset. He didn't want to die. However, more on his mind, was Kanna. She seemed quite exhausted, and he hoped she had enough energy left to survive.

As he lye gasping for breath, he suddenly felt something. There was a sharp spike in Reiatsu, and the sound of the very ground moving, as if something had smashed into it. He did his best to turn his head and saw Kanna. On her face, was a look he had never seen before. It was pure hatred, the intent to kill. It was something he never thought he'd see on her face. Perhaps most would have been scared, but Snopy wasn't. He trusted Kanna so much that this wouldn't frighten him. On top of that, he was going to die, so he already was in deep water.

While still gasping for breath, he watched as the events unfolded. As Masakage made another remark, she Shunpo'd forward and sliced him open. The sheer speed and force behind it was amazing. Snopy almost rolled his eyes a bit as Masakage made a rather rude remark, despite the situation he was in. That's when Kanna brought her blade down, and Masakage's arm came off. The sheer force, the sheer aggression. Yet deep down, Snopy was happy as he watched it. He did not have a psychotic sense of humor, nor was he generally a fan of this sort of thing. He didn't find pleasure in watching a man's arm fall off. He was happy because he knew, Kanna's rage was triggered by his injury. He did not like seeing people he cared about upset. He didn't like when they were angry, but he felt happy because it showed she did care.

Then came the most disturbing part. Kanna slowly ran her blade into Masakage's head. It was brutal, and Snopy was surprised. He was unaware she had intentionally kept him alive during the process, so he wondered how he could possibly still be alive. He had no experience with it, seeing as he didn't stab many people in the fact, he couldn't remember a time when he did. His eyes widened a bit as she cast a spell and nearly blew his head up.

When she finished, she turned towards him. She slowly approached, the intention to kill still on her faced. As she approached, he didn't feel any fear. He trusted her, so fear was unneeded. As she knelt down next to him, he was happy to see her look return to normal. Still breathing heavily and bleeding, with only a short time left, he spoke. Somehow, the fact she could heal him escaped his mind, he was too distracted. His voice was quite weak, and he spoke slowly.

I really screwed this one up huh? Kanna, I'm sorry I got you dragged into this. It seems my screw up will be my last. He didn't blame Kanna in any way, he would've died without her. In truth, he was just upset he had brought her...though maybe, it would allow him some peace. I guess this is where it ends...Kanna, I have to tell you something. You must have heard it, but I still have to tell you. I need it to come from my own lips...that way, maybe I can die in peace. He took in a large gulp of air best he could as he prepared himself. I love you, Kanna. Though his words were weak, the feeling behind them was very real. He spoke them, and he meant it, with all his heart.
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:20 am
The look on Kanna's face had not changed on bit with any word his spoke. She kept her usual demeanor of being serious and cold. He told her that he loved her, and she didn't change at all. Then... it happened. A single tear formed in her left eye and dropped down her cheek and onto the ground next to him. Another formed, and then another. It continued for a while until she held her hand over the wound in his chest. The tears stopped. The entire time she cried, she ignored it as if it was just rain falling down her face. Kanna's abilities were so unique, especially this one. She kept her hand hovering over the fatal wound in his chest and soon the energy around her body, that seemed to be seeping out in a mist like fashion, collected in the palm of her hand, forming a sphere that went the entire length of the wound. She lowered the sphere down onto the wound and waited a few moments. The energy seeped through, including through the exit wound on his back. Taking a deep breath, "Step one, collect the wound..."

It was the first time that she had ever used this on such a major wound. Suddenly the energy disappeared, "Step two... Transfer the wound." The wound that was once on Snopy's chest was now one hundred percent gone, as if it had never been there in the firs place. She began sweating. She had not mastered this technique completely and it took a HELL of a lot of control. "Step three... Release it..." she mumbled once more and her eyes shot wide open. Blood spilled from her mouth. Her body was in so much pain that she couldn't even move. Out of no where, she through her head back, her body falling backwards away from him as blood SHOT out from her chest. The wound that Snopy once had was now on her own body, in the same exact spot, causing the same pain he felt.

The difference between her and Snopy was not only their power levels, but the lovely ability of being able to accelerate her own healing when this ability was activated. It all actually came in one, but she used them separately at times, which was how she was able to defeat the Hollows from before. Kanna's body fell to the floor, a soft thud sounding as she hit the ground. Her eyes were closed, she was breathing heavily, and spitting up blood. She knew that this would likely cause her death if she wasn't able to heal quickly. She had MAYBE ten minutes before this wound, also adding the damage from previous wounds and the amount of spiritual pressure she had already used up, would claim her life.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 3:48 am
Snopy watched as she lowered her hand down. He could barely tell because of the rain, but he thought she was crying. He listened to her speak. When he heard her, he didn't no what to think. Collect the wound? Then she spoke her next line. Transfer the wound. Suddenly, the wound completely vanished from Snopy's chest. He suddenly felt a lot of his strength return as his heart returned to efficiently pumping blood through his body. He looked around he was amazed, it was as if it had never happened. That was amazing, how di- He was cut off mid sentence as she said the final phrase. Release the wound. Snopy's eyes widened as she suddenly coughed up blood. Then, a hole formed in her chest just like the one Snopy had. Her head shot back as she fell to the ground, blood coming out of her chest.

Snopy screamed out loudly. Kanna! He went over to her body, now lying on the ground. She was breathing heavily, and her eyes were closed. Snopy began screaming desperately. You'll be ok, right? You can make if through right? Slowly his voice changed to pure sadness, and tears began forming in his eyes. He was crying, his voice showed it. You can't die Kanna. Please, say something. Kanna...please. He was crying as hard as, or maybe harder, than he ever had before. Why did you do it? You idiot, you should have just left me... I wasn't worth it. Kanna.

He was going to try something he hadn't really done much in the past. He wasn't that good at it, but he hoped, he prayed it would help. He put his hands over her and they began to glow. It wouldn't heal her at all, but he attempted to lend her some of his energy. He hoped it would help keep her body going, at least a little longer. It wasn't much, not at all. All Snopy could do is pray. As he did, he continued to cry. Please...stay alive.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 4:55 am
She heard nothing. She said nothing. Her body was numb. She could only feel the huge amount of pain shooting from the hole in her chest. Everything else was pretty much dead or dying. She couldn't feel her legs, her arms. She didn't even have the ability to open her eyes anymore. She heard his voice. He was begging her to stay alive. She tried to speak, but nothing. All there was for Kanna was a numb darkness with the echo of his voice yelling for her desperately. Live Kanna. She wanted to, but the risk of putting an injury like this on herself was great. She knew this, and she accepted the consequences. If she were to die, she'd die knowing that someone actually loved her, and that she died to keep them alive. To her, this was worth it.

Hearing him yell for her was almost to much. She had to force her body to react to what her mind wanted it to do. Finally, her eyes fluttered open. She was weak and it was more than obvious. Blood poured out of the side of her mouth. She turned her head, spitting it out. She couldn't look to him. She was too weak to and in too much pain. “Sn-opy...” she mumbled through the pain, “Hell... butter-fly...” That was all she could get out before her mind began plundging into darkness. With his energy, he was able to add on a good five minutes. She had more time. If he hurried, there was always a chance of them getting back to the Seireitei. Her hint was for him to send one out, give their location, and then do his best to get her closer so Squad Four would have some time to heal her. This would only happen if he was able to get what she was trying to tell him.

In a situation like this, many are known to allow themselves to die. A lot of people give off some sort of goodbye, but Kanna had finally found a reason to continue living. Her choice was to live if she could, or die knowing she died for him. At the same time, continuing to live scared her. His words. He loved her. They repeated in her mind over and over again. How would she reply to them? She didn't know. If she died, it would be taking an easy way out of not having to tell him, but that wasn't exactly how she wanted to end it. If she lived, she would not know where her heart lies. This 'machine' of hers that had just been plugged in. It was running, but whether it was running well, she didn't know yet. It seemed that only time will tell.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:43 am
Snopy listened as she said what she could. It was weak, quiet, and there was almost nothing to work with. However, she had said enough. Hell Butterfly. He felt so stupid, he had forgotten about the hell butterfly. But would there be enough time? With her running off of some of his energy, there just might be. If he could get Squad 4 to move closer, as well as moving Kanna closer at the same time. If they could meet somewhere in the middle. Snopy wasted no time, he got the hell butterfly and picked up Kanna. He began to run, relaying the message as he spoke. This is Snopy Saika, the Fourth Seat of Squad 5. I need squad 4, and fast. Vice Captain Kanna Aikotsuki is fatally wounded. If you don't get out here as fast as you can, she is going to die. He then spoke their coordinates. I am making my way straight for the West Gate of Seireitei, so go from in a straight line from the gate to my coordinates. I am releasing as much energy as possible, so send someone who can detect my energy. And I repeat, I NEED THIS FAST! If you wait, even for a second, she is going to die!

With that he had sent the message. He had spoken rather quickly so he could just send it out. He was running at his full speed. It was something that one shouldn't be able to do for so long, but he was doing it. His arms were weak from the fight, yet he ignored the pain. He pushed his body to its limits as he ran. He had to save her. Every time something good happened to him, it was taken away. This time, he refused to allow that to be the outcome. He did not know how Kanna would respond to what he had told her. Yet this did not matter, all that mattered was that he save her.

Despite all the fatigue, he forced up the energy to Shunpo. Each step did not take him far, but overall it was saving time. After each one he would be breathing excruciatingly heavy. His motor skills would probably fail when he finally made it. Yet, the massive pain and fatigue, none of it entered his mind, not even for a second.

They, in truth, were not that far away from the gate in the first place. This was a fact that reassured Snopy. However, the Squad 4 Barracks was not near the West gate, which is why he needed them to come. Plus, he wasn't even sure if he'd make it to the gate in time. The gate was still a short ways off when he heard someone's voice call to him. Hey, over here! This is the med squad! Snopy didn't hesitate to Shunpo towards the person whom had spoken. When he arrived he saw a small group of people. The one that had called was a female, she looked young but who knows how old she was. There was one other female, and three men.

Snopy placed Kanna on the ground and looked back at them in desperation. Please, hurry! I don't know how much longer she can last! The four others immediately set to work, while the woman comforted him. Don't worry, we are some of the best Squad 4 has. I'm sure we'll be able to save her. As she finished, he heard one of the men. All these injuries, what happened? Snopy looked away, with his fist tightened. It's my fault. She would have been fine...but, I got stabbed through the chest. Then, I don't know how, but she...she somehow took my wound and transferred it to herself. They dropped it when they saw the look on his face. The 5 of them all went to healing Kanna as fast as possible. Snopy went over and sat a short distance away. He watched closely, with water and tears running down his face.
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:43 pm
"She transferred the wound from you to her?" the woman that attempted to comfort Snopy asked with wide eyes. "Is that even possible?" The woman looked to the other members of the group shrugged, except for one. "Yeah... for Lieutenant Aikotsuki it's definitely possible... It's one of the main reasons she was accepted into Squad Four as our Lieutenant upon first entry. Her skill as a healer and in regular Kidō is... well... I don't think I could ever catch up to her." After that, everyone just stayed quiet and did their best to work on Kanna. Three of them concentrated on her injuries while the other two concentrated on restoring her spiritual pressure. As her spiritual pressure was being restored, the wounds were being healed at a marvelous rate. Her own ability combined with all of the healing Kidō that the five of them possessed was causing her to heal at unnatural speeds.

After only fifteen minutes of healing, her wounds were gone. There were no scars, no blood, and she was breathing normally. Kanna's eyes slowly fluttered open and she found herself staring at the sky. It seemed to stop raining at that moment, the sun shining through the clouds and down at them. She didn't move. She only shifted her eyes from left to right, seeing her fellow Squad members had worked on her, and luckily they succeeded. Kanna took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. Pushing herself up from the ground, she set a hand on her head, trying to recall the previous events. After a couple of seconds it came to her. She remembered everything and then decided to stay quiet. She kept her head lowered, staring at the floor. She was soaking wet, so were the rest of her Squad members. She suddenly began to cough, not of injuries but of being slightly cold. She loved the water, but the breeze that now swept through Rukongai was causing her body to become cold.

"I'm... so tired..." she mumbled under her breath, just barely loud enough for them to hear her. She looked up to her Squad Members and nodded, "Well done. Thank you for coming so quickly. You will be rewarded." With that said, she finally looked around for Snopy. Turning her gaze up towards him from her spot on the floor, she stared at him for a minute, not knowing what to say. She immediately avoided responding to his declaration of love upon what he thought was going to be his death bed. In truth, she wondered whether he would have said it otherwise. If he hadn't been so badly injured, would he have wanted to tell her anyway? She didn't know. It wasn't something she could just easily find out either. "Thank you Snopy. If it wasn't for you, I'd be dead. You saved my life. I thank you." she said in what would probably be the most sincere tone he would get out of her now. It still sounded like her normal self, but had a hint of 'I really do mean it' behind the tone.

With that, she attempted to stand, but realized she still felt weak. Yes, she was healed and her spiritual pressure was some what restored, but it had been so long since she was in a battle like this one. Her muscled ached and were too tired to just move like she wanted them to. The hand that was attempting to help push her to her feet, slipped on the ground below and she fell backwards. Now laying there with no intention on getting up, she closed her eyes. "I'm not moving." were her only words. The Squad Members giggled and chuckled at her. She noticed they did this a lot. Her bluntness in certain situations was funny to them. Although Kanna didn't completely understand it, she just assumed that it was something that they could only understand.
The Site Hideyoshi
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:10 pm
Snopy was silent, he at this point was ignoring the words of the Squad members as they healed Kanna. He did not even have the will to speak anymore than he already had. He was upset with himself for bringing her. He was upset at her for doing what she did. TO him, he did not understand it. It was stupid, his life wasn't worth it. He was just some squad member, he never did see being the fourth seat as anything special. He had lost everything in the past, and he didn't want it to happen again.

Suddenly he heard something. He looked up as fast as he could, it was Kanna. He listened as she thanked and as she thanked him. He walked over and sat above her. She couldn't get up and could only lay there. He looked down on her. It was obviously that his tears had dried up previously, but they were welling up with water again. He spoke the kind of voice one speaks in while crying. You idiot. I told you if anything happened to forget about me. His fist began to tighten once more. Tears were falling from his eyes. Why did you almost kill yourself for me? I'm not worth it, I never was. Your life...means far more to me than my own does.

He tried to recompose himself for what he planned on saying next. He didn't really care that others were watching. What people he didn't know thought of him meant nothing to him. One of the dew people who's opinion mattered to him was on the ground before him. You heard what I said before. Though he tried to stop, he still had the sound of crying in his voice. I didn't understand it at first. Actually, it confused me to no end. But after all of this, I understand it now. I understand my own feelings now, and you heard me earlier, but I'll say it again. I love you Kanna. He ignored whatever responses would come out of the others mouths and focused on Kanna. He wasn't really expecting her to say it back. He wished she would, but he also understood she might not feel the same way. Yet he was not afraid to say it. He was not the type to be embarrassed, he never really was. Perhaps this is why it came out so easily. Either way, these were his feelings, and whether he was dying or not would never change that.
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Mon Jul 09, 2012 10:57 pm
Kanna was slightly shocked at the fact that he had insulted her. She knew how he meant it. He was angry at her for staying, angry at her for risking her life, and angry at her for almost dying in the process. She understood where he was coming form. She figured that she would feel the same exact way if someone she cared about had done the same for her. Although, she thought he would show at least a bit of gratitude for it. She looked away from him and towards her Squad Members. She glanced at them only for a moment. They all seemed rather surprised, which Kanna didn't know whether it was an insult or a compliment. Seeing the looks on their faces, they all seemed rather curious to her reaction towards him, but right now she didn't feel like she could give one. She shifted her head just enough to have her bangs cover her face. "Stop it..." she said in a soft mumble, "Don't say something that you don't really mean. I don't like being lied to..."

"Lieutenant... I don't think he w-" before the woman could continue, Kanna shot a death glare towards her. "Okay, Lieutenant, we need to get you back to the barracks to rest. Come on guys. Get her up." They slid a stretcher under her and lifted her into the air, carrying her through the Seireitei. She knew that it would be upsetting to Snopy that she didn't really believe him when he said it, but how could she? He said it at first when he was about to die. For all she knew he could be doing what most men did to her. They say one thing when they didn't mean it so moved with it just to save face or reputation. The only thing that made her think otherwise was the fact that he was crying and didn't seem to care.

"I'm sorry Snopy... I just... don't know how to accept something like that..." she mumbled under her breath hoping that he was close enough to hear her. She refused to look at him. In truth, she felt slightly ashamed of treating him in such away after everything that had happened. None of it was his fault. She knew that. So why be so cold?
The Site Hideyoshi
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Tue Jul 10, 2012 12:09 am
Snopy heard her words and, though his face didn't show it, his body motions told they stung. He had told himself he didn't care what her response was. He told himself he was fine as long as she was ok. But was he really. Even though he saw it coming, he couldn't help it. It hurt, much more than he ever imagined it would. His face didn't show it, but he made no attempts to hide it in his body language.

As she spoke, he got up and began to walk the other way. Hey, are yo- Snopy cut her off mid-sentence. I don't know if I'm ok. I was ready for that response, yet it still hurt worse than I could have ever imagined. I've already told myself, I'm done hiding from my feelings. I meant what I said. And I...think I need to be alone for awhile. Gather my thoughts, my feelings, and understand them better. Snopy began to walk away but stopped one last time. I'm not the kind of fucker to lie about something like that. Those words were said with sincerity. As they began to take Kanna away, he looked back at her one last time. He spoke in a mumble, one which he wasn't sure if she heard or not, but he didn't care either way. I'm going to prove it. He turned a corner and sat behind it. He didn't feel like walking at the moment, in fact, he had only walked about 20 feet, turned a corner, and sat. He just sat there, trying to gather his thoughts.

He spoke to himself, verbalizing his thoughts helped him think better at times. I don't get it. Why does it hurt so bad. I expected her reaction, I had mentally prepared for it, I was ready. Yet the moment she said it...I can't remember the last time I felt that kind of pain. He took a long deep breath. I told myself I was happy enough knowing she was safe...but. Why do I feel so damned empty right now. He sighed, as it clicked in his head all of the sudden. ...that must be it. I thought I was ok with her being safe, but somehow without her I feel empty. It isn't enough just knowing she's ok, I want to be with her. No...maybe I have to be with her. I've never...felt this way before. His voice became stronger and more determined. I know what I have to do. I need to do everything in my power to prove how I feel. I don't know how she'll react, but I'll never forgive myself if I give up. Every time something good happens to me I lose it. It is ripped away from me and I'm left alone. Not again, not this time. I finally feel like I have something worth fighting for, and I refuse to let it slip through my fingers! I love Kanna, and I'm going to prove it.

Snopy always had a strange way of pumping himself up, but it worked. He was tired of not having control over his life, and this was where he would take the reigns. He took his necklace off and looked at it. Sis, wherever you are, please lend me your support. As he spoke, he felt something strange. It almost felt like there was a response, like he just felt like someone had said yes. It was strange, but he didn't care. He had work to do.
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Tue Jul 10, 2012 2:20 am
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